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04-22-2005, 08:39 PM
What's your type?
Mine would be tall,dark and handsome but then the Personality is the most impotant thing to me.
I don't care much for the outside it's what's inside that count's!
So what's your type?

Triple T
04-22-2005, 08:46 PM
Anything I can get! ^^;

... =(

04-22-2005, 08:47 PM
Personality is the most impotant thing

04-22-2005, 08:53 PM
I like the undervalued - the under and overweight. I'm strange that way. A scrawny or chubby guy will walk by me and I'll rub my chin and think.. "Heeeyy - He's a cutie!" :) Normal guys are boring.

04-22-2005, 09:03 PM
My brother described my type as "those booky girls". Most of the girls I end up falling for usually have bad eyesight and are rather thin. Usually about my height too. Really odd... and pale/pastey. Maybe I'm looking for someone as pathetic as me. But none of that is ever any consideration. I like sense of humor and intellect.

Brian The Pink Shark
04-22-2005, 09:10 PM
im more of a person who looks for inner beauty, i always like to be with a girl i can have a good conversation with, someone that enjoys the sma ethings i do :choc:

Harvest Moon
04-22-2005, 09:13 PM

Brian The Pink Shark
04-22-2005, 09:15 PM

i asked smittenkitten out once but she turned me down(revnge will come :D) :choc:

04-22-2005, 09:19 PM
aw Squinn you won't give up *hugs* don't worry we can be friend's my dear :<3:.xXx.

04-22-2005, 09:19 PM

Old Manus
04-22-2005, 09:33 PM
To hell with the personality crap, it's the looks.

04-22-2005, 09:36 PM
so you would go for a good looking person even if they really didnt like you but wanted your money?

Old Manus
04-22-2005, 09:38 PM
Define 'go'.

04-22-2005, 09:40 PM
To hell with the personality crap, it's the looks.

04-22-2005, 09:42 PM
Define 'go'.

wish to be with,

be in search of,

Old Manus
04-22-2005, 09:43 PM
I am defeated.

04-22-2005, 09:44 PM
alrighty then.

My type would be a person with good personality,good sense of humor, likes video games, and likes swords and mideiaval to ancient china weapons.
If i liked a girl and she liked me bak, and she was able to beat me at dw, id marry her in a heartbeat.

04-22-2005, 09:46 PM
hehe be nice old manus don't you like a girl with a cool personality?.xXx.

FF freak
04-22-2005, 09:50 PM
I like girls that are nice first. I hate it when girls (or anybody) thinks that their better than other people just cause they look nice....I do want a girl thats pretty though.

Hey I'm a nice guy! I deserve a sweet, pretty girl!

04-22-2005, 09:50 PM
Earliest judgements are based on looks, but personality definately warps my view of things.

04-22-2005, 09:53 PM
I am type? I knew it! *urgh. felt something rupture with that one >_<*

I love carpet.

I love desk.

I love lamp.

04-22-2005, 10:03 PM

04-22-2005, 10:05 PM
Pirates only.

04-22-2005, 10:10 PM
I don't trust excessively attractive people.

04-22-2005, 10:29 PM
hehe i like apollo im very attracted to his personality..xXx......

04-22-2005, 10:31 PM
Looks <i>and</i> personality. I prefer both 8-)

04-22-2005, 10:57 PM
I don't care much for the outside it's what's inside that count's!
. . . I doubt your sincerity.

04-22-2005, 11:00 PM
I want a girl with reasonable/good looks. The build of a girl, this usually reflects some of their personality. I think that since my looks have changed for the better, i've become a bit more picky on the appearance aspect.

I want a girl, who is intelligent, has a good sense of humour, who is nice and sensitive, who is kind towards others, who makes me feel like a better person, someone whom i connect with easily, who has slightly similar intrests, who is mature. Someone who isn't selfish, or shallow, or bitchy, or emotionally challanged. Someone who cares about me, and notices even the little things i do. something like that..

(this is based on someone i know) :love:

boris no no
04-22-2005, 11:05 PM
tall dark and hansome really.
i cannot go out with blonde guys.

sephiroth JR
04-22-2005, 11:12 PM

04-22-2005, 11:18 PM
anyone like reds?

sephiroth JR
04-22-2005, 11:24 PM

04-22-2005, 11:36 PM
tall dark and hansome really.
i cannot go out with blonde guys.
My brother Cody was blonde . . . he had no lines for parting hair so my mom always had to give him a flattop.

My type? (as I'd neglected to mention before) it doesn't matter.

04-22-2005, 11:47 PM

Ko Ko
04-23-2005, 12:01 AM
I hate all men. Men hate me, too.

boris no no
04-23-2005, 12:03 AM
I hate all men. Men hate me, too.
whoooooo yeah!
hahahaha! shes mine now!

i'm sure there nothing wrong with blonde people (i'm blonde) but i just do not find them attractive. except taylor hanson *drools*

04-23-2005, 12:19 AM
I dig blond guys o_0 Brad Pitt (well, he's blond ish), Daniel Jones.... oh man, sexiness overload *_*

04-23-2005, 12:30 AM
my type is incredibly beautiful. yup im really shallow.
More specific? i like girls with dark eyes and dark hair, and a slim figure if my ex is anything to go by :D

edit: these qualities are not exclusive!, my ex-ex girlfriend had blonde hair and blue eyes, so i guess im just attracted to girls i like....OBVIOUSLY ;) :p

Ko Ko
04-23-2005, 12:32 AM
my type is incredibly beautiful. yup im really shallow.
More specific? i like girls with dark eyes and dark hair, and a slim figure if my ex is anything to go by :D

Damnit, my eyes are blue.

04-23-2005, 12:35 AM
I hate all men. Men hate me, too.
I've heard this somewhere before . . .

Ko Ko
04-23-2005, 12:37 AM
No, you haven't.

04-23-2005, 12:40 AM
long straight black hair
brown eyes
5 ft2- 5 ft10

The Captain
04-23-2005, 12:57 AM
To quote Virgil,

"Love is the most fickle of the muses, you seduce her, she seduces you and the dance begins. Yet, the dance can end just as quickly."

