View Full Version : ~Final fantasy Cosplay ~

04-29-2005, 01:20 AM
What do you all think of cosplay? should cosplay really be just for fun or should it actually look decent? I've been curious about what people really think about it and i'd like to hear about it; just how many final fantasy cosplay is there out there that actually looks like ffcharacters?

04-29-2005, 03:56 AM
I think cosplay is great when it is done well. The artistry and skill which goes into creating the costumes is amazing. When I first saw FF costumes on http://cosplay.com I was very impressed.

Final Fantasy is a very popular series to cosplay, so of course there are plenty of costumes made by more inexperienced people that don't look as much like the characters. Then there are the detail-crazy costumers who look like living characters. It's all in fun, so I think both are valid, although I'm a bigger fan of the realitstic costumes.

Here are some examples of some awesome cosplay:
FF7 (http://www.cosplay.com/privateshoots/image/14526/)
Aeris (http://www.cosplay.com/privateshoots/image/14963/)
Cloud (http://www.cosplay.com/eventphotos/image/2937/)
Princess Garnet (http://images.cosplay.com/showphoto.php?photo=320103)
Wedding Yuna (http://images.cosplay.com/showphoto.php?photo=217953)
Shiva (http://images.cosplay.com/showphoto.php?photo=82191)
Yuna (http://images.cosplay.com/showphoto.php?photo=295662)

04-29-2005, 06:53 AM
Cosplay is spiffy ^_^ If I could pull it off, I would do it, but I don't look like any FF character.

Oh, and I posted this before for the FF7 forum task ^_~






Good cosplay, eh? ^_^

04-29-2005, 04:13 PM
wow those are nice I believe the girl cosplaying as Aeris is Adella-I stumble upon her website and she does one amazing aeris!

04-29-2005, 06:38 PM
Yeah, I saw her site too ^^ She does awesome cosplayin'.

04-30-2005, 06:59 AM
I think I would be rather anal if I ever went into cosplay. Trying to get the details down just as far as I couldX.x;;;

but there are some people who are good at it.

(and they are some who are not.)

it'd but fun though:D

04-30-2005, 07:40 PM


Cosplay is fine if you don't take it seriously and start a cosplay blog. As long as it's a hobby and nothing more, you'll be okay.

04-30-2005, 08:07 PM
Only on Halloween for me. I did a pretty convincing Cid Highwind last year - most of it came from parts of my uniform.

04-30-2005, 08:18 PM
It's Tifa in the Don Corneo mansion outfit, DJzen ^^

Azure Chrysanthemum
04-30-2005, 08:47 PM
I saw some really good Lulus when I went to Sakura Con this year. There was also a guy selling cosplay weapons who was dressed up as Cloud, and his Buster Sword had flashing lights in it to indicate the materia. It was cool.