View Full Version : Football teams abuse

03-12-2005, 01:18 AM
alot of teams have been getting alot of abuse in europe ecspecially teams like Arsenal and Newcastle

see Olympiakos fans throw stuff at the players, the greek players play very very dirty hacking the ref was half asleep only 2 players were sent off in my oppinion everyone deserved at least 1 yellow card on Olympiakos but sadly no

Inter Milan Lomana Lua Lua got shoved called and remarked Bellamy stuck up for him and got yellow carded Shearer complained same to him the Inter Milan players were let off.

Arsenal in spain was one of the worst things i've seena team get given by fans the high amounts of racism and thrown items were horrendous the FA need to sort this out anybody agree

i am a Newcastle fan so some of my oppinions are Biased

03-13-2005, 11:35 PM
It is indeed, the ugly side of football. But, unfortunately, the referee can only do so much in the situations you mentioned regarding the foul play on the pitch. Hacking and dirty play will be around as long as football, as an unwanted side affect of the intense desire to win. It's only natural to expect, that on the field players emotions will sometimes get the better of them.

Racism is the greater of the two problems you mentioned though. I feel that anyone guilty of hurling racial abuse at the players from the stands should be ejected from the stadium immediately. And they should be banned from attending the matches for a few years. There is no place for this kind of behavior in the beautiful game, it's disgusting. I agree Shoden, the governing bodies of all the leagues around the world should be taking a firmer stance towards this.

Doc Sark
03-14-2005, 04:04 PM
Racism is the greater of the two problems you mentioned though. I feel that anyone guilty of hurling racial abuse at the players from the stands should be ejected from the stadium immediately. And they should be banned from attending the matches for a few years.

I agree with all that except the last sentence. They should banned from attending matches for life.

03-14-2005, 04:38 PM
thats a slightly harsh try something like the whole season

Doc Sark
03-14-2005, 05:00 PM
Why is it harsh? If you're a racist, you don't deserve to be allowed in to public events. If you abuse someone, purely for the colour of their skin, religious beliefs or whatever, you should not be allowed to enjoy the privelege of watching that person player again.

03-14-2005, 07:17 PM
if we get juventus in the next round there will be a lot more trouble.

Doc Sark
03-14-2005, 07:51 PM
Why do you say that? It will be hostile at Juve sure, but any more than usual?

03-14-2005, 07:57 PM
also there was Rooney when he returned to Everton the crap he got from the crowds sheez that was bad

03-14-2005, 07:57 PM
heysel, the italins were making noises about drawing us in the previous round.

Doc Sark
03-14-2005, 08:29 PM
Oh for gods sake. That is pathetic isn't it. I hadn't heard that. I hope they don't, it was bad enough when the scummy mancs sang songs about hillsborough when we last played man utd.

03-17-2005, 11:43 AM
Back to the racism issue, I laughed (in disbelief) when I saw The Spanish FA got fined around £4000 or something like that for the racist abuse in the England vs Spain games last year.

If it was English fans, England would be banned from international football. Anyone else agree?

Doc Sark
03-17-2005, 11:59 AM
Well no, actually.

Look what happened at The Stadium of Light after the Turkey game. If that wasn't racially motivated then I don't know what is. We weren't banned after that, just wrist slapped. It would farcically hypocritical for FIFA to ban England from International competition when so many other countries are ten times worse.

English fans who travel have to endure the unfortunate stereotype of being loutish racists with not a brain cell to rub between them. Fortuanately for England, FIFA and UEFA make up for their lack of intelligence in other areas by choosing to disregard that stereotype.

Don't believe the hype.