View Full Version : Omega Weapon

Dark Knight
04-26-2005, 02:35 AM
Is it me, or does it seem like cheating if you have to use holy wars to beat Omega Weapon? I tried over a hundred times without it, but nothing worked and i had to resort to using holy wars. Thoughts or comments?

04-26-2005, 02:47 AM
sure it is.

THat's why this game I'm paying exquisite attention to levelling up my characters so I won't have to use them when I get there.

Dark Knight
04-26-2005, 05:27 AM
Thats the thing, my characters are all at 100, i have all my GF' s up really high, and i have high level magics junctioned to all my stats and elemental/status defenses. Everyone has their best weapon and i constantly use 'Lion Heart'. I don't think its possible to kill him without holy wars. Am i just not doing something right, or am i just not lucky?

04-26-2005, 05:37 AM
Omega Weapon attacks in a pattern. If you know when Medigo Flame and Terra Break are coming, the fight becomes very easy even without invincibility items. Also, in case you didn't know, the Defend command will cause Terra Break to inflict 0 damage. Finally, if you're really desperate, I suppose you could always go stat-max with the Devour command.

Once you know what you're doing, Omega's actually really easy to defeat.

04-26-2005, 02:48 PM
Is it me, or does it seem like cheating if you have to use holy wars to beat Omega Weapon? I tried over a hundred times without it, but nothing worked and i had to resort to using holy wars. Thoughts or comments?
Took me one Lionheart and one of Zell's limit breaks, and zero holy wars or heros to defeat it. (well, by the time I got my Lionheart, I had inflicted quite a bit of damage in regular attacks, and other limit breaks like rough divide, etc.)

If one Lionheart doesn't do it, I'm sure 2 should. Keep casting Aura, haste, protect and regen on your characters, and don't use full-life, as that greatly decreases your chances of getting limit breaks. I found it easiest keeping their hp low enough to get limit breaks, but using regen to let their hp increase every so often, after I've selected their limit break on a given turn.

04-26-2005, 05:40 PM
I killed him at level 80-90 and I didn't need holy war's then again I know where to get an infinite supply of strength power ups and such.

04-26-2005, 06:34 PM
nope, beat him. i had absolutely no Holy Wars and he's still as good as dead.

Ultima Shadow
04-26-2005, 08:01 PM
Yea, I've always considered it cheap to use invinsible items. :greenie:

Omega Weapon is a pushover as long as you don't fight him blindfoded or without any status effecting junctioning at all. I've beaten the whole game + Omega and Ultima Weapon by only use the command junctioning (like Item, Magic, GF etc. NO OTHER KIND OF JUNCTIONING AT ALL) and without refining any cards... AND with the least powerful weapon for every character. That was actually pretty tough... :cool:

04-27-2005, 12:01 AM
I'm sorry, and I don't mean to offend anyone here, but I smell bull-poo, and I'll explain why:

The ratio of Omega's level with your own has nothing to do with the fact that he's faster and stronger than you at any level. Personally, I had my characters maxed out at level 100, the best junctions on everything, best weapons, holy wars, quistis left in yellow for that attack she does there, the whole nine yards, and I FINALLY managed to beat him. I cannot imagine going into a battle like that, let alone beating Omega, without serious preparation. Granted, it did take me a couple of tries, and I imagine it took most people a couple of tries, so I can't honestly believe that someone can breeze thru it. If there's a trick to it, maybe. If you are SUPER lucky, maybe. Then again, I may just suck. :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

04-27-2005, 02:06 AM
I don't consider it cheating per se. Cheating is doing something the game didn't intend you to be able to do (like duplicating items using W-Item).

Since you can normally acquire Holy Wars, it's not cheating to use them. It is of course, a cheap way to win. :greenie:

04-27-2005, 02:12 AM
Two things:

-Omega is ALWAYS at level 100, so your party's level will have no effect on Omega's.
-ph33r the awesome power of Zell's Armageddon Fist