There's a reason why love polarizes people's views of it so much: because it's probably the strongest emotion we can have and share with one another, which in turn can both strengthen and weaken us. Yet love does have that redeeming quality to it that cannot ever be given up on, no matter the circumstance. While life may seem as if it's devoid of any real love at a given time, it never stays that way unless you let it.

It hurts me deeply to read about people who have lived tough lives and seem to have not yet caught a decent break. If I can, I'll do whatever is needed to help, but ultimately, the answers must come from within to be both truthful and powerful enough to really have a lasting impact.

Take care all.

04-23-2005, 01:28 AM
Mercen. You sound like you're suffering from "nice guy" syndrome. Yet you don't sound like a particularly nice guy with all that hate pent up. Tell me again why they should see you and like you? How is it that you're any better than who they're dating if you can't comprehend and understand them?

FF freak
04-23-2005, 04:01 AM
Wow, The Captain.....Your'e deeper than the Final Thought on "Jerry Springer".

But seriously I love Brooke Burke! Anyone know who she is?

04-23-2005, 05:00 AM
My type as far as personality goes -
Someone with a great sense of humor, not just good but GREAT. Laughter is such good medicine and is perhaps my favorite part of life. He/she has to be caring and patient and EXTREMELY playful. On the same note though, he/she has to be relaxed enough to just hang out at times without the need for anything else; really down to earth.

As far as physical apperance ( Yes, I'm vain ) -
Guys need to be taller than me. I'm 5'6 so that's not that hard to do for most guys I know. It doesn't bother me if the lady is shorter or taller. As far as everything else goes . . . he/she just needs to be interesting. They need to having something that stands out to me whether it be eyes or hips or breasts or just their smile. I'm attracted to many different things so other than my preference with men being taller I'm up to anything . . . . well, I would be if I weren't already claimed. :<3:

04-23-2005, 05:04 AM
I dunno. Most of my life I've been called ugly and hardly anyone liked me at school so I've grown to not like people for looks. In my opinion, if you think you're ugly then why want someone who's gorgeous, because, I mean, be serious. If you think you're ugly, you don't expect someone good looking to go for you? But I've been out with a few good looking guys, and some who arn't exactly stunning, but I still cared about them alot.

To me it's how people treat me, and show they care about me that counts. If someone flirts with me, but still treats me like I'm only worth one thing I don't care I wouldn't go out with them.

I'm 18 and although I'm young, I want a relationship, not a fling. There are some people who want to experience relationships and go through them one by one, but I don't want to. Personally I've been hurt enough times by these guys to know that it's not worth getting hurt all over again. because sometimes, a fling can turn into something more.. and heartbreak starts all over again. So I'd rather go through a relationship feeling loved and cared for, and at the end staying friends, than going through a relationship full of doubt, paranoia, and then end up falling out over it all.

But sometimes things don't turn out the way you want them to be. So I guess my type is someone who will love me and care for me, just for who I am, and someone I can love and care for in return. (without all the cheating and lies etc)

Oooh & Iri & Kyuzo & Chef & Jojo rofl :D

The Captain
04-23-2005, 05:07 AM
That's a good mindset and perspective to have. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for in good time.

Take care all.

04-23-2005, 05:08 AM
Well. I like someone I can talk to, which isn't as common as I'd like, as I like to go off on tangents, and change subjects in the middle of sentances. A good sense of humor is also necessary, as I personally am extremely hard to offend, and I tend to forget that other people can get offended at all. I'd also like someone who can respect the fact that I'm just not interested in sex. Maybe after awhile I'd do something for her, but I myself could care less about it.

Looks aren't important, but I like nice eyes. Most people don't like this, as I tend to stare them in the eye as I talk to them. Both because then it's easier to read them, and because I find the eyes to be the most attractive parts of the body.

04-23-2005, 05:09 AM
I love carpet. I love desk. I love lamp.

Do you really love the lamp, Brick? Or are you just saying that because you're looking at it?

04-23-2005, 05:10 AM
Thanks Captain ! :) I've just been hurt too much to want to play around myself. It hurt to me and I don't want to put others in the same position. It's a horrible thing to do.

04-23-2005, 05:11 AM
I love carpet. I love desk. I love lamp.

Do you really love the lamp, Brick? Or are you just saying that because you're looking at it?

I love lamp!

I...love lamp.

I love that movie.

Dingo Jellybean
04-23-2005, 05:14 AM
I don't trust excessively attractive people.

Ditto. It's very rare for an attractive person to really stay committed.

For me, we've done this topic in EoEo, mines would be like my first gf. About 5'7" brown/dirty blonde hair, somewhat thin-average weight, and caucasian. Not someone overly attractive, but attractive nonetheless. So eh. I feel ashamed saying these things sometimes, but eh.

04-23-2005, 05:18 AM
Even attractive people want commitment at some point though. Regardless of if they want to spend their life playing about, they'll always want to be with at least one person for the rest of their life. But if that's the case, sometime's what they did to others will happen to them when they find that bit of happiness. It's a shame. Regardless if someone put me through that pain over again, I wouldn't wish it upon them. I'd NEVER wish it upon them. It can drive people to the point where they want to end their life. It's just plain cruel.

Ko Ko
04-23-2005, 05:25 AM
ROFL to my Lovely lovely xlxRenoxlx loves!! You're not ugly, I lub you sweetheart!
Well, to be completely honest, I kind of do have a 'type'. :skull3: He has to be:

~ Taller than me (hard, because I'm around 5'9")
~ Dark headed (Eg. not a blonde; black and brown preferably)
~ Steely Eyes (Ones that can burn through you!)
~ Moderately Quiet (Guys who talk alot annoy me to no end)
~ Strong, and a fighter (Must have a fighter!) :skull7:
~ Handsome voice (to lull me to sleep)
~ Intelligent (Knows alot about everything!)
~ Hard Working and wet when he comes home at the end of the day
~ Sarcastic (Sarcasm is sexy)
~ Rude and Playful (Hee hee)
~ Has the ability to swing me up into his arms at any random moment
~ Will have deep, long conversations
~ Decent musical intrests
~ Stubborn (Fights for what he beleives in)
~ Doesn't Care what others think of him

He DOES NOT have to be funny, witty, or talkative. :skull5: I'd prefer a man with a few battle scars. He musn't dress like a geek or a jock or a punk, either. Goths are pretty nice, I like vampires, too. OH, and a rich past full of secrets and sadness, which I can repair.
And when we meet, it will be love at first sight, and he'll take me into his arms and carry me to some remote area of Siberia where no one will ever find us!!

