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04-25-2005, 02:00 PM
Today I was sitting up in the air about fifteen feet. It was a pretty nice day. The first one under 100 degrees in about a week and there was a moderate wind blowing. It was pretty sunny but not to bright because of some clouds drifting by. I was on top of a twelve foot plastic water container that was on top of something. It was about five feet wide. At the top of it in the middle was a hole about a foot around. Thats where I was sitting near. I was up there with a firehose because it was empty and I was filling it from a water truck. At the time I had already been up there for about an hour and it was a little more than half way full. Then suddenly, I somehow fell and I was inside of it at the bottom. I was soaking wet as I tried to figure out how I got down there and how I was going to get out. So I grabbed the fire hose to pull it tight, and climbed my way out. It wasn't really easy since it was only a three inch house and I was all wet and stuff. Once I pulled myself up and got out of the top I was once again wondering how in the heck I fell inside. Then I suddenly realized that I had zoned out and was daydreaming and that I hadn't actually fallen in at all. The thing was about two-thirds of the way full now.

Tell an amusing story.

04-25-2005, 02:06 PM
I killed a man for his shoes, only to realise he had none.

Zen mugging.

Ko Ko
04-25-2005, 02:14 PM
Hm. I might as well.
My mother was about to give birth to me, and dad drove her to the hospital. Only, from the last time she had seen it, it was not a hospital, it was now a prison! They ran in, and the guards were shocked. But my mother went into like, SERIOUS labour, and so they laid her down in a bed in cell no. 18. There was still some hospital stuff left as it wasn't finished with becoming a prison. There, she gave birth to me!
So Iri was born in prison!
PS Carrot, you wierdo.

04-25-2005, 02:52 PM
Ok, ok. So I have to tell/yell you something. I work at a store right? yeah, I do. So last night, a transvestite came into the store! omg! isn't that cool or what? Well, it was more scary than cool, but it was cool too since I actually didn't know if it was a very manly girl or a transvestite before he opened his mouth and the voice was like darrrrrrrrrrrk. So that was a near-tranvestite-experience. Not much unlike near-death-experience, just with the transvestite instead of death. It was quite cool.

boris no no
04-25-2005, 04:02 PM
i ate a carrot today...
sorry thats about as amusing as i get :p

04-25-2005, 11:14 PM
Hm. I might as well.
My mother was about to give birth to me, and dad drove her to the hospital. Only, from the last time she had seen it, it was not a hospital, it was now a prison! They ran in, and the guards were shocked. But my mother went into like, SERIOUS labour, and so they laid her down in a bed in cell no. 18. There was still some hospital stuff left as it wasn't finished with becoming a prison. There, she gave birth to me!
So Iri was born in prison!
PS Carrot, you wierdo.
That's funny, I was bought from Sears.
Hmmm.... :shifty:

sephiroth JR
04-25-2005, 11:28 PM
more scary and distubing and is actually true: i had a dream that i was sephiroth then was a character in resident evil but was in russia after getting out of a bulgarian taxi? i walked down a road to come across an elephant, rode the elephant then got off went into a house where i was stabbed by an old woman possesed with a spear i killed her then for some reason killed a sleeping baby after that i was undecided weather to go upstairs where it was pitch black and i could hear screams off a murderous father.then i woke up and couldnt stop thinking about it all day i acctually wrote it down...future film(steal it and i will kill you)

04-26-2005, 12:51 AM
I tripped on carpet today.

My name is...something..?
04-26-2005, 12:56 AM
Someone ran into me, and I started yelling at them in Spanish, they had no idea what was going on, they just got freaked out and walked away. Man, I LOVE freaking people out by yelling at them in Spanish.