04-28-2005, 06:48 AM
HAHAHA it's possible for you and for me to defeat Omega without HolyWars!
First thing first...I wanna sorry for my English.(I'm just a learner)
If you don't understand something send me :tranvan_hieu86@yahoo.com
I guess you almost never use "Defend" command,right? Yeah,it's useless in other battles,but in this untimate fight,it's the untimate trick!
You already know how to maximize your power,don't you? OK,it'll be easier when you have 9999 hp ,255 at str,mag,vit,spr,and so on.
In the battle,choose your two main fighters!They responsible for attacking(i chose Zell and Squall or Irvine) and one support character for surviving-this one only use "Defend" command and "Life" .
We die mainly because of "Megiddo Flame"(9998 damage for the trio) and "Terra Break" (very terrifying- with maximum defensive,it can still deals more than 9999 hp on three characters-a certain dead!)but "Defend" will help you to reduce the effect of "Terra Break".It can only deals about 0 hp now(If I remember).
In the battle,cast Triple for support character then let him cast Haste,Aura on others(you have time,because Omega only use two main attacks later).If you have trained Zell's "duel" well (50-60 hit per turn) ,the battle will be very quick.Give Omega some "Meltdown",with 255 Strength,Zell can deals 5000-6000 dmg per fist.
I'm telling you my own method, so if you don't understand something,just send me a message.
Telling the truth,i finish this battle in only about 5-8 minutes!
I will talk more another time! See ya (^________^)

04-28-2005, 07:02 AM
Wow, for someone learning English, that was pretty good ^_^

You want cheating? I'm one of those people that gave it a try using "The End" lol... Or was that with Ultima Weapon...

04-28-2005, 07:32 AM
Yeah,it's not easy to believe.But ,you know,I finished FF VIII for four times.I always do something I haven't done without giving up.
First time i encounter Omega,he beated me so easily.Then I did my best to explore the FF 8 world.You don't know how much time I paid for it (^_^).
You doubt that I didn't defeat Omega without HolyWars ?
When there is a will ,there is a way!
OK, then tell me why I can't defeat him!I'll answer you immediately!

04-28-2005, 10:48 AM
Wow, for someone learning English, that was pretty good ^_^

You want cheating? I'm one of those people that gave it a try using "The End" lol... Or was that with Ultima Weapon...

Tell you what was really funny? Right after "Meggido Flame", selphie was next after some healing of my other characters. I thought, what the hell, go with Slot. 1st. Wall. 2nd. The End


04-28-2005, 07:05 PM
Hahaha that kicks ass. I did that cheat where I kept backing out and trying again or whatever. I forget how it went, but I never lost the turn and kept going until I got "The End" but that's what I was aiming for. You got yours at random, guess the game wanted you to win that one XD

Ultima Shadow
04-28-2005, 07:55 PM
While I only consider invinsible items cheap, I think The End is nothing but CHEAT. :greenie:

04-30-2005, 12:39 PM
Haha, i think neither "HolyWars" nor "The End" is cheat.
You can use them if you want.But in my opinion,It's a little unfair using them.Poor "Omega Weapon"-He can do nothing to prevent.
Why don't you try to beat him without them?
Keep your LV at low as possible fron the beginning,then use "Str Bonus","Mag Bonus",.......and you 'll exceed maximum power.Use "Devour "also.In the battle with omega,use "Defend" and you'll be all right!A feeling of victory without being considered as a cheater!
Worth to try!

Ultima Shadow
04-30-2005, 08:10 PM
Bah! All you really need is 9999 as max HP and decent speed + the Defend command. With that stuff, anyone should be able to take him down. :greenie:

Shadow Bahamut
05-03-2005, 01:00 PM
tranvanhieu is correct in what he says. the method he prduced is actually one of the proffesional ways to beat Omega, only i used Irvine Zell and Squall, cuz they all have multi hit Limit breaks...

05-08-2005, 09:24 PM
Lol - I came across this "cheat" - if you open Selphie's slot and start scrolling through it, then press the button to open the disk cover on your Playstation (must be playstation 1, not 2) then the battle slows down to a stop, but you can keep on scrolling through Selphie's slot until you get to The End. Then just close the cover to allow the game to carry on again at normal speed. After this then click ok for Selphie's slot and you've defeated him.

Very easy way to defeat Omega Weapon, just give Selphie Aura and you're more or less sorted!

PS - I did NOT use this method to defeat it - though I did use Holy Wars. I tested this method out on Diablos and it did work!

05-08-2005, 10:16 PM
It does'nt have to be a ps1.

It works fine with a ps2. Except it's scary how the spell animations repeat themselves over and over.

05-09-2005, 05:06 PM
lol - you think that's bad? Remember how Diablos would do that weird thing with his hand just before he cast Gravija - I froze him just when he was doing that - it was like he was stroking the air around him - VERY WEIRD!

