View Full Version : Worst and/or most useLESS character

03-03-2005, 09:46 PM
I hope this hasn't been done too many times as I'm new...Anyway, who in your opinion is the worst and/or most useless character. I think that the most useless character was Edward from FFIV. One of his specials was hide...not very useful considering that he's pretty weak anyway. As far as worst character goes, people will kill me for this, but I didn't like Yuna's character (in FFX) at all. Let's just say that when you're at that cliff at the top of Mt. Gagazet, I felt like shoving her off of it. Anyway, what do you think?

03-03-2005, 10:02 PM
It's a tossup between Cloud and Rinoa.

03-03-2005, 10:06 PM
In the recent FF's (except IX) I thought all the characters could be customized to be worse or better than other party members.
Edward and Cid from IV, Relm and Gau from VI, Amarant and Quina from IX.

03-04-2005, 03:37 AM
amarant and gau = <6

I don't have much use for barret at the moment, but that's mostly because I don't like him^_^

I would've said kimarhi, but he makes a friggin' awesome white mage. and I've found new respect for lulu, so they're counted out for a while.

I'll go for umaro. He's sorta scary anyways.

03-04-2005, 10:23 AM
Kimahri was pretty useless since Auron could be used instead and I never had much use for Kimahri. Whilst the skills of every other character fitted an enemy's weakness, Kimahri was just too much like Auron, but Auron was better at it.

03-04-2005, 05:14 PM
The most useless character is without a shadow of a doubt, Edward. Luckily, you don't have to put up with him for long.

Other characters that suck:

Red Mage/Red Wizard
Child Rydia
Cid (FFIV)

There's no such thing as a useless character in FFVI-FFX. Each and any character can be a powerhouse if you build him or her correctly.

Captain Maxx Power
03-04-2005, 06:41 PM
Rikku. Simply because I never used her. Ergo she was without use. Simple...honestly.

My name is...something..?
03-05-2005, 06:37 AM
I'm going with Edward(FF4). Come on now what was his whole purpose in combat? He hid all the time.

Definitely Kimahri(FF10), everyone else has specific strengths and weaknesses he just uses the abilities of others???? He's absolutely worthless, I don't need two black or white mages, or more than one person to bust through armor.

Finally, class-wise I was never really a big fan of red or blue mages, no matter what game they were in.

03-05-2005, 06:41 AM
I would say Edward but NO ONE kills a bush hag quite like him. I'm going with Cait Sith.

03-05-2005, 06:53 AM
Barret was waaaaaaay too gangsta for me. I'm a nerd, not a homie g.

Cait Sith annoyed me to no extent, his limit break sucked, and he wasn't powerful enough.

Yuffie... I guess she would have been better if I wasn't too busy using Tifa and Vincent. >: - D

The fact that Irvine had a frikkin' shotgun ticked me off. (Shotgun and Final Fantasy should never be used in the same sentence, unless it was something to the effect of "I want to take a shotgun to Irvine's face, you know, the dude from Final Fantasy VIII")

And I hate hate hate hate HATE Yuna. She whines waaaaay too much. And her voice sucks. And she whines. And she overreacts. And she whines!

I never used Kimahri because if I needed to switch a character out of my party, I don't think I'd pick the sucky guy. True, you could make him, say, a black mage. But then I'd just switch to Lulu, who'd be the more developed black mage at that point, anyway.

But I think the most useless character of all time is...

Faris. From FFV.

03-05-2005, 09:35 AM

03-05-2005, 06:01 PM
Edward: (FFIV)
Red Mage/Wizard: (FFI)
Scholar: (FFIIIj)

03-05-2005, 06:07 PM

Rikku in X2 was kicking butt, in her theif form i had her mashing my opponants, and that was supposed to be her weakest form.

03-06-2005, 12:45 AM
HAHA, Child Rydia. Can that count?

I still vote Edward. Let's attack poor FF2 Gordon also.

The beserker was kinda stupid in FFV.

