View Full Version : Tekken VS Soul calibur

04-10-2005, 12:47 AM
im more into tekken,but what do u guys like the most??

04-10-2005, 12:49 AM
Ive never played Soul Caliber and I enjoy Tekken but Im pretty sure Soul Calibur II is the better game.

04-10-2005, 12:52 AM
Soul Caliber just remindes me of Street Fighter vs X-men. I enjoy tekken and i am very into the story thus far.

04-10-2005, 01:17 AM
Tekken is nice, but Soul Calibur has a more dynamic feel to it and more freestyle than Tekken. So yeah SC.

04-10-2005, 01:28 AM
I'm a Tekken fan, and when I played a bit of SC I was like "What the crap? This is just Tekken with a different font and weapons!" so I prefer Tekken, but perhaps if I had played SC first I would think Tekken was a rip-off of that. *shrugs*

04-10-2005, 01:37 AM
I'm a Tekken fan, and when I played a bit of SC I was like "What the crap? This is just Tekken with a different font and weapons!" so I prefer Tekken, but perhaps if I had played SC first I would think Tekken was a rip-off of that. *shrugs*Arcade fighting games dont vary too much.

04-10-2005, 02:02 AM
Tekken is good, but Soul Calibur 2 is just great. playing as Spawn on the x-box version= awesome :p

04-10-2005, 02:30 AM
I prefer the Soul Calibur series.

04-10-2005, 11:49 AM
Armed combat is just cooler than fist-fighting. Not only that, but battles in SC feel far more tactical, with button-mashing not as effective as in the Tekken series. That doesn't change the fact that I suck at both, but I prefer losing in SC, where I actually feel outclassed rather than just unlucky. :D

04-10-2005, 04:38 PM
It was all about Tekken back in the day but now its all about Soul Caliber ya get me

04-10-2005, 07:05 PM
I'm not big on fighting games anyway but I rather liked Tekken. I can't get my head round playing SCII but I win by button bashing anyway, so it's all good.

Amarant Odinson
04-10-2005, 07:56 PM
I'm a big fan of both series. Namco has a great sense of what fans want in a 3D fighting game and they always seem to deliver something new and different with each new installment of Tekken or Soul Cailber.

04-10-2005, 08:21 PM
I prefer SC (Soul Edge/Blade is also part of this!) but Tekken is also good

What I really prefer is that SC KEEPS it's story better. I know that you're ment to fight But I like to know the reason

04-10-2005, 08:25 PM
I feel like SC is a cheap easy version of Tekken. Let's face it, most people don't play fighting games for the story. They play it for the fighting, and SC was too boring and easy in that department.

04-10-2005, 08:29 PM
Personally I don't like either of 'em. I prefer X-Men.

04-10-2005, 09:18 PM
Tekken is good, but one of the problems I have with it is that most the match is spent trying to get the other guy in the air... and once get thrown into the air, you're just about finished. I understand that this is also the reason a lot of people praise Tekken as THE fighting game - because it demands a certain level a perfection on your part or else you die. I dunno, though... it just seems a little bit wonky to be trying for an air combo the whole time (it's a little like MvC2, but nowhere near as broken or glitchy). My biggest problem with the game, though, is that it's very stiff and feels 2D. Not that 2D is bad or anything, but a 3D fighter should be more 3D-ish, and that means it should be easier to sidestep/strafe around the arena. You can't do it smoothly in Tekken... if just feels like the game is locked into one plane, which kinda sucks.

Soul Calibur, on the other hand, is an extremely free flowing game. 8WR is probably the greatest thing ever put into a 3D fighting game. It makes the game flow so smoothly and makes it ever so fast. This is the main reason I like the game - 8WR. 8WR makes dodging, strafing, and even things like feints possible. I feel SC is also more of a mind game as well as psyching your opponent is a huge part of the game. Doing something like pretending to go high, then going low, and then cancelling that into a throw is great.

So yea... I think Soul Calibur is more fun.

04-10-2005, 10:52 PM
I used to love these games but 2D fighters are so much better
Guilty Gear X2 was better than both them put together

04-10-2005, 10:55 PM
Tekken is nice, but Soul Calibur has a more dynamic feel to it and more freestyle than Tekken. So yeah SC.
How can you lion?? HOW CAN YOU!! TEKKEN 4EVA!!

Erdrick Holmes
04-10-2005, 10:59 PM
I don't like either of them. I feel non of them can hold a candle to Virtua Fighter 4 in 3D fighters.

