View Full Version : Why do people hate CC?

03-20-2005, 12:14 AM
i dont get it, i played it and it was pretty cool. Deffinatly not the best FF game ever, but it was cool to play with my friends and my brother. anyway, why do you hate this game so much?

03-20-2005, 12:30 AM
I don't hate this game. I love it. I guess people just get too caught up with "OMG! GBA cable!" and "OMG! Non-turn-based battle system!", and don't make any attempt to enjoy it.

03-20-2005, 02:19 AM
I just hate it because it doesn't feel like "Final Fantasy" to me. It feels like some other name dipped in Final Fantasy superjuice, baked with Final Fantasy cakemix, but tehn someone left the oven on too long, an dit overcooked, sent smoke everywhere, then set the CC cake on fire, put it out, and figured with the right ammount of icing, they could mask their failure.

03-20-2005, 03:19 AM
I hate.I would still hate it if it didn't have the title Final fantasy in it.It just ain't my cup of tea.

03-20-2005, 10:33 AM
Maybe if it was online and you just connect to lobbies of friends or something, that would be easier... not everyone has tons of friends that just want to play whenever you want to. :p

03-20-2005, 09:00 PM
it just aint FF that's the point that's why it was disapointing for FF fans and not worth the name but even if it was not called FF i stil wouldn't like it cause i don't like this style of game play

03-21-2005, 02:18 AM
I didn't like it because it got too repetitive after year ten. I mean, by then I pretty much got everything for my charecter and beat all the levels multiple times.

03-21-2005, 06:22 PM
I just hate it because it doesn't feel like "Final Fantasy" to me. It feels like some other name dipped in Final Fantasy superjuice, baked with Final Fantasy cakemix, but tehn someone left the oven on too long, an dit overcooked, sent smoke everywhere, then set the CC cake on fire, put it out, and figured with the right ammount of icing, they could mask their failure.

lmao well put

03-28-2005, 03:11 PM
Repetive more like routine.
I basically mastered River belle path mushroom forest and just get sick of it.
The heart system particularly.
how am I suposed to know my attack is going up when there is no number in the millions popping up!

06-24-2005, 11:13 PM
Because they're people who only spend 2 minutes playing and decide it sucks. Some people need to just play more to decide their final choice. I still think its a decent game...

07-03-2005, 03:56 AM
Because they're people who only spend 2 minutes playing and decide it sucks. Some people need to just play more to decide their final choice. I still think its a decent game...

I beat the game. Still sucks.

07-03-2005, 04:36 AM
i don't hate it, but i've played very little of it. i find it interesting in every aspect, but i guess what really gets me is the fact that i have to play alone.

07-03-2005, 11:44 AM
I think this fits the Final Fantasy title very well, this style that people like to say it doesn't fit is non existant.

Sitting round with a couple of friends on multiplayer is very fun.

07-03-2005, 09:53 PM
I don't hate this game. I love it. I guess people just get too caught up with "OMG! GBA cable!" and "OMG! Non-turn-based battle system!", and don't make any attempt to enjoy it.
I agree. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is actually one of my favorite games.

07-04-2005, 05:53 PM
It pisses me off when people say "It's not deserving of the FF title" and crap like that. They act like Square Enix is some godly organization that will make games the same way year after year, but if they make something a little different people are like "Square Enix is going downhill cause their games aren't as good as they used to be," yada yada yada. There is no special feel every Final Fantasy title needs to fit under. Crystal Chronicles is a solid game that can get a bit boring without friends. It's set in a fantasy world, it has the distinct artwork of other Final Fantasy titles, the whimsical and solid music, moogles, crystals...this IS Final Fantasy. I think most people hate it simply because it's different, just as many people are already saying XII is going to suck simply because it has a different battle system and *gasp* a movable camera. Some people simply don't like the gameplay, and that's fine. I just think it's funny when people buy it expecting a traditional RPG, because it was clearly advertised as something else entirely.

07-04-2005, 08:31 PM
I agree, what's so great about the Turn Base battle system anyway?

07-05-2005, 01:46 AM
I agree, what's so great about the Turn Base battle system anyway?

