View Full Version : Guild Wars! Lets hope all MMORPGs go this way!

04-26-2005, 05:40 AM
Guild Wars! (http://www.guildwars.com/)

YAY! ^_^ Guild Wars is comming out in a few days! (on the 28th)

I can't wait to get it! And I wonder how many people here are thinking about getting it!?

For those that don't know, Guild Wars is an MMORPG, cept a lot more! lol
Here's a few reviews for you if you'd like to see them lol:
Hands On (http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/guildwars/preview_6095131.html)
Hands On 2 (http://pc.ign.com/articles/512/512115p1.html)
Guild Wars New Technology (http://pc.ign.com/articles/534/534454p1.html)
Beautiful Graphics (http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/guild-wars/540610p1.html)

This game will be one of the few MMORPGs that won't have a monthly fee or anything to play it! All you need to do is buy the game itself, then your all set!
Also, no longer will you have to sit through updates every week to get new content! No, the team at ArenaNet have come up with a new technology for this! The game will stream updates to you as you play, and it will do so without lagging your game down!
The guys at ArenaNet used to work for Blizzard, makers of the popular Starcraft and Warcraft series.

Do you hate kill stealers? Well Guild Wars has come up with quest areas where you/or your party are alone to finish quests without interference! Good old multiplayer areas are still plentiful, and there is still PVP.
Which reminds me! Those of you that like PVP, there are huge tournaments in GW, that promise great prizes if you win!

I haven't even mentioned game play. Supposedly, the new battle style of Guild Wars will make it simple enough for a new player to battle a seasoned player, and still make battles interesting and strategic! There are over 400 different skills!

The game looks soo beautiful! The landscapes are fully detailed, and even the grass is realtime! Lighting is perfect and realistic! Plus the monsters in the game looks soo awesome! lol
And the game isn't just for those with top of the line computers either, it will work on PIII Win98 with only 256ram!

If you'd like more information, on jobs, skills, screenshots/movies/trailers ect, go to the Guild Wars website! ^_~ There is a lot of stuff worth reading about this game, that I don't need to post right now! :p

Anyone else hyped up about this game? =3 I'm so excited, its probably not healthy! XD I think I'm to hyper to come up with a more well put together post...lol

Meat Puppet
04-26-2005, 07:10 AM
More lives will be lost to the MMORPG empire. :(

04-26-2005, 07:33 AM
I don't find this game too attractive. But, whatever flows ya' boat.

04-26-2005, 11:33 PM
wat kindf of weapond are there?LIke guns and bombs and that stuff or swords and staffs and magic?

edit: nvm, i looked.Anways, from the looks of the game and wat ive seen i want this game.

04-27-2005, 03:18 AM
Yeah I've been waiting for this game to come out for 8 or 9 months now. I'm so pissed that it's comming out and I have no computer/internet/money right now :( I should just go off myslef.

04-27-2005, 03:25 AM
Well, me and a few friends are going to get this game. It's really great, and the PvP is really fun. I played during the second last beta weekend, and I was hooked on the game. My friend said it improved a lot on the last beta weekend, so I'm really looking forward to this game.

Maybe we can play together when it comes out, sometime. :D

04-27-2005, 06:57 AM

I just found out about the collector addition!! I want that!
Its got a special in game item, that gives you an aura! and extra stuff in the box! XD Like an art book and a headset, and some other cool stuff. XD

04-27-2005, 07:34 AM
Sounds interesting. No monthly pay? Brilliance.

04-28-2005, 01:16 AM
YAY ^__^ I got the collectors edition now!

I'm so glad I know the guys a my gamestop! The game isn't supposed to be available to non-preorders until tomorrow! Today was the shipping date, and thus only preorders we supposed to have it. LOL

Still I can't play until tonight at 12:01am but meh! ^__^ I can't beleive I got it early!

I love this art book and sound track! and how awesome is an included free headset from logitech! XD

hmmm *thinks about what job class to be* Elementalist-Ranger or visversa... or maybe an Elementalist-Mesmer/visversa whatever looks cooler! XD

04-28-2005, 01:30 AM
Fun with no money! My type of game!
Except for the buying part! Anyone wanna donate to the help Kamiko lay around and still get cool games fund?

04-28-2005, 01:31 AM
Doesn't look that good and the only thing it means to me is.....even fewer players on DAoC now.

04-28-2005, 01:37 AM
It looks about as cool, if not cooler than WOW....and its from the same people too, so it must be good! Do hunters have pets? I play WOW at someone elses house because my puter's a dinosaur. it has a 4 mg video card...i might as well replace it with a graham cracker and it would do about as much good. anyway, i have a pet on wow and I just wuv my kitty :love: he's my best friend :love: Id hate to give up the pet thing. and no monthly fee you say? thats pretty convincing in itself. too bad my puter's a pile :(

04-28-2005, 01:56 AM
wow is a very cool game.Ivew alwys wanted it and to be a nightelf hunter.NIght elfs are cool cause they fky hippogryphs, and they ride panthers.
Anyways Daggers, ranger-elemenatlist sounds cooler.

04-28-2005, 03:50 AM
I got the Collector's Edition too, I think.. o_o

Mine comes with a bow, so I decided to get that, since I'm going to be a Ranger. :)

04-28-2005, 04:22 AM
hmmm O_o what collector edition did you get? the one on Gamestop's site?

I got mine from in the store, without preordering... and it came with headset, hardcover artbook, soundtrack, 3 months free voice chat teamspeak... and a cool in game item that gives me some kind of Divine Aura.

And for those of you that dont think this game looks that good... you need to look at more videos and screens... its better than WoW... plus it uses a completely new graphics engine and new lighting engine...

I wont be able to try it until 2 am here... cause thats when the server opens...
I hope my computer can play the game on FULL detail! ^_^;

Tidus Andronicus
04-28-2005, 04:31 AM
awwww.... lol... I wont get my copy until tomorrow! =/

I'm also getting the special release... but I don't think I'll be using the 3 months free teamspeak... but I do like that headset lol.

04-28-2005, 05:09 AM
hmmm O_o what collector edition did you get? the one on Gamestop's site?

If you're talking to me, I got the one at EBGames, and my brother got the one from Gamestop.

04-28-2005, 05:13 AM
As nice as it may seem, I doubt it would run on a computer as old as mine. Let alone I doubt the server will be able to stay online with lack of continual payment for upkeep and bandwidth usage. In short, I think the concept of pay once for MMORPGs is going to be a short lived one. Gravity, if they charged a little less, has the right idea with Ragnarok Online's method of billing. Free software, pay to connect.

04-28-2005, 05:31 AM
WoW is just about as fun as crap on a stick. Very skeptical about the non-monthly payments too - even though you will still need to buy expansions. But hey, we'll see how it goes.

Usualy with MMORPG's, monthly fees mean better support, maintenance, servers and updates.

Tidus Andronicus
04-28-2005, 05:31 AM
For one, they claim their network is extreamly efficiant, and takes up very little bandwidth.
Also, to counter the certain explosion of users, and then the drop off of profits, they plan to release an expansion pack every 6 months or so which will deliver lots of extra content, although still be completely optional and still allow you to play with your friends if you don't have it.
This should cover the costs pretty good.

Though I'd like to see a commercials! Which we probably will soon...

04-28-2005, 05:35 AM
Its a neat idea, but I personally don't see it being successful in that way. Theres no way it will make enough profits to support it way long term like battle.net. Even that used ads, and was really low bandwidth for people with 56k. Sure its still around, but only because other games use it as well, plus the whole bnetd thing... Honestly if this went the way of a private server, I can see it working, but as a profitable business model, I cannot. I'm sorry...

04-28-2005, 05:36 AM
For one, they claim their network is extreamly efficiant, and takes up very little bandwidth.
Also, to counter the certain explosion of users, and then the drop off of profits, they plan to release an expansion pack every 6 months or so which will deliver lots of extra content, although still be completely optional and still allow you to play with your friends if you don't have it.
This should cover the costs pretty good.

