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View Full Version : is it worth playing?

sephiroth JR
03-12-2005, 07:43 PM
Hi i was thinking of buying either ff8 or ff9 but all my friends have said there not worth playing iv'e played ff7,ffx and x2 and found them to be great.can anyone give me a basic description of the game and if its good or not.


03-12-2005, 07:57 PM
FF9 is great. I'm never able to point out any flaws in it at all and I found it over all to be pretty good. No one seems to really hate this game either. Worth buying for sure.

FF8 is iffy. You either love it or you hate it. I haven't seen too many people be inbetween with this game. I personally love it, but you have to be into love stories and such to really enjoy it. I recommend playing it.

03-12-2005, 07:57 PM
Most people consider FF9 to be a lot better than FF8, mainly because most people hate FF8.

They're all a little different from the other FFs, though. Some pros and cons for both of them-


+ Pretty deep story, kind of complicated
- The story ends up being highly repetitive and sucky
+ Sword with a gun in it? Cool.
+ Lots of characters
- The Junction system is complicated and unless you can use it, it's a pretty hard game to play.
- You can't buy weapons, you can only upgrade the ones you have (in a pretty bad system, I didn't like it at all)
- MP was demolished, in favor of the "stock" system.
- You don't Learn new magic buy leveling up, nor do you buy magic. You have to draw it from the enemies.


+ Cool story
+ The guy has a tail. I wish I had a tail.... I wish I had wings more, though. But I digress.
- Not many characters, but those that you have, you learn to love
- Trance (FF9's limit break system) has to be used when you get enough damage, and there's no way for saving it. Also, it doesn't last very long.
- Magic's kinda hard to use, with the MP cost being pretty high. This one's not too major, though.

All in all, I'd say that you should buy FF9. I wasn't a fan of FF8, myself, but after some thought in the past few months, I'm thinking of trying it again. But FF9 was a good game.

03-12-2005, 08:00 PM
I loved IX, it was the first RPG i ever played. However, once you have payed others tho it does seem a bit....childish and simple. I hate to say it but its true. Its a very very good game as long as u bear that in mind. VIII is good but it does pale in comparision with the others, in my opinion anyway.

sephiroth JR
03-12-2005, 08:04 PM
thanks for letting me know i'll probably get ff9 now