View Full Version : God Of War Kratos vs. Devil May Cry Dante. Who would win?

05-04-2005, 06:27 PM
I have came up with a way hard question for gamers. Who do you think would win between an all-out fight from two different games? Kratos from God Of War or Dante from Devil May Cry? Post your answers and later on I will post statistics.

05-04-2005, 06:41 PM
They both exist in different worlds, and more importantly games, and thus would never face off and fight.

EDIT : Also, wrong forum.

05-04-2005, 06:46 PM
Period...I don't care which world they live in but who would win if they were both together and got into a fight? Who do you think would win?

05-04-2005, 06:58 PM

Kratos is the freaking GOD OF WAR. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who'd win that one.

Lord Chainsaw
05-04-2005, 07:01 PM
The one with the better game would win.

05-04-2005, 07:22 PM
Niether would win for Ryu Hyabusa would come out of no where and beat the living /xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif out of those punks.

05-04-2005, 07:34 PM
Dante has guns so would win hands down

05-04-2005, 09:55 PM

Kratos is the freaking GOD OF WAR. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who'd win that one.

Aries is the god of war, and from what I understand, Kratos is on a mission to kill him. But there's probably something in the story about Kratos becoming the new god or something. Haven't played it, but maybe that's what you were spoiling?

05-04-2005, 10:52 PM
Kratos for sure

fuuijinmon zell
05-04-2005, 11:08 PM
Good question... they're both not very likely to die... probably Kratos, but is still like Dante

05-05-2005, 02:03 AM
I say Dante, just 'cause I like him more. =P

05-05-2005, 02:07 AM
a poll would have worked as a statistic keeper. i personnaly think Dante would win. he's the freaking son of a demon god, he's practically immortal. and after everything he goes through you'd begin to wonder if this guy has a weak spot somewhere because he seems pretty freaking unstopable.

Niether would win for Ryu Hyabusa would come out of no where and beat the living /xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif out of those punks.
then Samanosuke Akechi would come up and cut his ****ing balls off. lets not waste our time with meaningless posts shall we?

05-05-2005, 02:30 AM
Dante cause he's hot loll and he's almost invicible

05-05-2005, 03:39 AM
I prefer Kratos. He's much more of a badass. But yeah. Dante's proved he can just shrug off most anything. Though I think Kratos is now pretty well immortal himself. I don't think they'd have anything to fight over though. So I don't see it happening with any earnest anyway.

05-05-2005, 05:33 AM
From what I've heard, Kratos.

05-05-2005, 05:54 AM
are you kidding? dante would beat kratos down, and do it in style .

05-05-2005, 08:18 PM
I haven't played God of War yet, but from what I've heard, Kratos becomes the new God of War. So then Kratos is a FREAKING GOD and we all know who'd win there

Project G
05-09-2005, 11:48 AM
Dante would win because he's like blade-cool

05-09-2005, 05:22 PM

Kratos would win hands down the only support if heard for Dante is he looks cool, has a gun, and as one person said is "practicaly immortal" well for starters Kratos is immortal hes the freaking God of war. Kratos has a far quicker melle wepon that is midranged. In a ranged fight Dante would do better but would still lose its a Gun vs the various powers of greek Gods not to mention you can survive a bullet its alot harder to survive a angry army of invincible undead soldirs who are very quick and wanna tear you to shreds or being turned to stone or getting hit by a couple dozen lightning bolts. Dantes only hope would be to find pandoras box but since that dosent exist on dantes world Dante is out of luck.

Ps Kratos would still win if dante got Pandoras box

Sketch Turner
05-09-2005, 05:34 PM
Hey, awesome posts so far! I'd say....Dante would win over Kratos though, and here's my reasons;

-Dante is actually the bigger "badass"...because Kratos only acts the way he does for vengeance, while Dante's a Grade A classified demon hunter.

-Dante has the range advantage with both guns, and attacks in DT mode.

-Dante can stay longer in DT mode than Kratos can with Rage of the Gods.

-Dante can run up walls...Kratos can not.

-Dante's max health consists of two full healthbars...Kratos' does not.

-Lastly, Dante...can use Yellow Orbs to come back, whereas Kratos has...one life.

*Shrugs* Just the way I see things.

