View Full Version : Pronunciation

03-24-2005, 06:25 PM
This is a common thread in the General forum, but I think there are a few names in FFTA that are a bit difficult to say.

Ivalice and Marche are 2 examples. I always pronounced them like:

"I"-vah-liss and Marsh

However I was on gametrailers.com and I saw they had a FFTA trailer with real people posing as Marche, Ritz and Mewt. The pronounced Ivalice and Marche like:

EE-vah-lees and Mar-shay

How have you pronounced these two? What other names have you had problems saying?

03-24-2005, 08:43 PM
I used to say Marche like "marsh", and Ivalice so it rhymes with "eye chalice", but I gradually switched over to the commercial's "Marsh-ay" and "evil lease".

03-25-2005, 04:46 AM
I pronounce Ivalice "eye valice" and sound out the "ch" in Mache so it it sounds like "March". Maybe I'll start saying "March-ay". That's the proper way to pronounce a 'e' when it's pronunsable.

03-25-2005, 10:11 AM
i just say I-valice and marche its easy to say marche caus im dutch and i can get those type of words out of my mouth real easy so i just say it the way it is spelled in the game

03-25-2005, 09:02 PM
I have no standard pronunciation for Marche, and since I name my main character Skyblade, I don't really need one. Ivalice I have always pronounced to rhyme with chalice, as omnitarian said.

03-26-2005, 04:22 AM
I pronounce Marche "Marsh" and Ivalice "Ih-vuh-liss"

04-18-2005, 09:43 PM
A vil ice and Marsh ay

How to you prononce doned?

04-28-2005, 06:23 PM
"I"-vah-liss and Mar-kay for me.

04-28-2005, 10:46 PM
ih-vah-liss and Marsh

Fate Fatale
04-29-2005, 01:40 AM
iv il ice
marsh a
do en ed