View Full Version : LUNATIC MISSION!!!!

04-29-2005, 11:00 PM
HI guys, i`ve got a question for ya, ya know the mission in Esthar I don`t really know were to go or what to do I think you`ve got to go wereLunatic Pandora goes but I`m not sure could someone help????? :confused:

Seto Fett
04-30-2005, 11:17 PM
Do you have control of the Ragnarok yet? If so, fly to Sorcerer's Memorial and you'll see Lunatic Pandora floating over it. Just fly into it, and watch the cutscene. Make sure you are prepared, as Rajin and Fujin greet you after the scene, with a nasty battle. Both are not hard, but I think Fujin can cast Meteor, so it's best to take her out first. Just use Protect & Shell, and you'll be fine. You may consider using GFs to make the battle go faster. Now, you'll have to make your way through Pandora, which isn't that hard. Depending upon your actions that you did there as Laguna, you may find some goodies in the traps and crevices you explored/disarmed earlier. Anyway, continue through the place until you get to the next boss, some robot whose name I cannot remember. This battle is sorta tricky, because the robot has the power to lower your guys down to 1HP. Just use Quezcotl and Thundaga, and additional GFs. By all means, do use Quez and Thundaga, because it's mechanical, so lightning does tons. Ok, now continue on to the next area, where you'll meet Seifer. I smell another boss battle....After the dialogue, the fight begins. Now, if you took the time to get Odin before you came here, he shows up at the beginning of the battle. Don't pull out your Anti-Seifer hats and bellow, "You're gonna get owned!" just yet, because Seifer has a rather nasty surprise in store for Odin. Anyway, it's up to you to fight Seifer. Just fight him like most bosses, use Protect and use your strongest GFs and limit breaks if you have them. You may want to consider using haste if he's giving you problems as well. After you beat that arrogant swordsman, it's time you do a little back tracking. You may have noticed a platform that was elevated in the room where you fought the robot...It's lowered now, so proceed to it and continue thought the Pandora. Eventually, you'll meet the scum Adel, newly released from space, with Rinao attached to her! A battle ensues...This fight is all about patience and well-balanced attacks. Adel uses Rinoa as her private healing machine, she will siphon HP from her to heal herself when she feels like it. Yes, Rinoa has HP in this battle, so you must obviously not use attacks that will hurt both of them, like GFs. A wise move is to cast Regen on Rinoa, which will heal her constantly, taking out the threat of her dying because of her life being leeched. I recommend haste on all three characters, which will give you more moves. Just use powerful physical attacks, and cast Shell. BY ALL MEANS, DO NOT CAST REFLECT, AS ADEL IS KNOWN TO CAST METEOR! IF REFLECTED, IT COULD KILL RINOA! That's the point of Shell, it will reduce the power of meteor and thus, save you. Just pound Adel hard, and heal when necessary. Be sure to recast Regen on Rinoa if needed. After this battle, your out of Lunatic Pandora.

05-01-2005, 08:52 PM
No!, not that bit lol, the bit before it were Laguna is briefing you about the mission, and theres a time limit!

Seto Fett
05-01-2005, 10:23 PM
Awwwww. All that typing for nothing lol. Ok, if there is a time limit, then it must be the part where you have to catch Lunatic at one of the three stops before it completely leaves the city. Boy, I forget the three different locations, as it's been ages since that part. Let me get to my strategy guide, and I'll get back to you with those locations. Until then, you could just try getting on it yourself, as Laguna or somebody does tell you the three stops and what times it will be there.

05-03-2005, 07:28 PM
Thanx for your help Seto Fett, I got on LUnatic Pandora but when I went on I went through a green door and their was this weird looking robit that l think is called mobile 8, an it blew me off why is that?!

Seto Fett
05-03-2005, 08:12 PM
When you say it blew you off, do you mean it owned you in a battle or it simply hit you? Either way, tell me where you are now, as I'm pretty sure I know where you're at, but I need a confirmation.

05-04-2005, 10:29 PM
I walked up to it and I didn`t go into a battle mode, it just sought of picked me and through me off lunatic Pandora!?

Seto Fett
05-05-2005, 02:12 AM
Ok, I know, that's suppose to happen. Who are you in control of now? And where are you?

05-05-2005, 09:23 PM
Thanx for your help Seto, but it`s alright now, I just wanted to know if you have to get blown off thanx! ;)