Oh hey, to all of you that said Kratos is the god of war, you're all wrong. Ares is the god of war, friends. Where did you guys study basic mythology? Or did you?...

05-09-2005, 06:24 PM
Sketch Turner let me disappoint you.

1. Kratos has the Blades of Chaos (which are of course two blades chained to him) he can throw them catching an opponent and slamming them to the ground.
2. Kratos has Medusa's head allowing him to petrify a enemy.
3. Zeus' thunderbolts can hit from any range.
4. The abilities Kratos learns are so advanced Dante wouldn't be able to keep up.
5. If he got Pandora's box, one hit would kill Dante.
6. The main ability that Kratos would have to use would be Summon The Undead. Even if Dante died he would come back at the same place and have to fight Kratos again.
7. He was trained by A FREAKING GOD!!!!!

P.S. I saw that picture of your sig before. I think it came off that Sega game where a guy is created by comic artist and has to destroy what he makes.

05-09-2005, 06:27 PM
My money is on Dante, but thats just because I think Kratos looks like an idiot and Im a die hard DMC fan.

Sketch Turner
05-09-2005, 07:37 PM
FiragaBreak-No damage done pal. But...you make ome alright points.
The thing is though, you seem a bit uncertain about what Kratos can really do, whereas I'm fully aware of Dante' abilities.
There shouldn't be any "if"s in there.
True, Kratos was trained by gods, deities, but to clarify things, he's not one himself. Kratos is a Spartan warlord.
As for weapons, what are the Blades of Chaos compared to the Sparda Sword which once belonged to a legendary dark knight of the underworld? And I mean...the things you can do with that blade are just crazy.
And have you actually GOTTEN the Summon ability for Kratos? It can't bring him back, friend, it summons undeads to help you do battle.

PS.Hehe...ooh, you're on the right track, mate!

05-09-2005, 08:15 PM
FiragaBreak-No damage done pal. But...you make ome alright points.
The thing is though, you seem a bit uncertain about what Kratos can really do, whereas I'm fully aware of Dante' abilities.
There shouldn't be any "if"s in there.
True, Kratos was trained by gods, deities, but to clarify things, he's not one himself. Kratos is a Spartan warlord.
As for weapons, what are the Blades of Chaos compared to the Sparda Sword which once belonged to a legendary dark knight of the underworld? And I mean...the things you can do with that blade are just crazy.
And have you actually GOTTEN the Summon ability for Kratos? It can't bring him back, friend, it summons undeads to help you do battle.

PS.Hehe...ooh, you're on the right track, mate!

Have you even finished the game?

Kratos took the place of Ares. He IS the god of war. I don't know, but considering that he governed all of the destruction in BOTH World Wars, he's got to be even more powerful than anyone who's only "practically immortal". Plus, HE'S THE GOD OF WAR.

I'd like to close this argument by stating the fact that HE'S THE GOD OF WAR.

05-09-2005, 09:35 PM
Kratos Is immortal. End of story.

05-10-2005, 12:50 AM
too be fair to Dante dispite my past post I must point out Aries was the God of war and Kratos a human killed him thats a fact i havent seen brought up >.>

05-10-2005, 02:50 AM
Niether would win for Ryu Hyabusa would come out of no where and beat the living /xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif out of those punks.
then Samanosuke Akechi would come up and cut his ****ing balls off. lets not waste our time with meaningless posts shall we?

Ryu is dead so after Akechi is done wasting his time Ryu would then pwn his ass back to the stone age :D

Meaningless posts are fun though and if they are so meaningless then why are you even bothering?

05-10-2005, 03:10 AM
I would so kik both of their @$$!

I'd say in a fight, Kratos would win. If there was a battle in who has more style, then I'd so vote for Dante.

05-10-2005, 04:11 AM
Dante kicks ass, but come on Kratos would eat him up and spit him out like he was chewing Tobacco.

09-14-2006, 10:35 AM
there is no point in this discussion... dante would fall any day of the week to kratos... first off dante's guns dont mean anything when your messing with an immortal. this fight would be over in seconds because all kratos would have to do is turn him into stone and shatter dante into pieces. kratos is a god... gods are rulers of everything, thats why their is no higher being then a god because gods are unstoppable. this fight was over before it was even thought up.

Markus. D
09-14-2006, 10:48 AM

Dante was born from a fallen savior.