Every new MMORPG says this. Even WoW's servers went to the crapper because they didn't suspect so many new players in the first week - yet before that, they had planned for it. Now WoW's servers are just plain crappy (lags way too much, way too often).

All companies are going to say great things about their product, all the time. We'll have to see for ourselves if they hold true.

Tidus Andronicus
04-28-2005, 05:46 AM
lol I'd feel the same way as you about it... but ArenaNet claims to have a whole new technology for this game... and if its true... and they use it efficiantly, it might work.

I would expect this to work as long, if not longer than Battle.net. For one, these guys used to work on Battle.net, so they know how to do it.

But will have to wait and see! I don't regret spending the $80 on this game so far. lol ^_^;

04-28-2005, 06:32 AM
Argh, this comes up a lot on the WoW forums... Battle.net is NOTHING compared to servers hosting a MMORPG. Battle.net only allowed you to connect to a maximum amount of players, it did not host 4000 people on each server.

Battle.net was very buggy and had a lot of hacks (diablo 2).

04-28-2005, 12:29 PM
Daggers, You always did bring in the best MMORPG'S I've ever seen. Thanks. But not sure if it's explained in other posts but is it free?? If not can someone tell me how much??

04-28-2005, 01:00 PM
Okay, I downloaded some trailers and read up about their 'new technology'. From what I've seen the graphics are good (of course, new game), but the whole layout, style and gameplay looks very very similar to WoW (which is something I hate, worst mmorpg ever).

The new technology sounds like it could cause a lot of troubles. But we'd have to wait to find out.

Overall I'm sure it will do well (at least better than WoW).

04-28-2005, 03:51 PM
looks to me like the only race there is is humans...:( I like having a variety personally.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
04-28-2005, 04:20 PM
Well, if I were ever to play an MMORPG, a lack of furries would certainly contribute towards convincing me.

04-28-2005, 05:32 PM
This game goes one better, your main enemies are pretty much furries.

Damn giant cat monsters.

Anyway, I love it, I love how it plays, I love how it isn't based on a level grind for hours and you get new skills straight off, it's just plain and quick fun, but I'm sure it's very possible to get deeply into it (which I think I will).

Plus, you have an unbreakable character, you can raise skills with attribute points, but you can reduce them too and get back what you spent to put into new skills, nice idea meaning you don't level for hours, realise you built an awful character and then need to remake.


04-28-2005, 05:51 PM
I'm sorry you feel that way about Furries... but you don't have to insult us, we do have feelings too -_-.

04-28-2005, 06:22 PM
Yes, feelings for skunks with a rack like a porn star.


04-28-2005, 07:28 PM
Crash, yes it is free to play... but the game itself costs about $50 in stores.

Also, Until now, I've only played completely free MMOs... and a lot of them have been VERY popular.
Take Kal Online for example. When I got online in there, every town is full of 300 people just sitting around... and there are even more people running around killing things. The game is great! Completely free, and not done buy too big of a company, how do they keep the servers up with very little income? If anything, the guys from ArenaNet are making more money than them!

And although the humans in this game look simmilar to WoW, or EverQuest... thats cause they are humans! lol
There are 6 differnet job classes, which are as good and diverse as races could be. you get to combined 2 classes, which effect your skills and appearance a little. There are dyes to change your cloths.
And the Character creation process allows for great custumizing! and they look great! lol

And as for furries, don't knock them lol... I know quite a few! Everytime I turn around I find out someone is one. lol In fact, what were you again Tidus? ^_~

Tidus Andronicus
04-28-2005, 07:53 PM
;) I'm a cat-boy... although, I wouldn't say I'm a furry, at least not as much as some people I know. lol

My setting have it on 4x Anti-Aliasing lol, as well as the highest graphics settings possible... I think. lol I can say that everything in this game looke better than most other game I've played! :p
My hands glow as part of the Divine Aura from my collector set I bought... at least thats what I think it is. lol
But, male Elementalists have a strange dance. XD on the other hand, female Elementalists have the hottest dance! lol

Plus, the game only puts like 3 files on your computer! its amazing! XD

Captain Maxx Power
04-28-2005, 07:59 PM
Played in the Beta. Was higly underwhelmed. Am now putting bets onto how long it takes for it to go under.

04-28-2005, 08:48 PM
We furries are greater than you skinbag lovers. :D

Anyway a furry will definetly make me buy an MMO if its good.

This game seems like it will fail. Without monthly fees the game will not get as much periodic updates and motivation to go with it. Any game that is free will not be of high calibur.

You have to get expansions to get things done it seems later, so if you dont have expansions you will be missing out. This reminds me of EQ where they put half-assed expansions out every so often to keep people playing, and without it you are soon left in the dust. Plus PvP should not be central to an MMORPG, it has been in a few and all it does is promote the worst to come out in some people and in the community with PKing. So i think the community with the hype will make it bad.

Commercials are not needed, FFXI only had one and it wasnt even easily seen. Its a good MMO at that. Also is the game dedicated to long term playing? We will have to see...but if new areas are only accessible through expansions then well i just guess for those not willing to fork over the money for them to soon quit.

I have little interest in GW from the moment it was free to play after the intial game payment...even LESS after knowing the expansion thing.

Also Battle.net is only a chatroom sorta thing. The games that are played are hosted on the game maker's computer and NOT on Battle.net itself. Hence why you would lag like crazy if you played a game with a friend that is 56K.

Tidus Andronicus
04-28-2005, 09:13 PM
Here is an interesting What Is Guild Wars page...

Guildwarsguru is a great site for information on guildwars... although since the game is new, no where is there enough info. lol

04-29-2005, 12:38 AM
We furries are greater than you skinbag lovers. :DHEY! THAT'S NOT FAIR! It's not my fault I like humans, but everywhere I go I am persecuted for it! Leave me alone, I have feelings too! ...:p

I'm not getting it, I'm not a major fan of MMORPG's at the moment (Although City of Heroes is seriously tempting me) but if people say the no levelling/fees thing has worked out well, then who knows?

04-29-2005, 05:29 AM
I just sat and played from 9pm until 5am.

Yes, I have an addictive personality, but christ, this game is good.

And if you look at the site, it explains, PVP is totally controlled, you PVP in specific areas and it's usually guild-based, nobody can PK you as you all get separate maps to play on when in missions or quests.

Also, with the expansion packs, it explains it like a deck in something like Magic : The Gathering, you get the packs and you can get new skills and items which are akin to new cards, but it can never seriously over power you or unbalance things, it just allows for new avenues of play and new tactics.

Honestly, I don't want it to fail or go under, but if it did, considering how all I've spent so far is Ł29.99 on the game and nothing else, I can't really complain if it gives me, at least, a few months of fun.

04-29-2005, 08:09 AM
Lion, theres nothing wrong with humans either, no one is right and no one is wrong. I just wish people would get along -_-. Even though I am a furry myself, I am not Biased about that. I see their view point and respect it, everyone else should as well, you may not have to likesomeones view point, but don't belittle it.

Anyway, I too will leave this one to the birds, maybe if they give me a reason to play, Ill join up, but just to look cool isn't going to do it for me.

04-29-2005, 09:02 AM
Kwai Fong Shei (bad pin yin and bad typed writing eek!) :x heard of sarcasm? ^^; Its just a joke.

04-29-2005, 09:05 AM
Well, after playing it for a full day now, I can say that this certainly a decent, if not great, MMORPG.

It may not be the best for everyone... but no mmo is... find the one that matches you lol. This one is heavilly based on parties and guilds and quests. And if you don't like feeling alone when your outside of towns... you may not like this one.
On the plus side, NO MORE KSers! ^____^// YAY! XD And in some ways, when you go solo, this feels more like a 1 player game. And its even more fun to bring your friends along in these 1 player areas cause its a new MMO feel I've only now seen.

