View Full Version : ffta skillzz

03-27-2005, 01:22 AM
Ok all my chars are lvl 20-25 and my BLACK MAGE lvl 24 has known the same spells for like the WHOLE GAME! FIRE/ICE/THUNDER/FIRA!



03-27-2005, 01:40 AM
First, stop yelling. It's impolite.

Second, they are "Abilities", not skills...

Third, the abilities you learn are determined by the weapons you equip. When you go to equip a weapon, select the weapon and press the "R" button. The list of skills that the weapon teaches will pop up, as well as which races and jobs can use them.

03-27-2005, 01:42 AM
OK SO WHEN THEY MASTER THE ability then theyll know it FOREVER!?!?

How Do I Get Ap!? How Do They Master Skil?

EDIT: Please don't double post. Use the edit button instead. -Murder

03-27-2005, 10:20 AM
yes ap masters skills you get it by doing engagements or missions (any kind)

and consider pressing your caps lock button once more cause it might as well by possible that no one is gonna answer because it is like sky says impolite

03-27-2005, 08:19 PM
There is a wonderful abilities FAQ at gamefaqs.com if you're interested. It thoroughly explains the job system, the ability system, and lists the weapons you need to learn each ability.

03-28-2005, 03:21 PM
Yeah But what is the ultimate action abilitie for each class and which weopen. All I know is Nosada, Nirvana, and Excalibur has a move. no mithril

03-28-2005, 09:16 PM
The Mithril weapons are the weapons that teach combo abilities.

The Ultima spells are on the following weapons:
Zanmato-Ultima Masher (Viera Assassin)
Seventh Heaven-Ultima Shot (Human Hunter)
Zeus Mace-Ultima Blow (Nu Mou Sage)
Materia Blade-Ultima Sword (Bangaa Gladiator) and Ultima Charge (Moogle Mog Knight)

Other weapons with awesome abilities are:
Target Bow/Longbarrel-Concentrate

04-08-2005, 08:47 PM
Thanks I have the Nosada and concentrate weopens.
Zanmato FFX flashback...

04-18-2005, 09:47 PM
How do you get the Ulitma Weapons?

04-18-2005, 10:37 PM
The Seventh Heaven can be purchased, eventually. The others have to be gotten through quest rewards, trading, stealing, etc...

04-19-2005, 02:35 AM
thx but how do you steal weapons do you buy that weapon too or something else

and dint you say something about getting something to lv 20{i think it was a clan skill or something} do you remember?

04-19-2005, 05:04 AM
...Oh, boy. You apparently have much to learn, my young Padawan.

Ok, stealing weapons is a Thief A-Ability. It is on the "Sword Breaker", which must be acquired through random quest/battle rewards or trading (you can steal it too, but that's kinda pointless...).

The clan skills raise by completeing missions. There are eight different skills, and each one has a different chance of increasing depending on the particular mission. As the skill levels reach certain numbers (ie: 5, 10, 15, 20, etc...), you will receive items.

I suggest you find an FAQ if you wish for more detailed info, because there are several different ways to get most of the items in the game, and I'm too lazy to want to make a post that long right now. Maybe tomarrow... ;)

04-19-2005, 12:52 PM
i know it is in a diferent thread you say you masters can get to lv 20 really fast or something thats all. Can you the steal weapon be gotton from clan wars?(not the mission name)

04-20-2005, 07:43 PM
I'm not really sure. You can get the Sword Breaker from higher level random quest rewards, but I don't know if you can get it from random clan battles.

04-21-2005, 09:51 PM
man you only get a few skills in the whole game
FFT was better, it had more options to mix and match
I found out the best combos where either two swords and two swords that owned or just use a monk, or get a powerful two handed weapon and use two hands
and then give the monks counter, if were a danger at a distance (up to 8 squares) and deadly at close range

calculators were a crazy class, they used algorthims to select targets, best thing to do was keep a fire/ice/thunder shield on your mages (with Equip shield) and if they got hit with a little magic of that kind you would heal them for damage equal to what it would have dealt

and there were a few added in secret items which were godly, i had one the silver lance it was a ordinary lance but the picture was silver not like the other lances, a lancer wth average brave could do 800+ damage, I used two hands, 999 every time, throw in jump, you could only attack things that had just had their turn before the lancer, due to a long wait time, but it owned
I never got the best weapons other than the silver lance, but a 2 monks 1 calculator, a black mage white mage combination, and a knight all level 70+ is hard to beat

plus i don't like the 'laws' in this game is their a point where I could remove all laws from all battles so i can level up my characters without getting yellow and red cards? I have anti-laws but what in the hell does copycat law count as? I keep getting that

04-22-2005, 05:28 AM
Copycat is a law that penalizes you for performing the same action (apart from "Wait") as the last character to perform an action, whether it is a friend or a foe. If the last character did a regular attack, performing a regular attack will get you a card. If the last character cast Firaga, casting Firaga will get you a card. Etc...