Kratos is easy to mock.



Captain Maxx Power
09-14-2006, 12:05 PM
Funny you should say that I had a dream last night I was playing Devil May Cry (wierd since I haven't played it that much, and not even recently), and to be honest I think Dante would win, if only because he has a consistent ranged attack. If he was within range of Kratos' Blades of Chaos, it'd be very one sided.

09-14-2006, 12:34 PM
Someone made a good point. Ares, the ousted God of War, was killed by Kratos, a human. A super powered up, blessed by the gods human, but still human nonetheless. Was he stabbed in the gut or something? I can't really remember. So, gods can be killed, just as Dante can.

However, Dante has been stabbed numerous times in his life. Play Devil May Cry 3 for 5 minutes, and you see him get 'fatally' stabbed at least twice in cutscenes. The 2nd time, he proceeds to eat pizza and kick demon butt, using the broken shards of sharpness in his body to kill them. Let's see Kratos do that.

If it were a Ranged Battle, Dante would have the advantage. He can fire faster than Kratos can throw his lightning bolts, and his ammo is unlimited. Dante can keep himself distanced from Kratos to continuously pelt him with bullets from afar, which would probably end in a stalemate.
Even up close, Kratos wouldn't be a clear winner. Dante can dodge just as Kratos can, and while Kratos is stuck doing his big elaborate combo, Dante can poke him a few times from behind with a weapon of his choice.

I dont' think Kratos would know how to deal with bullets anyway, and he certainly doesn't know how to deal with Pizza.

Advantage: Dante

09-14-2006, 01:25 PM
God of war hahaha Dante has been through alot more then Kratos

Forsaken Lover
09-14-2006, 01:32 PM
This fight sucks. A better fight be. Kain from LoK vs. Dante from DMC. It be long, badass and bloody.

Markus. D
09-14-2006, 01:48 PM
Funny you should say that I had a dream last night I was playing Devil May Cry (wierd since I haven't played it that much, and not even recently), and to be honest I think Dante would win, if only because he has a consistent ranged attack. If he was within range of Kratos' Blades of Chaos, it'd be very one sided.

Royal Guard "style" can pretty much null any melee damage.

and yeah. Gunslinger kind of pwns... specially if Dante were to bring out a combination of the Nevan and the Kalina Ann.

09-14-2006, 09:15 PM
Kratos is a fucking beast!

But Dante's got skillz!

Kratos is a freakin God!

But Dante is a Demon!

Its to difficult i love them both im caught between two lovers. Dante has got stly but that bald head of Kratos is really sexy!;)

there both way awesome don't make me choose. smiley face for both of them:D

09-14-2006, 09:45 PM
Ok, Dante has been through more because he has 3 games out already, Kratos is barely on his first game, argument null.

I see Kratos coming out on top of this one. Even if Kratos wasn't immortal, I see a large advantage for him if the battle was close to midranged, and I see it only being a stalemate at long range.

09-15-2006, 10:34 PM
Some good points raised, GOWEVER, you fail to state whether your going by FMV standards or in game play.. Either way the winner is Dante.. And i will say how now.

Ok either way Kratos would NOT have the power he had at the end of the GoW game as you never see him use them, furthermore, while dante can quite happily be stabbed and not feel it Kratos would be killed alike to a mortal, regardless of whom he was trained by. And by the end of GoW it was proved that mortals can kill gods, thus putting and end to the 'Kratos is a god' argument.

In game play. Still dante, medusas gaze would have NO affect on Dante as under conditions we would be forced to assume thet Dante is indeed a boss encounter, and is therefore invulnerble to any instant death attacks.
Again you fail to state which version of dante you are going by, DMC1, 2 or 3? Now here are a load of points as to why each Dante would win. Ok here goes.

DMC1: Speaks for itself Ifrit DT kick13 Kratos is as good as dead. Or again with Alastor and vortex.. No contest for this Dante, No need for the Time bangle as it is inaffective against bosses, because again we would be forced to assume that Kratosis a boss encounter.

DMC2: Though crap, dodging was hella easy and all you needed to do was wait until you could go Sparda, after that you were invulnerable completely for a short time, the second that happens Dante wins.. No question.

DMC3:- This will be broken down into fighting styles.