Anyway, Guild Wars is gonna be my main MMO for now, I've never seen this abundance of quests before! ^__^ And the graphics just amazing and get me so into it!
The skill system is very interesting, I find my self thinking about arranging my skills whenever I go to a new area, so I will have the advantage... and it works pretty good!

The game play, as far as speeds of actions, and fluidity is just above standard. Its a lot better than Kal Online or any other free one I've played. And it seems smoother than most MMOs I've tried! Although so far RO and ROSE still top my smooth list. lol

In my opinion, this game, if it were a little more advertized, could easilly beat WoW.

Also, I'd like to add, that so far, I haven't experianced ANY lag! ^_^ Only time I had any problem was at night when my comcast internet craps out on me... but thats not cause of GW. lol *stupid evil comcast*

04-29-2005, 09:32 AM
It looks and sounds exactly like WoW did when it was first released in Open Beta and Retail. I was suckered into WoW, but realised it had no valuable investment time - just wasn't worth it in the end.

The graphics are a bit better than WoW's though, which I admire. But any newish MMORPG has good graphics, really. Anyways, if you think it's a great game, then keep playing it. =) Just my opinion.

04-29-2005, 09:51 AM
It looks and sounds pretty good. It'd be good to play a MMORPG without a monthly fee. However I think if I start playing one I might lose my life again so....I might avoid it until a long summer. xD

Edit - Also, for people in the UK, play.com has it for Ł17.99 & free delivery. Not bad. I wonder if I have the right graphics card...

04-29-2005, 05:19 PM
I just spent all night in the catacombs alone! @_@

This game really feels like a one player game, if you like to solo.

Its really wierd! XD I found an out post in the middle of no where, and when you step inside... there are other players in there! But if you go back out with a party then they come with you... if not, it becomes a one player game again.XD

Some how, the game generates each player their own maps so the quests and battle, is yours and no one else can interfer with that, unless you let them. You only see other people, in towns and outposts!

I'd almost say this feels less like an MMO, and more like a Battle.net game. Like where you can sit in a waiting screen and chat and find opponents for star craft, or solo it and play the star craft campain.lol

04-29-2005, 10:43 PM
I'd almost say this feels less like an MMO, and more like a Battle.net game. Like where you can sit in a waiting screen and chat and find opponents for star craft, or solo it and play the star craft campain.lol

Ouch. ;; That kind of sets a really bad vibe for MMORPG gamers. I'll stick to FFXI. =) WoW really gave me the chills, let alone Battle.net.

04-30-2005, 12:04 AM
=/ lol... like I said, I can see that this game isn't for everyone... or at least you'd have to try it to start to like it.

Sometimes it feels like a one player game to me, cause I solo a lot... I'm not interested in parties unless I have to have one.
I would like to see a person in the wild here and there, but this is ok.

Town are interesting with people in them, and parties are fun, I dont know if guild members see eachother outside cause I haven't added anyone to my guild yet.
Outposts really make you feel like a traveller! cause you arive alone and wonder if anyone will be there, and lowandbehold there are a few, its interesting. ^_^;

Battle.net was just what I was comparing it too... but its really not, cause even in Towns there are tones of stuff/quests to do. So calling towns a waiting area, isn't really accurate at all... lol

This game gives you a sence of travel, and being alone, parties and quests that I've never experianced in an MMO. And at the same time, once you've traveled somewhere, you can click on that place on the map and go back there whenever you want too.

In my opinion FFXI is a terrible game, well, not terrible, but not great either. I'm so glad I cancelled my account, not just because of their decision in the CTR inccodent, but because the game wasn't very good. Maybe it just wasn't my kind of game. I also don't think I'll ever try Everquest. lol

Tidus Andronicus
04-30-2005, 05:36 AM
Well the guys at G4 seem to like this game a lot. lol

Kevin on AOTS is giving it his aproval and says its better than WoW! ^_^

04-30-2005, 09:27 AM
Overall I'm sure it will do well (at least better than WoW).

Considering that WoW hit the 1.5 million subscribers mark a month ago (that's 5 months after the first relase), and reached 500k subscribers in 2-3 months as opposed to 23 months for FFXI, I sure hope for GW they do as bad as WoW. I also note that S-E didn't submit any current data about the number of subscribers. Maybe next month with the third anniversary of the Japanese release.

As for GW itself, it looks nice. I didn't have the chance to beta test it, but given all the praises that were made, I wouldn't have minded tryig it and seeing it by myself. Ahwell.

04-30-2005, 01:31 PM
Well, I wasn't trying to compare sales. That's just lame, seeing as sales just depends on the amount of hype before release (a lot of Warcraft fans, that never played an MMORPG got WoW). I can surely say that a lot of those people (out of the 1.5 million) have quit the game now - due to lack of end-game content and it's casual gamer direction (which a lot of people dislike, seeing as they want to invest time into an MMORPG).

FFXI has done pretty well for the amount of time it's been released. My only quirk with it, is that it's limited by the PS2. Kind of dragged it down a bit. So yeah, it's not a perfect game, but I have a lot of friends on there and so I stay (I also like the content and gameplay of it).

BTW. I have played WoW since Open Beta and Retail (left around March), I advanced through it pretty quickly, and all my friends ended up leaving at level 60 saying how much of a waste of time it was (former MMORPG players too). And the whole game got boring, real fast.

From what I've seen and heard about Guild Wars, it just doesn't interest me as an MMORPG, maybe if it were a huge offline RPG I would get it - mainly because the graphics look pretty darn sweet. What lacked in WoW was the gameplay - it wasn't even worth partying or raiding, PvP went to the crapper as well. This game reminds me EXACTLY like WoW when it first started. And that's just an opinion. I'm sure it'll be fun for you all.

Halifax Housewife
04-30-2005, 02:11 PM
...can't... stop... playing...Guild Wars...

Tidus Andronicus
04-30-2005, 05:59 PM
hmmm, well WoW was definantly much more hyped up than Guild Wars was. Even though it was made by people that branched off of the guys that made WoW.

There's pretty good game play in this one, which is sometimes hard to find in an Online game.
As said before, the game gives you a 'one player' feel if you don't party with people... cause you only see them in towns, thats it!

And whether or not I lose interest in this game in the future, depends on the content they update in expansion packs and such. It also depends on how big the world is, and how long I can explore new areas. Right now, I'm just busy exploring everything. lol

I'm only now getting into the story, cause last night, I left ascalon and now its old-ascalon, but I wonder how far I can explore, and when I can go north of the wall that once kept bad things out... I'm still getting my barings, so I dont know whats up, and where I really am. XD

05-01-2005, 02:07 AM
So, this isn't a MMORPG and it's more of a Diablo II Tournament style game? Well at least that's what a few friends I have talked to that play it, say.

If that's the case, I don't think we can even compare it to a proper MMORPG. I'm sure it's a good game though, and will get lots of enjoyment out of a lot of players. Just doesn't tickle my fancies. =)

05-01-2005, 07:32 PM
Yeah I wish only that I´d have a better computer than a 333MHZ piece of crap because my brother moved away and took the LOT better computer :mad:

05-01-2005, 07:43 PM
Furries! :<3::<3::<3:

Does anyone know if this game will run on dialup? I may get it if it will.

05-01-2005, 07:45 PM
This fuckin game has taken my buddies life away he doesnt talk to anyone anymore and doesnt even go out anymore! EVER SINCE IT CAME OUT its terrible hes a fuckin nerd

Tidus Andronicus
05-01-2005, 08:34 PM
lol, This game should work on dial up, at least according to its makers.
Though you might have lots of lag problems... i wouldn't know.

Yay! I just got Pyromancer's armor lol!

Yes, I can see people using up all their free time in this game... for me, at least in the current area I'm in, its really dismal... so I don't spend as much time playing, as some people I know. lol

Lots of quests though to keep me busy. lol And I finally found an outpost with very little people in it... in fact there are none here, cept once in a while a solo player pops in. XD

05-01-2005, 09:27 PM
I'm considering getting it, but I probably won't. Looks good but I'll wait and see if its any good in reality.

