View Full Version : All the Little Sidequests...

FF Junkie
04-17-2005, 02:36 AM
Here's one for everybody.....
Most of us surely know about the whole UFO sidequest and all of the other things you can find just about anywhere on the internet... but does anyone know what the deal is with that whale or whatever it is that will talk to you if you hit the talk button while next to the lake on the world map? He sends you to look for some monkey friend of his, even giving you a clue as to where it is, but then I can't ever find the friend. It's been awhile since I've played this game, so I'm sorry for being a bit vague with the details... I was just wondering what the outcome of this whole sidequest is. I assure you, this does happen in the game...I just can't find the friend that you get sent to find, so the storyline never progresses... I'm such a dork with my FF that I've actually gone through the second time I play the Playstation games and recorded all of the storyline elements... so I may go take a look and see if I can better pinpoint the exact location for anyone looking to try it out (that is, unless someone else has already revealed the locale by then). If anyone has finished this sidequest, it'd be greatly appreciated if you'd share the development of the storyline, or at least tell me where I can find the friend :)

04-17-2005, 03:43 AM
That's the dark shadow beneath Obel Lake. The first monkey is in the forest like, about twenty paces awayX.x;

Big D
04-17-2005, 04:00 AM
That's a spirit, not a whale :p

Mr Monkey is in the small forest near Dollet. He's hard to catch; you'll have to chase him through the forest while he chucks stones at you and runs away. You have to go back and talk to the spirit now and then.
Eventually you'll be able to chat with Mr Monkey, and he'll make a surprising remark about your mother.

But I'd suggest you try it for yourself, and peek at GameFAQS if you get stuck;)

FF Junkie
04-17-2005, 05:22 AM
Haha, nice... looks like I'll have to dust off the Playstation after all... or find a PS One emulator and the ROM.... anyways, I just remember travelling all through one of the cities trying to find that darn monkey.. some of the people had made mention of one or something, so I wasted about an hour of my game time wandering around and getting frustrated. Thanks for the help though. :D

04-17-2005, 05:49 PM
No nothing happens to the story you just get luck-j scroll and maybe a three stars