04-23-2005, 05:33 AM
ROFL to my Lovely lovely xlxRenoxlx loves!! You're not ugly, I lub you sweetheart!

Hehe I lub you too, and I've been told I was ugly by everyone other than my family all my life, until this year. So when I got told it I just started to believe it. Now I find it hard to accept any compliment regarding my looks or personality. Because I'm scared of getting put down again. That was always the case :(

04-23-2005, 05:41 AM
Seems to be the case with many people. ^^ I believed I was ugly all through middle school and a good amount of high school, but I've gained a fair amount of confidence. You're not ugly though, babe :-* I think when people are in middle school or their early/mid teens, they're insecure about themselves and for some reason a lot pickier about looks. o_0

It's weird, because in earlier grades, all girls usually went for the same guy. But toward the end of high school and college, people see something in every gal and guy.

Anyway Dingo, what you said reminds me of an LJ entry I think Mandy (not Mandee? xD) posted about "Would you rather have your mate be more or less attractive than you" and many people were saying slightly less, because then they would be less tempted to stray. As for me, I don't know. But I do know that it's damn nice to wake up to a beautiful face and smexy body ^_-

Although like said, sexiness is nothing without a good personality.

The Captain
04-23-2005, 05:48 AM
"I think when people are in middle school or their early/mid teens, they're insecure about themselves and for some reason a lot pickier about looks."

I agree. I think that's most likely due to the drastic changes our body is undergoing, where everything we've begun to understand about ourselves, our personality, our body begins to shift and we have to adjust all over again, which can make us feel very insecure since we're trying to figure out everything again. Couple that with the tendency that some people have to put down others to make themselves feel more secure and it seems like a snowball effect of angst, worries and just general nervousness that takes a few years to finally cure.

Take care all.

04-23-2005, 05:53 AM
Looks don't matter to me at all I just wanted someone to love me for me and for me to love them too I found that in Ratiasu. She's my type she's everything I wanted and more. Looks didn't matter to me at all. I didn't worry about that ever! :love: Besides she's cute anyway ohhh now Sephex's going to kill me!

04-23-2005, 06:05 AM
I had the biggest amount of confidence I could ever have when I was younger, I lived in Scotland then moved to Wales when I was 6 years old. Had the best confidence I could ever had, everyone in my infant school disliked me because I liked to do well in school and also because I had a Scottish accent. I was different. But through the first few years of that I still had the same amount of confidence due to my passion for performing. I love singing and whilst in Wales I used to be part of a theatre group called the Woodland Players. The adults treated me greatly, but the kids my age especially one girl who was like very good at dancing because she'd been taught ballet, tap dancing and stuff like that she'd be very snobby. People have only ever complimented me for my singing at that time.

Then I when I was during my last few years of primary school I was bullied alot more, and this brought my confidence down a hell of a lot more. It got to the point where I was being stalked outside of school, threatened and actually physically beaten. So we moved back to Scotland when I was 11. Same thing happened with the change, because I had a mixed accent I sounded English. So everyone thought I was English haha, and the scots aren't very fond of the English so they didn't want to get to know me.

When I started high school I was unliked there too, because everyone in my town had soon got to dislike me because of everyone else. I gained 2 friends, but they werent friends. They treated me like crap, but because I'd been so lonely I still stuck with them I didn't want to be hated more for being a "loner". These so called mates would make fun of me in front of me, and basically put me down, and ignore me half of the time. They'd only come to me when they wanted help or someone to talk to. Shame it didn't work the other way around.

Never the less in my last year of high school (6th Form) they all still treated me badly. I was so depressed that I begged and pleaded with my mum to let me leave, But because neither parent works, she wouldn't let me because she was getting money from me being in school.. This made me feel worse and I ended up crying most of my time. Stuck in my room.

So I threatened to just drop out of school if mum didn't let me and I actually burst into tears in front of her, she saw how depressed it made me and she said it broke her heart to see me this way so she checked up to see if she could get money for me if I left but I'd have to get a job. I got a job straight. but I was ill a lot of the time. And they were breathing down my neck for it. By the end of it I applied to college and I got accepted in.

I went to college in a different town where no one knew me and I made loads of friends with people who actually liked me. But unfortuneatly I was recently kicked out for being off so much. Just before we found out about my condition. So that's life :(

But I'm glad for it all, because it's made me a stronger person but I still believe I'm ugly and stuff because I'm scared of being brought down again, but someday that'll change lol. :D Anyway's I got Iri n the rest of yas to keep me smiling :D

Raven Nox
04-23-2005, 06:08 AM
I like gothish guys. They're awesome. sarcasim, yes, must have that... hmmm... you know what... Iri has about everything I like also... Iri's guy sounds perfect.. I won't steal him from you, me not like that.

The Captain
04-23-2005, 06:13 AM
I'm terribly sorry to hear about all the hardship you've been through in your life already. Yet, despite all you've said, you have displayed the attitude needed to achieve wonderful great things in this world because you are indeed getting stronger and hopefully, trying to move forward.

I've heard far too many stories of young men and women being bullied in school, and it breaks my heart. Though it might not do much good now, know that everything done to you was unwarrented, so don't let that thought slip into your head, that "maybe I deserve to be bullied, that maybe I'm not as good as they are" because bullies at their core are among the most insecure of folk and they bully other people mostly for the ego boost and to escape their own troubles. You were just the unfortunate target at the time. If I had but time and world enough, I'd try to stop every bully from attacking and preying on people, but sadly sometimes we must be dealt that cruel hand and learn from it as best we can.

