View Full Version : Character Tournament - Preview

Del Murder
03-22-2005, 03:42 AM
I'm going to start another character tournament soon, and this time I am going to enlist a seeding committee to help prerank the players. I will give you lists of various FF characters, and you would rank them based on whatever criteria you see fit. It will probably be somewhere between 5-7 members. Post here if you are interested, making sure to tell me which FF games you have or haven't beaten/played (out of every FF title that has a forum here + Mystic Quest and excluding XII, of course).

This is your chance to get involved in the process!

03-22-2005, 03:59 AM
Sounds cool.

I have'nt played/ beaten-
FF3 (The japanese one, just so there's no confusion.)
FFX-2 (did NOT like the story at all.Quit about halfway.)

That's about it.
FFCC- (Don't have a gamecube. :( )

I guess If other people will, I will too. I'm close to beating FF7, and I know pretty much all the characters and whatnot, so...

03-22-2005, 04:32 AM
I only have limited experience with III, since I'm not a big fan of emulators. Never played MQ or CC. Other than that, I think I'm good. Sign me up!

Yes, that means I've played and beaten all the others.

Azure Chrysanthemum
03-22-2005, 05:39 AM
Let's see... I've gotten fairly far in FFI, but never got the class change. I'll probably go back and do it later.

FFII I played a bit and hated the style so much I just stopped, I felt like I was seriously wasting my time.

FFIII I have not played.

FFIV was my first Final Fantasy and I haven't beaten it recently but I know most of what goes on and am familiar with all the characters.

FFV I've been playing but I haven't beaten it yet, I will have to get back to it later.

FFVI is the second Final Fantasy I ever played and one of my favorites. I'm very familiar with all of the characters, though it's been awhile since I've actually beaten it.

FFVII I have beaten and am pretty familiar with the characters, though I never bothered using Cait Sith and Yuffie.

FFVIII, like FFII, contained a system I REALLY hated, so I haven't gotten too far into it.

FFIX I've beaten and am familiar with the characters as well.

FFX I've also beaten and am familiar with the characters.

FFX-2 I stopped when I couldn't beat that damned Shinra in sphere break.

FFT Is my favorite Final Fantasy as far as play style goes, and I'm really quite familiar with it (as is evidenced by the fact that I'm one of the FFT nerds who posts regularily on the FFT Quiz Thread)

FFTA was far inferior to FFT but I have beaten it as well and am pretty good with it.

FFMQ I haven't played in forever, but I do remember it involves some thief guy with a extendable claw thing and a blond girl, possibly named Phoebe.

FFCC I own but my sister plays more than I do, I tend to favor anything that isn't a Selkie because Selkies suck.

So yes, I'm willing to help out with the preranking.

03-22-2005, 05:44 AM
FFI - Last Dungeon, never got around to beating Chaos, too busy with XI.

FFII - Where I got Leila for the first time.

FFIII - I got to the first town and my computer crashed, erasing the rom.

FFIV - Just got out of the Sealed Cave.

FFV - Last dungeon, but keep getting my butt kicked by NeoEx

FFVI - World of Ruins

FFVII - Beaten

FFVIII End of Disc 3

FFIX Beaten

FFX Beaten

FFX-2 got to Chapter 5 and threw the game in the furnace.

FFXI- See my sig. (Rank 5) (Rank 10 is the highest rank.)

FFT - Nope

FFTA - Got to Luten Pass (sp?)

FFMQ - Nuh-uh

FFCC - Played once, but forgot the story. (Rented it)

03-22-2005, 06:03 AM
FFI: Beaten
FFII: Assualt of Fynn Castle
FFIV: Beaten
FFVI: Beaten
FFVII: Beaten
FFVIII: Beaten
FFIX: Played (Forget wehre got to)
FFX: Played (Forget where got to)
FFX-2: N/A
FFMQ: Beaten.
FFCC: Played to 4th year.

As you can see, I am somewhat limited in my knowledge of recent FF's. However, I do know the general gist of the games and thier main characters. Anyway, good luck with this.

03-22-2005, 06:05 AM
Why not?

ups to the yes for playing: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, TA, MQ

(I haven't beaten 2 yet, but geeze there's *one* more dungeon. and the last main character. but still. I'm too lazy to finish MQ right now, so I don't know where exactly I amX.x; beat all the rest of 'em though.)

03-22-2005, 06:51 AM
you know I'll help

I haven't played 8 or any of the ps2/gamecube games

Ultima Shadow
03-22-2005, 03:45 PM
I would like to support this. :cool:

I've played all but FF3, FFXI, FF Tactics and FFMQ.

03-23-2005, 01:33 AM
I'll help out.

I: Got past the earth Crystal
II: Dreadnought took off and started destroying stuff
III: Haven't played
IV: Haven't played
V: Haven't played
VI: Haven't played
VII: Beaten
VIII: Am at Ultimecia
IX: Beaten
X: Beaten
X-2: Beaten
FFT: Chapter 2
FFTA: Beaten
FFCC: Year 4
FFMQ: Haven't played
FFXI: Haven't played

03-23-2005, 08:31 PM
Sounds fun!

I've played them all, but I haven't beaten 2, 4, or 10-2 (but I still know pretty much all the characters in them).

03-23-2005, 10:06 PM
I'd be more than happy to help with this. I tried one a while back but no one really participated. As for the games I've beaten, see my sig. The only ones I haven't really done much with is FF3 and MQ. I've played a lot of Crystal Cronicles. Also I'm in the middle of annihilating FFTA.

03-23-2005, 10:22 PM

Currently Playing:
FFVI (end of game)

Haven't played:
The rest

03-28-2005, 06:55 PM
I think Del's having the flu may have delayed this.

Del Murder
04-02-2005, 04:01 AM
eest was right, but I have recovered. I'll send some pms out soon.

04-02-2005, 08:37 PM
Sounds like fun.

I haven't gotten around to playing Final Fantasy III yet but I'm the best looking guy on the boards so I think that more than compensates.

04-04-2005, 12:11 PM
FFI = beaten
FFII = beaten
FF III = never played
FFIV = halfway or so thru
FFV = beaten
FFVI = beaten
FF VII = beaten
FF VIII = beaten
FF IX = beaten
FF X = beaten
FF X-2 = got bored and quit
FFT = beaten
FFMQ = beaten
FFCC = 6th year and got bored.
FFXI = gotta get this soon. Never played.

Sign me up chief!

04-04-2005, 02:18 PM
Haven't played III, MQ, or CC. Played all the rest.

Dark Warrior
04-04-2005, 08:03 PM
ff 1-7, 9
Not Beaten:
ff 8
ff 10-