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03-23-2005, 05:06 AM
I am stuck all night with a stupid little plastic baby that requires a key to be stuck in its back whenever it cries. This baby is half my Health grade, and if I miss a cry, I fail. It is crying right now, has been crying for 20 minutes, and my hand hurts from holding the key.

That being said, my fellow EoFFers, gather round and amuse me with tales of your personal happy places!!! COME ON PEOPLE MAKE ME HAPPY!!!

My happy place right now in deep in the recesses of insanity, where I am strangling my health teacher and tossing this devil baby doll into a bottomless well.

03-23-2005, 05:10 AM
Why don't you just take the batteries out then put them back in later? Or would your health teacher know?

03-23-2005, 05:13 AM
O, yes....everything I do to this thing gets recorded...the baby would automatically reset itself or something. And I would fail miserably. It is still crying!! (most pointless project ever!! >.<)

03-23-2005, 05:15 AM
You obviously have a lot more patience than I do. I wouldn't last 20 minutes listening to that thing cry without throwing it across the room a couple of times. You could just turn on some loud music and pretend it's not there while the holding the key in it.

03-23-2005, 05:18 AM
Hence the blasting headphones and mindless websurfing...all one-handed, of course. The pain in my hand serves as a constant reminder of my inner torture.

03-23-2005, 05:21 AM
Why don't you try picking it up and holding it and rocking it. That's what I did when my baby cried.

03-23-2005, 05:24 AM
Hence the blasting headphones and mindless websurfing...all one-handed, of course. The pain in my hand serves as a constant reminder of my inner torture.

Sorry you have a crappy assignment. I don't really have a happy place. I just entertain myself by playing a video game, surfing the web, or watching TV. Sounds like you've already got it covered though. You could try figuring out a way for something else to hold the key in it by like tying it to something. It'd have to be a pretty smart toy if the teacher could figure that out.

03-23-2005, 05:29 AM
It has stopped crying!!!!!!! After 34 FREAKING MINUTES!!!!!!!!

Fun, fun.

Why don't you try picking it up and holding it and rocking it. That's what I did when my baby cried.

Perhaps you got the new model then....ours only needs to be fed, rocking it won't do a thing. Except maybe trigger the head sensor and earn me an abuse point. :twak:

Sorry you have a crappy assignment. I don't really have a happy place. I just entertain myself by playing a video game, surfing the web, or watching TV. Sounds like you've already got it covered though. You could try figuring out a way for something else to hold the key in it by like tying it to something. It'd have to be a pretty smart toy if the teacher could figure that out.

This is why they chain the key to your wrist. Literally. And its sad that you don't have a happy place... :cry: Does nobody have a happy place??? Am I alone on this baby-infested planet???

03-23-2005, 05:36 AM
This is why they chain the key to your wrist. Literally. And its sad that you don't have a happy place... :cry: Does nobody have a happy place??? Am I alone on this baby-infested planet???
I do. In the middle of a raging warzone, endlessly killing people with a variety of weapons. That with Immortality and invincibility, and an unbreakbendable sword. (Just a word I made up.)

03-23-2005, 05:37 AM
It has stopped crying!!!!!!! After 34 FREAKING MINUTES!!!!!!!!

Fun, fun.

Perhaps you got the new model then....ours only needs to be fed, rocking it won't do a thing. Except maybe trigger the head sensor and earn me an abuse point. :twak:

This is why they chain the key to your wrist. Literally. And its sad that you don't have a happy place... :cry:

Aww, dang it! They gave you one fancy toy. Chaining the key to your wrist was mean...I hope they let you turn it off to go to bed. It'd be super mean if they didn't. I don't really think it's sad that I don't have a happy place...when I get ticked off, I write poetry or if I feel inspired, I'll write a story. You could try that, stories are fun to write. I still haven't finished a single one though. I liked the Johnny Depp one you wrote a while ago, it was really funny. Was I the only one who replied to that?

