View Full Version : How am i doing, rate me!

04-29-2005, 09:16 PM
I'm on disc one, i've just got Irvine

Squall: Lv.34
Rinoa: Lv.30
Zell: Lv.33
Quistis: Lv.25
Selphie: Lv.24
Irvine: Lv.13 (i've only just got him)

I also have 100 curas, thundaras, Blizzaras, Firas and floats for Squall, Rinoa and Zell.

It took me ages to train up so i want to know if its all been worthwile.
I know a mate whos Squall is at level 35 on disk 3.

So am i doing well, what level were you at this part of the game? :confused:

04-29-2005, 11:08 PM
I think your doing very well, I`ve started playing the game myself and i`m on disc 2, and you`ve got better magic then me and your characters are lvled higher, my party is Squall-19
Rinoa 16

Captain Maxx Power
04-30-2005, 12:28 AM
Levels dont mean squat in this game. Keep your levels as low as possible. Usually nobody in my squad is over level 14 by the time I reach disc 4, but I'm very anal like that. You want to keep your levels low as later on you'll want to take full advantage of the level+ abilities from certain GFs. Most monsters get stronger as you level up, usually a LOT faster than you usually would in terms of your natural stats, unless you use the +stat bonuses upon levelling up as early as possible.

04-30-2005, 01:36 AM
I would say stop levelling now, if you can.

04-30-2005, 01:40 AM
I guess now would be a good time to tell you the more you level up the more the bosses level up. Have fun!

05-02-2005, 05:30 AM
Yeah,they are right recemmending you stop leveling(do you know why?)
And if you 've got Tonberry,use his "LV Up" command to get more powerful magics from your enemies.

05-02-2005, 06:53 AM
You're playing FFVIII--so far I'd give you a zero.

05-02-2005, 08:48 AM
your doing pretty wel but not to say im good in it or something but i have the habbit of not leaving balamb till i got al the aga's and qauke cause these spels are very handy for junctioning cause if you got those you can get tornado once your near galbadia garden wich are very good for hp or strenght

im not telling your not doing good but just an advice take sqaul and 3 others train them till lvl 40 (i know you cant do it but the best place is in b. garden) then aga's should be on teh menu together with qauke and tornado

05-03-2005, 11:42 PM
Zero. Irvine should be your highest level character. Please stop leveling.

I'd give your mate 1.

05-04-2005, 12:10 AM
Like everyone else says maybe you should stop leveling.
Why? Because the game is made so when you level the bosses, monsters, ect level with you. Further down the road it helps when you get twords the final boss, its eiser to fight a low level boss then a level 100 one.

05-04-2005, 06:56 PM
Not to be a bragger but:
Sqaull: 40
Rinoa: 20
Zell: 29
Irvine: 30
Quistis: 35
Selphie: 25

Tifa's Real Lover(really
05-04-2005, 08:14 PM
Not to be a bragger but:
Sqaull: 40
Rinoa: 20
Zell: 29
Irvine: 30
Quistis: 35
Selphie: 25

o yea well mines
Sqaull: 99
Rinoa: 99
Zell: 99
Irvine: 99
Quistis: 99
Selphie: 99

jk lol :p :p :p :p

05-04-2005, 11:23 PM
Not to be a bragger but:
Sqaull: 40
Rinoa: 20
Zell: 29
Irvine: 30
Quistis: 35
Selphie: 25
In FF8, bragging rights about your characters comes from:

(1) How good your junctions are and how you've used them.
(2) How low level your characters are.

However, the levels you've listed are decent ones to finish the game with, but it certaintly is possible to go lower if you tried.

05-05-2005, 12:43 AM
or 3) How high your unjuntioned stats are.

Unjunctioned: Rinoa, Squall, and Selphie at level 100.

HP: 6031 | 5197 | something lower than thosexD
STR: 191 | 127 | 149
VIT: 111 | 91 | 107
MAG: 141 | 86 | 122
SPR: 71 | 44 | 93
SPD: 37 | 40 | 37

and for fun^_^
when they're properly junctioned:

HP: 9999 | 9797 | 9170
STR: 255 | 255 | 255
VIT: 255 | 239 | 187
MAG: 255 | 186 | 222
SPR: 232 | 162 | 221
SPD: 87 | 110 | 107
JNC: STR/MAG+60%, SPR/VIT+40% | STR/VIT/SPR +40% | SPR/STR+40%
SPL: I dunno. stuff.

makes me wish I had a pocketstation thoughxD

05-05-2005, 01:47 AM
I think Level 41 is the absolute perfect level to fight the final boss, if memory serves. But of course, as you're on Disc 1 of 4, that's a loooooong way away.