Know that now and even back then, you are a person who should have confidence because you've made it this far despite everything. So many people could have easily thrown in the towel all together, but you've managed to pull through and have come through to the other side. There are still a great many challenges ahead to be sure, as there will be for all, but if you approach everything knowing yourself, believing in your potential and ability, no obstacle can forever stand in your way.

Take care all.

04-23-2005, 06:19 AM
Thank you again Captain, that's some brilliant advice :D <3 teh Captains wise advice

The Captain
04-23-2005, 06:21 AM
I'd warrant you've gotten along just fine already, so I suppose I'm just trying to help put some more wind beneath your wings so to speak.

Take care all.

04-23-2005, 06:26 AM
My type?

I like strong women. Stronger than me. Women who can bench, you know, like, fifty pounds.
I need a woman who can protect me and make me feel safe.

*Tries to hide under the bed from the terribleness of the very air he breathe, but, alas, there is no escape. And is not actually strong enough to move his fragile frame that far anyway.*

04-23-2005, 06:28 AM
lol I love that song, I sung Bette Midler's The Rose at a school competition once. All the teachers told me I had a beautiful singing voice and I sung it with emotion.. lol my music teacher Mr Mckay well he wasn't very encouraging. And is basically a Simon Cowell personality like lol and he ACTUALLY had a tear in his eye. Was a proud moment.

I just think of all I've been through and smile because at least I'm still standing you know? I have friends now, and I'm alot happier than I was, which is because I've stuck to being strong for my family mostly, but now for those who are my friends. I don't want to make them unhappy because I love to see them happy. So no matter what happens to me, if they're happy I'm happy.

The Captain
04-23-2005, 06:30 AM
That's an excellent attitude to have, but also, don't be afraid of being happy for yourself too. Take some time to be "selfish" and find ways to be happy or proud or allow others to make you happy in turn. As much as you want to make others whom you care about happy, if you aren't happy first and foremost, everything else pales in comparison.

Take care all.

04-23-2005, 06:41 AM
Well, my type would be a girl who is smart, but can be kind of ditsy, at times, at very minimal times. A short girl, with brown or light brown hair. One very ladylike and proper. She also has to get my sense of humor, which is not very hard for most girls, sadly some are kind of slow.

Last, she has to make me work for her. I dont want a girl that I can easily pick up, but one that has respect for herself, in the sense that she doesnt go for every guy that says "I like you." I want to in a sense court her and make her happy. Know that I am with somebody that is special.

A girl, that when she smiles, it makes the whole effort worth while.

The Captain
04-23-2005, 06:42 AM
Hopefully she'll also share your taste in great music. Sinatra is king in my book as well.

Take care all.

04-23-2005, 06:46 AM
Hopefully she'll also share your taste in great music. Sinatra is king in my book as well.

Take care all.

Sadly, I am not sure of any girls who find him to be as great as I do. :(
But yeah, that, would be perfect. :)

The Captain
04-23-2005, 06:48 AM
Just play a few of his love ballads and everything should work out good sir.

Take care all.

Ko Ko
04-23-2005, 06:49 AM
Yes, Gullwing.
Iri's guy IS perfect.
For Iri, at least.

Raven Nox
04-23-2005, 06:56 AM
Yeah... i'm jelious... I also can't spell.. wheeee...

04-23-2005, 07:00 AM
I like sinatra's songs <3:
Fly me to the moon,
Come Fly With Me..
Fools Rush In,
I Only Have Eyes For You
Luck Be A Lady,
My Funny Valentine
Way You Look Tonight and Something Stupid are my faves by him.

tbh I love loads of oldies songs, I was brought up with different tastes so I like all music.

I have a passion for music though, and a very big patience span for it. I can listen to almost any song over and over again and never get tired of it. Theres only a couple I've ever heard of that I dislike.

04-23-2005, 07:02 AM
I tend to be attracted to short girls. I also love eyes. And smiles. I like nice smiles too. I like brunettes over blondes. I like a funny girl, and one who doesn't complain about having a fat ass. I like a girl who says what she means, and doesn't leave it up to me to figure out what she's thinking. I like a girl who doesn't get offended over little things. I prefer her to be more extroverted than me, which is weird, because I'm fairly introverted. I like loud(ish) girls. :p Generally I take a back seat in a relationship.

Most of all, I like confidence in a girl. It doesn't matter what you look like if you have confidence.

04-23-2005, 07:41 AM
well Renox i like a little bit of Sinatra my fav is come fly with me and Captain what's your type i don't think i seenwhat's your type of girl/boy hehe and Iri i know your perfect man he's a good friend of mine. He's 5"10 dark brown hair, stone grey/brown eyes VERY macho know's martial art's and stuff very sarcastic and he's gothic,well is that your type of man hehe and Captain what's your type?.xXx..

Ko Ko
04-23-2005, 07:44 AM
Iri i know your perfect man he's a good friend of mine. He's 5"10 dark brown hair, stone grey/brown eyes VERY macho know's martial art's and stuff very sarcastic and he's gothic,well is that your type of man hehe


Raven Nox
04-23-2005, 07:57 AM
O.O Damn... can't get him, lol, awww... well.... go Iri! lol

04-23-2005, 08:00 AM
hehe don't die on me :sad: i need you love and care well he's a bit too sarcastic and very Naughty so watch oh and i know lod's of guy's like him so Gullwing don't worry hehe you'l have one when i crawl up in a small corner and cry aw wel il live..xXx....

Raven Nox
04-23-2005, 08:03 AM
what would you crawl up into a small corner and cry...?

04-23-2005, 08:08 AM
there's no-one for me but with a cup of tea a tap on the back il be dancing again hehe well ive alway's got Apollo (i hope) and he has me hehe well then again there's also Sean Biggerstaff ooooooooo HOT!!! you know from harry Potter the Scottish guy aww he has eye's to die for!...xXx...

