View Full Version : Wrestlemania 21

03-29-2005, 03:59 PM
Yep, it's that time of year again. The superbowl of professional wrestling, Wrestlemania, is coming this Sunday. Here is the offical card:

<b>World Heavyweight Championship</b>
Triple H (c) vs. Batista

<b>WWE Championship</b>
John Bradshaw Layfield (c) vs. John Cena

<b>6-Man "Money in the Bank" Ladder Match</b>
Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Edge vs. Christian vs. Kane

Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle

Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero

<b>Sumo Match</b>
Big Show vs. Akebono

<b>Women's Championship</b>
Trish Stratus vs. Christy Hemme

<b>Piper's Pit</b>
Roddy Piper interviews Stone Cold Steve Austin

Thoughts? Predictions?

03-29-2005, 09:03 PM
im hopin randy gets his @$$ kiked.noone disrespects the undertaker

03-29-2005, 09:10 PM
Wrestling Is Fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-29-2005, 09:14 PM
So are movies and T.V. shows, yet you don't see anyone harrassing movie fans or T.V. show fans for liking something "fake". :rolleyes2 There are plenty of reasons to not like wrestling, I just wish people could come up with a better excuse than "OMG ITS FAKE!!!11".

I will post my predictions later.

03-30-2005, 01:21 AM
me and falamethrower got same point of view. Every1 calls wrestlin fake, then go and watch somethin like cartoons.

Meat Puppet
03-30-2005, 02:18 AM
Haven't watched wrestling in a while, but I've known about Stone Cold being in Pipers Pit for a while. I think it's good he's decided to come back, hopefully he wont screw up again.

(blah blah blah)

Del Murder
03-30-2005, 02:44 AM
I'm only interested in seeing a couple of those matches, and none of the championship ones. Pretty lackluster card. Hopefully Austin will say something ineteresting. That 6-man ladder match should rock, though.

03-30-2005, 03:13 AM
I can't believe I actually follow this wrestling stuff....again.

Well, I would like Batista, John Cena and Shawn Michaels to win their matches. And Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero? I did not know about that. I thought they were a good tag-team. Stupid wrestling always buggering up good teams...

Dingo Jellybean
03-30-2005, 03:23 AM
Wrestling Is Fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So is Final Fantasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe I actually follow this wrestling stuff....again.

Well, I would like Batista, John Cena and Shawn Michaels to win their matches. And Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero? I did not know about that. I thought they were a good tag-team. Stupid wrestling always buggering up good teams...

I know...a few months ago I haven't watched wrestling in years.

I'm not too excited about WM21, but Angle vs. HBK should be a great match...considering how talented both are.

Honestly though, when Batista wins...he'll hold the title for 2 months and lose it to HHH and then fade into misery. Really though, both shows RAW and Smackdown! split up their roster a bit unevenly.

I mean SD!'s roster has some gems like Mysterio, Angle, Booker T, Undertaker(even though he's nothing like before), Guerrero, and RVD. But RAW has Orton(or use to), Edge, Christain, The Hardyz, HHH, Benoit, Jericho, Batista, Kane, and Lita(well, she's a half-gem...considering she's the only decent female wrestler...but she still stinks compared to other male wrestlers).

03-30-2005, 03:28 AM
Honestly I dont care who wins I just wanna see a good match

03-30-2005, 03:31 AM
Here are my predictions:

<b>Triple H vs. Batista</b>
I'm actually split on this one. Batista seems like the obvious choice to win, since the fans love him and good guys almost always win championship matches at Wrestlemania. However, I'm not convinced that he's ready to hold the championship. He was in the undercard, what, four months ago? I am going to say Batista wins, but I won't be surprised if Triple H retains, especially considering how much backstage power he holds.

<b>John Bradshaw Layfield vs. John Cena</b>
Of course Cena will win. JBL's been holding the title for a very long time and Cena is the right person to take it off him.

<b>Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Edge vs. Christian vs. Kane</b>
This one should be good. I can see any one of these guys winning except Christian. Edge's character is hot right now, so he's my pick to win.

<b>Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle</b>
This one will be a classic. I think Kurt will win, but then HBK gets drafted to Smackdown and the fued continues.

<b>Undertaker vs. Randy Orton</b>
Undertaker has an undefeated streak at Wrestlemania. I doubt it will end to Orton.

<b>Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero</b>
WWE seems to be trying to push Rey Mysterio into the main events. He will probably win.

<b>Big Show vs. Akebono</b>
Uh, what? Big Show, I guess...

<b>Trish Stratus vs. Christy Hemme</b>
Ugh. Trish retains.

03-30-2005, 03:44 AM
If Cena loses to JBL im gonna throw my skateboard at a car

Dingo Jellybean
03-30-2005, 03:54 AM
If Cena loses to JBL im gonna throw my skateboard at a car

Hopefully it won't be at my car. You should throw it at one of those cars with those huge exhaust pipes...they're so damn annoying.

Loony BoB
03-30-2005, 10:46 AM
I am hoping for Batista to win. The #1 thing that will return my faith in the WWE is having HHH NOT be in the title picture. At all. He's <i>always</i> there. HHH vs. Randy, HHH vs. Batista, HHH vs. Benoit, HHH vs. this guy, HHH vs. that guy. Seriously, I don't give half a crap how good he is anymore, for the love of God just give us something new. Gah. Rant over, I guess.

I hope Stone Cold comes up with something good. Looking forward to Christy because she's not bad looking at all, although Stacey would've been better. Orton I really, really hope will lose. Ray vs. Eddie should be a decent match for a few moves and stuff, but the good matches will be the 6-man match and Michaels vs. Angle.