03-23-2005, 05:39 AM
Fear not, for I have a happy place!

It's actually at a place I went camping up north in Alaska. It was so beautiful. It was winter and had recently snowed, so everything was white. There were birds chirping and all manner of woodland critters running around on the trees and ground. And then there was me, relaxing, content, watching all of this happen. Man, it was bliss. Now, whenever I'm mad or stressed, I just remember this and I relax. :)

As a side note, that specific project your doing is the sole reason I skipped Health class.

03-23-2005, 05:41 AM
Aww, dang it! They gave you one fancy toy. Chaining the key to your wrist was mean...I hope they let you turn it off to go to bed. It'd be super mean if they didn't. I don't really think it's sad that I don't have a happy place...when I get ticked off, I write poetry or if I feel inspired, I'll write a story. You could try that, stories are fun to write. I still haven't finished a single one though. I liked the Johnny Depp one you wrote a while ago, it was really funny. Was I the only one who replied to that?

I believe you were.....thank you once again for that, my lone fan. :love:

And no....can't shut the baby off. I have to stay up all night, because its random cries are NOT going to wake me up. I sleep like a hibernating bear. Writing....yeah...I think I'll go work on my novel...that can keep me occupied for the next five hours, no problem. I guess writing would be my true happy place. Aww, sappiness.

edit: What lovely happy places! I feel the happiness seeping into me! It's so nicely....happy!

As a side note, that specific project your doing is the sole reason I skipped Health class.

It isn't just Middlesex.....o_O They're taking over the planet....

03-23-2005, 05:46 AM
Yep, my sister had to do it in Alaska, and here in California we have to do it unless you get a waiver for the class. Thankfully, my parents like me and signed it.

EDIT: If you need any more happy places, ask, I've got plenty. :)

03-23-2005, 05:46 AM
That sounds like the same thing that the kids in parenting did. What with using a key and keeping it on a wrist and stuff. Lucky we didn't have to do it for health, just parenting. and I'm not about to take parenting:P

I hope you have a bit more success, and maybe you'll remember in the future when you have kids that you have to stick a key in their back to make them be quiet.

oh. . wait. . .

03-23-2005, 05:55 AM

Yes, I am learning so much from this project. I can't wait to apply it to my sister. :D Just gotta find the damn keyhole!

03-23-2005, 06:03 AM
I believe you were.....thank you once again for that, my lone fan. :love:

And no....can't shut the baby off. I have to stay up all night, because its random cries are NOT going to wake me up. I sleep like a hibernating bear. Writing....yeah...I think I'll go work on my novel...that can keep me occupied for the next five hours, no problem. I guess writing would be my true happy place. Aww, sappiness.

edit: What lovely happy places! I feel the happiness seeping into me! It's so nicely....happy!

It isn't just Middlesex.....o_O They're taking over the planet....

That sucks that you have to stay up all night. But what a great time to work on your novel! I must be the only one here who has that kind of sense of humor, I guess, because I think your story was quite funny! :)

03-23-2005, 07:33 AM
Haha... xD I'm sorry! I feel bad for ya.

When we did that project, (back in the day!) we just used flour babies. So we didn't really have to take care of it at all, and I only lugged it around cos' I'm a big baby and I like playing house :p Although, I also played soccer with it with my friends... as the ball. :|

03-23-2005, 07:39 AM
Those Baby Think it Over dolls piss me off. Yeah, taking care of a baby is hard, but it's nothing like dealing with one of those. The fact that professionals try to play them off as close to the real thing kinda pisses me off, actually.

On a related note, we did the one where you wear a balloon as a necklace. I drew a super cute face on mine. ^_^

Zell's Fists of Fury
03-23-2005, 08:31 AM
I almost had to do that, but I got out of it on the grounds that it's the most rediculous thing on the face of the planet. Even more rediculous than tipping your pizza boy.

03-23-2005, 08:52 AM
Yay for British education. I don't think it's on the agenda. At least, not yet.