05-11-2005, 02:08 PM
Is it me, or does it seem like cheating if you have to use holy wars to beat Omega Weapon? I tried over a hundred times without it, but nothing worked and i had to resort to using holy wars. Thoughts or comments?

Same thing with me... I defeat that monster using this tactic:

- My party was in the level 90-94
- I have the GF Cactuar with the Kamikaze ability, which will provoke a damage of 45000 (well… sort of...)
- And then I had to use the 2 other fighters to summon the GFs until he's done. But I also used the Holy Wars as well.

Well I had to get the Gilgamesh card to get 10 Holy Wars... to get this item, I had to:

1 - Having the Odin card and I had to fight Seifer, on the cd 3... and then Odin will be defeated and Gilgamesh will take his place...

2 - This one is annoying... play cards! I had to defeat Quistys to obtain the Gilgamesh...

At that time was the only safer tactic that I had to do... well if I didn't defeat the Omega Weapon I could not have access to the final GF Eden!

Ultima Shadow
05-11-2005, 07:53 PM
Same thing with me... I defeat that monster using this tactic:

- My party was in the level 90-94
- I have the GF Cactuar with the Kamikaze ability, which will provoke a damage of 45000 (well… sort of...)
- And then I had to use the 2 other fighters to summon the GFs until he's done. But I also used the Holy Wars as well.

Well I had to get the Gilgamesh card to get 10 Holy Wars... to get this item, I had to:

1 - Having the Odin card and I had to fight Seifer, on the cd 3... and then Odin will be defeated and Gilgamesh will take his place...

2 - This one is annoying... play cards! I had to defeat Quistys to obtain the Gilgamesh...

At that time was the only safer tactic that I had to do... well if I didn't defeat the Omega Weapon I could not have access to the final GF Eden!
1) You are talking about Ultima Weapon, not Omega Weapon.
2) You can get Eden from Timat. That's actually the easiest way to get Eden.

05-11-2005, 09:17 PM
Same thing with me... I defeat that monster using this tactic:

- My party was in the level 90-94
- I have the GF Cactuar with the Kamikaze ability, which will provoke a damage of 45000 (well… sort of...)
- And then I had to use the 2 other fighters to summon the GFs until he's done. But I also used the Holy Wars as well.

Well I had to get the Gilgamesh card to get 10 Holy Wars... to get this item, I had to:

1 - Having the Odin card and I had to fight Seifer, on the cd 3... and then Odin will be defeated and Gilgamesh will take his place...

2 - This one is annoying... play cards! I had to defeat Quistys to obtain the Gilgamesh...

At that time was the only safer tactic that I had to do... well if I didn't defeat the Omega Weapon I could not have access to the final GF Eden!
1) You are talking about Ultima Weapon, not Omega Weapon.
2) You can get Eden from Timat. That's actually the easiest way to get Eden.

Yeah! You're right! I get a little confused. The Ultima Weapon is form the Deep Sea Research Center (the one I was talking about...), the Omega Weapon is from the Ultimecia Castle (that's a harder one!). Well I'm sorry for the mistake!

*newbie excuse*

Well... at least I tell you how to beat the Ultima Weapon. Now for this one:

You have to unlock all options and have all ultimate weapons before starting this battle. Junction the Auto-Haste ability (from Cerberus) to Squall. Junction 100 Hastes to each character's speed. Also junction Revive and Recover abilities to your party. Keep as many X-Potions, Mega Phoenixs, Elixirs, and Megalixirs (this one I get from Bahamut card) at hand as possible. Two characters must have 9999 HP and one above 5000 in order to keep your party alive. Holy Wars (from Gilgamesh card) it's essential. If any of your characters have a level that is the multiple of 5, junction as many Death magics to status defense. With your characters set in this manner, use all your abilities to inflict damage.

Now for the battle:

Cast Meltdown on Omega Weapon, following with Aura (you have to get a lot of Auras to do the work...) on Squall. Use Squall's Renzokuken (if you also have his Ultimate Weapon he can use the Lionheart) on Omega Weapon repeatedly. Always keep Squall's HP at maximum. When you're attacked with Medigo Flame, quickly revive and restore your party members HP. Afterwards, you'll be attack with Gravinja, decreasing your HP greatly. Finally, he'll attack with Terra Break (18000+ damage to all). Make sure that you use the Holy Wars to all your characters. Whichever character survives should quickly revive all dead party members after the Terra Break. Continue to use Squall's Renzokuken on Omega Weapon. Keep the rhythm until he's defeated. You can also use the Kamikaze ability to do some heavy damage.

