View Full Version : Post your Blitzball team!

Seto Fett
04-30-2005, 11:42 PM
Mine currently is:

LF: Tidus
RF: Wakka
MF: Tatts
LD: Irga Ronso
RD: Jassu
G: Nimrook

I'm currently needing to replace Jassu and possibly Irga. So, if anyone posting their team has the time, any recommendations?

05-01-2005, 03:34 AM
RF:Pah Guado
MF: Tatts
LD: Botta
RD: Jassu
G: Keepa

But keep in mind, I'm only at level 17-19, so this could change soon. :)

05-01-2005, 03:45 AM
I just hired all the free agents cause I could.

Seto Fett
05-01-2005, 06:06 PM
Is that even possible to hire all the free agents? I thought you could only have 6 players plus an additional two agents to use at a time?

05-01-2005, 07:49 PM
LF: Tidus
RF: Zev Ronso
MF: Brother
LD: Jassu
RD: Kiyuri
G: Miyu

05-03-2005, 09:59 PM
LF: Tidus (eventually on his way out)
RF: Larbeight
MF: Brother (may eventually be benched)
LD: Tatts (soon to be gone)
RD: Naida (soon to be gone)
GL: Nimrook

*all characters around lv60 and up except for Nimrook

All-around speed used to be my sole strategy, but now I've been enlightened to some players with more potential.

This will be my lv99 team when I get there:

LF: Larbeight (arguably the best shooter in the game)
RF: Linna (max. SHT 92, low END, but high PAS)
MF: Mifurey (starts out really slow but ends up pretty fast; comes equipped with Tackle Slip 2)
LD: Auda Guado (unlike other Guado, his ATK & END bulk up good enough for me)
RD: Nav Guado (see Auda Guado)
GL: Nimrook (edit: forgot goalie)

I used to use sole speed. Now I see that speed is only important in the back. The front should be reserved for big shooters (and no, Tidus doesn't qualify- max. SHT 78-ish, can't remember). High ATK & BLK all around for this team, which will give me a tremendous defensive boost.