Halifax Housewife
05-01-2005, 11:22 PM
This is the best game I've played in a long time. It's Diablo 2 on crack.

05-03-2005, 03:53 AM
i wish i could play a game from THIS era! but nooooo! I gotta have a pentium2 with a piece-of-crap-4-MB-might-as-well-be-a-graham-cracker video card! :mad2: im gonna put a graham cracker in the video-card slot....it might work just as well, if not better! :mad:

05-03-2005, 12:23 PM
Aha, just got to Piken Square with some friends last night, we've been taking on huge chunks of the Charr army and it's awesome fun just getting into huge battles and WINNING.

The game just seems to be getting better and better, in terms of story progreassion and new missions and whatnot, and it's sort-of comforting to see new files being loaded as I enter new areas, or the stream icon appearing in the top corner, showing that even if it's little things, updates are going on.

Heck, a new build of the client was released last night for download, very nice indeed.

Tidus Andronicus
05-03-2005, 04:10 PM
I usually try to explore everything solo, and use henchmen when ever I can, and I believe that If I'm strong enough Henchmen are all I need... but at this point, I'm only just past Piken Square, and the Dukes Daughter Quest is soooo hard! even with human party members. lol The reward is 2,000exp so I'll get stronger before I complete it.

I can't wait to get out of this desolite area, and explore the lands beyond the snowy mountains!! If you zoom out, its soo amazing how big the world is! and this is just the begining! Its very possible they will add more map with time!

Check out my screens! One is of a landscape, the other 2 are of Lighting, either from the sky, or generated by those big crystal things that destroyed everything... *wishes everything wasn't soo destroyed and dirty*
I also have a party of Henchmen in one of these. XD

I shrunk these images, cause I usually play in 1280x960 and thats bigger than most peoples screens... lol

05-03-2005, 10:01 PM
Way to defeat the whole purpose of it by playing it solo D=

It's a hell of a lot of fun just playing it with a few friends since, unlike most MMORPGs, you and a few friends are against all that is evil and JUST you, it just seems so much more epic, and also a lot of fun when you can just say "OH MY GOD DID WE JUST KILL THAT WHOLE ARMY?"

That and the henchman AI is awful, just plain horrible.

The game is so massive though! So many quests, huge areas, so much to do, it'll keep me occupied forever. And, since the new client build added better hardware support, it works ok on my integrated video card now.

Tidus Andronicus
05-03-2005, 10:55 PM
I know I know XD Henchmen are terrible... but if you don't want to party with people... these help a LOT!
You really CAN'T always solo in Guild Wars, you'd have to be a god, skill wise to do that...

Actually, more than once, I've partied with people... and totally failed our quest... were as I had NO problem doing it with Henchmen! lol (I must have partied with some really bad people XD)
Sometimes you just need the Henchmen to distract the enemies while you run to the next area. XD

On another note, when I first left the n00b area (old ascalon) I didn't expect to have to battle another group of people that also wanted to get to the new area... sooo yea, that was interesting... I kind of feel sorry for the other group though lol... we totally kicked their arses! XD

05-04-2005, 01:28 AM
Nice screenshots Tidus! ^_^/

I like that first one! How/where did you get that high above the terrain? lol
The map looks like a glitch... @_@

Omg, yea, I didn't expect to have to fight other people to move on. lol I'm not in this game for PvP as much, though its fun sometimes.
I was lucky I was teamed up with some strong guys for that, otherwise I wouldn't have made it! <>_<>

05-04-2005, 02:15 AM
Ahaha, the capacity for heroism in this game is great too, since you're in a huge area with just a few people around, there can be lots of "RUN, I'LL HOLD THEM OFF" moments, s'great fun XD

05-04-2005, 03:31 AM
Yeah, remember when Gandalf shouts "YOU SHALL NOT PASS"! to the Balrog in LOTR? Guild Wars has lots of capacity for stuff like that. I love that game. LOVE it. I am the founder of the guild "Legion of Lagumes" (A lagume is any plant that grows underground a chief example being Peanuts) Oddly enough I'm allergic to peanuts hmm. Being a Ranger is awesome enough but with Necromancer as secondary. :D

05-04-2005, 11:45 AM
...It's Legume, not Lagume, and a better example of a Legume is a runner bean.

Ranger/Monk is more fun anyway, I prefer being a secondary healer for my party, and having Ressurect on skill 8 is very handy for the latest battles vs the gazillions of Charr.

05-04-2005, 05:06 PM
So umm.. this more like Diablo2 than Wow?

Tidus Andronicus
05-09-2005, 05:43 AM
Well, I haven't played Diablo2... but thats what I hear people say.

I don't really know of much to compare this too... Its unique to me, it is its own game! lol

Guild Wars does remind me of Baulder's Gate a lot, though! ^_^;

Also, XD I just realized that my characters voice sounds a LOT like Spike from Cowboy Bebop! XD

(YAY screenshot taken from in the mountains)

05-09-2005, 12:45 PM
GW is similar to D2, in terms of the way it works, the towns are like chatrooms on bnet, but when you leave a town, it goes into an instanced form, like the games on D2, but you travel with your party and your party have your own specific instance.

Yes, I know WoW has that too, but this is EVERYWHERE, and while you travel from town to do, do mission to mission instanced, as soon as you enter a town, people are there and you can meet up and party with more people.

Also, there's a handy map system so you can instantly teleport to any town, outpost or mission you've travelled to, but it breaks the current party you're in.

Hahar, I made it to Kryta (at last)!

05-09-2005, 01:37 PM
RO > Guild Wars. =p

Tidus Andronicus
05-10-2005, 12:01 AM
Of course RO is the best! lol It will be very hard for any online game to top RO... cept that RO to this day, still costs money... *pfft* (yay private servers!) :p
But Guild Wars is awesome in its own way too. RO is its own kind of online game. In my mind its hard to compare the 2 games. lol
Its like comparing Anime to Medieval Fantasy. (Unless of course its an Anime about Medieval Fantasy) XD

Yea, I stayed up most the night, last night to make it too Lions Arch! ^__^ I'm sooo glad to see green again!!!
I love the beach areas soo much! and I was soo surrprised to see fish actually swimming around in the water! And the castles around Lions Arch are huge!

05-10-2005, 12:10 AM
I picked it up last week. I hope to get my internet up and running soon :D. Oh I hope I can play this soon.

05-10-2005, 04:19 AM
Lol, I'm still in the mountains @_@ but I'm working my way there!
I can't wait to see Lions Arch!

I loves the screens you take Tidus!

One thing about Guild Wars, I hope there is enough map to last us! Half the fun is exploring for me!=3

05-14-2005, 08:39 PM
Well, maybe this game has better graphics than WoW but WoW is better in every else way. and if you put that kind of graphics into WoW since the wolrd is so frikin´ big, you´d need a mega ultimate superhuman outtathisworld computer..

I personally don´t like this game. (yes i do have tested the game. Over half of the classes are casters :P)

05-14-2005, 09:02 PM
Uhh, for a start the world is probably as big as WoW's, if not bigger.

Secondly, the class system isn't JUST about one class like WoW's boring system.

Lets have a look, so you have :

Warrior - Close up
Ranger - Distance
Elementalist - Straight out Mage
Monk - Straight out Priest
Mesmer - Anti-caster, attack prevention and disruption
Necromancer - Curses, HP degen and drain, undead raising

So over half the classes are casters? WHOOP DE DOO, you can combine them in ANY damn way you want.

I have a Necro/Warrior who is very much battle focused, so the primary class is Necromancer? Doesn't mean I have to cast, they have enough skills to use in a purely battle sense.

So do Mesmers, so do Monks, so do freaking Elementalists.

You can combine them in any way you want and they will WORK, there is no godly invincible, balance destroying job that beats everything else, nor will amazing armour and fantastic weapons make you better than anyone else since skill is required.