04-10-2005, 11:19 PM
Soul Calibur 2 is the best 3D beat 'em Up around imo. Tekken is button bashing crap, and nothing you say will make me change my mind so don't even try. :D

04-10-2005, 11:28 PM
I thought Soul Calibur 2 was fun, and I can't say I really enjoyed Tekken. I played with a friend, and was able to beat him about half the time by simply button mashing...and this was years ago, before I'd really ever played a Playstation game, and I was extremely inept with the controller. I'd still pick Super Smash Bros over both of them any day.

04-11-2005, 01:34 AM
Guilty Gear X2 beats all

04-11-2005, 02:58 AM
As stated earlier...
Soul Calibur 2= 8 way run = Happy Strawberry :)

04-11-2005, 11:34 AM
I'd rather play just about any fighting game series than Tekken. In fact, I'd rather experience an enema before playing a Tekken game, so Soul Calibur wins by default. To be honest though, SC would probably be my pick regardless of the other series.

04-11-2005, 11:50 AM
:p Tekken by a long shot! :p I found my whole Playstation LIFE after playing Tekken, how can I not love it? I found Soul Caliber a bit...dark and depressing. Plus, someone stole my SC. That's a major downer. :( I guess the thief preferred SC to Tekken, huh?

04-11-2005, 01:29 PM
Tekkens a bit slow comparison to other fighters
They should just stop the series now I think

04-11-2005, 01:33 PM
Noooo! I want to see more more more Tekken. They're getting some nice interesting storylines and better graphics, and the fightng styles are continuously improving, IMHO. But after maybe 10...yeah, they can stawp. :p

04-11-2005, 03:57 PM
I've never played SC. Tekken was probably the first fighting game I played on playstation and I love it. So tekken wins for me.

04-11-2005, 11:43 PM
I think Soul Caliber pales in comparison to Tekken and Virtua Fighter, it just feels like there's not much depth. I got through the whole game on hard without really spending too much time learning character's moves/strengths/weaknesses etc.

Tekken on the other hand can still beat me after I've played the game for years, and pretty much perfected half the character's movesets...Virtua fighter I've never been a big fan of, but it's still more enjoyable than SC.

Plus, King is the coolest character in any fighting game :D

04-12-2005, 01:56 AM
OFFER YOUR SOUL! :chop: I haven't played Tekkan but from what I've heard and since SCII is my favorite fighting game, I think it wins.

04-19-2005, 02:05 AM
well it would be tekken is a hole lot better and all there games are good and they are coming out with a new one call tekken 5 people said its a cool game and I belive them because all there games were great and why not this one.

04-19-2005, 03:38 AM
Tekken 5 is already out, slowpoke. *

I love both, Tekken a little less, it's just so damn easy to get frickin' good at it. Process of getting good at arcade Tekken (so you can match it with Shihans and what not):

- TekkenZaibatsu.com (or whatever combo movie site you can find)
- Pick a character. Hopefully not someone to damn overused like Steve and not someone no-one uses like, I dunno, Kuma.
- Download all the combo movies for that character and copy the moves.
- About a month of 'timing' training, so you know when to use your kick-ass combo. (I'm at this phase now: Xiaoyu)

Tekken also has a boring, generic storyline. It's only about the millionth fighting game to use a 'tournament' type plot. I do like the Devil Gene thing but every single other non-Mishima character has a stupid story. Ling Xiaoyu's Tekken 5 storyline involves a time machine. TIME MACHINE! :mad2:.

The characters is Tekken were interesting and fun to use once upon a time. Now the game has become more like KOF in that they're just throwing in anybody they can think of without putting much thought into it.

Soul Calibur on the other hand, particularly 2, is one of the hardest fighting games I've ever played. The movelist is huge compared to most other games due to the 8-way run system which allows you to use a different move depending on whether you're moving up, down, away, toward or at a diagonal. It's the ONLY game I can think of that incorporates complete 3D movement (most other 3Ds have sidestep up and down but not free diagonal movement) The game doesn't rely on juggle system to deal damage and is about consistant play and using mind tricks and cancels to psyche out an opponent.

Story for most characters is good. All having a different reason to want the Soul Edge, destroy it, acquire it's power.

Weapons dudes! I've heard people describe this game as Tekken with swords, and I thought so too until I started playing it seriously. The style of play is actually much different. A guard button for instance, instead of pulling back. Horizontal, vertical and kick instead of left punch, right punch, left kick and right kick.

I could keep going. I don't rant very often...but I won't. Soul Calibur pwns all.

* Unless you're not an arcade player, in which case, I don't count you as someone that actually PLAYS fighting games.