Raven Nox
04-23-2005, 08:19 AM
lol don't worry you'll find someone! You're sexay.

don't think wrong of that comment XD

04-23-2005, 08:28 AM
hehe i won't im not sexy enough to win the hottest ff mem though but anyway back on sub i like a sarcastic guy and a funny guy but what i love is a gentleman who's Romantic and Caring Yes caring that's what i want someone to give me a hug hehe wel i think of more thing's later...xXx....

04-23-2005, 08:45 AM
Intelligence, humor, and compassion. Those are the three biggies.

And if it makes sense, the guy just has to "get" me. I have a lot of eccentricities, he has to be really understanding of that.

Del Murder
04-23-2005, 08:51 AM

04-23-2005, 08:53 AM
Perfect. Hello :joey:

04-23-2005, 09:08 AM
Hmm...I have many things that I like *clears throat*:
-light colored shaggy hair I seem to have a thing for (note: Riku and Kaworu...and real people of course), but I think every girl (including me!) has a thing for guys with black hair.
-intelligent. I am NOT going to put up with an ignorant drop-out.
-musically good. He either has to sing or play an instrument. Or know how.
-taller than me (which doesn't take much...). I can't stand shortness!
-Secure in himself, borderline arrogant. He KNOW'S he's good, but is still considerate of other's abilities.
-a good provider. If he can't work and "put bread on the table", he's gone.
-emotionally stable (most of the time. A little drama every now and then is fun). I REFUSE to have a crybaby.
-decent body. I don't want anyone smaller than me, and that's basically all I'm worried about. (in case you haven't picked up on it yet, I like guys who can take care of a girl inside and out!)
-nice, emotional yet determined eyes...*drools!* tee hee
-occasionally hard on me, makes me better at whatever I'm doing, if need be, sometimes in a commanding manner.
-someone who's good at being the GUY. The man of the house. I will follow him. (I'm not all "feminist rights happy")
-VERY mature, yet silly.
-harsh sometimes, sharp, cutting. I like that, as long as it's not in excess.
-suprises me. Not with gifts, but with vacations from his sardonic and mysterious ways. (gotta have mysterious)
-knows how to build stuff and repair and junk like that. Because I suck at it.
-likes to eat. Or else, I'd look like a pig...*cries*
-isn't a chatterbox. I'd throw him into a supermassive black hole if he was.
-has parental potential. I may not be looking for a "husband" or a "father of my children(!)", but I have to admit, someone who seems good with kids just is more attractive than someone not.
-NO gangster clothes. I have nothing against them, for people who DO wear them, but my ideal guy wouldn't wear that, is all! *smiles innocently*
............Am I getting a little TOO in depth?...I think I'll stop now...*runs away*

04-23-2005, 09:14 AM
carry me to some remote area of Siberia where no one will ever find us!!
How about New Zealand :) No, I guess that would never work anyway. I have blonde hair :( It is getting a lot darker :)

Ko Ko
04-23-2005, 09:15 AM
carry me to some remote area of Siberia where no one will ever find us!!
How about New Zealand :) No, I guess that would never work anyway. I have blonde hair :( It is getting a lot darker :)

New Zealand is nice! :skull3: We can sail around it, and pirate things! W!!

Loony BoB
04-23-2005, 10:06 AM
Trustworthy, extremely good looking, must make me laugh a lot, comfortable to be around, preferrably short, probably with green eyes as that seems to be an unintentional trend of mine. Caring is a must, cooking abilities a big bonus as I suck at it. Open and honest, blunt when needed. Able to tell me what I'm doing wrong. Flirty but not too much with other guys, obviously they have to be faithful to me. A good, soothing voice is vital. Hopefully they'll not be afraid to sing around me. Likes a good massage once in a while. Touchy-feely, at least with me if not normally. Likes all kinds of physical interaction. Doesn't mind being spoiled (haha, like that part narrows it down at all). Likes at least roughly quarter of the music I listen to, and vice versa. No short hair - must be long enough for me to play with. If they get cold easy, that's also a bonus, as I tend to heat up easy. Cheeky at times, serious at times, and able to mix jokes into deep conversations. Doesn't condemn people for black humour and respects other people's opinions as their own. Mature, but still likes to be cared for. And doesn't mind the fact that I'm going to compliment the hell out of them for ages - and then jokingly insult them the next minute. :p

One could say that I'm picky, I just say that there is no reason I shouldn't go for the girl I see to be best. Why be with anyone when you think another girl is better? That's like being unfaithful in your mind or something. *dunno*

04-23-2005, 10:37 AM
funny, smart and have llts in common with me
looks dont make someone special

04-23-2005, 10:42 AM
I LOVE MUSICIANS, POETS AND ARTISTS :<3: :lovers: . :love: I like funny guys who make me laugh...I like someone who can be mature as well.

04-23-2005, 11:21 AM
I have green eyes im 5"3ft em..i like being spoiled, Loony Bob can i marry you? :<3: .xXx..

Old Manus
04-23-2005, 11:38 AM
Trustworthy, extremely good looking, must make me laugh a lot, comfortable to be around, preferrably short, probably with green eyes as that seems to be an unintentional trend of mine. Caring is a must, cooking abilities a big bonus as I suck at it. Open and honest, blunt when needed. Able to tell me what I'm doing wrong. Flirty but not too much with other guys, obviously they have to be faithful to me. A good, soothing voice is vital. Hopefully they'll not be afraid to sing around me. Likes a good massage once in a while. Touchy-feely, at least with me if not normally. Likes all kinds of physical interaction. Doesn't mind being spoiled (haha, like that part narrows it down at all). Likes at least roughly quarter of the music I listen to, and vice versa. No short hair - must be long enough for me to play with. If they get cold easy, that's also a bonus, as I tend to heat up easy. Cheeky at times, serious at times, and able to mix jokes into deep conversations. Doesn't condemn people for black humour and respects other people's opinions as their own. Mature, but still likes to be cared for. And doesn't mind the fact that I'm going to compliment the hell out of them for ages - and then jokingly insult them the next minute. :p

One could say that I'm picky, I just say that there is no reason I shouldn't go for the girl I see to be best. Why be with anyone when you think another girl is better? That's like being unfaithful in your mind or something. *dunno*

Pity there's no such thing as the perfect woman. :p

Social Moon Firesky
04-23-2005, 12:49 PM
Long hair, handsome, good personal hygiene (VERY important!) nice teeth, nice eyes, dark and mysterious personality, quiet, lone wolf type, romantic and caring deep down, honest and loyal. I fall instantly in love with guys like that. As for girls, I like tomboys who like to laugh at everything and are very open and honest. *Sighs*

Meat Puppet
04-23-2005, 12:52 PM
I like girls.