It removes realism from the game, which is what Final Fantasy is all about, stupid. :rolleyes2

07-05-2005, 04:56 AM
I love this game. It was great. But just one thing: You should be able to play with regular controllers. We cant afford to go out and buy three extra GBAs to play 3 player. It also would have been better without a crystal chalice, but still an excellent game. 5 stars

07-05-2005, 10:36 PM
I like this game, as do my friends. When I have them over, we all play it ^^

07-06-2005, 12:50 AM
Because they're people who only spend 2 minutes playing and decide it sucks. Some people need to just play more to decide their final choice. I still think its a decent game...

I beat the game. Still sucks.
Forgot to mention that I meant 'some'...

07-06-2005, 01:02 AM
I enjoyed it when I was playing with friends, though I never bought it. It was a fun little adventure. I'm a sucker for multiplayer games.

07-09-2005, 12:29 AM
I agree, what's so great about the Turn Base battle system anyway?

It removes realism from the game, which is what Final Fantasy is all about, stupid. :rolleyes2

But, doesn't the magic, mystical animals and other stuff do that? xP

07-10-2005, 02:46 AM

07-10-2005, 07:16 AM
I own it and have beaten it, but I probably would have had 400% more fun if I had had someone to play it with.

Buster Sword Strike
07-11-2005, 09:25 PM
I enjoy it but maybe if they used cpu players when you play single player it may have been better.

07-16-2005, 03:48 AM
I don't hate this game what so ever, then again I've never played it. But another thing that people have already said and dont liek abotu the game is that it's not like a regular Final Fantasy kind of game *FF1-11* it jus doesn't really resemble to the other ones. But really who am I a person who hasn't played the game to judge.

I'm sure if I ddi play the game I would think it to be all right for a game. but certainly not "I HATE THIS GAME WITH A PASSION!!!!!" lol

07-16-2005, 01:48 PM
Personally, I hate the chalice system. In multiplayer, it is a convenient excuse to keep everyone on the same screen. In single player, the thing is nothing but a royal pain in the @$$. "Kupo, I'm tired. You carry the chalice". I mean, my god, how heavy can the thing be?! The inventory system is also stupid, IMHO. The total inventory is too small, mainly because items of the same type no longer stack. It was a bad idea. The artifact system was flawed as well, if you ask me. The idea that the available stat boosts depend upon your score was great, but the fact that you could get the highest score and wind up with the worst artifact selection ruined it. Overall, it was a good idea, but the game had some serious problems to work out which really dampened the fun.

07-18-2005, 03:26 PM
I don't hate this game what so ever, then again I've never played it. But another thing that people have already said and dont liek abotu the game is that it's not like a regular Final Fantasy kind of game *FF1-11* it jus doesn't really resemble to the other ones. But really who am I a person who hasn't played the game to judge.

I'm sure if I ddi play the game I would think it to be all right for a game. but certainly not "I HATE THIS GAME WITH A PASSION!!!!!" lol

I think you'll find that XI is quite different from the other numbered titles.

And so are Tactics and TA, but they don't get as much negative feedback as CC does.

In all honesty this game although having the potential to be fun, was quite flawed in some places, and also had features that were really unneccesary.

Having said that, I loved the game in Multiplayer mode, just didn't like the fact that it needed GBAs to be played.

Ryudo, Zell's evil twin
07-20-2005, 11:23 AM
yeah it lacked a good story if it had one it would have been great it was fun on multi play but never really that good a game because the lack of story

07-30-2005, 04:40 PM
Repetive more like routine.
I basically mastered River belle path mushroom forest and just get sick of it.
The heart system particularly.
how am I suposed to know my attack is going up when there is no number in the millions popping up!

Have you used your GBA (if you have one) and changed the colour of your moogle into grean? That way, instead of a map there will be a stat of a monster (like HP, which items it has and how hard you're hurting them).

I did like the game, but i prefer the more traditional FF all the way.

08-01-2005, 09:55 PM
This game sucked because it was WAY too geared towards multi players. I have no friends, so I have no one to play it with. By yourself its next to impossible to not run away from a fight every 2 seconds.

It was just boring. I made it thorugh the whole game by year 6 or 7.