I haven't played FFT, so I can't comment on a comparison of the two games, but FFTA has tons of skills.

Soldier, Paladin, Fighter, Thief, Ninja, Black Mage, White Mage, Blue Mage, Illusionist, Archer, Hunter, Time Mage, Animist, Gunner, Mog Knight, Juggler, Gadgeteer, Sage, Beastmaster, Morpher, Alchemist, Warrior, Gladiator, Bishop, Templar, White Monk, Defender, Fencer, Red Mage, Summoner, Elementalist, Sniper, and Assassin.

That's 33 Jobs, each with its own complete set of Abilities (and that's assuming that I didn't forget any). If you think there are too few skills, you should try experimenting with them all first.

04-22-2005, 01:01 PM
it has 33 jobs, 5 classes

so what less than 6 jobs for every race
in FFT there was 1 race 21 jobs for regular characters and and 11 special classes

in FFT every class that had great advantages also had great weaknesses
calculators could hit any unit from anywhere in the map, but the characters they would were picked randomly

ninja got you two swords, but had low hp for a comat class

knights could make someone who hurts with raw strength slow and weakened but their skills took alot of time to learn

lancers could hit monsters in a range of 8 vertical and 8 horizontal squares for loads of damage. but it took half their CT bar to actually do the jump

monks could hit a unit either 8 straight usquares infront to the left/right or behind them or directly next to them and deal loads of damage without buying a weapon but they didn't have alot of armor

black mages could deal loads of damage but the stronger the spell the longer the wait to cast the spell not had low hp

I hate having to switch between all these weapons for abilities

and most of them are just stupid
beatdown, throw a mozltov, throw gil i can stand most elemental attacks but why have abilities that that only deal damage for a target directly next to you if you can just use fight

the laws system is crap
no other good FF game has these laws in them and by good I mean FF1-FF9 and FFT
you shouldn't be restriced, and why in the hell don't dead characters die? they just get knocked out
in FFT if one of your guys died you had 3 turns to get them back on their feet or they became a crystal or 1 item they had equipped

04-22-2005, 02:42 PM
it has 33 jobs, 5 classes

so what less than 6 jobs for every race
in FFT there was 1 race 21 jobs for regular characters and and 11 special classes

in FFT every class that had great advantages also had great weaknesses
calculators could hit any unit from anywhere in the map, but the characters they would were picked randomly

ninja got you two swords, but had low hp for a comat class

knights could make someone who hurts with raw strength slow and weakened but their skills took alot of time to learn

lancers could hit monsters in a range of 8 vertical and 8 horizontal squares for loads of damage. but it took half their CT bar to actually do the jump

monks could hit a unit either 8 straight usquares infront to the left/right or behind them or directly next to them and deal loads of damage without buying a weapon but they didn't have alot of armor

black mages could deal loads of damage but the stronger the spell the longer the wait to cast the spell not had low hp

I hate having to switch between all these weapons for abilities

and most of them are just stupid
beatdown, throw a mozltov, throw gil i can stand most elemental attacks but why have abilities that that only deal damage for a target directly next to you if you can just use fight

the laws system is crap
no other good FF game has these laws in them and by good I mean FF1-FF9 and FFT
you shouldn't be restriced, and why in the hell don't dead characters die? they just get knocked out
in FFT if one of your guys died you had 3 turns to get them back on their feet or they became a crystal or 1 item they had equipped

Gadgeteers have the same strengths as calculators.
Ninjas also have Double Sword, but aren't actually well suited for melee combat.
Paladins are powerful, but slow, just like the knights.
Dragoons are the lancers of the game, although there is no CT bar, Jump has a few other restrictions placed on it.
Monks have Earth Render, which allows them to hit any enemy in a direct line, but still suffer from a lack of wonderful melee combat skills.
Your point about the Black Mages is accurate, but so what? Since there is no wait time, they made something else to limit the effectiveness of Black Mages.

