View Full Version : Should i get it?

04-09-2005, 02:45 PM
Should i get this game? I don't have a Gamecube! But i could buy one for £70! I have £70! What is the game like? Does it ever end?

These questions might sound wierd but i would like to know?


fahadalhasan :p

04-09-2005, 03:00 PM
Personally I hated it. I should probably give it another try seeing as it's been quite a few months just to verify that opinion. It seemed really bland. It's hard to call it a hack'n'slash or dungeon crawler, as there's really not much to do. Go beat a boss, get some crystal drop things and lather rinse repeat. The combat is so basic, you just have one 3-strike combo thing that's hardly even a combo. Maybe my character just sucked but her swings were really slow. I remember getting stuck too easily too... There were never any clear indications of where to go or what to do next. And they make you watch cut-scenes over and over again on the world map thing even if you've already seen them... though I've heard the game is lots of fun if you have friends and everyone has a GBA with a link cable.

04-09-2005, 03:13 PM
okay, i think i'll wait for the other replies first! Anyway i'll just keep playing:

Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Kingdom Hearts
Start Ocean: Till The End of Time

All made by square!

04-10-2005, 02:32 AM
You don't have to just got on my review. I hear it's coming to DS, and I hear a lot of people are looking forward to it. So there's gotta be something good about it that people liked. I'm just really picky or something. Too high of expectations maybe. Read some reviews or something. It might be for you. I just know it wasn't for me.

04-10-2005, 08:12 AM
Are you going to be playing alone or with friends? I've heard that it's good with friends but I personally disliked it when I was playing the single player mode. With two Cure materia to make Curaga, a Selkie with a ranged Focus attack and up to date equipment, the game's just super easy, repetitive and boring. The end of year recaps don't help those last two promblems either. Basicly, the single player mode is a watered down Legend of Zelda game. Not like I dislike the LoZ games, just that this is a lesser version of the same thing. Sure, it can be fun at times, especially when you don't want to think very much but otherwise, but normally it's not too hot.


04-10-2005, 08:58 AM
I think he meant he could get a GCN for £70.

Anyway, with friends, it's an enjoyable, fun game. Single player, eh, not so much, in my opinion.

04-10-2005, 01:19 PM
Now i see y people hated is so much! Thnx ill think about it! =)

Anway if it continues, on and on, then i won't buy it!

04-11-2005, 06:16 PM
My advice- buy it if you have friends who can play it with you. It can be great fun with 3 or 4 people, especially when things get all hectic. However, with 1 person or even 2 people the game loses its appeal. We finished it with 3 and it was a good laugh. We made up most of the events that made us laugh (our yuke trying to hit on my clavat's mother! Stay away you gangly freak!)

Ahem- yes its fun with friends, but dont play it solo.

04-12-2005, 07:33 AM
I just got the game myself, am on year 2 as of 20 min ago. I play single player however, but I do find the game amazing. It encompasses an environment that rings of enchantment from FF9 but just as down to earth as FF7. The musical score is a definite plus (it competes with my favorite game in the serie's music, see if you can't guess which ;)), in fact so much of a plus when I find the sound track, its going to get scarfed :-D. Right now, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of plot development but I read that the back story is really the one I should be paying attention to. The gameplay seems just like that of Phantasy Star Online and it's a little hard to get used to for all the ATB fans out there, but I think its a step in the right direction. Real time battles really set this Final Fantasy apart from others and make it infinitly more interesting and more open to develop your own techniques to counter enemys other than picking Parry from a menu. All in all, I would definatly say it's worth a buy. If anything, snag a used copy, Gamecube games are usually much cheaper than others and a used FF:CC can run you about 17 dollars, so even if you don't enjoy it, you won't be out much money at all. If you do, however, thats 17 dollars definatly well invested : )

04-17-2005, 06:36 PM
Its alright. Its a decent game. I would give it a 7...

Tifa's Real Lover(really
04-17-2005, 10:33 PM
Its alright. Its a decent game. I would give it a 7...

i second that
here here :smash: :beer: :hat: :strut: :choc2: :joker: :lol: :thumb: :angel: :meditate: :bigbiggri

04-17-2005, 11:24 PM
http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/meditate.gif <== Hippi... (joke)

04-18-2005, 02:33 AM
If you have several friends with GBAs and link cables, then go for it.

The single player mode... I had fun with it. Moreso than the average person, I think. The average response seems to be "The single player mode isn't mind-blowingly awesome, but it's enjoyable."

Should you get a GCN just for this game? Probably not. You should get a GCN for all the other spiffy games, with CC as a tasty side dish.

04-19-2005, 09:42 AM
Im also thinking of getting it but do you need a GBA to play it?