Case and point: I was playing last night. I want to get a sword thats better than my Rune sword because my guy is weak. No one will give me the scrolls, and I can't get the easy items to make it. My guy keeps getting killed.

Plus I have half my inventory filled up with stuff for items I can't use.

I get attacked by 5 guys at once, and it takes 27 hits to kill them? I'm there for 10 minutes on 1 guy!

bad bad bad......

Darth Tjador
08-03-2005, 02:10 AM
i think they hate it beacuse its for the gamecube not for like playstaion2 and the reagular playstaion.

08-03-2005, 09:03 PM
1) I like this game. not one of my favorites but fun to play.
2)if you are having trouble killing enemys you are clearly not leveld up enough.
3)the biggest problem i keep hearing people talk about is that their is no story to the game. which is untrue to say the least.
4) the game is infinantly more fun to play with friends. most people try to play it by themselfs and end up getting board.
5) as was mentiond its for game cube which probably made some people mad. (which is stupid because the first FF's released in america were for nintendo systems.)
6)people were afraid to try it because it was new. they wanted the old way of playing games.
7) the music in that game was so awsom it made up for a lot of flaws.
8)the game had some serious flaws,though, like the way you leveled up.

overall though it was a pretty good game.

08-04-2005, 07:18 PM
1) I like this game. not one of my favorites but fun to play.
2)if you are having trouble killing enemys you are clearly not leveld up enough.
3)the biggest problem i keep hearing people talk about is that their is no story to the game. which is untrue to say the least.
4) the game is infinantly more fun to play with friends. most people try to play it by themselfs and end up getting board.
5) as was mentiond its for game cube which probably made some people mad. (which is stupid because the first FF's released in america were for nintendo systems.)
6)people were afraid to try it because it was new. they wanted the old way of playing games.
7) the music in that game was so awsom it made up for a lot of flaws.
8)the game had some serious flaws,though, like the way you leveled up.

overall though it was a pretty good game.

How are you supposed to level up easily? I'm in year 8. Am I just supposed to keep fighting boards over and over for like a +1 strength? No thanks if thats it.

also, the best weapon I can get is a Rune sword? I can't get better scrolls or items.

08-04-2005, 08:53 PM
are you just like hitting people, because thats stupid. the way you kill people in that game is by using weaknises to magic and charge up attacks.

I Took the Red Pill
08-07-2005, 07:19 AM
I thought the game was overall a decent game, but when a game has the two words final fantasy in its title, i expect more than decent. It was amusing for a while, however i felt it got very repetitive as more and more years went by. However, my main problem was the lack of a deep storyline, which is one of the main reasons i love final fantasy. The minimal character dialogue almost always involves buying weapons or items. Overall, I thought this was my least favorite final fantasy game, but that's not saying I hate it, I'm just saying that I believe all the others were much better.

08-08-2005, 04:51 PM
are you just like hitting people, because thats stupid. the way you kill people in that game is by using weaknises to magic and charge up attacks.

Yup, I'm doing that too. It just takes 100 hits to kill anyone, regardless of magic type. Besides, in what RPG ever, other than this one, did you have to know the elemental weakness of an enemy before you fight them?

08-08-2005, 05:54 PM
all of them.

besides, i was playing last night with a guy who just started, we were on the mansion for his first level and killed everything their in under 5 hits, excluding the boss.

08-09-2005, 01:24 AM
Maybe you should all look at the game: Final Fantasy X-2 .... maybe you might have a different oppinion. "blah blah blah it's not worth the FF title blah blah blah!" CC is way more FF than X-2.

08-09-2005, 02:10 AM
I didn't like it because it got too repetitive after year ten. I mean, by then I pretty much got everything for my charecter and beat all the levels multiple times.

never played or seen the gameplay of the game but that alone makes me think it doesnt deserve to be called Final Fantasy

08-09-2005, 02:11 AM
Maybe you should all look at the game: Final Fantasy X-2 .... maybe you might have a different oppinion. "blah blah blah it's not worth the FF title blah blah blah!" CC is way more FF than X-2.

10-2 was crap, but at least it was ff kind of formatted gameplay

08-09-2005, 06:45 PM
Yes, but you were playing with 2 people. Hence it is less annoying.