WoW is about grind, about item-whoring and hunting and wasting your time in the same places levelling and hunting items just to be able to get to the next area where you can grind and hunt items, and so on.

In GW, I've never had to grind for items or levels, all I've gained is in the process of playing the game and doing quests, all the items I use I've crafted myself from items I found while progressing in the game, or items I've bought from other players.

GW is just basically a hell of a lot more friendly than WoW.

I have had FUN, I do not find grind fun and honestly, I don't see how anyone (aside from Koreans, all they do is MMORPG) could find grinding fun.

And tell me you at least played beyond the searing, since I HATE when people make decisions on a game when they've barely even played past the newbie area.

05-15-2005, 01:58 AM
Dude Lindy thats the same for WoW, a majority of the exp is gained from quests and pvp. Most the items are gained through instances and the grind although you could, is not really the main point, its the same as GW, quests and pvp.

You havent even read up about WoW have you? >_>;;

05-15-2005, 03:56 AM
I've spoken to enough people about the game, and they just plain say grind grind grind, especially for equipment, which is just, sadly exactly like Diablo 2.

05-15-2005, 03:58 AM
Grind as in exp grind? Its instances for items. Exp is all quests.

05-15-2005, 04:01 AM
Doing the same thing repeatedly is described as a grind, if that involves killing the same monster x1000 to get a single item, that's a grind. Just because it's instances doesn't mean it isn't a grind, it's just not a competitive grind.

05-15-2005, 04:07 AM
Meh i ono, grind is part of a challenge thing, i do know for sure that one thing i do love about is when i party with close friends and we bond. When we do get the hard to get item...we are lik eYESSS...that feeling is awesome. Although there could be frustration too, but to me it just makes the good time sbetter.

05-15-2005, 11:59 AM
Uhh, for a start the world is probably as big as WoW's, if not bigger.

Does it take 3 hours in GW to run to next city?

05-15-2005, 12:16 PM
Obviously, Lindy never played WoW, and is ignorant of the other MMORPGs aswell. :p

- In all (and I mean all) MMORPGs, there are low level areas, medium level, and so forth. So obviously, in all the MMORPGs you are going to have to level up in a beginner area before you move on to one with higher level monsters/instances... (unless someone with a higher level goes with you, like I did with my level 22 hunter in the badlands).

- WoW can be played without grinding if you want. You don't have to go in instances, it's just more interesting because: a) that's where the major quests take place, because omg, there's a story. b) Since monsters in instances are also stronger, they carry more valuable equipment (which leads me to my next point)

- You don't have to grind for equip in WoW until you reach the max levels (50+). You just don't. When killing monsters you can find something, if it's better, equip, if not, sell it. Same in instances, it's usually made so that everyone will find a better rare weapon/armor just by going once in it (except, again, level 50+ instances, most notably the raid instances). And then there are the quest rewards, they often are (assuming you do the quests that are your level or above) better than what you have. And there's the posibility to buy from other people, either through direct trade or by going to the Auction House. And last, you can make your own equip by picking the proper job(s), and sell it to other players if you want to.

So in short, I
- never hunted for an item, all of them are either found during my one run through an instance, bought from other players, quest rewards or made myself;
- don't exp grind unless I want to;
- can choose from multiple areas that have around the same difficulty to pick quests from, each area having quests that influence my reputation with different factions.
- am also enjoying the story behind.

05-15-2005, 12:43 PM
Well spoken.

05-15-2005, 02:00 PM
Topics about grinding in WoW :

And of course you have that in all MMOs, which is why I find pretty much all of the endlessly boring now, including RO which was the pinacle of the boring grind. But the point is you don't have it in GW, there is no need for it, and it clearly exists in WoW.

And may I ask, is it FUN to spend 3 hours walking to the next town?

It does take 3 hours to walk from Ascalon City to Lion's Arch, which are two major cities, but there are small towns in between, there are story missions, quests, etc. I doubt spending 3 hours to walk to the next town, and then dying just a few steps away would be much fun at all, and I'll be extremely skeptical if you can actually say it is.

Oh, and GW doesn't have that stupid EXP depreciation thing from quests, if it says you get 1000 exp, you GET 1000 exp, and it doesn't really matter because of the level 20 cap.

And it's nice to have an unbreakable character that you can tweak and play with, unlike well...every other MMO, I'd rather spend hours playing a game on a character, find out a certain skill works better than another and so change my attributes so it accentuates that, rather than having to start all over again.

05-15-2005, 02:26 PM
Duuuuh.. *goes editting ignore list*

05-15-2005, 02:29 PM
You're big, someone argues with you and you ignore them because you can't argue back?

What are you, 8 years old? Oh yes, you've ignored me now, so not like it matters.

Uncalled for. Knock it off. -Murder

05-15-2005, 03:37 PM
Excuse me, YOU are the one who started arguing, and I didn´t argue back.

So for me, looks like you are the 8 years old here...

[b]EDIT: This too. -M[/s]

05-15-2005, 04:31 PM
Sorry, I'm just too busy basking in the genius of that comment to reply.

[b]EDIT: Honeslty, how does this in any way contribute to the thread? Please use better judgement. -M[/s]

05-15-2005, 07:53 PM
Topics about grinding in WoW :

These are people who CHOSE to grind. I repeat, you DON'T HAVE TO grind unless you want to until you reach the upper levels. Also, in the examples you gave, some are grinding for money to buy a mount. Again, it's a choice, not an obligation.

And of course you have that in all MMOs, which is why I find pretty much all of the endlessly boring now, including RO which was the pinacle of the boring grind. But the point is you don't have it in GW, there is no need for it, and it clearly exists in WoW.

And again, there is NO NEED for it. It's a player's choice. And I agree about RO.

And may I ask, is it FUN to spend 3 hours walking to the next town?

Well, apart from the fact he greatly exaggerated, WoW has transportation means such as:
- boats
- zeppelins
- a tram
- mounts (when you have the level)
- gryphons/hippogryphs/bats/... from one town/camp to others
- warps (mages)
- and most classes get a "fast walk" skill at level 20.
- and the warp stone to go back to your chosen inn.
that all make it not tiresome some to go from one camp/area/big town to another.

It does take 3 hours to walk from Ascalon City to Lion's Arch, which are two major cities, but there are small towns in between, there are story missions, quests, etc. I doubt spending 3 hours to walk to the next town, and then dying just a few steps away would be much fun at all, and I'll be extremely skeptical if you can actually say it is.

Going from one town to the other takes long the first time, but after that it's fast, plus you usually go to a new town because a quest leads you there, which means you get to do quests on the way, plus pick quests that are in the middle. Example, from Ironforge, to Menethil harbor. First you have to go through Loch Modan, where a bunch of quests are available, one in particular (when you have about the level to survive) asks you to start crossing the mountain pass to the wetlands and report to a npc in Menethil Harbor. On the way, you'll encounter a npc that asks you to pick a shipment and carry it to the harbor. Once you reach the harbor, you can open the flight path, and going back to Ironforge takes you now 3 minutes, top. Or you can start the quests here, or take the boat to Darnassus (to do Elf quests) or take the boat to Theramore (if you are strong enough).

Oh, and GW doesn't have that stupid EXP depreciation thing from quests, if it says you get 1000 exp, you GET 1000 exp, and it doesn't really matter because of the level 20 cap.

EXP depreciation makes sense. Why would looting a book for one NPC give me 1000 exp if all it takes is killing a few level 6 bandits when I'm level 24 and they die in two hits? Easy -> less exp, hard -> more exp. It rewards people who work in group (because obviously it makes tackling a harder quest possible, whereas you don't stand a chance alone).

And it's nice to have an unbreakable character that you can tweak and play with, unlike well...every other MMO, I'd rather spend hours playing a game on a character, find out a certain skill works better than another and so change my attributes so it accentuates that, rather than having to start all over again.

