View Full Version : Dance Music

04-11-2005, 06:57 PM
Anybody fans of dance music, I don't mean things like shapeshifters or chart cheese, I mean real dance music like Hybrid, Way Out West, Sasha etc. My favourite CD of all time is Hybrid's Wider Angle CD 2 the live show, if you feel depressed just put the first track on and it will blow you away. Dont post things like "Oh dance music is crap etc" because it's not worth it we all have different tastes.

Dingo Jellybean
04-11-2005, 07:56 PM
Dont post things like "Oh dance music is crap etc" because it's not worth it we all have different tastes.

Well, in a thread like this, you kind of have to accept people who think it's crap. I've posted threads about rap and R&B and people felt it was crap. People just hate a certain genre so much that they just love posting bad about it, sometimes to piss off the poster even more just for spite.

Anyways, I actually do like dance music...like stuff from Kylie Minogue. It's more like pop music, but Kylie's Fever album is great though. I have the Hyper Edition of the album.

04-28-2005, 08:11 PM
Yes. i like dance music. All kinds. Hard house, trance, house, breakbeat, drum n' bass, funky house, progressive stuff too. Y'know, whatever really.

What im listening at the mo is- a few sets by tiesto, paul van dyk, 'the stanton sessions' by Stanton Warriors, loads of stuff!

Yup, love dance music :D

PLUS, Pete Tong is playing in Derby this weekend- im gonna go and get ruined!

04-29-2005, 04:25 AM
The new Chemical Brothers album is pretty sweet, Push the Button. Its like a blend of electronica/instrumental/hip-hop. Also the new Daft Punk album "Human after all", alot of people say this album sucks and doesnt compare to "Discovery" when really this is Daft Punk soundin' original just like their old school beats. :)

04-29-2005, 07:24 AM
Oh i totally love dance, its actually making a come-back right now which is so good. I listen to it all really, I like everything from my ATB to my VengaBoys.. lol! Im more into the poppy tunes rather than the hardcore stuff, but its dance music in all.

Im glad to see alot more collaboration of dance with black music though, hopefully it will get back up there :)

04-29-2005, 09:58 AM
used to be on house now moving into trance tiesto ect, this is despite the fact i'm an indie kid at heart.

04-29-2005, 10:12 AM
The Chemical Brothers's are good. I think Dance Music is good, but really only for dancing, but I will listen to The Chemcial Brothers normally.

04-29-2005, 12:18 PM
I like music that is good, no matter what you call it. *dances*

04-30-2005, 09:50 AM
used to listen to it but no more

Dingo Jellybean
05-07-2005, 06:45 AM
I just got Real McCoy's Another Night.

It's a really good dance CD, I love it. I might buy more just because dance music is such a craze for me now.

05-07-2005, 06:54 AM
I like music that is good, no matter what you call it. *dances*

05-07-2005, 07:47 AM
IDM baby
dumb genre name, great genre