View Full Version : Squall&Laguna

03-13-2005, 08:51 PM
I need some help. Nobody believes me that Laguna is in fact Squalls father. Somebody else must see it! Please help me prove them wrong

Sir Bahamut
03-13-2005, 09:46 PM
I'd ask you to tell them to play the game again, because it's quite obvious if you pay attention. But here is a summary of the main points that imply to the point of making it obvious:

1) Laguna = Lagoon. Raine = Rain. Squall = Brief windstorm, usually with snow or rain.

All these names are connected, they are all to do with water.

2) Raine and Laguna had a child together. That child was sent to the orphanage

The children in the orphanage at that time were as we all know, Squall, Seifer, Ellone, Quistis, Zell, Irvine and Selphie.

Ellone is the adoptive sister to that newborn child, and spends a significant part of her life trying to get Laguna back to Raine and this child.

Coincidentally, who is the one person in the orphanage who Ellone is closely attached to? Squall.

Also notice how none of the other children are paid attention to at all when it comes to this plot question, and seeing as how it is a very relevant part of the game, you'd think Square didn't just decide to drop it completely.

3) In the Ragnarok, Laguna tellls Squall that "Ellone has told me everything" and "We'll talk when this is all over".

Since Ellone had just stopped her quest to get Laguna to see his newborn child, one would expect her to tell all about the child to Laguna, and it seems rather farfetched that she refused to give him the true identity.

This would also have been basically the most important thing Ellone would tell Laguna, so it seems plausible that he is going to talk to Squall on the same issue.

4) Talk to Kiros and Ward in the Ragnarok, and Ward will say "Good thing you don't look like your father" in a joking manner,
Kiros says "you look more like your mother".

Kiros and Ward know the parents, and the father well enough to make fun of him jokingly.
Who fits into this description then?

5) The tutorial tells us that Moombas recognize people by licking their blood.

In jail, a Moomba calls Squall "Laguna" many times. This means Squalls blood was so similar to Lagunas that it fooled the Moomba.

That kind of scene isn't just put in there for randomness, nor to prove that Moombas are mentally unstable.

03-13-2005, 09:56 PM
I think the graphic also tell us that Squall looks like Raine in some sort. Their hair color also the same.

In the dream Sequence, only squall who could posssessed Laguna. The others just random. This proof that Squall and Laguna has a closed Relation. At least Squaresoft made sure of this.

03-13-2005, 11:45 PM
Yes, I hereby confirm that this is true.

If my godly proclaimation is not enough to convince your buddies, then I reccomend you have them read the following threads:

This one, dealing extensively with the subject of Squall's parentage:

This one, dealing with how Laguna is aware of this fact:

Even more here:

And of course, the FFVIII FAQ at the top of this page for evidence.

If they still aren't convinced after all that, you have my goddessly permission to smack them upside the head. :p

03-14-2005, 01:46 AM
I think the biggest hint is that Laguna has *squall's* card.

and the fact that their hair is almost exactly the same, except laguna's is longer.

03-14-2005, 04:27 AM
I think the biggest hint is that Laguna has *squall's* card.

and the fact that their hair is almost exactly the same, except laguna's is longer.

and the color is black.

Squall's hair color is the same as Raine

Angel Of Apocolypse
03-14-2005, 11:08 AM
To anyone who doesn't believe:

SQUALL IS LAGUNA'S AND RAINE'S SON! Don'y they give you enough hints...?
Need it written out for you??? Look above, then.

03-14-2005, 02:18 PM
I think it's funny how there's only one orphanage on the entire planet, and it's in the most remote part. What a stupid world.

Chibi Angel
03-14-2005, 10:53 PM
Laguna is Squall's father right? That's what I think but my brother won't believe me

03-14-2005, 10:59 PM
Well, you should have a spoilers warning in this thread title, or put your above statement in spoiler tags, but Yes, Laguna is Squall's father. So go tell your brother what for. ;)

03-14-2005, 11:15 PM
Yes, laguna is Squall's dad. If you play Kingdom Hearts you will also see that Squall is dress up very similar to Laguna and he is also letting his hair grow.

Squall of SeeD
03-15-2005, 12:49 AM
You may want to have the evidence for the argument when you do so, so here it is:

Raine gave birth to a child around 17 Years before the main events of the game begin. We can determine this because Rinoa is 17 years old and that her mother (Julia Heartilly) married General Caraway some time after Laguna went away to war, being later wounded and nursed back to health in a town called Winhill under the care of Raine. It is while in Winhill that Laguna learns that Julia has gotten married. Being that Squall is also 17, it must have been around this same time that Squall was born, and in light of the fact that Laguna and Raine got married, and the rest of the evidence that follows, that Squall is Laguna's son is not only well-supported, but can't logically be anything but fact.

Consider that Raine had wanted Laguna with her when she had her child:

Ellone: You can't change the past. I just found that out. When I was kidnapped, Uncle Laguna went on a journey to find me... But because he did, Uncle Laguna wasn't able to be by Raine's side when she died.
Raine wanted to show Laguna her new born baby... Raine kept calling out
for Laguna. So no matter what, I wanted Laguna to stay in the village...

Aside from the obvious fact that Raine would have wanted Laguna to be there at the birth of her child if he were the father, there's also the fact that when Raine dies, Ellone is sent to Edea's Orphanage. Logically the child she had just given birth to would have also been sent to the Orphanage, and Squall is with Ellone there.

The Tutorial section of the game states the following about Moombas: "A mutation of some unknown animal. Details are unclear. Remembers people by licking their blood." Upon tasting Squall's blood, the Moombas in the Galbadian Desert Prison think that he is Laguna and begin addressing him as such, meaning that his blood tastes the same as Laguna's. This would not occur without there being a genetic similarity in their blood.

When trying to speak to Ward on the Ragnarok, Kiros tells Squall "(Ward says... Good thing you don't look like your father.)" When speaking to Kiros directly, he says "You look very much like your mother." Kiros would have needed to know or at least have sen Squall's and known they were his parents in order to make such a comparison. Kiros knew both Raine and Laguna.

Also, when speaking to Laguna while on the Ragnarok, he will say "Let's talk when this is all done. I have a lot to tell you... Well, if you don't want to hear it, I'll understand," implying that he wanted to discuss something important with Squall, but knew he may not take it well. Being that Laguna knew Squall considered him a silly moron, and that he had gone his whole 17 years without knowing his Father, it makes sense to assume that telling Squall that he was his father is what he wanted to talk about.

The blood evidence alone shows that Squall and Laguna are blood-relatives, and with the over evidence in mind, Squall is certainly Laguna and Raine's son.

03-15-2005, 02:06 AM
This guy had your problem too: http://www.eyesonff.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58060

03-15-2005, 06:34 AM
What is the Kingdom of Heart?

03-15-2005, 07:38 AM
What is the Kingdom of Heart?

I believe you mean "Kingdom Hearts"... which is a bizarre hybrid of a fighting game, an RPG, Final Fantasy, and Disney. It has cameo appearances from many of the FF7 and 8 characters, as well as a whole lotta Disney villains and some other guys.

03-15-2005, 07:59 AM
I think it's funny how there's only one orphanage on the entire planet, and it's in the most remote part. What a stupid world.

Actually, if you've followed the story, every one of the Gardens also functions as an orphanage. Plus, you've got whatever's going on in the parts of the towns that you never visit. Edea just had a *really* inconvenient one, not the only one.

03-15-2005, 02:24 PM
T'is true, t'is obvious.