04-04-2005, 12:16 PM
I say again WRESTLING IS FAKE!!!!!!!!! Final Fantasy maybe fake but its real to me! Why did someone start this thread anyway?

Zell's Fists of Fury
04-04-2005, 07:04 PM
Because theyu like watching wrestling. It's that simple. Not everyone shares your opinion, dear. Don't post in this thread if you don't like it.

Amarant Odinson
04-04-2005, 09:38 PM
Wrestling Is Fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, and Baseball isn't a sport either. Your point? I mean seriously, any sport that has more steroids in it than pro wrestling is no longer a real sport. It becomes "Sports Entertainment"

As for me.I watched the HOF induction show on Saturday and I watched WMXXI last night. HOF show pissed me off because I wanted to see the other inductees. They only showed Piper's and Hogan's induction. I loved Piper's acceptance speech but Hogan's reaction just pissed me off. No one can deny what Hogan did for wrestling during the 80's, but I can't stand him or the sheep that wouldn't shut up to let Hogan speak. These fans that shouted "ONE MORE MATCH" need to get their asses kicked. ONE MORE MATCH? Hogan's hip is so screwed up now that he couldn't even do that Leg Drop on Davari when he made the save for Eugine last night. Hulkamania is dead and thank god for that.

As for WMXXI itself? A decent PPV. I was disappointed in the Mysterio/ Guerrero match just because I have their match from Halloween Havock '96 and that was a classic. But the rest of the PPV was what I expected to be. Taker won which is good and I loved when Cowboy Bob Orton came to help Randy Orton WITH THE CAST. The Ladder match wasn't bad and had some decent spots in it Edge won it as I expected. The Chrissy/Trish match sucked as I though it would. The Angle/HBK match was great and I'm happy that Angle won. The sumo match scarred me. I'm going to have nightmares about Big Show and Akebono in those sumo diapers. The JBL/Cena match wasn't great but it wasn't bad either. Giving the belt to Cena may not be the best idea considering he hasn't shown any real improvment over the last 9 months and his gimmick is getting stale very quickly. But he is the biggest name on Smackdown next to Eddy. So it made sense from a business standpoint. It's just sad that the crowd didn't seem to care when Cena won the belt. They should've made a bigger deal out of it because Cena ended JBL's eight month title reign. HHH/Batista wasn't a bad match as well. It went longer than it should've but the match could've been a lot worse. They had to have Batista go over with all of the heat that's he's had over the last few months and they did. What they're doing with Batista right now is what they should've done with Goldberg when he was with the WWE. Come to think of it, if they had put half of the effort into Orton's face turn that they did in Batista's? It would've been Orton vs HHH this year at WMXXI.

Biggest surprize for me was the fact that both the WWE and World Heavyweight titles actually changed hands. I figured it would've been one or the other but not both. Not a great PPV, but it didn't completly suck either. The only thing that pissed me off about the night was the fact that you had two guys who last year closed WMXX as the champions and this year they were in the first and second match.

04-04-2005, 11:13 PM
Great post Amarant. I didn't order the PPV but I read the results. Check out my predictions. Got every single one right except for the Big Show-Akebono match. :D

Dingo Jellybean
04-05-2005, 01:42 AM
I say again WRESTLING IS FAKE!!!!!!!!! Final Fantasy maybe fake but its real to me! Why did someone start this thread anyway?

Seriously...if FF is real, how is wrestling not? If animated-pixelated characters turns your penii up, then what about actual physical wrestlers? Seriously though, we know wrestling is fake...storyline wise. The moves they do are real and do require athleticism.

I won't speak more, I'll just let you fantasize about Rinoa until you one day marry her.

04-05-2005, 08:44 PM
That was an excellent summary Amarant, and I agree completely. Although the card itself wasn't anything special, the event as a whole didn't disappoint.

The opener between Eddie and Rey was a good match to kick off with, and the Money in the Bank Ladder match gave us the evening's spots, as well as an impressive performance from Shelton Benjamin. As for Angle/Michaels, this contest was simply a pleasure to watch, and probably my match of the night.

A few things managed to drag the evening down though. The Women's Title match was a typical affair, and didn't interest me at all. Big Show/Akebono wasn't terrible, but only the novelty value stopped this from being the case. Finally, I found the JBL/Cena match to be quite a bore. It didn't particularly bother me who won this one, and the quality of the wrestling reminded me why. Having a new champ after nine months or so of JBL is nice, but I can't see what Cena is going to bring to the belt when his gimmick wore off months ago. Even the fans in the arena didn't seem that interested, so I hope they can do something to revitalise Cena's character soon. I can't say that I'm excited about Batista's reign on Raw either, but his match with HHH was enjoyable enough so I can't complain.

Overall the event was quite a good one. It was hardly spectacular but I hadn't expected it to be in the first place. There were good, average and bad matches in equal measure, but the event entertained more than it disappointed. A good WM. :)

04-05-2005, 09:17 PM
i like wrestlin but wats dumb isu when some1s bout tog et suplexed, they jump up.Also, the usually stamp when they punch,i think to make noise so its sounds like a punch, and sometimes u can even tell its not a real punch

04-05-2005, 09:46 PM
The fact that Shawn Michaels is wrestling again almost makes me want to watch it (haven't been into it since the 90s, so he could very well have been wrestling again for some time). Michaels was one of the reasons I watched WWF (I'll lever be used to this 'E' stuff) back in the day.

I remember when Triple HHH was still Hunter Hearst Helmsley and he had the whole British blue blood royalty character going on. Good times.