As for the 100 hits thing goes, I will copy my stats for you if you want. I don't see how you can screw up advancing your character in that game.

I'll write down what goodies I have and you can tell me if my guy blows or not.

08-09-2005, 08:54 PM

08-10-2005, 01:08 AM
gave it a chance, and despised it. i will admit, i did not give it a BIG chance, but just trying to get into the game in that oh so crucial first 2 hours, and it just was not jivin... i unfortunately hated it. :(

Aiya Quackform
08-18-2005, 08:11 AM
Besides, in what RPG ever, other than this one, did you have to know the elemental weakness of an enemy before you fight them?

Can you say Pokemon or one of its many off-shoots? There are many elemental-based games. FFCC didn't execute it very well, though. Specifically, it's almost impossible to figure out monster element by sight or even by the level you're in. It's mostly trial and error.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. FFCC had a fantastic premise. The setting and world was fascinating. They could have done so much with it! Do caravans compete for myrrh? Why don't monsters attack caravans on the road more often? How do the tribes interact? How do different species of monsters interact? However, again, it was poorly executed. Escpecially in the character category.

08-19-2005, 09:08 PM
It would've been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better if there were classes, it had level-ups and would be based more like Gauntlet, skills, and a better character cuztomization. Even though Gauntlet was an Arcade RPG, I could play 4 Players, Level up and have a Kick-Ass time doing so. But Im gonna have to take CC's 5 star rating and bring it down to 3.

08-20-2005, 12:15 AM
I think there were classes, just a very very very limited amount.

clavats=all around/general class

kawakami Gensai
08-23-2005, 11:49 PM
The fact of the matter simply is this: THE GAME WAS INTENDED TO BE MULTIPLAYER. I mean the game is great with a few people around, but when you are on your own, there is almost no interaction. Overall I think the new CC on revolution will be much better.

08-24-2005, 12:46 AM
Is there any info on it? I can't find any.

08-28-2005, 01:29 AM
I had a few kicks playing this game with my little cousin and his friend, but that's it. I think you pretty much get a kick out of anything when you're playing human players, regardless, unlike with inanimate objects. But I don't even own a gamecube, I think it's lousy overall. I am very anti-nintendo (the company, not their games)

08-28-2005, 03:20 AM
but what made it lousy?

08-28-2005, 03:41 AM
because they suck

08-28-2005, 06:34 AM
I would say that what made it lousy is what Nintendo has done over the years. They really lost me. For example, they kicked out Square by treating them badly, hence FF was switched to the PSX, and probably also changed because of it. And overall, they have screwed the customer since the N64. It seems their priority is far from giving customers what they really want, but instead to protect themselves at every turn at any cost. Even with sticking with cartriges while CDs would have made all the difference. and later of course, with weird disks that hold less than DVDs just so they can't be copied (and yet they can). in these ways and others they have alienated the 3rd parties that used to reign on their consoles

Yuna Braska 19
08-28-2005, 08:16 PM
i dont get it, i played it and it was pretty cool. Deffinatly not the best FF game ever, but it was cool to play with my friends and my brother. anyway, why do you hate this game so much?

Well I never played it, but I bet it's a good game.
Don't listen when people say things that get you upstead, mad or sad.
That makes them feel good to hurt you like that.

08-30-2005, 12:59 AM
I have no idea. I personally think that it's ok and I haven't met very many ppl around where I live that hate. (Of course, there aren't many Final Fantasy fans where I live, but that has nothing to do with it.)

09-10-2005, 05:20 AM
because it stinked on icecicles so i traded it in for ff8 :)

09-10-2005, 05:53 AM
because people saw the title final fantasy and assumed it would be the same as the others, but the only reason it has final fantasy in the title, and some things like moogles, is so people would buy it, it was suppossed to be a very different type of game series and they decided, hey if we put final fantasy in the title it'll probably sell more.

Now as for anti-nintendo because of what they did, well cartridges are a lot more convenient when it comes to saving, it save right on the cartridge, and they're a lot easier to keep from getting ruined, and the loading times are a lot less... there were a lot of advantages to staying with cartridges.

and from what I hear, most 3rd parties are extremely interested in the revolution... because apparently they know more than has been released publically, so I'm looking forward to it. And how could you shoot down the company that has made practically every innovation for video games...


