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03-17-2005, 05:46 AM
I've got some questions:

1) How do I get my Vierna(sp?) to be abel to be a Red Mage?
2) What secret character do I get after finishing 300 missions? If it's not Cid, when do I get him?
3) What does the "WT" under a character's stats mean?

03-17-2005, 06:46 AM
you need 1 Fencer A-ability to unlock the Red Mage Job ;) . all you need is a Fencer and that's just one of the Viera starting Jobs :D , so there is nothing required to get a Fencer :p . and about the secret character, it's Cid alright :p . xiao :)

03-17-2005, 04:22 PM
The WT is "wait time". If WT is at 1, then it's the unit's turn. If it's at 2, then the unit will be next to go, and so on.

03-18-2005, 06:40 PM
Red Mages in this game I found to be generally weak. Viera's best classes are Sniper and Assassin. I like the Elementalist, but Its not as good as the other two.

03-19-2005, 05:58 AM
*Yawn* Hello again, everyone. Glad to see you've kept busy.

Yes, the prerequisite for Red Mage is one Fencer A-Ability (if you were expecting it to need a White Mage A-Ability, that's probably why you couldn't find it). Red Mage is not a weak class though, by any means. It is probably the best Viera magic using class there is. It has decent stats, and the awesome ability: Doublecast. Combined with summons (or my own personal favorite combination of Heavy Dust and Fire Whip: Immobilize, Disable, and Damage ;) ) and Concentrate, it lets Viera unleash massive devastation on the enemy.

Cid is the secret character you get once you complete the main 300 missions (there are actually many more), but it is conditional. You must take the battle mission that shows up in the pub after you complete all 300, and have space in your clan. Cid will join you in the battle and offer to join your clan afterwards.

WT is indeed Wait Time, the time left until that unit gets a turn. Not much else to say there. (Except never use Smile or Quicken on someone who already has a WT of 2...)

03-20-2005, 01:58 AM
I actually found out about WT by playing FFT. I bought it a couple of days ago, and I noticed the CP bar. I thought, "WT...Wait Time?". I went to my GBA, started a battle with Clan Shalo conveniently placed next to me, and looked around. Anyway, one more question. Does it have to be the main 300 missions, or 300 general missions(I.E. a battle with a clan is a mission, as is a Save Location!). Also, besides Lini, which I got somehow, what other characters join my clan with Ultima moves, and when? Finally, what is Addling?

03-20-2005, 03:16 AM
Anyway, one more question. Does it have to be the main 300 missions, or 300 general missions(I.E. a battle with a clan is a mission, as is a Save Location!).

Go to the Clan menu and look at the report. It lists 300 missions. Only the missions that appear in that list are the ones you need for Cid. 'Free xxx' missions are included, random encounters and some other stuff are not.

Also, besides Lini, which I got somehow, what other characters join my clan with Ultima moves, and when?

Cheney - (Human Hunter with Ultima Shot) may join if you use the 'snake shield' as a mission item.

Palanza - (Bangaa Gladiator with Ultima Sword) may join if you use the 'wyrmstone' as a mission item.

Quin - (Nu Mou Sage with Ultima Blow) may join after you beat the 'Missing Prof.' mission.

There are other super-characters, but they don't have any ultima moves.

Finally, what is Addling?

Addle, a.k.a. amnesia, makes a character unable to use any action other than 'fight'.

03-20-2005, 03:49 AM
Addle, a.k.a. amnesia, makes a character unable to use any action other than 'fight'.
So, would being disabled at the leg be considered addling? Or just attacking and waiting?

03-20-2005, 04:44 AM
No, disabling at the leg is "Immobilizing". "Addling" is its own status effect, represented by a crossed out "A" above the character's head.

Oh, and if you want to learn how to get the secret characters, read the other threads here.