05-05-2005, 01:59 AM
Meh, first play through I don't see much point in not levelling. Actually on any play through I tend not to bother with keeping levels low. Apart from not minding fighting hard bosses, I'd rather be focusing on GF abilities and getting good magic to Junction.

First play through I think you look like you're doing fine. The more you play the game the better you get (which is one reason I like it), it's not just about levelling up and collecting everything, the more you know the game, it'll get MUCH easier.

My advice would be to start playing with Junction if you really want to be good. There are a lot of tricks that you could learn that make the game really easy but I wouldn't worry about them, just play it naturally first run through.

Blitzball Hooligan
05-05-2005, 02:07 AM
Dang, I wish I found out about this leveling business earlier. I'm at the end of Disc 3 and have a level 68 Squall. :(

05-05-2005, 02:31 AM
I save all my levelling up for the very end of the game. The first time I played VIII I didn't know that Bosses and monsters levelled up with you, so when I got to the end I was level 50 and i thought i was too weak, and you couldn't get out of lunatic pandora.......so i deleted my game and started from the beginning.....You have no idea how badly that sucked....

05-07-2005, 01:10 AM
there are two ways to beat the game.
the easy is the low-level game and the challenging ( which is the one i ussualy made) is the high-level ( and it's much more exciting)

05-07-2005, 03:10 AM
Or the high-level with well-levelled characters, which is rather tame.

05-07-2005, 05:18 PM
it's the best one!

Laugh at face of Danger
05-24-2005, 10:48 PM
U think you've got problems with a lv 68 Squall? what about everyones level 100?! fancy doing the whole of Ultimecia? if you level up, level up, bosses grow with you so it's just the same really, there's no difference. And if you're that obsessed, wait until disk three just before deciding to board Lunatic Pandora and go to Islands closest to Heaven and Hell, that should get you a lot of levels if you're that obsessed.

05-25-2005, 12:55 AM
Level 100 just isn't hard, if you level properly.

05-25-2005, 01:04 AM
It's very easy for me to play ffVIII, and i don't have any problems with level. it was more challenging to play at level 100, but i prefer more challenging games.

Laugh at face of Danger
05-25-2005, 06:26 PM
I agree with BlackRibbon: harder/more challenging games are so much better than pathetically easy ones you can waltx through: and levelling up is part of completion

05-27-2005, 12:25 PM
What are the best things to fight to get High AP without getting EXP?

05-27-2005, 04:00 PM
What are the best things to fight to get High AP without getting EXP?

Card Command.

05-27-2005, 05:45 PM
ST atk junction = Break is a good second place.

The Anarchy Angel
05-27-2005, 07:05 PM
Cactuar are good if my memory serves me correctly...though it is rubbish - my memory that is!

05-27-2005, 07:42 PM
Yes... it's true that as long you keep your level down, it would be easier...

but why to play an easy game? what is funny on that?

Besides, getting higher levels mean seeing more things. Monster shows nastier powers, GF's learn more abbilites...

If you're the kind of "not miss a single thing", like me, I would suggest you to keep increasing your levels gradually, in order to get to the top at the end.

Carl the Llama
05-27-2005, 07:56 PM
What are the best things to fight to get High AP without getting EXP?
the best thing for ap is the cactuar thes give 5 ap per kill and just a little tip: as soon as you get siren make her learn the life mag refiner and when she learns it you can refine Curaga from tents i think its 5 Curaga's per tent that way you can have super hp almost from the start without lvling up^^ i think my squall had 3500 hp at the end of disk one

05-29-2005, 07:21 AM
I dont worry about how fast I am leveling up, Ive only had a problem of getting stuck because of my level once and that was 8 years ago. So do what you want, I leveled up alot at Lunatic Pandora and at getting the Tonberry GF.

07-06-2005, 02:49 AM
ST atk junction = Break is a good second place.

(Wow, necroposting oO')

It is not. Because if you Petrify every enemy, you get Exp based on the damage you've done. You know, like when you flee the battle.