09-10-2005, 04:57 PM
because it stinked on icecicles so i traded it in for ff8 :)

ff8 sucked, i would much rather have cc.

09-13-2005, 05:31 AM
because people saw the title final fantasy and assumed it would be the same as the others, but the only reason it has final fantasy in the title, and some things like moogles, is so people would buy it, it was suppossed to be a very different type of game series and they decided, hey if we put final fantasy in the title it'll probably sell more.

Now as for anti-nintendo because of what they did, well cartridges are a lot more convenient when it comes to saving, it save right on the cartridge, and they're a lot easier to keep from getting ruined, and the loading times are a lot less... there were a lot of advantages to staying with cartridges.

and from what I hear, most 3rd parties are extremely interested in the revolution... because apparently they know more than has been released publically, so I'm looking forward to it. And how could you shoot down the company that has made practically every innovation for video games...


Flawed arguement. FFT and FFTA were just as different from the standard FF formula, but they weren't hated nearly as much as this one.

09-17-2005, 04:52 PM
ff8 sucked, i would much rather have cc.

Well it wasent THE BEST ff for sure
But it still was the REAL ff
fmvs in all their glory an ACTUALL story
actuall chracter development

plus i needed to beat this one and after playing CC for about(I kid you not) 10 minutes I decided this game was a reject a reject you'd need groupie friends for
and unfortunatly like myself
my friends had no interest in CC

Maybe you should all look at the game: Final Fantasy X-2 .... maybe you might have a different oppinion. "blah blah blah it's not worth the FF title blah blah blah!" CC is way more FF than X-2.

Well I agree with that,as horrible as CC is it FAR surpasses ffx-2,the b^*&^ of a game that ruined my favorite one.

09-17-2005, 06:28 PM
I would say that what made it lousy is what Nintendo has done over the years. They really lost me. For example, they kicked out Square by treating them badly, hence FF was switched to the PSX, and probably also changed because of it. And overall, they have screwed the customer since the N64. It seems their priority is far from giving customers what they really want, but instead to protect themselves at every turn at any cost. Even with sticking with cartriges while CDs would have made all the difference. and later of course, with weird disks that hold less than DVDs just so they can't be copied (and yet they can). in these ways and others they have alienated the 3rd parties that used to reign on their consoles
Yes, it seems like Nintendo has to do all the work witht he games, but I swear I'm going to stab someone if another Wario Ware game is released.

09-17-2005, 06:33 PM
because people saw the title final fantasy and assumed it would be the same as the others, but the only reason it has final fantasy in the title, and some things like moogles, is so people would buy it, it was suppossed to be a very different type of game series and they decided, hey if we put final fantasy in the title it'll probably sell more.

Now as for anti-nintendo because of what they did, well cartridges are a lot more convenient when it comes to saving, it save right on the cartridge, and they're a lot easier to keep from getting ruined, and the loading times are a lot less... there were a lot of advantages to staying with cartridges.

and from what I hear, most 3rd parties are extremely interested in the revolution... because apparently they know more than has been released publically, so I'm looking forward to it. And how could you shoot down the company that has made practically every innovation for video games...


Flawed arguement. FFT and FFTA were just as different from the standard FF formula, but they weren't hated nearly as much as this one.

FFT and FFTA aren't nearly as different from FF as CC is. I mean, you have all the character classes, the abilities, weapons, levels, all that stuff. FFCC had none of this, maybe some of the same weapons, and magic spells, but every other part of the game had nothing to do with FF.


Prancing Mad
09-19-2005, 04:47 AM
The answer lies in the fact there has been no new posting in here since, well this last guy.

Monster Hunt
10-10-2005, 11:54 AM
I like CC... Isn't hate a bit too strong?

10-12-2005, 02:12 PM
Ahh, here is yet another reason that I don't like this game.

So I beat the last 3 stage boss, only to get to some weird world that has nothing to do with the story so far. They ask me stupid questions about the story, and then I continiously get killed by these 2 guys with red masks.

