View Full Version : Star Fantasy!

03-21-2005, 04:25 AM
hoh hoh! i have just noticed how similar the games FF2 and FF4 are to star wars, however, they both cover diffrent aspects of star wars. i didnt finish 2, but the setup is that an evil empire has taken over the world, and sick of its tyrannical rule a group of people called the rebels decides to do something about it. now, 4 people have had there lives destroyed by the emperor, and so vow revenge and ultimately lead to the doom of the emperor and empire. sound familiar? FF4 goes with the whole Luke and Darth vader side, where cecil becomes a paladin at mt. ordeals (luke becomes at jedi at degobah) cecil finds out that golbez, his sworn enemy, is his brother just as luke finds out darth vader is his father and in the end, the enemies both become good and leave the main character of the story.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
03-21-2005, 04:32 AM
Star Wars didn't invent the "rebellion versus the evil empire" angle.

03-21-2005, 04:35 AM
very true, but its probably the most popular thing about it, and the square-enix staff loves star wars, which means its probably based on it.

03-21-2005, 06:43 AM
When FFII and FFIV were made, Enix had nothing to do with Square. So, no.

03-21-2005, 07:40 AM
i was just calling it square enix because thats the current name. squaresoft liked star wars. enix probably likes star wars too. heck, all of japan likes star wars.

03-22-2005, 12:13 AM
Well, if you look at most RPGs its a good vs evil struggle. Thats all star wars truly was. Its very easy to make an evil empire as the bad guy. look at 7 and Shinra. FF6 and Emperor Geshtal with Kefka seems more to Star Wars than 2 and 4 to me. Evil Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader want to rule all (Geshtal and Kefka) so to do so they destroy what they know can stop them, the Jedi (Espers). It gets out of hand and a huge battle ensues and Vader gets carried away (just as Kefka did). Very Star Wars-esque.

Plus they also had Biggs and Wedge in the beginning.

03-22-2005, 06:46 AM
yeah, i see what u mean, but although darth vader (kefka) did overthrow the emperor, in star wars, he did it at the very end, and then became a good guy. kefka did it and became even more evil and used a gigantic laser to kill people. so its kind of diffrent in that respect, and the cecil thing was like, "there both blood related, and he gets him to turn good and then they both leave, although one leaves from life and the other just goes to some other galaxy. so i guess all FF is like star wars.