04-19-2005, 03:18 PM
The GBA is optional in 1-player mode.

04-19-2005, 07:40 PM
i got it but i don't want it anymore cause it aint gonna give you the FF feeling you can get from the other FF's it started to go really downwords after FF VIII i hope that they wil go upwards again with FF XII
but i persanlly would not buy FF CC and not if it's 70 pound that's really expensive here in holland you can get it for about 50 euro

04-20-2005, 12:07 AM
Again, if you read the posts, it says,

Should i get this game? I don't have a Gamecube! But i could buy one for £70! I have £70! What is the game like? Does it ever end?

These questions might sound wierd but i would like to know?


fahadalhasan :p

04-20-2005, 12:44 AM
Not to be mean, but I don't get why anybody asks if the should or should not buy a game. Everybody has a different opinion, so you can almost never get a real analysis on a game, unless yuo go to a game review/critic site. And those usually suck anyway.
Now, to express the main importance of this post, I will make this next sentence bolded, in itallics, and big, for reference.

If you want to buy a game, buy it!

It's easy enough. If you're really interested in it, buy it, for cripes sakes! I mean, just because one person hates a game does'nt mean you'll have the same opinion. If anything, rent it, to see what it's like. It's not like it's anyone elses money, anyway. ;)

04-21-2005, 07:11 PM
Not to be mean, but I don't get why anybody asks if the should or should not buy a game. Everybody has a different opinion, so you can almost never get a real analysis on a game, unless yuo go to a game review/critic site. And those usually suck anyway.
Now, to express the main importance of this post, I will make this next sentence bolded, in itallics, and big, for reference.

If you want to buy a game, buy it!

It's easy enough. If you're really interested in it, buy it, for cripes sakes! I mean, just because one person hates a game does'nt mean you'll have the same opinion. If anything, rent it, to see what it's like. It's not like it's anyone elses money, anyway. ;)

i agree just cause i don;t like it does not mean you have to hate it

04-24-2005, 07:33 PM
Even if you don't particularly want this game, you could get a Gamecube anyway. I personally love mine. Resident Evil, Zelda, Viewtiful Joe... *drool* However, if you ARE interested in connectivity, there are other games I can reccomend more than FFCC (I own FFCC, btw). Legend of Zelda: 4 Swords Adventures is an INCREDIBLE game. It's not that fun to play alone, but if you have even one other person it's amazing. Even if it just degenerates into killing the other players for force crystals, it's a wonderful time. In fact, I like this game so much I'm going to rant about it.

First off, unlike FFCC, it's VERY fast paced. FFCC seems to involve slightly more strategic planning, but it's just a matter of figuring out which magicite to equip. 4SA has much more intuitive controls so it just feels a lot quicker. None of this waiting around for your ranged attack or spell to charge up, you just hit the appropriate buttons and BAM. The two games are very similar in a lot of ways, but I think you'll wind up enjoying 4SA more than FFCC. I don't feel that FFCC is a BAD game, but a lot of things were implemented that shouldn't have been, and a lot of things that should have been implemented weren't. I personally love hack 'n slash games, and I like those aspects of this game, but it's trying too hard to straddle the fence between Final Fantasy and Legend Of Zelda. If you could level up I think this game would probably have been more enjoyable. The relic system is fun, but it's also limited and it gets VERY tedious completing the same levels over and over again only to get +1 to your strength.

05-06-2005, 05:53 AM
I agree, this game is great with friends.

05-12-2005, 08:54 PM
The level system is lame, the hp system is zelda, and the dungeons are repetitive. After evey dungeon you pick from a relic/item. causing repitition to get all the relics in the area.
Your hp is shown in hearts and I don't know the diff between cure and curaga in 1p mode.

Sweet Ichigo
05-29-2005, 07:37 AM
Like some people said..Playing alone isn't that much fun. >.> It's really boring if you're playing by yourself. It's more fun if there's 3 or 4 people with you to play. The quest isn't all that fun...Somehow I find it kinda lame.

06-01-2005, 12:55 PM
I love this game! But playing Multiplayer leads to argeuments with me.
I aint carrying the chalice!
It is fun 1 player too, but, even if you dont get it still get a GC.
Its the best games console yet in my opinion. :fphap:

You don't have to just got on my review. I hear it's coming to DS, and I hear a lot of people are looking forward to it

06-17-2005, 09:31 PM
i say worthless game i think it comes of it that i expected 2 much of it by the FF name

06-22-2005, 07:14 PM
i say worthless game i think it comes of it that i expected 2 much of it by the FF name

That's what I think as well. Crystal Chronicles was terrible! And like Zelda who posted before, whenever I'd play multiplayer we would get into arguments...It really sucked..That shouldn't even be called Final Fantasy...