Social Moon Firesky
04-23-2005, 01:01 PM
So do I. ^_^

04-23-2005, 04:56 PM
I think I could fall for anyone, really.

The only person I ever think I've liked in "that", the oh-so-horrid kind of way was a mean person. Or, well, he was mean if he wasn't too tired. When we was tired he just forgot to carry around his mean/cool attitude. Kinda like everyone of the mean people at my last school. On monday mornings and most days after 14.00 everyone of them were really nice. It was hilarious.

Clean up your life if you hate it so much!
Mercen-X, read your posts thoroughly. If your posts are really true, then, you are not too great in the brain.

In 7th to 9th grade, my whole class treated me as if I were mentally deficient. I was just shy, slow and a bit different.
I still am. Do I hate them? No, they're great people, sorry. Maybe not the smartest people in the world, but hey, I'm stupid too.

So, well, what I'm trying to say is, I think all people are good people. Sorry, but I really, really do.

04-23-2005, 11:59 PM
-Friendly yet rude, shy, caring, considerate, smart but not too smart (I'm not very smart myself and someone with a superior intellect would really intimitdate me)
-Short, spikey black, blue or flaming red (natural flaming red hair preferred)
I like guys with nice hair and I don't know why but I think that guys who are crazy about their hair are kind of hot
-A boyish face with a a cute shy smile with full lip, strong nose and dark, deep-set, sparkly eyes ;)
-Funny, laughs at my lame jokes, nice laugh, deep voice, cheeky, loveable
-Supportive, brave, sticks up for what is right and for his beliefs, anti-racism, deep, open, totally honest, nice, funny, open-minded, tolerant of people who are different from him, young at heart, doesn't care about what anyone thinks about him
-Tall, slim with a sk8r boi style who is into all types of music and cultures
-Just someone who can withstand my weird, annoying personality
-Sociable yet independant and lonewolfy
-and I don't know why but I find guys in bands attractive (just as long as they're not into the groupies. I hate groupie-smurfers)

04-27-2005, 07:33 PM
Mercen. You sound like you're suffering from "nice guy" syndrome. Yet you don't sound like a particularly nice guy with all that hate pent up. Tell me again why they should see you and like you? How is it that you're any better than who they're dating if you can't comprehend and understand them?
*hand on chin in deep thought*
What the hell did you just say? :confused:

Mercen-X, read your posts thoroughly. If your posts are really true, then, you are not too great in the brain.
Never said I was.

I think all people are good people. Sorry, but I really, really do.
Do you think Hitler was a good person? Do you think Sadom was a good person? Do you think Osama was a good person? If you do then you're just an insanely chipper person, like my cousin, which I could like.

In 7th to 9th grade, my whole class treated me as if I were mentally deficient. I was just shy, slow and a bit different. I still am. Do I hate them?
I never said that "hated" anybody. I just hate the way I'm treated.

04-27-2005, 09:50 PM
That special someone? For me its all about the personality. Finding someone who appreciates me for who I am and who I can connect with is always going to be the way. I'd really prefer a relationship where it meant something, where there's someone I can always turn to and rely on, to love and be loved.

As for appearance, I dont really mind. I guess I'd like to be with someone a bit shorter than me (as in not over 6ft!). I can tell the kind of people I like, they have that certain sparkle in their eyes.

If only I wasnt so shy >_<

04-27-2005, 10:03 PM
I only date super models. Sorry it's my rule.

04-27-2005, 10:21 PM
I like guys who I'm friends with first, I dont tend to fall for guys before I know them really well, like I'll see a guy that I think is hot and I'll just think "Wow" but thats it basically. My boyfirned was my best friend for a year before I started dating him, he fits my "appearance" bill aswell, which is mainly 'nice eyes', (But hes also tall and handsome :D ) I have an obsession for eyes. I also don't tend to fall for guys that are shorter than me. Pretty deep voices are a plus because they are hot. Other than that, its personality all the way, I've always been out with guys because I love their personality, They have to be trustworthy, but a great sense of humor, they have to talk, because lack of communication can cause so many complications. I love it when they have the ability to make me happy when I'm with them, no matter what mood I was in before hand. I like the type of guy that won't mess me around, will treat me good (but not TOO good), and has a gorgeous personality. :D

04-27-2005, 11:11 PM
A guy that can talk geeky to me, be musical, and doesn't mind touching.
and one that shares my faith.

looks seem to be negligible. go figure.

04-28-2005, 12:20 AM
Someone intellegent who's near me on some kind of level as far as thinking. So I guess I could technically just vist an insane asylum....
Well, good looking is good. Asian would be awesome. LOVE asian guys. Or someone with a cool European accent like this guy I met named Klaus....
Blond and blue eyed, like me!! And someone who will support me in my weirdness and quest to go to Japan and become an manga artist... or just a writer. Someone who won't pressure me into doing things I don't want to do and someone who will love me and only me.
I want the one just for me and we can live in a town with no people.

05-22-2005, 08:23 AM
Looks wise, i prefer brown hair that is long and straight, Hayley Westenra tickles my fancy a bit, but I'm not too picky.

Personality wise: I hate being crowded, so they have got to give me space when I need it, which is quite a lot.

Del Murder
05-22-2005, 08:31 AM
I think if I ever found the perfect girl, I wouldn't know what to do with her, or feel I even deserved her, but I don't think it would matter. Just to meet her would be enough.

05-22-2005, 12:56 PM
To quote Virgil,

"Love is the most fickle of the muses, you seduce her, she seduces you and the dance begins. Yet, the dance can end just as quickly."

