View Full Version : what do you think?

03-10-2005, 12:35 AM
my first ff game was X. the graphics were great and so was the story. i want to play the other ff games but am wondering if X has ruined it for becuase its story and graphics are superior :confused: what are you opinions and recomendations?

03-10-2005, 12:37 AM
The graphics were great, yes, but the story wasn't so great. I think FFIV and FFVI at the very least have better stories.

03-10-2005, 12:50 AM
X has far from the best story. VI and VII have much better stories IMO. I doubt playing X first will ruin all the other games for you.

03-10-2005, 01:06 AM
FFI is the best to play. :)

03-10-2005, 01:09 AM
Yeah start as early as you can, I say. The graphics won't even matter then. As you move forward, the graphics will keep looking better.

03-10-2005, 01:22 AM
FFIV had much better characters and a better story in my opinion, even though the graphics weren't so great, but it came out in the early 90's, so you can't expect too much. Rydia is probably one of the best FFs girls ever, at least in my opinion. FFVI and FFVII are said to be the best of them all by most people. Terra's story in FFVI was really interesting and FFVII had quite a moving story. All of the FFs are good, but most of them you will find have better stories and characters than FFX even though FFX's graphics were good (though I may think that because Yuna annoyed me and the game mostly revolved around her). Just my opinion though.

03-10-2005, 01:25 AM
thank you i shall take your advice and begin to play those :D

03-11-2005, 01:31 AM
If you liked X, you might like VIII too. *shrugs* I did:)

Graphics are fleeting. Plus, your eyes and your mind become accostumed to them. The way you can get used to a loud noise or a bad smell, you'll forget about the less than stellar graphics. Sometimes you might even think they're pretty:)

Just play whichever one looks the coolest to you. whatever previous thoughts you might have thought about them all, they're probably wrong ^_^ the beauty of FF:)

03-11-2005, 05:12 AM
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about the graphics so much. I started by playing VII, then I dabbled in VIII for a bit before bouncing all the way back to V. After that, it was IV, and now I just started VI.

The graphics are one of those added bonuses in an FF game, in my opinion. It's the story and the gameplay that make the series memorable for me. ^^

03-11-2005, 05:17 AM
If you liked the story in X, you should seriously play the other FFs.

03-11-2005, 05:36 AM
try 'em all :jap: ;) , and don't you dare skip VIII :tongue: !

03-11-2005, 07:21 AM
I was in the same boat a short while ago as my first Final Fantasy was also X. And I have now played and beat VI-IX as well, and I'll someday get around to beating the other ones as well. Strangly enough though, my second FF was FFVI so that's quite a leap backwards. But, I liked FFVI even more than I did X.

As for you, I recommend that you try VI and if you like it, great but if you don't, no need to worry. If you can't get into it, then maybe it's just too much of a leap backwards for you. If this is the case, leave it alone for a while and try VII. If you like this, once you're finished with it, then try VI again and you may enjoy it now that you are a bit more familiar with FF games and it's not such a leap back this time. However, if you don't like VII as well, then I would be inclined to say that perhaps you just don't like the older FFs.

If this is the case, and you really like FFX and the setting, then I would suggest that you purchase X-2. Either that or start counting the days to FFXII.

03-11-2005, 08:03 AM
I started playing with FFMQ, and I can honestly say that I like the old sprite based graphics more. Why? 'Cause that's the way I came up. As the graphics got better and better, I liked the games less and less. Too cinematic, not enough meat 'n potatoes. Play the older games.

sephiroth JR
03-12-2005, 12:45 PM
ive played ffx and x2 and agree that the graphics are better but i still prefer ff7