Why make the ending so long and drawn out? Why not have a save point somewhere? This game has been frustating from the word go and the ending hasn't dissappointed me. There has been very little plot from the very begining, only to throw plot in at the last second?Who wants to hear about Hurdy and stuff? I never would have thought that they had anything to do with anything! Its like they just through the plot together at the last minute.

Nintendo really droped the bomb on this game. The sound and graphics were stellar IMHO. But it shouldn't have a single player option. Its designed for multiple people (for some reason) so why not just say it?

10-12-2005, 10:31 PM
Nintendo really droped the bomb on this game. The sound and graphics were stellar IMHO. But it shouldn't have a single player option. Its designed for multiple people (for some reason) so why not just say it?
The only problem is that it's hard to find people with the same interest in Final Fantasy that aren't ready to go at each other's throats. Oh, and the fights on who has to carry the mana thingy!

Monster Hunt
10-13-2005, 06:15 AM
mog, the moogle

10-22-2005, 05:12 AM
I liked the game to some extent; however, I knew what was to come after reading about it in Nintendo Power and Animerica. The game was soley created on the idea of a multi-player extravaganza. However, who honestly has three other friends who own a cable, a gba, and an interest in such a kiddy-like game? The story really intrigued me though and I liked the storyline. I never got past the second year, simply because I played every character the game could muster.
What I really despised is that on the game if you don't have a gba nor a cable you can never enjoy the game to its full capacity.
The gba is in fact ten times more important than the controller itself. They might as well have made the game a gba one then --;

Monster Hunt
10-23-2005, 07:01 AM
^ true, i don't like how you have to use gba's instead of having a split screen or whatever.

10-23-2005, 07:09 AM
Its not very good unless you have friend to play it with you, and not only would I need time to actually have someone over, I'd have to get several more controllers, not to mention my own GameCube instead of my neighbors. Oh, and then I'd need some friends...

That, and I'm not a big fan of the cheerful feeling of the game. I need some darkness, murder, betrayal, tragedy, that kind of thing. Not at all Crystal Chronicles.

10-23-2005, 02:11 PM
This is what my thoughts are about the game:

Story-alright, but lacked feeling(I want hate and love and crap like that)
Battle-exellent,I like real time battle systems it gets my blood pumping(I also like turn based dont get me wrong)
Items-sucked monkey balls,must I say more
Character development-I just kept giving my character hearts,so it sucked

Thats what I thing about it......tho I REALLY HATE SPEECH BUBBLES!!!!Just have the speech box like the others or give voices for god sakes

10-23-2005, 05:00 PM
mog, the moogle

Unfortunately, IIRC, there is no Mog in multiplayer. Which was a really stupid idea, because it means that one of your fighters has to carry the chalice.

10-23-2005, 05:57 PM
I think its pretty good. The graphics and world in general are beautiful and unique. So's the music. Its a particularly great FF soundtrack. The characters have nice designs too and the gameplays simple and enjoyabke. I got the GBA cable with the game in a special box at the same price as the game alone. I played it with some friends a few times and it was pretty good.

10-23-2005, 11:46 PM
Unfortunately, IIRC, there is no Mog in multiplayer. Which was a really stupid idea, because it means that one of your fighters has to carry the chalice.

Actully i liked the mana thing. sure it got kind of annoying when the person carrying the thing couldnt fight. but it was a good way to keep your party together. as anyone who played gauntlet knows. when you dont have something like that, one person tries to go one way, the other a different direction, and you never get anywhere.

10-26-2005, 04:11 PM
Actully i liked the mana thing. sure it got kind of annoying when the person carrying the thing couldnt fight. but it was a good way to keep your party together. as anyone who played gauntlet knows. when you dont have something like that, one person tries to go one way, the other a different direction, and you never get anywhere.

