View Full Version : Hotel Rwanda

The Captain
03-08-2005, 02:14 AM
I finally got to see this movie today, and my life has been forever changed. The sheer power, both of good and evil that echoes throughout is something I will never forget. The underlying anger against the Western world as well as the complete and utter heroism of the main character, Paul, is something that I think must be talked about, not just in terms of film, but in terms of humanity.

For far too long, society has found ways to turn blind eyes where things must be seen. Genocide all over Africa, mass murder in South America, poverty all across the world, the environment itself, all of these things have been cast aside because they aren't "sexy" enough to be talked about, but this must end.

Has anyone else seen this film, and if so, what was your reaction?

As good as Jamie Foxx was in "Ray", Don Cheadle was better, in my honest opinion and Hotel Rwanda, while perhaps not a technical masterpiece IS one of the most important films to have come out in a long, long time.

If you haven't, I strongly urge you to do so because while it tells a terrible, grim story, it also shows what a real, true, actual hero is and we need more of them in this world.

Take care all.

boris no no
03-08-2005, 09:19 AM
i really want to see this!
after reading what you've put makes me want to see it more! :)

03-08-2005, 05:48 PM
For far too long, society has found ways to turn blind eyes where things must be seen. Genocide all over Africa, mass murder in South America, poverty all across the world, the environment itself, all of these things have been cast aside because they aren't "sexy" enough to be talked about, but this must end.
We've always had the option to see these things. The only ones to be held at fault for casting these things aside are each and every one of us who never thought about it.

That being said, I haven't seen it yet.

The Captain
03-08-2005, 10:05 PM
"We've always had the option to see these things. The only ones to be held at fault for casting these things aside are each and every one of us who never thought about it. "

Very well spoken. In fact, in the film, one of the people notes that upon hearing of this tragedy, most being in the Western World would say:

" 'Oh, that's terrible', and then go eat their dinner."

Sadly, that's spot on, as for some reason, it seems that if we simply acknowledge that there is a problem, we feel we've done enough, and no one ever actually does anything to stop or help until it's too late. There must be a way to change this.

Take care all.

Itsunari 2000
03-09-2005, 07:21 PM
This film left me appalled at both the evil of the Interhamwe militia and the ignorance of the Western World.This was supposed to have been the worst case of mass murder since the Jewish holocaust.People need to sit up and take notice of these things before we're all made to suffer the penalties.

" Now you say it wouldn't matter/you've seen the pictures everywhere/but what we don't see is what's going on behind closed doors/ and we don't seem to care... "

03-09-2005, 09:08 PM
I saw Hotel Rwanda last night, I didn't even know the movie existed until I saw this thread yesterday. Anyway, I agree with The Captain, you should all go out of your way to see the film, it is about as powerful and breathtaking as you can get. I actually have to convince myself that what I'm watching actually happened, and it's one of the most horrible and appalling feelings realizing it. It's amazing to see how so many powers with the complete ability to step in and prevent hundreds of thousands of people, among them women and children, from being ruthlessly murdered in cold blood simply turn their shoulder because they see them as dirt.

One of the most powerful segments of the film, in my opinion, is seeing the UN officer admit to Paul's face that they have been recalled from Africa, and are not going to help the innocent people simply because they are African. "We think you're dirt. You're not even niggers, you're Africans."

Horribly amazing piece of film, everyone should see it.

The Captain
03-09-2005, 09:18 PM
Very well spoken good sir.

The line you mentioned was particularly gut-wrenching and painful to hear. Hopefully, with films like these, and with the outrage it generates, things like this will never be tolerated again.

Take care all.

03-13-2005, 02:21 PM
I read a review of this movie...less of a review, actually; it mostly explained the storyline. It was appalling. If the movie is half as moving and half as shocking as what I read, then well...I'm just... :(

I want to see it, because I don't want to be one of those hypocritical people who are all talk and no action. I want to become brave. And the horror of this all is...it was all true.