Ok, you can't change class/race midgame, but as far as the talents go, you can chose to unlearn them, for a fee, and you don't lose any talent point, nor do you have to reroll a character. You just then reassign the points. If you get tired of a job, get a new one. Getting a character to level 6-8 takes almost no time, and gives you a pretty good idea of what it's like.

05-15-2005, 09:14 PM
Eh, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree about the grinding part.

One thing I know for a fact is the simple idea that GW is a lot more balanced that WoW, I've spoken to people about it, and they plainly say that Rogues and Paladins generally rule in PVP, in GW there is no overruling class, no one skill that destroys everyone else, skills are built specifically. Every class has a cancel skill, an interrupt skill, a healing skill (or several), skill that cause conditions and hexes, and while it may sound like every class is the same, they all work in different ways.

Add in Blizzard's love of nerfing things that are percieved as overpowered and it just plain turns me off playing it. Vanilla is not my favourite flavour.

Like, rangers have a skill that interrupts a skill and blocks it for 20 seconds, mesmers get a skill that when cast on a character means the next skill that cast fails and they take damage. Pure damage and whatnot are never the answer, you have to be sneaky and tactical.

And the only EXP depreciation that occurs in GW is from enemies, as you rise in levels, lower enemies give less while the EXP you need to gain a level rises, but what you get from quests remains exactly the same.

Oh, and the transport in GW is a nice simple press of the M button, and you can warp to a town you've been to, which while being simple, is a lot nicer than transport in other MMOs.

God, I hated transport in RO, had to walk far too much, or rely on Warpolytes. I suppose the variety of transport in WoW is nice, but I still prefer my nice simple map in GW.

05-16-2005, 03:30 AM
WoW i know for sure has balancing issues on pvp and pve. FFXI doesnt have it as much since pvp is not a main factor.

Isnt GW made by Blizzard? Another thing is that i hate the warping thing, makes the distance between towns nothing. that is not a real good way to make an MMO. That killed alot of exploration and difficulty, i find this a fault, just like how private RO servers gave you instant tele.

I find this more to be i have this game so i am supporting it to the death. I dont have WoW but my friend plays it. I find it to be bad and nothing worth my time, but i do see where its good and i do like aspects of the game. I have FFXI but it also has its faults, but that doesnt mean i will defend it to the death. Just enjoy your game, i dont find Guild Wars to be anything noteworthy IMO, but you do so have fun with it. I am not going to be interested in this at all, FFXI is my game, and i wont be bored for a long time.

05-16-2005, 03:55 AM
Guild Wars is made by people who branched off from Blizzard (AreaNet right?). Anyways, WoW was a horrible game, I played it for a long time (left FFXI to play it, ended up going back). I'm sure Guild Wars does a lot better, I heard it's just a balance between FFXI and WoW.

WoW has done horribly, most of the members have left by now. =P Well at least the hardcore players.

Either way, Guild Wars isn't a 'true' MMORPG, but I'm sure it's still a great MMORPG in it's respect. Everything has flaws, but oh well if you enjoy it, play it! =D I sometimes wish FFXI wasn't limited to the PS2's capabilities, it would be a whole lot better.

05-16-2005, 07:51 AM
WoW has done horribly, most of the members have left by now. =P Well at least the hardcore players.

Since sales/registration/load numbers contradict you, I'd like to see your proof to back that statement up.

I call bullshît.

05-16-2005, 08:10 AM
The initial sales does not mean the lasting power of an MMORPG, alot of MMOs are bought and member subscriptions rise when it first comes out for numerous reasons(i think WoW's was hype). The lasting capability of the MMO however needs more time to be said and i feel should be the deciding factor in an MMO, but due to the casual nature of WoW i doubt it be anything great unless they can somehow change it so some of the people who play harder stay subscribed along with better patches that arent just nerf or buff up.

Give the game a year or two and see if theres still any more people on WoW.

EDIT: However i do know many WoW players from FFXI go back, like this guy's LS a majority came back, and only one or two stayed. My friend who played FFXI would come back from WoW only if his brother would pay for it with his CC(he doesnt have one apparently). He think its different for both but prefers XI. So really are the sales going to be consistant is the main issue here. Sales mean nothing, lastability to me does.

05-16-2005, 09:21 AM
WoW has done horribly, most of the members have left by now. =P Well at least the hardcore players.

Since sales/registration/load numbers contradict you, I'd like to see your proof to back that statement up.

I call bullshît.

Lionx explained it pretty well above.

I won't doubt that the initial sales went through the roof. But it was greatly hyped by the Blizzard fanbase - a lot of the hardcore MMORPG's have left by now, if not now they will be leaving soon, simply due to the fact there is no end game suitable for them, and leveling is way too fast and easy.

A MMORPG cannot base it's success on the initial sales. You'd at least have to wait a year to a couple of years before announcing it's true success (and by that I mean how many members actually stay).

05-16-2005, 09:27 AM
good lord people... stop arguing about WoW... XD

I greatly agree that WoW just can't compare to GW, BUT I haven't played it passed beta, and even then, wasn't playing it for long enough to see much... so I could be wrong...
From the opinion of most my friends and others, WoW was just hype in its biggest form... and a lot of people don't play it anymore.
At this point, I dont think we can say that GW is hype, cause its still in the begining... but so far, the game play has been perfect! so I doubt it will ever be considered popular because of hype...

I have no doubt that Guild Wars will become bigger than WoW and FFXI, cause the game play is awesome! and there are no fees! those are the biggest thing to get people to play it! I've known a lot of people that wouldn't have even touched most MMOs, cept now they are playing GW with me! ^_^; Guild Wars is doing a good job getting new people to these kinds of games!

oh and in response to a previous post... NO, Guild Wars does not take 3 hours to go to the next city (unless your talking about from ascalon to Lions arch, that sometimes takes a full night) Cause once you go to a town once, you can easilly teleport there any other time you want without walking all the way there.

05-16-2005, 09:32 AM
The no fees part kinda worry me since that means the dev team might not be as responsible and GMs not as reliable. That does happen and that can only be answered in time.

Most MMOs are fresh to start with, then it might get old, so see its lasting power, dont forget to take breaks too. RO was great to me too once, then it went kinda ...ehh its ok.

I think its balance, i hate the teleport system. Taking 20 mins to actually make the world feel huge to get somewhere is great, taking 2 hours to get somewhere that is important now thats overboard. Taking instantly just makes the world smaller like RO private. I dont like it. I would say thats like making a map in Diablo, its just not that connected i guess.

Unless theres a good reason to buy the game i prolly wont get it O_o i mean no monthly fees to me is a badd indication of things, as well as instant teleportation of how gameplay would be like.

05-16-2005, 09:39 AM
Well, it wouldn't seem the case at this point! ^_^ the GW team has been really good about updating and fixing every bug!
Almost every time I've found a bug, I use the /bug command and report it, and later that night, there is always an update that fixes it! ;) Not that there is many bugs, of course.

A lot of mmo games are out there that are free and have great service, so I don't think fees have much link to service or even how long the game is running. lol Many games have been going for years without fees and they are still running good.

In the end, a company like ArenaNet does lots of projects, and GW is just one! they have plenty of places money comes from, and Guild Wars certainly makes a profit, especially when the expansions come out.

05-16-2005, 09:42 AM
At this point i guess, there might still be bugs that needs to be ironed out..i am pretty sure alot of things are like that in the beginning.

What free MMOs out there have great service anyway? Besides Private RO servers i mean, since that doesnt count.

In any case give it time and lets see developments :P

05-16-2005, 09:49 AM
lol check ONRPG.com or look in our old MMO threads. lol Only example I can come up with, top of my head, Kal Online (its ok) cause its all free, and its going strong. There are better examples though... I'm real tired, and just got back from a big Anime Convention. @_@

I agree, that only time can tell. lol

Still If someone is passionate about something, then it doesn't take money to keep it going. lol thats the whole reason why so many people keep running RO lol! XD Its a LOT of work, and we dont get paid.