There's a reason why love polarizes people's views of it so much: because it's probably the strongest emotion we can have and share with one another, which in turn can both strengthen and weaken us. Yet love does have that redeeming quality to it that cannot ever be given up on, no matter the circumstance. While life may seem as if it's devoid of any real love at a given time, it never stays that way unless you let it.

It hurts me deeply to read about people who have lived tough lives and seem to have not yet caught a decent break. If I can, I'll do whatever is needed to help, but ultimately, the answers must come from within to be both truthful and powerful enough to really have a lasting impact.

Take care all.

QFE (Quoted for Emphasis)

Yes that's my philosiphy to the letter. I could not have stated it better myself. I am living, walking proof that this is indeed the truth.

I was burned really super bad, so I have to say at this time there is NO type for me. Now granted, my eyes are still open to possibilities. But however I am now too career oriented to really think about the subject. I found that the most attractive things are integirty, honesty, and accomplishment.

Well come to think of it, I guess you can say I do have a type. "I want something REAL. something TRUE." And this time I ain't settling for any less.

Even attractive people want commitment at some point though. Regardless of if they want to spend their life playing about, they'll always want to be with at least one person for the rest of their life. But if that's the case, sometime's what they did to others will happen to them when they find that bit of happiness. It's a shame. Regardless if someone put me through that pain over again, I wouldn't wish it upon them. I'd NEVER wish it upon them. It can drive people to the point where they want to end their life. It's just plain cruel.

I see entirely what you mean. I would not wish it upon my worst enemy. well said.

P.S. yes I do like reds :) But the preference is minimal and.. I dunno I just seem to be attracted to red from the start

05-22-2005, 01:02 PM

05-22-2005, 01:32 PM

05-22-2005, 07:23 PM
I had the biggest amount of confidence I could ever have when I was younger, I lived in Scotland then moved to Wales when I was 6 years old. Had the best confidence I could ever had, everyone in my infant school disliked me because I liked to do well in school and also because I had a Scottish accent. I was different. But through the first few years of that I still had the same amount of confidence due to my passion for performing. I love singing and whilst in Wales I used to be part of a theatre group called the Woodland Players. The adults treated me greatly, but the kids my age especially one girl who was like very good at dancing because she'd been taught ballet, tap dancing and stuff like that she'd be very snobby. People have only ever complimented me for my singing at that time.

Then I when I was during my last few years of primary school I was bullied alot more, and this brought my confidence down a hell of a lot more. It got to the point where I was being stalked outside of school, threatened and actually physically beaten. So we moved back to Scotland when I was 11. Same thing happened with the change, because I had a mixed accent I sounded English. So everyone thought I was English haha, and the scots aren't very fond of the English so they didn't want to get to know me.

When I started high school I was unliked there too, because everyone in my town had soon got to dislike me because of everyone else. I gained 2 friends, but they werent friends. They treated me like crap, but because I'd been so lonely I still stuck with them I didn't want to be hated more for being a "loner". These so called mates would make fun of me in front of me, and basically put me down, and ignore me half of the time. They'd only come to me when they wanted help or someone to talk to. Shame it didn't work the other way around.

Never the less in my last year of high school (6th Form) they all still treated me badly. I was so depressed that I begged and pleaded with my mum to let me leave, But because neither parent works, she wouldn't let me because she was getting money from me being in school.. This made me feel worse and I ended up crying most of my time. Stuck in my room.

So I threatened to just drop out of school if mum didn't let me and I actually burst into tears in front of her, she saw how depressed it made me and she said it broke her heart to see me this way so she checked up to see if she could get money for me if I left but I'd have to get a job. I got a job straight. but I was ill a lot of the time. And they were breathing down my neck for it. By the end of it I applied to college and I got accepted in.

I went to college in a different town where no one knew me and I made loads of friends with people who actually liked me. But unfortuneatly I was recently kicked out for being off so much. Just before we found out about my condition. So that's life :(

But I'm glad for it all, because it's made me a stronger person but I still believe I'm ugly and stuff because I'm scared of being brought down again, but someday that'll change lol. :D Anyway's I got Iri n the rest of yas to keep me smiling :D

I HATE THOSE PEOPLE. THEY LIE. Honestly; do you have any clue how gorgeous you are?! And the best part is; you have a rocking personality to match. Honestly; you're so full of life and happiety and and and you're always doing stuff and you're so open and friendly.

-_______________________________- Kill them all. Kill them. Kill them.

^_^ And we'll all always love you. :love:

And to stay on topic...my ideal guy? Heck. It could be anyone. I don't always control my heart, unfortunately. xDDD

05-22-2005, 07:42 PM
my type? caring, trusting, a bit talkative (since i like to listen rather then talk) they HAVE to be trusting since i would trust them...erm... i duno what else really

05-22-2005, 09:00 PM
I need someone who cares ive have had too many that does'nt then im too soft on them to tell the truth im afraid of love im scared of it in some way i can't describe i think it's beacuse ive been hurt bad too many times :whimper:..xXx...

05-22-2005, 09:16 PM
I like a guy to be a gentleman, and nice. Looks wise i like moshers, gotta be taller than me but not by loads and a few months older than me.

Smile and Be happy :love:

05-22-2005, 09:28 PM
anyone as long as they dont steryotype, are not sluts and are funny

05-22-2005, 09:55 PM
Hmm... Someone Intelligent, who I can talk to and trust. Someone Caring and friendly...

Looks? Maybe... a little shorter than me, not to fat, not to skinny... Brown/Blonde hair... Green eyes. Green eyes are teh sexy.

Most of all though, I guess i'd like somebody who can put up with my bad jokes.