The laws are a plus in my opinion. Without them, the game would be far too simple. My clan could walk through any engagement and kill the enemies in less than one complete turn. True, they often do that anyway, but at least the laws make you think about things more carefully. And if you don't like them, head for the Jagds.

The reason no one dies is because of the laws. The game tells you this when you unlock Jagd Dorsa (which I'm guessing means that you haven't gotten that far yet).

04-23-2005, 01:22 AM
I want to know if there is any part of the game where you can do normal clan battles without the laws and without using antilaws
my mog knight was just sent to jail because I used charge when he really needs ap, and he is damn slow, and helost a point in speed for breaking a law
I can kill anyone on the opposing clan without my mog getting in range for mog lance
mogs don't seem worth the trouble
I am thinking about scraping him for another lizzard dude, my human fighters do twice the damage he can and I have at least 2 learned skills in every mog class

the only use monks are is to use them for longer range tmp/def/dra/gla skills and charaka now only works on the monk and doesn't seem to increase with level

the bunny chicks are crap too, even strong bows can't deal more than 30 damage, and aren't accurate even from behind and what happened to the height bonus? in FFT if an archer got to a higher area, his range was increased, there was one event battle in some slums where you starts at the ground and there was a huge structure to to left of you where 2 archers sat at the top, they would rape you if you didn't kill them asap, in FFTA if I see an archer I think misquito, annoying basturds wait untill my healer moves and used don't act to piss me off

where can I get a Nosoda? I want to see the maxium power on my fighters

04-23-2005, 02:46 AM
in FFT there was 1 race 21 jobs for regular characters and and 11 special classes
umm...21+11=32...in FFTA there are 33, you even said so yourself...doesnt that mean FFTA has more?

I want to know if there is any part of the game where you can do normal clan battles without the laws and without using antilaws

You can go into a "Jagd" Place (Jagd Dorsa, Jagd Ahli, or Jagd Helje) and there are no laws. But if one of your clan members die, you dont get them back.

my mog knight was just sent to jail because I used charge when he really needs ap, and he is damn slow, and helost a point in speed for breaking a law

You dont have to use abilities to get AP. Infact, you dont even have to attack with them. If they particpate in an engagment and you win, they get AP. Think your self lucky that you got 1 speed off. My summoner got 99 of Magic Power off. Now she does only about 20-30 damage.

I can kill anyone on the opposing clan without my mog getting in range for mog lance
mogs don't seem worth the trouble

I dont get it...

I am thinking about scraping him for another lizzard dude, my human fighters do twice the damage he can and I have at least 2 learned skills in every mog class

they are called Bangaa...

the only use monks are is to use them for longer range tmp/def/dra/gla skills and charaka now only works on the monk and doesn't seem to increase with level

White Monks are great! They have some Figther moves, and some Soldier moves. Plus they open up Templar, who can be the 2nd most powerful unit, after Morphers, and Bishops, who are ok i guess...they use alot of unique magic. My Charka heals 75, and my Templar, who has white monk techniques, is at level 33 only.

the bunny chicks are crap too, even strong bows can't deal more than 30 damage, and aren't accurate even from behind and what happened to the height bonus? in FFT if an archer got to a higher area, his range was increased, there was one event battle in some slums where you starts at the ground and there was a huge structure to to left of you where 2 archers sat at the top, they would rape you if you didn't kill them asap, in FFTA if I see an archer I think misquito, annoying basturds wait untill my healer moves and used don't act to piss me off

First of all, stop swearing, its unpleasant, and you dont know who may be looking at this, maybe a 6 year old kid is looking, because he loves FFTA, and has really good reading abilities...just watch your mouth ok?

Second of all, those 'bunny chicks' have a name. They are called Veira, and they rock!

I ran a little test, and my Veira Archer has 95% accuracy from the back. You cant say that is bad accuracy. She done 52 damage, and she is one of my weakest members of my clan. And they kinda do have a height bonus, but it is more of a height degration. If the enemy is at a higher level, they wont make it, and will hit the earth. So stay nice and high away from Archers.

where can I get a Nosoda? I want to see the maxium power on my fighters

Dont know sorry!

