View Full Version : Sahara

Itsunari 2000
04-16-2005, 01:58 PM
I've just finished reading the original novel by Clive Cussler , and went to see the movie last weekend - I just realized how removed from the original storyline the movie script is... Not a major problem for me , seeing as I was only about half-way through the book and had no idea how the plot was going to unfold.But having read the book and compared with the movie , I have to say that the movie script was actually better than Cussler's original storyline. Am I wrong in saying that the adaptation was better than the book ???

Ok , admittedly ,the whole thing is a tad farfetched at times - (I mean , come on , a Civil War Confederate Ironclad in the middle of the Sahara Desert ? ) - but the movie really made some great viewing.
So , what do you think ?