Gau is awesome. Whoever doesn't like him needs to rethink his strategy.

yuki the thief
03-08-2005, 03:30 AM
Rikku. Simply because I never used her. Ergo she was without use. Simple...honestly.

what the...?! she's usefull!!! :mad2: if u know the way to use her, of course :mad:

hmmph, i agree that amarant isn't usefull. a little bit useless sometimes. and also, hmmph, i'm not sure. quina??

03-08-2005, 03:32 PM

03-08-2005, 06:59 PM
And I hate hate hate hate HATE Yuna. She whines waaaaay too much. And her voice sucks. And she whines. And she overreacts. And she whines!

Yuna's not real. Calm down... :mad:

And how was Yuna whiny? I never recalled her being a whiner. Certainly not in FFX. Are you referring to FFX-2? When did she whine? She ranted a few times, but she never whined. In fact, Rikku was the one who whined all the way through X-2 (no offense to Rikku fans). :rolleyes2

Now for characters who I truly think are the worst or most useless:

Worst: Edward, Rinoa

Useless: Kimahri, Edward, Gordon

03-08-2005, 07:06 PM
No character is useless.If you train they up to there fullest then there all the same.Depends on what you like.But if I had to choose one Quina maybe? Kimahri wasnt useless.He was one of the best characters in FFX.

03-08-2005, 07:27 PM
Edward and Cid (FFIV) were quite useless, other than that I can't think of anithing else.

I don't see how Khimari can be useless, as with the spere grid system you can make him as strong as you like.

03-08-2005, 11:54 PM
amarant's very useful. His trance is probably my favorite. (because I actually got to use it¬¬)

03-09-2005, 12:20 AM
The most useless character has to be Cait Sith.

03-09-2005, 12:51 AM
I thought Edward was cool actually...the reason why he sucked is cause he was SUPPOSED to...i thought he was awsome..saved me a bunch of times by charming guys with his monstro...er..wonderful voice...i liked hide..i thought that was totally cool orignial..i mean imagine him in a fighting game (HUGE IDEA OF MINE ;) BUT NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO EXPLAIN :D ) he can like "hide" and no one could hit him and stuff....totall awsome...

Cid from ffIV is a diffrent story...cool guy (personality wise)....just possible the lamest fighter in the face of existence...very unoriginal..which is not cool...(battle wise) i couldnt stand it..and i got mad... :mad: but then i got happy cause i realized there is a site out there for kids like me that i can post my strange opinions on...so with that said..there are no other useful pepole..i mean its final fantasy for crying out loud! :rolleyes2 :cool: ;)

03-09-2005, 01:28 AM
I thought Relm was useless since her sketch always glitched the game. And the Berserker class from ff5 was so stupid. You cant even control it. ff7 and ff8 there wasnt a useless character since you can customize each one.

Del Murder
03-12-2005, 07:07 PM
Edward and Cid (FFIV) were quite useless, other than that I can't think of anithing else.

I don't see how Khimari can be useless, as with the spere grid system you can make him as strong as you like.
Khimari was useless because he didn't have a specialty, and in a game where you can swap characters mid battle, a character without a role is pretty useless. It doesn't have much to do with his potential power, which I agree is great, and equal to everyone else in that game. The rest of them just have better starting positions and render him irrelevant.

Cid was very useful in the Dark Elf cave.

Quina is the best character in FFIX. I found Garnet pretty useless once I had Eiko.

Edward is probably the most useless character of them all. I guess the dream harp was halfway decent.

With all the great characters in VI I didn't have much use for Gau.

In VIII they're all basically the same and you split up enough that everyone comes in handy at some point.

Harvest Moon
03-14-2005, 05:09 AM
The most useless character has to be Cait Sith.
My cat looks like Cait Sith, annoying like Cait too.. *Kicks cat across the room and yells several obsceneties.*

As said, Edward was programmed to be crap so he don't count..

I would probably have to say Aries from FF7. Sense she dies so damn early in the game everything about her is bassicaly useless. Besides thinking naughty thoughts ofcourse..