So, only Break is a good second. And Lv Down abusing, the third XDD

07-06-2005, 10:33 AM
Oh well looks like Im gonna have a very challenging endgame, Ive just started disk 3 with Squall at lvl 70!
I explored alot of the various regeons, and wound up doing a lot of battles. Irvine is my lowest lvled character at this point, should I concentrate on getting him up to speed with squall? Is he very usefull in the endgame?

07-06-2005, 12:56 PM
There's nothing wrong with levelling up. So frickin' what if the enemies are a bit harder.....it just makes it more challenging. My last playthrough I got everyone up to lvl 100, once I went through the Deep Sea Research Centre and defeated Ultima Weapon. During this playthrough, all enemies were easy, including all bosses.

Besides, its fun killing enemies :p .

So can someone tell me why its better to not level in order to make the game easier? Wouldn't you have to use the card command ALL THE TIME, which in my opinion would get incredibally boring??

Plus, people have accused others of cheating because they used The End, or something. If this is considered cheating, then wouldn't manipulating the game with that stupid card command be considered cheating, as it keeps all your enemies at low levels, while you gain all the magic, and power up your GFs? (kinda the same kind of easy way out, like using The End, if you ask me).

BTW, I'm on disc 2 and at fisherman's horizon, with Squall at lvl 26, and I haven't bothered to do any extra levelling, just drawing lots of magic, and fighting everything I come accross. Is this bad as far as "OMFG DON'T LEVEL UP!!!!! THE ENEMIES ARE TOO HARD!!!!" ??? So far the enemies have been incredibally easy. The only one who was the least bit challenging was Diablos, because I fought him as soon as Cid gave me the magic lamp.

Seriously though, would you guys consider level 26 on disc 2 at FH too high? I'm curious...........

07-06-2005, 01:39 PM
I generally am at FH with initial levels. So it is a little bad, indeed. XD

*loves Card Command* It made me love Triple Triad! lol XD

07-06-2005, 02:03 PM
I generally am at FH with initial levels. So it is a little bad, indeed. XD

*loves Card Command* It made me love Triple Triad! lol XD

I don't consider it bad, as it'll still be easy to finish the game.

So what do you do? Just not kill ANYTHING, and instead CARD EVERYTHING?

* White Aeris *
07-12-2005, 05:29 PM
if you are on disk one and want to do this how do you get the ap to learn card without getting exp???? this has always confused me!

07-14-2005, 11:57 PM
THATS NOTHING!!! ALL MY CHARACTERS ARE LEVEL 1000000000000 AND I HAVE 100000000000 OF EACH ITEM!!!! so, can anyone beat that?

07-15-2005, 01:54 AM
THATS NOTHING!!! ALL MY CHARACTERS ARE LEVEL 1000000000000 AND I HAVE 100000000000 OF EACH ITEM!!!! so, can anyone beat that?

Any liar can. ¬¬

And IMO Card > Kill, because you just have to attack less. Plus, you get a card. PLUS, you don't level up and STILL get items. PLUS, your enemies are pushovers. And this is not cheating. After Odin, it is a little hard to keep initial levels. In Disc 4, it is very easy, though.

About the enemies that can't be carded. You flee/use Break/mass LV Down. There is only one enemy that can't be Carded or Petrified (that robot with the Missile item), and no forced battles have him, IIRC.

And to learn Card without Exp.

Flee from random battles
20 AP from Ifrit
Junction at least Quezacotl to Seifer, kill Squall and Zell, do the forced Battles
18 AP from Elvoret

Card learnt. But I usually keep on doing random battles with Seifer only until I have Card. So that 18 AP can go to Card Mod. XD

I'm at Ultimecia Castle with initial levels and no boss was a real challenge. Omega Weapon waits me. XD

07-15-2005, 05:11 PM
And IMO Card > Kill, because you just have to attack less. Plus, you get a card. PLUS, you don't level up and STILL get items. PLUS, your enemies are pushovers. And this is not cheating.
Cheating - No. Easy way out - Yes. :rolleyes2

And Fleeing? Gimme a break.

As quoted from "About Random Battles" (FF sploof, found at the Newgounds website)

"Ooh, this one looks tough, Cloud. Run away! Like a little girl!!"

