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Itsunari 2000
03-05-2005, 04:46 PM
It's Hollywood Cliche' time !!!! :) :) :) :)

Just name the oh-so-memorable movie cliches you just love to hate !

My name is...something..?
03-05-2005, 05:24 PM
Some "evil" group of people in the future is doing "bad" things and only a band of rebels can stop them...you know what I'm talkin' about

03-05-2005, 06:11 PM
A happy ending

03-05-2005, 06:14 PM
I happen to like some cliches...like happy ending cliches^! But um; I hate it when the mystery killer/murderer/bad guy/ is so bloody obvious. But does that count as cliched? Like: The butler did it. :rolleyes2

03-05-2005, 06:27 PM
A cop...probably a detective type guy...is hot on the trail of the master criminal has always eluded him, with the help of his side-kick, who is either:

A) A chick who he falls in love with at the end (most likely), or
B) A wisecracker.
C) Maybe both of them are his partners!

Anyway, it all goes wrong and our cop is suspended! Oh teh noes! He will either be suspended because the chick has been kidnapped, or alternatively she'll be kidnapped after he is suspended. Then the cop decides he doesn't give a damn if he's suspended, raids the bad guy's place, saves the chick, they make out, he is on the front of every single newspaper, ~FIN~

My name is...something..?
03-05-2005, 06:52 PM
A cop...probably a detective type guy...is hot on the trail of the master criminal has always eluded him, with the help of his side-kick, who is either:

A) A chick who he falls in love with at the end (most likely), or
B) A wisecracker.
C) Maybe both of them are his partners!

Anyway, it all goes wrong and our cop is suspended! Oh teh noes! He will either be suspended because the chick has been kidnapped, or alternatively she'll be kidnapped after he is suspended. Then the cop decides he doesn't give a damn if he's suspended, raids the bad guy's place, saves the chick, they make out, he is on the front of every single newspaper, ~FIN~

That was beautiful...(Cries)....just beautiful.... :crying:

boris no no
03-05-2005, 07:16 PM
when the main character is teamed up with someone and they hate eachother so much. then they end up having sex.....
i never understand it......noone i hate wants to sleep with me.

03-05-2005, 07:24 PM
Someone dying, but brought back to life for some stupid reason. Oh yeah, and in horror movies, the person is usually schizophrenic.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
03-05-2005, 07:40 PM
I hate that every movie has to have its male lead and female lead fall in love with each other. Even when all the circumstances indicate that these people are simply not in love, there's always a point where all of a sudden they're soulmates forever. You can say, "Love in unpredictable!" but people still have <i>reasons</i> for having feelings for other people. It's like filmmakers have this pathological urge to shoehorn a romantic subplot into anything and everything they create. The most you can hope for is that they get it over with as quickly as possible, like in The Last Samurai.