05-22-2005, 10:01 PM
Hmm...I have many things that I like *clears throat*:
-light colored shaggy hair I seem to have a thing for (note: Riku and Kaworu...and real people of course), but I think every girl (including me!) has a thing for guys with black hair.
-intelligent. I am NOT going to put up with an ignorant drop-out.
-musically good. He either has to sing or play an instrument. Or know how.
-taller than me (which doesn't take much...). I can't stand shortness!
-Secure in himself, borderline arrogant. He KNOW'S he's good, but is still considerate of other's abilities.
-a good provider. If he can't work and "put bread on the table", he's gone.
-emotionally stable (most of the time. A little drama every now and then is fun). I REFUSE to have a crybaby.
-decent body. I don't want anyone smaller than me, and that's basically all I'm worried about. (in case you haven't picked up on it yet, I like guys who can take care of a girl inside and out!)
-nice, emotional yet determined eyes...*drools!* tee hee
-occasionally hard on me, makes me better at whatever I'm doing, if need be, sometimes in a commanding manner.
-someone who's good at being the GUY. The man of the house. I will follow him. (I'm not all "feminist rights happy")
-VERY mature, yet silly.
-harsh sometimes, sharp, cutting. I like that, as long as it's not in excess.
-suprises me. Not with gifts, but with vacations from his sardonic and mysterious ways. (gotta have mysterious)
-knows how to build stuff and repair and junk like that. Because I suck at it.
-likes to eat. Or else, I'd look like a pig...*cries*
-isn't a chatterbox. I'd throw him into a supermassive black hole if he was.
-has parental potential. I may not be looking for a "husband" or a "father of my children(!)", but I have to admit, someone who seems good with kids just is more attractive than someone not.
-NO gangster clothes. I have nothing against them, for people who DO wear them, but my ideal guy wouldn't wear that, is all! *smiles innocently*
............Am I getting a little TOO in depth?...I think I'll stop now...*runs away*

Congratulations, you're going to be single forever. :happybday

Anyway, I'm not picky. I'll date anyone with loads of money and a heart condition.

05-22-2005, 10:51 PM
TL why have you just described me??? hehe anyway i need romance but there's none left because it got stolen who stole it??i want to know now???...

05-22-2005, 11:25 PM
I stole it. It's mine and I own it. You must now rent romance from me. A kiss be the fee.

05-23-2005, 05:44 AM
Hmm... I don't know about a kiss but I will trade with you one of my finest Gnus for some romance (from a woman).

05-23-2005, 11:33 AM
i dont trust really attractive girls coz when they find someone they like more they leave and rip your heart out (i know how it feels)
i usually go for the quiet type like me, nice personality reasonably attractive, quite intelligent

05-23-2005, 11:39 AM
Extremely good perosnality, he can be the ugliest man in the world... I don't care! Like my songs, my music style! He must like Machester United and Porto... he must know Portugal above all! He must really sweet and funny! It's enough!

05-23-2005, 01:42 PM
My type is the strong type, he has to have great (strong) hands, not be afraid to work and do what he loves, be able to juggle personal life, love life and work life, be handsome, and have an amazing personality. Meaning that is sums up my boyfriend. ;)

Also, all the sweet, loving, caring, gentle, love of cats, anime, games, books.. That's about it. ;P

05-23-2005, 02:05 PM
Tall, thin, dark hair (Dark brown, black, or burgundy!), blue eyes, shy, fun to be with.

05-23-2005, 02:50 PM
Ok Mercen-X you win :kiss: now give me back :skull5:my romance.........please :skull7:..xXx......

05-23-2005, 03:14 PM
just look at my siggy and you'll figure it out

Nakor TheBlue Rider
05-23-2005, 03:19 PM
Any girl who is NOT snobby or really B!*$%@ (Grumpy) is fine by me.

Physical apearance isnt even that important.

05-23-2005, 03:32 PM
Awwwww :drool:Christian Slater awwww *melt's*.....i love dark brown puppy eye's or nice green eye's but i'l like anyone with a nice personality now M-X where's my Romance?!?!.. :skull2:...

05-24-2005, 12:56 PM
Brunette, shorter than me, healthy (in a thin way), sweet. No skanks, fake boobs, drunken idiots, trendy tattoos or daddy issues. Shipping included, 30 day return policy A++ would date again.

05-25-2005, 12:08 AM
Guys with black hair,green (or light-colored,green preferably =) ),lean (not scrawny),plays guitar,bass or drums,really sweet,not a sports freak (like a stereotypical guy)doesn't watch those stupid porn videos all the time.........funny as hell.....can't think of other stuff.What I want is only a dream..........sorry,I wouldn't write about this anymore,I get depressed over this.........becuase they always want the "popular people" or "skanks".........fuck you,Pamela Anderson!!!!!!

05-25-2005, 12:13 AM
Nice eyes. Eyes are hot. :)

05-25-2005, 01:49 AM
I'd like a girl with dark hair, dark eyes (greenish or brown). someone who is feisty, a real fighter, someone who could give me a run for my money. Not self centered, they need to have a sense of humor and a wide rage in musical tastes would be nice.
hmm... personality is the big one of course! I hate the hot girls who think that they are better than everyone, (because of this I have grown to have a distaste for the whole blond hair blue eye look).
also I have been in martial arts for several years now and have come to an appreciation for any girl who can knock me down with a good left hook!!

yet alas I will be 17 next month, and yet to have found a girl with whom I can connect. shame how the fates conspire...

05-25-2005, 02:02 AM
Blond hair blue eye look
It is quite a trendy trend nowaydays.

05-25-2005, 02:03 AM
I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that look dosent catch my eye.

Laugh at face of Danger
05-25-2005, 08:07 PM
Hmm, looks...well, i would love a guy who had a nice smile, nice hands and nice eyes... with cool hair. I'd mainyl go for dark hair and dark eyes too but anything goes if they can grab my attention! I'd probably go mainly for personality, even if first impretions are everything...i'd also hope that they liked the same things as me, if they dont then i'm not sure we'd get along! Just as long as they could hug me at the right time, all would be fine with the world.

05-25-2005, 11:39 PM
Some reason, I like girls who can defend themselves. More appropriately, I like girls who can FIGHT. Zhang Ziyi-style. No bch-slapping, hair-pulling, ear-biting, nipple-twisting, low-hitting, chicken-sht fighting. All of that lacks dignity. Girls who fight like that are like rabid animals who need to be tranquilized.

black orb
05-26-2005, 12:00 AM
>>> Just a girl that share my interests and dont think Im a freak because I play FF..
As for the looks, I like the cute ones.