Oh, I agree, it was a nice system. But why couldn't they have the Mog holding it in multiplayer too? And have him strong enough that he doesn't get tired every 30 seconds... >.<

Monster Hunt
10-27-2005, 10:22 AM

10-30-2005, 05:14 PM
most of the people that hate the game are kind of like....OMG 1tz g0t k1ddy graph1cz s0 m3 cant playz cuz i l1k3 b1g b0y gam3z
but i LOVED final fantasy crystal chronicles so its not the traditional ff they tried something new whats so wrong with that??? its one of my favorite games!

that may have sounded kind of bitchy >_>

hey black night that guy just ate all your memories!
black night:gnaogbouoahgroanba
....including how to talk and walk.....

you may not find this but somewhere in the game one of the diari thingys its realy hard to find cuz u gota go bak and forward so much but in one where u see gurdy u end up fighting him...its sorta tough in some parts where he says he'll give u something if u dont kill him NEVER TAKE WHAT HE WANT TO GIVE YOU!!!! this should probly be on a different thread but meh

01-06-2006, 11:49 PM
please do not make second post until someone else posts after you.

01-07-2006, 12:03 AM
Is it ok to post here after a warning? If not, delete this post please.

I dont like this game because I didnt bond with any of the characters. None of them had a unqiue personality or stood out at all. And I dont like real time RPGs much and this one was a big disappointment for me.

01-10-2006, 02:59 PM
It was a decent game, but got to tidious

Setzer Gabianni
01-11-2006, 02:02 PM
most of the people that hate the game are kind of like....OMG 1tz g0t k1ddy graph1cz s0 m3 cant playz cuz i l1k3 b1g b0y gam3z
but i LOVED final fantasy crystal chronicles so its not the traditional ff they tried something new whats so wrong with that??? its one of my favorite games!

that may have sounded kind of bitchy >_>

hey black night that guy just ate all your memories!
black night:gnaogbouoahgroanba
....including how to talk and walk.....

you may not find this but somewhere in the game one of the diari thingys its realy hard to find cuz u gota go bak and forward so much but in one where u see gurdy u end up fighting him...its sorta tough in some parts where he says he'll give u something if u dont kill him NEVER TAKE WHAT HE WANT TO GIVE YOU!!!! this should probly be on a different thread but meh

No offense, but I really couldn't understand what you said.

I bought FFCC hoping for a wonderful game, as I have owned many great games in the past...only to find out this lacked a DECENT storyline, as well as character background. You cannot have a good game without a good storyline.

IMO, may I repeat, IMO, they tried something new and failed badly with it. If you love it fine. If you don't know why people hate it, or cannot understand why, just respect the fact that not everyone is going to have the same tastes.

Good for you if you liked it.

01-12-2006, 03:00 AM
No offense, but I really couldn't understand what you said.

I bought FFCC hoping for a wonderful game, as I have owned many great games in the past...only to find out this lacked a DECENT storyline, as well as character background. You cannot have a good game without a good storyline.

IMO, may I repeat, IMO, they tried something new and failed badly with it. If you love it fine. If you don't know why people hate it, or cannot understand why, just respect the fact that not everyone is going to have the same tastes.

Good for you if you liked it.

I agree, I got the game not expecting miracles by any means, but it was actually worst than I thought...:cry:

I cant afford a GBA, neither can my siblings. If you already have GBA's awesome, if not and you WANT to play multiplayer, this game gets real expensive...

Another thing that bugged me was nothing was from FF ( save the mogs ), the theme song wasnt there, I didnt see chocobos, no HUGE ass swords ( every FF needs one ). It simply was a completely different game, it was like FF:SW... "oh yeah! FF movie! wait...it has nothing in common..."

The only fun thing I did was...Yes...painting the mog...That was kinda entertaining and uh, they are real fuzzy...um...yeah...

FF:CC seems like it was meant to be a big ploy to get FF fans to run out and buy lots of GBA's cause its " Final Fantasy "

For those who liked great, for those who didnt, I empathize with you...

Setzer Gabianni
01-13-2006, 01:34 PM
The best fun I had was painting the moogles and watching them fall over =P There just wasn't enough gameplay for me to keep going. It felt samey all the time D:

01-14-2006, 07:52 AM
The best fun I had was painting the moogles and watching them fall over =P There just wasn't enough gameplay for me to keep going. It felt samey all the time D:

Painting moogles pwnes. It should be a feature in every future FF...:p

01-14-2006, 08:52 AM