03-26-2005, 08:55 PM
Man, a lot of people seem to hate Edward. True, he was EXTREMELY useless, but other wise I sort of like d him. For me the worst is any character from FF5 (HATE HATE HATE!!!!!!) And nobody can say Quina sucks! Quina is the best character in FFIX! And as for the most useless... Rinoa and Selphie (Not a big FF8 fan either.)

03-26-2005, 09:47 PM
I thought Relm was useless since her sketch always glitched the game. And the Berserker class from ff5 was so stupid. You cant even control it. ff7 and ff8 there wasnt a useless character since you can customize each one.

Relm, is THE best magician in the game. Her maximum possible magic skill is higher than Terra, Celes and Strago, the other "great magic users" of the game. My best team is ALWAYS Terra, Relm, Sabin and Edgar. Terra, Relm and Sabin all trained in high magic and Edgar being the lone vigor man. Each one with every spell learned as well...

Also the Berseker class doesn't suck.. you aren't supposed to control them, have you ever controlled ank berserked character in any FF? They aren't the best but they definitely aren't bad. They are one of the strongest physically in the game.

My opinion of the worst/useless characters go to:

FF1: Red Mage
FF2: Gordon
FF3: N/A havent played much
FF4: Edward
FF5: None of them suck. This is characters that suck not jobs.
FF6: Strago, weakest magically of the "mages" and Lore is not that great
FF7: Cait Sith only because everyone else is way better, Sorry my poofy moogle being controlled by a cat which in turn is being controlled by.. eh.. I wont spoil anything else.
FF8: Everyone? Oh... I have to pick one? Hmm with out GFs they all blow goats. I have to say Zell, dispite his coolness.
FF9: Um.. Eiko.. if I must pick one. Garnet has all the better Summons except for like 2. And shes weaker than Garnet.
FFX: Gosh. The grid prevents anyone from suckage. I'll have to say Tidus. After the grid is maxed out nothing makes him stand out more than anyone else. Wakka can hit far targets physically, Kimahri has Blue Magic, Yuna can summon, Auron is Auron (need I say more?) Lulu has like DD cup breasts, Um... Rikku is hot too. Tidus.. nothing cool about you man. Oh yeah.. Yuna can summon.
FFT: Malak
FFTA: N/A still playing it.

03-26-2005, 09:54 PM
ok, the worst is Quina, no point to him.
the most useless is aeris. you barly get to use her

Snap Jumper
03-26-2005, 09:54 PM
Edward was the most useless person ever, in battle. However, he did lead the party to the sand ruby (although he didn't know what tame meant), he supplied them a hovercraft (then again, if anyone in the game could swim, it wouldn't have been necessary), and his harp made the Dark Elf beatable. Having said that, I still consider him useless. Now in 6, Strago and Umaro are useless. Strago I just don't use simply because I don't need blue magic. Umaro comes in late, and, for me, there just is no reason to level him up when there are other good characters ready to use.

03-28-2005, 07:55 PM
Kimarhi has a short speregrid in FFX and blue mages generally its to hard to learn abilities.

03-28-2005, 09:17 PM
Umaro. No real utility, no psychological developement. Blagh.

Shadow Being (Name Fate)
03-28-2005, 09:27 PM
kamari, cait sith, yuffie, gau, i dont like them they are stuped and they suck in battle.

nothing else need be said

03-29-2005, 08:59 PM
The most useless would definetly have to be Cait Sith. The only thing that "damn cat" (in the words of Barret) did was take up space.

And as for Umaro, sure he didn't have any charcter development, but that was because he was a freaking yeti who could barely even speak english! Although he didn't really have a purpose, he was one of the better fighters in the game, especially when you get to Kefka's lair and you have to split into 2 parties.

03-29-2005, 09:27 PM
Cait Sith. And I'm glad it's him, for I never really have to use him, because I hate him so much.

Excluding him, though, I'd say Kimahri. Although I guess many of those characters, in that game, could be made so they were expendable.


03-29-2005, 09:43 PM
Hm.. I'll go with the general consensus and throw in Gordon from Final Fantasy II and Edward from Final Fantasy IV.