04-23-2005, 03:29 AM

you cannot even act out some battle in your own mind with this game when I think of cool fights, it is head to head, in this game it is all just get around to their side and back so you can hit or your just flipping a coin this isn't a game of luck, and it isn't a splinter cell game

OMFG 75 hp!!T3H PNWZ0Rz!!!!!
my white mage (the other kind of ulgy dude, like the bangaa but better with magic) using turbo mp heals for 150 with cura at lvl 20

plus if you just heal/protect/shell own units you will get 10 exp per cast no matter what level they are, so white mages are easily many lvls higher than all other classes so they have lot of hp for a mage class and their mp is double offensive classes
so if you give a white mage high damaging offensive magic he will own,

that is the type of things you could do in FFT with all classes use traits of one to make another own, like double sword and a monk, I liked FFT becuase you choose what abilities you wanted and however you wanted to make your own custom characters in FFTA they watered down everything it is all weaker, not as dymanic

I decided to continue with the main missions, and I finaly got to the first lawless town
so clans don't go there and it isn't a town, do they work like random battles in every other FF game, where there is a random chance to fight something by moving there, how does it work?
and if my clan members die in lawless areas can't I use life to bring them back?

04-26-2005, 07:20 PM

you cannot even act out some battle in your own mind with this game when I think of cool fights, it is head to head, in this game it is all just get around to their side and back so you can hit or your just flipping a coin this isn't a game of luck, and it isn't a splinter cell game

OMFG 75 hp!!T3H PNWZ0Rz!!!!!
my white mage (the other kind of ulgy dude, like the bangaa but better with magic) using turbo mp heals for 150 with cura at lvl 20

plus if you just heal/protect/shell own units you will get 10 exp per cast no matter what level they are, so white mages are easily many lvls higher than all other classes so they have lot of hp for a mage class and their mp is double offensive classes
so if you give a white mage high damaging offensive magic he will own,

that is the type of things you could do in FFT with all classes use traits of one to make another own, like double sword and a monk, I liked FFT becuase you choose what abilities you wanted and however you wanted to make your own custom characters in FFTA they watered down everything it is all weaker, not as dymanic

I decided to continue with the main missions, and I finaly got to the first lawless town
so clans don't go there and it isn't a town, do they work like random battles in every other FF game, where there is a random chance to fight something by moving there, how does it work?
and if my clan members die in lawless areas can't I use life to bring them back?

Um, you don't pay that much attention to experience, do you? Casting Cure, Protect, Shell, etc, on your clan members does not guarantee you 10 exp each time. The experience is determined the same as always. If the target (use the highest level target for multi target spells) has the same level as the caster, it's 10 exp. Otherwise, add 2 exp for every level that the character is higher than the caster, or remove 2 exp for every level lower. All of the races (save Nu Mou) know a move that targets the caster and costs no MP. Humans-First Aid, Nurse, Boost... Bangaa-First Aid, Chakra, Cheer... Viera-Boost, Cover... Moogles-Mog Guard... These abilities (and that's not even all of them) are guaranteed 10 exp each, so you really can't complain that White Mages have all the easy exp gaining abilities.

Oh, and there are clans in the Jagds. Each area has its own clan. The clans from the Jagds are usually a mix of people and monsters. Bloodthirsters, Jagd Emmisaries, and Clan Hounds are the three clans from the Jagds. And other clans will enter the Jagds while walking around, but there movement is fairly random, so don't count on the idea that they will.

04-27-2005, 12:50 AM
im screwed on this game so im going to start a new file and do 10x better.

Why, because I didn't learn double blade and i dont even have a ninja so ill start from scratch..........I only can get to the final battle against La Grim then she does not give a chance to let me recover that Biotch.

04-27-2005, 04:06 AM
Just teach your characters Damage>MP, go in with a full team of Humans with 10 JP, and Mateus her to death. Cheap, but effective.

05-02-2005, 09:54 PM
Yeah her stupid mateus attack always does unbelievable damage I only had 2 guys alive after words and no life moves.{Why does Cid punish you if your on the same team with his laws].I did have a pheonix down to make up for the loss of monk tech revive and then I had a chain of life spells until my party was back at full health.

05-02-2005, 10:57 PM
Yeah her stupid mateus attack always does unbelievable damage I only had 2 guys alive after words and no life moves.{Why does Cid punish you if your on the same team with his laws].I did have a pheonix down to make up for the loss of monk tech revive and then I had a chain of life spells until my party was back at full health.

Cid's the judge. He has to follow the laws, whether he wants to or not.