I think if the guys that run GW are passionate about it, they will keep it going, they've done a good job planning ahead.
Bugs are fixed fast, and probably always will be. And as I said, there arn't that many bugs, I've only seen maybe 5, 2 weren't bugs as much as just gameplay probs, but all have been fixed so far. (cept an annoying bug that causes Henchmen to respawn in the wrong places sometimes... RARE, but they might have fixed it already) XD

05-16-2005, 10:55 AM
Let's see subscribers numbers then (subscribers = paying players, not number of boxes sold).
WoW, over 1,250,000 subscribers (http://www.blizzard.com/press/031705-worldwide.shtml), with, in Europe, over 200,000 players playing at the same time at peak hours.
FFXI, 500,000 (?) subscribers (http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/event/survey/02main_job.html) (registered users), with "tens of thousands" simultaneous players on.
No data available from GW for now.
Obviously, WoW is a failure and players are running away from it. :rolleyes2

And a note, running a RO server does cost money (and a lot of time too), and yes I know what I'm talking about, I did it (it might even still be running, I stopped adminning/playing a while ago).

05-16-2005, 01:01 PM
God, lionx, will you shut up about how the teleport system is so terrible.

You walk to a town, that town is unlocked on your map, and you can warp to and from it, what is so terrible about that? The world is huge, it's quite hard to get to some towns and since you usually always need a party to get places, it really wouldn't be much fun to have to walk to every damned town.

Teleporting isn't an awful thing in RO private servers either, god, just because YOU want to spend 3213243894 hours walking from one side of the world to another every time you want to get from town to town, doesn't mean everyone else should have to. I'd say it's pretty fair that if you've put in the time and played it properly to walk from a town to another, you should be able to warp there.

Just because it has no monthly fees isn't a bad sign either, heck, RO has monthly fees and Gravity screws you totally for it, you pay, and you get crap all updates and poor service quality. Arenanet has the backing of NCSoft, who made Lineage and Lineage 2, pretty hugely successful online games, so I'd say there's certainly a lot of money backing it meaning the lack of monthly fees is not going to be a problem. Besides, it's already been stated that the instanced forms of areas and the district system in towns cuts down the bandwidth usage and costs for Arena anyway.

Oh, and running a GOOD RO server costs money, since you need to pay for a dedicated server box and a good internet connection, you can just run a server on a DSL connection on your home computer, though it probably won't be any good.

05-16-2005, 01:57 PM
I rather see how much there was during the initial launch. Give it a year or two and lets see how many people still pay per month on something casual. I know i wont and not to say casual is bad, i just cannot see how i would pay monthly for that. Give it some time, WoW is young yet, we will see how far it goes.

Lindy, lol no i wont shut up. ^^ i think its horrible and i have a right to say that if i want to. I find it makes the entire world less big :P Therefore less realism in my case. I just dont like it. I find it having to take maybe 15ish minutes avoiding aggro or sneaking around and actually moving through the world to be a better place to be in. I mean whats the point of making some place that probably wont even be traveled in if you can just teleport away? You can like it, i just find it horrible. Now maybe a hefty fee for it might help...if theres an economy i dont know about that in GW. Then again its still young so even if there was one it probably isnt established yet.

Mmm most things that are free arent that great, there are exceptions. i dont trust gravity but on some people that branched off from Blizzard i would expect much more. So far i heard everything is good from Daggers and i guess i hope for it to remain that way. The point is, that Gravity or some low no name company can do fees and not do stuff. But some of them like Sony or Blizzard, and SE cannot do that without getting so much bad rap(not that Gravity doesnt has any, but its much more huge for the bigger name companies). I just tend to think that without a monthly fee, more often than not its not that great.. I hope that the expansions dont be one of those "must have or you are gimped" things on them. EQ was somewhat like that.

I ran an RO server for fun on AOL 56K, it only fits 3 people then lags like hell xD

05-16-2005, 02:56 PM
Right, explain how it makes the world smaller, explain how it makes travelling less important, you have to travel to there in the first place, you have to avoid people, and the areas ARE travelled a lot since not everything is in towns (shock horror on that one), or maybe people want to fight a few monsters to practice out their skills (wow, shock, practice and skill). Give me a good reason why it makes the world smaller other than the fact that YOU want to walk from town to town to town over and over again, I don't see it cutting out areas so that you CAN'T go to them, nor does it reduce the number of towns, or the hours you have to spend travelling to all these places the first time.

And Gravity is one of the biggest MMORPG companies, there's an RO for every major region of the world, as well as the huge iRO, they're one of the biggest companies in Korea. If you say Gravity to someone who knows about MMOs, they will know who you're talking about, they're certainly not a no-name company.

In fact, in terms of MMOs, Sony are a no-name company hopping into it only just recently with Everquest, Square are the same, and Blizzard, while running online with battle.net, are a tiny name in MMO terms.

Heck, most of Japan was pretty ignorant of Square prior to the merge with Enix.

All these companies you're citing are TINY little upstarts in the MMO game.

Maybe think about what you're saying before you actually say it.

And the expansions have been stated to be akin to expansion decks for card games, it just gives you more variety of skills, and some new quests, nothing that breaks the balance of the game, since that's what it's about. Balance, not stupidly overpowering one class/skill/weapon and having another incredibly weak, and then nerfing EVERYTHING just so the weaker class has more of a chance.

05-16-2005, 03:12 PM
Lindy, give it a rest.

If he likes a game that way, he likes it that way. I don't think you can tell him what he can and can't like. He has opinions too, ya' know.

He's been accepting into understanding GW (as have I, I think it looks pretty cool actualy and would maybe play it if I had more time when my IRL friends get it). But you're putting words into his mouth - he's only mentioned WoW, RO and FFXI. And I don't see how stating something in Japan not being popular would help with your case for GW? Who cares if Square wasn't popular before the merge? They released FFXI after the merge. >.>; There are a lot of JPN players on FFXI. ^^

Lindy: Name for me some MMORPG's that are not "tiny little upstairs MMORPG's"? (no seriously I'm curious of what is bigger than CoH, FFXI, WoW, GW, DDO, EQ, EQ2, RO, UO, AC, AC2, AO, EVE Online, Linage 1, Linage 2, Priston Tales, Planetside, Graal, ugh I think I'm missing some, but that's off the top of my head)

Endless, I don't really care how the hell Blizzard are doing with sales. FFXI has been around a lot longer, and those figures aren't based on how long it's been around, just of the current state. WoW has had a lot more hype since before it's release, and it's still only half a year old or so - give it time man. Either way all I know is most of the people on my server (that I played WoW on, and also on another one that I played Horde), they were leaving because there was no end-game content and was a waste of time in leveling. I personaly hate it too, after leveling every race and job past 10-20, and some above 40. It was the biggest waste of time.

05-16-2005, 03:21 PM
It's "tiny little upstarts", not upstairs, which in case you don't understand, means that they're just entering the world of MMORPGs and lack experience in that area, I don't care how long they've been making games for, it's the matter of MMORPGs, since they're totally different from any other kind of game.

And I said the companies were that, since they haven't been in the business for long, and Lineage and Lineage 2 you're citing? NCSoft games; the company that is working on Guild Wars, heck, Lineage is the biggest MMORPG of all time.

The point is that you can't call something like Gravity a no-name company when it's been around longer in the MMORPG game than Square Enix and Blizzard.

I said companies, not games, maybe you should read more carefully before you post in desperate anger? And I put no words into his mouth, I referred to all the companies he did, no more, no less.

And hey, I just came to a revelation, SHOCK HORROR MARY JANE, IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE MAP TELEPORT DON'T USE IT. Just because you have the teleportation map there doesn't mean you have to use it, if you want to walk you can walk, but it doesn't mean other players shouldn't have the choice to make their time easier and quicker.

I'll just be there laughing when you're trying to find a party to walk with you over and over back and forth between Lion's Arch and the next town, trying to pass through the massive waves of Tengu that sweep over the plains.

05-16-2005, 03:33 PM
Desperate anger? Oh please, it's 1AM and I'm tired.