That being said, I've never really had much use for Relm and Umaro in Final Fantasy VI. Relm is useful, yes, but I've always been bothered by the fact that she has better magic than Terra (who's supposed to be half-magical being herself). That, and her glitchy special ability, sketch, put me off. And while I like Umaro (especially when equipped with the Rage Ring), I never used him much because I don't like not being able to control him.

04-01-2005, 10:46 PM
I'd say Edward, FFIV. At least in the cases of Cait Sith, Rikku, Kimahri and (magic-wise) Gau, you could train them up to make them almost useful (sphere grid, materia, espers). In the system Final Fantasy IV has, he'll only ever be good for weak fighting, useless singing, and hiding.

Umaro was definitely bad, but his physical attack was pretty good, so I used him a little.

04-01-2005, 11:16 PM
ok first of all Umaro had basically one purpose for me and one purpose only. FANATICS TOWER!!! This to me makes him more useful than say Edward of IV or Cait Sith of VII My most useless would have to be Edward since the others as has been said before through materia, espers, add-ons whatever can at least become SEMI useful with the proper help along the way. Edward cannot.

And by the way for those of you bashing on Quina. As long as you eat the proper monsters to gain Quina's best skills and spend time catching frogs since there are 4 marshes to spend time at you cant possibly call Quina worthless. First turn throwing up mighty guard from the instant you get Quina throughout the game....ability to cure all status ailments with one spell. Lv 5 death for grand dragons to pump freya's ability. I mean are you absolutely kidding me that Quina is worthless. Gimme a break. I basically ditch Amarant ,Steiner, and Eiko.(yea all you sword magic fans go ahead and complain about it) Then I just use either Freya or Quina (whoever i feel like) then Zidane Vivi and Garnet.

In a level 1 Ozma game Quina is ESSENTIAL!!! Quina Freya and Zidane are musts in order to win this type of game due to their ability to do 9999 damage with their best attacks. ( Frog Drop,Thievery, and whatever the Dragon one is called :) been a while since I played it)

04-03-2005, 03:50 AM
ok first of all Umaro had basically one purpose for me and one purpose only. FANATICS TOWER!!!
Cool, I never thought of that.

Spiffing Cheese
04-03-2005, 06:21 PM
I hope this hasn't been done too many times as I'm new...Anyway, who in your opinion is the worst and/or most useless character. I think that the most useless character was Edward from FFIV. One of his specials was hide...not very useful considering that he's pretty weak anyway. As far as worst character goes, people will kill me for this, but I didn't like Yuna's character (in FFX) at all. Let's just say that when you're at that cliff at the top of Mt. Gagazet, I felt like shoving her off of it. Anyway, what do you think?

Most useless chracter: Kimahri

How can you say Yuna is useless? I would never have finished the game without Yuna.

04-03-2005, 06:23 PM
Meliadoul. I mean, you get Orlandu before her, he has all her abiltiies plus abilites that actually hurt monsters, is faster, etc. I guess if you want to destroy weapons but feel Orlandu is too powerful then she is good, but still.

04-03-2005, 09:36 PM
Most useless chracter: Kimahri

How can you say Yuna is useless? I would never have finished the game without Yuna.

I just didn't like her in FFX. It wasn't a matter of whether she was useful or not (really, those aeons are almost like cheating they're so strong), but I just plain didn't like her. I said worst or most useless, meaning say who you think is useless and say who you just didn't like regardless of how useful they are.

04-04-2005, 06:27 AM
Relm is not useful. I always level up Terra and Celes with espers to max out their magic power, and they can equip much better equipment than Relm. I max out Strago's magic power too, and he has a whole set of unique spells that are more useful than Sketch. I never use Relm.

Or Gau.

04-04-2005, 01:15 PM
Cait Sith
that animal immitating kid from FFVI (I forget his name.... started with a D i think)
and as much as i don't want to say it: Kimahri

04-04-2005, 01:30 PM
Rinoa. Her dog was more useful than she was. Her sorceress limit break was crap.

04-04-2005, 02:27 PM
that animal immitating kid from FFVI (I forget his name.... started with a D i think)

Your thinking of Gau. And he's not to bad a character, but I understand why people dislike him.