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Itsunari 2000
05-02-2005, 11:09 PM
...are so overpersistent and annoyingly smarmy !



05-02-2005, 11:10 PM
Would you like to buy some monkey insurance? They are a rabid problem these days.


05-02-2005, 11:19 PM
Smarmy !
Is that even a word? :rolleyes2
Anyways; yes they bug the hell outa me. :mad2:

05-02-2005, 11:21 PM
I got monkey repellent, :monkey: :shoot: so I don't need the insurance :p. Cheaper, and if you like I can sell you some of my extra :D. Just ninety-nine ninety-nine. :cool:. Bonus points if you know the reference.

Anywas... insurance salesmen have to live off of their commission, and ONLY commissions... if they lose a sale, they lose a LOT of money.

05-02-2005, 11:22 PM
Insurance salesmen are afraid to come in to my neighbourhood. :)))

But we do get religious people asking for my mom's boyfriend and druggies knocking on our doors looking for people who don't even live in my house, and yeah, they annoy the hell out of me.

05-02-2005, 11:24 PM
Anywas... insurance salesmen have to live off of their commission, and ONLY commissions... if they lose a sale, they lose a LOT of money.Maybe if we paid them in hugs, they could live off love. :love:

05-02-2005, 11:27 PM
Maybe if we paid them in hugs, they could live off love. :love:

Is that you're second personality talking? But, if you hugged them enough, I'm sure they could sue you and get money that way ;).

05-02-2005, 11:29 PM
Hi Psy, wanna buy my monkey insurance? :monkey:


*cough* Anyway I've never had any insurance salesmen ask me anything o_0

05-02-2005, 11:29 PM
Is that you're second personality talking? But, if you hugged them enough, I'm sure they could sue you and get money that way ;).Third. And I'd say my constitutional rights were being infringed and win by default. :cool:
Hi Psy, wanna buy my monkey insurance? :monkey:

UGH GET AWAY ARG RAPE ASSAULT HELP ;_;I'd prefer duck insurance, to be honest with you...

05-02-2005, 11:29 PM
I sell insurance. My work isn't commission and it's customer-contact & not contact-customer based so I don't think I fall into that catergory. The thing about insurance, is that it's something no one WANTS, so you need to know your job & have and edge over other brokers or you'll go under. I have a decent inception ratio, from cars, bikes, houses, boats etc etc..
I fell into this quite luckily, I got no qualifications from school as I was a bit of young arse when it came to school & didn't do anything, so I'm especially grateful & work my arse off.
We look down on door-to-door sales & telephonebook hastling, it's something we feel can be the wrong way to sell things as people may buy things they don't need or want if they are weak or unsure of the insurance jargon.
Commission-based sales people will ALWAYS be the most annoyingly persistant & smarmy as their wage is based on sales. This applies to any retail market though.

05-03-2005, 02:04 AM
Cheaper, and if you like I can sell you some of my extra :D. Just ninety-nine ninety-nine. :cool:. Bonus points if you know the reference.

The "ninety-nine, ninety-nine, ninety-NINE" sounds like Mike the TV from Reboot (if I remember that show correctly) :rolleyes2

05-03-2005, 02:07 AM
I don't really get calls from insurance people. Actually, I don't think I've ever gotten a call from a sales person on my cell phone, and that's the only phone I use so it works out nicely.

05-03-2005, 02:21 AM
Im thinkin bout movin to hawaii cause otherwise this volcano insurance is going to waste :(

05-03-2005, 02:30 AM
I get insurance people calling me constantly, but I just tell them politely that I'm not interested and I hang up. They don't bother me. They would if they came to my door though. But we don't get salespeople here who come to your door.

05-03-2005, 02:33 AM
I just hang up on them. I used to waste my time listening, but now that I get ten or more of those calls a night, I rather not.