View Full Version : Rediscovering FFVIII

04-02-2005, 03:59 AM
I bought FFVIII when it was first released way back in 1999. After playing through 35 hours of the game, guess what happened? Yep, my save game got wiped. And, believe it or not, in the last 6 years i have never picked the game up again. Anyways, I thought that now the time was finally ripe, as SE seem adamant on releasing FFXII in the next millennium.
So my question is, anyone got any tips? And is the game worth playing to the end of?

04-02-2005, 05:28 AM
Yes, the game is most definetly worth playing to the end. As for tips, DON'T level up very often. Learn the junction system, and always always ALWAYS equip GF stat boost abilities and learn them before anything else. For example, when you first get Ifrit, learn his str+20% 40% and 60% before anything else. Once you have learned these a new ability will come up called str bonus. Once it is learned equip it on a character and every time they level up thier str stat will increase on extra point. If you do this for the entire game you can have some pretty awesomely powerful characters.

04-02-2005, 11:58 AM

um, yeah so play it all the way through. the card game is pretty good too, one of the few mini-games i ever bothered to actually do on the first play through of the game.:roll:

04-02-2005, 02:45 PM
I bought FFVIII when it was first released way back in 1999. After playing through 35 hours of the game, guess what happened? Yep, my save game got wiped. And, believe it or not, in the last 6 years i have never picked the game up again. Anyways, I thought that now the time was finally ripe, as SE seem adamant on releasing FFXII in the next millennium.
So my question is, anyone got any tips? And is the game worth playing to the end of?

Isn't that funny........I did kinda the same thing. After being an avid FF1 fan as a kid and teen, I went to University, and had to put gaming aside for several years.

Upon moving in with a roomate, a good budy of mine who had a PS1, I got into FFVIII in a big way. But that was on a workterm, and when it was time to go back to a school term, I had to put it aside again, before being able to finish it.

So just a month or so ago, I picked up FFVIII. Even after playing FFX, I completely rediscovered it, enjoyed this game immensely, and just finished it.

Yes, I recommend you play it through, it is one of my favorite FFs by far. Be sure to check out the walkthrough on this site. lotsa good info on sidequests, and aquiring GFs.

04-02-2005, 04:25 PM
You said that your game saves got wiped? That happened to me 3 times on the 3rd disk - I think it had something to do with the soft-reset button. Did this happen to anyone else - their game saves get deleted?

04-02-2005, 04:33 PM
No. It happened to me on Xenogears once, but never on FF8. (I use the soft reset button all the time)

04-02-2005, 05:22 PM
Cheers for all the tips peeps! I'll be sure to start the game again just as soon as I can!