View Full Version : FFVII for the DS

03-14-2005, 02:28 PM
Now that the Nintendo DS is out alot of people have been asking for FFVII to be made for it.
I know Square said they wont modify or enhance the game in anyway but the poll that has been going round is just for the game to be kept the same just played on the Gameboy DS (like u can play the advanced games on the DS)

I know I would like it to be brought out but what do you lot think?

03-14-2005, 02:57 PM
Yes, but I wouldn't want it to come to the DS completely unaltered. They'd definately need to fix the translation. Possibly change some of the dialogue to make the story itself more clear. I'd also want to see them make good use of the second screen. (ie When you race chocobos, you see the track map on the second screen. Also, have the world map on the second screen instead of it being in the way when you are exploring on the world map.) I also wouldn't mind if they made the character models a little more convincing. It is possible to make thing look better than those SD lego-block models.

I'd also would like them to add a little more back story and development to some of the characters that didn't get enough. Nothing story altering really. I just think that some of the characters could of really used some more development.

No huge changes, but enough to make any FFVII fan smile. (I also wouldn't mind if they used orchestral versions of a lot of the songs instead of the tinny Midi tracks.) They're not bad, but if they could fit it on the DS, I'd want to have better.

03-14-2005, 06:27 PM
FF VII with touch screen to make extra featurs that wold be awsome :)
but FF VII on de ps one is alredy sow awsome

03-14-2005, 06:34 PM
No. Let the Nintendo fanb0iz go and get a Playstation if they wanna play FF7.

03-14-2005, 06:42 PM
Sure, it'd give me something to do on the bus.

03-14-2005, 06:55 PM
maybe but it will attract more retarded fanboys/girls that always to insane with games i can hear them now "squeeeeeeee, Cloud is teh roxorz he is s3x0r2 i love him sephiroth is teh S3x0r2 too queee"

man i hate them net people who only know about chars in a game and not the whole game itself

03-14-2005, 07:26 PM
Having Final Fantasy VII on the DS would certainly be special. The extra touch screen really could make the game known not for being a simple port, but a touch of genious. It could be utilised in so many ways . . .

But I really couldn't care because I'm not interested in handheld gaming.

03-14-2005, 08:02 PM
Having it on the DS would be really cool...
But if it were to come out on a portable gaming device I would probally say it would come out on the PSP...

03-14-2005, 08:24 PM
Nah. Cloud and Sephiroth have enough spotlight to last them a lifetime.

03-14-2005, 08:26 PM
I doubt it would be possible at all. The PS version is on three CDs, and I would assume each CD is holding at least 500MB each. A Nintendo DS "Game Card" as they call it, can hold no more than 128MB each, and I'm not even sure you can use multiple Game Cards for one game.

03-14-2005, 09:56 PM
Disc 1 ~ 550mb-600mb
Disc 2 = 608mb
Disc 3 = 547mb

The ds would require a lot of game cards if they are to do this. So I highly doubt they'll do it. Unless you wouldnt mind lugging around fourteen game cards and keep track of them all.