Now I didn't make any mistake now! ;)

I hope that tip could help... :rolleyes2

Ultima Shadow
05-13-2005, 07:19 PM
Yeah! You're right! I get a little confused. The Ultima Weapon is form the Deep Sea Research Center (the one I was talking about...), the Omega Weapon is from the Ultimecia Castle (that's a harder one!).
Actually... I consider Ultima Weapon harder than Omega. :p

But I'm sure most people around here have got bored of discussing that. :p

05-14-2005, 07:21 AM
You guys all beat him!? I couldn't even FIND him! He's supposed to be hidden and you play a piano or something and about a rosetta stone. I bought a strategy guide on it but the damn thing referred me to the BradyGames FF site . . . THAT WASN'T EVEN UP!!!!!! I hate BradyGames and I think that the people who publish it should all die horrible deaths!

05-14-2005, 07:38 AM
Actually you tug on a bell and he shows up next to an organ.

Go figure.

05-23-2005, 02:20 PM
I'm sorry, and I don't mean to offend anyone here, but I smell bull-poo, and I'll explain why:

The ratio of Omega's level with your own has nothing to do with the fact that he's faster and stronger than you at any level. Personally, I had my characters maxed out at level 100, the best junctions on everything, best weapons, holy wars, quistis left in yellow for that attack she does there, the whole nine yards, and I FINALLY managed to beat him. I cannot imagine going into a battle like that, let alone beating Omega, without serious preparation. Granted, it did take me a couple of tries, and I imagine it took most people a couple of tries, so I can't honestly believe that someone can breeze thru it. If there's a trick to it, maybe. If you are SUPER lucky, maybe. Then again, I may just suck. :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

During the game, I mugged 3 heroes from Seifer and... I don´t remember right now, but here´s my strategy:
1. Squall, Rinoa and Irvine in my party, with Lv 100 and all their stats up (specially str, hp, spd and spr). NO Elem-Attack Junction (so Omega can´t absorb their attack). Last weapons and all limits.

2. Squall has Item, Gf and Magic command. Rinoa: GF, Magic and Revive. Irvine: GF, Magic and Recover. All of them should have the basics: hp+..., str+..., return damage and initiative.

3. Once the battle begins, the first round you should cast triple on each of them. Then the next round, the first character cast protect over them all, the second cast shell, and the third, aura.

4. Now, Squall use a hero over each of them, while the other 2 use their limits on Omega (after casting a Meltdown on it). NOTE: I strongly recommend using AP Ammo, cause it´s quite powerful, and is faster than Pulse Ammo.

5. Once the aura wores off, continue attacking (that´s why I didn´t use Elem-Attack) and after the hero wores off, cast aura again, and wait until Rinoa uses Invisible Moon. When she does, continue the strategy until you kick Omega´s big ass. :D

See, no Holy Wars... :D :D

The Anarchy Angel
05-26-2005, 08:23 PM
It's just all you have to survive up to the point where you can start putting your strategy into place! Begin battle by equpping as many of your three as possible with Initiative, especially one with 100% affection towards Cerberus. Make sure he goes first before the others take their turns. If you think you can hold on until Cerberus has been summoned, wait, if not, use Defend. Once Cerberus has been summoned, immidiately cast triple meltdown, aura and regen. Once Medigo Flame has been cast, spend your next turn either defending or healing, make sure to have at least two people defending in time for Terra Break.
Sometimes, you get an extra turn in which to do this if Omega casts lv5 Death (100xDeath to Status J should guard you entirely), which will make the match easier. Once you get into a system, have one person constantly defending or re casting magic and then if needed healing. Eventually if you punish him with Duel (booya punchrush or punchrush booya constantly) and a few Lionhearts...he should crack, eventually

05-30-2005, 06:49 AM
I had 100 Hero Drinks, so just used those over and over again. I found it real cheap, and swore to go back and beat it the right way, but am always caught up playing another FF.

The Anarchy Angel
05-30-2005, 12:35 PM
Hmm, oh by the way about its little loop it does: LV5 Death -> Meteor -> Medigo Flame -> Gravija -> Terra Break -> Normal attacksor Ultima -> Light Pillar. Then the cycle repeats itself over and over until you kill it.