Typo's and missreading still exists, you know. Just because something is named "the best MMORPG of all time" doesn't mean everyone is going to like what that company makes.

I didn't see him call Gravity a no-named company. I'm pretty sure Lionx knows how long they've been around for (as I remember him mentioning RO to me more than a few years back). Well Square has had around 3 years to refine FFXI, they are still attracting a fair few new members and adding a lot more refined content for the whole player base (not JUST high end) - so at least they are working for something, that in my opinion is pretty cool, expecially for a MMORPG that has been limited by the PS2 (I still wish it was just PC, would allow for better things).

I agree that MMORPG's are different from normal games. Just because they lack experience in the area, doesn't mean that they won't be able to make a good game. I do know who NCSoft is, I don't see what this has to do with anything - I mentioned them as a good company in my post (at least it was my intention).

I don't really mind teleportation in MMORPG's, as long as you have worked to get that ability (like, as you said, explored up until that point). I think Lionx has experienced games with teleportation that has ruined the fun-factor of exploring? But yeah, you probably could just ignore that. Either way, you're just telling him that his opinion is wrong and he's not allowed to like walking to places (which I agree can get extremely boring at times) - At least that's what seems to be what you're point is in your post.

Sorry, I took a little extra tiem writing this so that I would make abit more sense. If that pleases you. - I usualy just write off the top of my head, so it gets confusing when I'm tired. =P

I love FFXI, and I have so many good close friends playing it with me, it's hardly boring for me. I still have a right to defend it. =)

Edit: Oh and with the free thing, I dunno... maybe it is time for a new good change - they probably could offer great support (do you buy new expansions every 6 months or something for GW?). I could see it's ups and downs (their new server technology sounds interesting, but I still kind of shakey about it).

05-16-2005, 03:48 PM
The point is, that Gravity or some low no name company can do fees and not do stuff.

And actually I'm telling him to shut up and stop saying that the teleportation ruins the game when you have the choice to walk, and that his choice to walk shouldn't stop other people from easily teleporting around. Just because you have the choice to teleport doesn't mean it actually detracts anything from the game, it (fairly obviously) gives you more options rather than taking any anyway.

And the point is that NCSoft have experience with what is good, and what sells, and if they didn't think they'd make enough money from Guild Wars to be able to swim in a giant pool of it, they would never have supported it.

Of course you like FFXI, of course you're going to defend it, but it doesn't give anyone the right to look down on GW with little experience of it, obviously if FFXI has been around for longer it'll have more behind it. But actually Guild Wars has been around in alpha and beta, as well as the open beta weekends for a VERY VERY long time, so the game, as well as support for it, have been heavily refined.

One nice thing to look at is the fact that the video card I use wasn't supported at first, the next two patches added support for both my card and a number of other video cards.

Have any other ORPGs done that, and if they have, did they do it just a few days after the retail release? The constant fixes and support for the game are a good sign of how the devs are treating.

Anyway, you like FFXI, I like GW and I really don't like FFXI, I played a little of it, I've spoken to a lot of people who have and the equipment grind was apparently a large problem for them. The main example being a single item that boosts accuracy, which Dark Knights need to be able to compete, so everyone camps and kills the few monsters that drop it over and over and over. Just hearing things like that turns me off, but then if you like it, good for you.

GW has none of that, and that's what I like, the lack of grind, the balance, and overall the FUN factor. The only time I didn't have fun was when partying with a group of idiots trying to do a mission, but then that's understanable since well...I doubt I even need to explain that one.

You can enjoy FFXI, I'll never understand why you do, but that isn't stopping you playing it, is it?

05-16-2005, 03:54 PM
The point is, that Gravity or some low no name company can do fees and not do stuff.

And actually I'm telling him to shut up and stop saying that the teleportation ruins the game when you have the choice to walk, and that his choice to walk shouldn't stop other people from easily teleporting around. Just because you have the choice to teleport doesn't mean it actually detracts anything from the game, it (fairly obviously) gives you more options rather than taking any anyway.

And the point is that NCSoft have experience with what is good, and what sells, and if they didn't think they'd make enough money from Guild Wars to be able to swim in a giant pool of it, they would never have supported it.

That's true. I am probably being a bit defensive of FFXI (I don't care what anyone says I love it xD).

I don't really know what to say about the teleportation thing anymore. >.>; I guess you bring up a good point, it just seemed like you were saying "No you're wrong now shut up, you can't like that", but I interperated it the wrong way?

I never really said NCSoft didn't know what they were doing. I even said GW looks pretty darn' cool. (I have never been a fan of linage though) I didn't know we were still talking abotu sales and stuff though, I'd rather just get a game based on what my friends say than how many it has sold - and how experienced they are.

Anyways, I'm glad we sorted that out. xD No hard feelings? I am off to bed. ;; Night.

05-16-2005, 03:56 PM
olawd, and you reply while I was still editing adding in crepe loads of stuff. Oh well.

05-16-2005, 04:28 PM
Oh, and running a GOOD RO server costs money, since you need to pay for a dedicated server box and a good internet connection, you can just run a server on a DSL connection on your home computer, though it probably won't be any good.

We ran an RO server on cable just fine, supported up to 255 users at the same time, (I think) we had an average of 100 people on at any time and 200 something was like our max. Never had any problems...

Anyway, yea, I'm also not that happy about FFXI... for one, I've been a little mad at SquareEnix cause of their decision on the whole Chrono Trigger Ressurected thing... and me and my friends got something like 600 people to stop playing FFXI just because of that. XD

And I didn't say I had hard stats to back it up, all I said is that from what I've seen of people I know, and such, a LOT of people have been and will leave WoW.
Some of them are going to GW cause its free. XD saves them the money they spent on monthlys.

05-16-2005, 06:50 PM
wowowowowowow... I just mentioned a word how i like WoW better and nnow this is all WoW hating topic? Have it your way, this really is a topic. I don´t want to argue but Yeah, Some like GW, som like FFXI, and some like WoW. That´s it!

05-16-2005, 07:35 PM
Yeah this is a thread about GW, what, you expect people to go on about how wonderful WoW is? Genius, utter genius. Can I study at the detective school you went to, I mean, it must be a pretty good one for you to get a degree in deduction of that calibre, Sherlock.

05-17-2005, 01:07 AM
Lol i still stand that teleportation sucks if its without limit even by reaching a town :P

05-17-2005, 02:47 AM
...hmmm well, as its been said, You can ONLY teleport to a town once you've been to it once... and there are a lot of towns to uncover, so a lot of exploring to do. Its hard to get to most the towns, sometimes you might want to get a party to help you.
And most people don't like having to re-walk to a town, its actually one of the reasons people are pulled to this game. lol

If thats not your thing, well thats just 1 problem for you... lol you dont NEED to play it if it bugs you so much. XD Though there are a lot of other cool/good reasons to play.

05-17-2005, 03:12 AM
Never said i need to :P I just said my view still stands the same way as before. o_o

05-18-2005, 07:19 PM
Yeah this is a thread about GW, what, you expect people to go on about how wonderful WoW is? Genius, utter genius. Can I study at the detective school you went to, I mean, it must be a pretty good one for you to get a degree in deduction of that calibre, Sherlock.


and btw, does it look like i want everyone to adore WoW?? read my previous post..

05-18-2005, 09:37 PM
Well I'm enjoying Guild Wars >_>

I'm Celes Chaere; SEND ME A MESSAGE!

05-19-2005, 10:51 PM
Id love to try it sometime but like i said my puter blows :mad2: so for now im happy with playing WOW on someone elses computer. and I love my kitty! :love: :love: :<3: :<3: And can you dance in the middle of town naked and sing 'safety dance'? im just curious.

anyway this is my kitty Ocatknip :<3:

Tidus Andronicus
05-19-2005, 10:54 PM
hmm what the hell, anyone interested in finding me online... My name is Tsukasa Twilight or Atomsk Kanti (I use the first one more) ^_^; lol