07-15-2005, 08:25 PM
And IMO Card > Kill, because you just have to attack less. Plus, you get a card. PLUS, you don't level up and STILL get items. PLUS, your enemies are pushovers. And this is not cheating.
Cheating - No. Easy way out - Yes. :rolleyes2

And Fleeing? Gimme a break.

As quoted from "About Random Battles" (FF sploof, found at the Newgounds website)

"Ooh, this one looks tough, Cloud. Run away! Like a little girl!!"

*Lv100 Ruby Dragon and you are back-attacked*

You WILL try to flee, or you will see the Game Over screen. XD

But anyway, I think I'll level up next time, becuase, you know, Ultimecia was a sissy at Lv9. And I defeated Omega Weapon in my first try o.o without Holy War, I decided to ditch them to give myself a challenge. XD

07-22-2005, 05:19 PM
You're screwed unless your lvl.50 before the start of disc 2.

07-22-2005, 05:29 PM
*Lv100 Ruby Dragon and you are back-attacked*

You WILL try to flee, or you will see the Game Over screen. XD

But anyway, I think I'll level up next time, becuase, you know, Ultimecia was a sissy at Lv9. And I defeated Omega Weapon in my first try o.o without Holy War, I decided to ditch them to give myself a challenge. XD

I think you're exaggerating an enemies power at level 100.

If you have the right junctions (i.e Elem-Defx4, with Flare in there, I think), you won't be dealt 9999hp damage, not even close, actually, so its no prob.

You're not going to run away from a little Ruby Dragon, are you? :p

I'm telling you....by the time I killed Ultima Weapon, everyone was at lvl 100, and I OWNED everything in my path. Ruby Dragons, Behemoths, everthing.

Only little girls run away :p

"Now press the 2 shoulder buttons, and run away!! Like a little girl!!"

I get such a kick out of that spoof.

07-22-2005, 08:30 PM
Lv100 Ruby Dragon, You are Back-Attacked

Breath - you die.

07-22-2005, 09:23 PM
Well my first play through I leveled till 100 and all the bosses are still really easy to kill. I don't see how people would need to leave their levels at like 7-10 just to get weak bosses in order to progress. The time you waste carding every single battle, or running isn't much less than just spending 1-3 hours leveling on the island closest to hell. You can get from 30 to 100 in that time. Plus Ultimecia is pretty weak if you asked me. Just let squall limit break her a couple times, limit break griever, *use holy wars if necessary*, more limit break ' ooo a lionheart gg '. It's no real feat defeating Omega at level 7. It's not even REALLY hard at level 100. All you need is Aura/Holy Wars and Omega is pretty much doomed.

07-22-2005, 09:26 PM
Well my first play through I leveled till 100 and all the bosses are still really easy to kill. I don't see how people would need to leave their levels at like 7-10 just to get weak bosses in order to progress. What? No you've got it all wrong. Normal people dont lvl to lvl 100 or any higher than they need to because its a waste of time and doesnt make a difference. FFVIII is easy for everyone you see. Some people just dont have as much free time on there hands as you.

07-22-2005, 09:44 PM
I don't see how people would need to leave their levels at like 7-10 just to get weak bosses in order to progress.

It's not need. It's want, and so we can abuse the free stat+s when levelling later.

07-23-2005, 12:28 AM
At this stage I will fight against Diablos and drawn some magic like holys,flares and curagas(Demis maybe drawn also and pass them to others)

07-24-2005, 09:37 AM
not leveling in ff8 is a cowards strategy.

how ever, before I had Irvine, I had 100 Holys and 100 Flares on Squall (drawn from Diablos) ;)

07-24-2005, 11:33 AM
I save all my levelling up for the very end of the game. The first time I played VIII I didn't know that Bosses and monsters levelled up with you, so when I got to the end I was level 50 and i thought i was too weak, and you couldn't get out of lunatic pandora.......so i deleted my game and started from the beginning.....You have no idea how badly that sucked....

Damn, thats exactly what i did the 1st time i played. I thought
my levels were too low, which is exactly why i have made this new one... Damn, i think my levels are too high already..

07-24-2005, 11:47 AM
not leveling in ff8 is a cowards strategy.
[!]Only for fanboys of the homosexual orientation.[/!]*snip*

Destai, knock it off! ~ Leeza