Trickster:- The abiltiy to telepot kinda takes away from kratos's fighting, This puts him at a huge disadvantage.

Swordmaster:- With this dante is more lethal with his melee weapons than Kratos.If i must i will even do individual descriptions for each weapon. For now this will do.

Gunslinger:- Melee weapon with air hike, E & I, Artemus and your untouchable.. Well more or less.. Once again another style that makes this cakewalk for dante.

Royal Guard:- No need to say anything, with this you are indestructable. Takes like 2 mins to defeat Vergil(mission20) on DMD mode, perhaps less time.

Quicksilver:- Slow down time indefinatly, Works against everything, Kinda takes the piss really, makes DMD mode equivilent to easy. Yet another loss to kratos.

Doppleganer:- Though perhaps the most difficult style to get used to it can be the most versitile as two dante's attacking at the same time each using a different weapon leads to destruction... So there you have it.

*Sighs* There we go X_x sorry about bumping but it just kinda annoys me that people say Kratos is all powerful when you don't ever actually see him use any godly powers. anywho yeah, i realise i have gone a bit over the top x_x...
But that's that, and yes Dante and kratos are from two seperate games so we'd never see them fight >.>'

09-16-2006, 12:50 AM
Some good points raised, GOWEVER, you fail to state whether your going by FMV standards or in game play.. Either way the winner is Dante.. And i will say how now.

Ok either way Kratos would NOT have the power he had at the end of the GoW game as you never see him use them, furthermore, while dante can quite happily be stabbed and not feel it Kratos would be killed alike to a mortal, regardless of whom he was trained by. And by the end of GoW it was proved that mortals can kill gods, thus putting and end to the 'Kratos is a god' argument.

In game play. Still dante, medusas gaze would have NO affect on Dante as under conditions we would be forced to assume thet Dante is indeed a boss encounter, and is therefore invulnerble to any instant death attacks.
Again you fail to state which version of dante you are going by, DMC1, 2 or 3? Now here are a load of points as to why each Dante would win. Ok here goes.

DMC1: Speaks for itself Ifrit DT kick13 Kratos is as good as dead. Or again with Alastor and vortex.. No contest for this Dante, No need for the Time bangle as it is inaffective against bosses, because again we would be forced to assume that Kratosis a boss encounter.

DMC2: Though crap, dodging was hella easy and all you needed to do was wait until you could go Sparda, after that you were invulnerable completely for a short time, the second that happens Dante wins.. No question.

DMC3:- This will be broken down into fighting styles.

Trickster:- The abiltiy to telepot kinda takes away from kratos's fighting, This puts him at a huge disadvantage.

Swordmaster:- With this dante is more lethal with his melee weapons than Kratos.If i must i will even do individual descriptions for each weapon. For now this will do.

Gunslinger:- Melee weapon with air hike, E & I, Artemus and your untouchable.. Well more or less.. Once again another style that makes this cakewalk for dante.

Royal Guard:- No need to say anything, with this you are indestructable. Takes like 2 mins to defeat Vergil(mission20) on DMD mode, perhaps less time.

Quicksilver:- Slow down time indefinatly, Works against everything, Kinda takes the piss really, makes DMD mode equivilent to easy. Yet another loss to kratos.

Doppleganer:- Though perhaps the most difficult style to get used to it can be the most versitile as two dante's attacking at the same time each using a different weapon leads to destruction... So there you have it.

*Sighs* There we go X_x sorry about bumping but it just kinda annoys me that people say Kratos is all powerful when you don't ever actually see him use any godly powers. anywho yeah, i realise i have gone a bit over the top x_x...
But that's that, and yes Dante and kratos are from two seperate games so we'd never see them fight >.>'

^Has too much time on his hands.

09-16-2006, 03:01 AM
I think there both sexy yes thats right computer generated animated video game characters turn me on.;)

And northern chaos god if you read all that then you too also have a lot of time on your hands XD.

09-16-2006, 08:09 AM
I think there both sexy yes thats right computer generated animated video game characters turn me on.;)

And northern chaos god if you read all that then you too also have a lot of time on your hands XD.

I only got to like the third paragraph before I gave up. :p

09-16-2006, 01:52 PM
The point that gods can be killed is rather moot unless Dante gets his hands on Pandora's box (which Kratos needed to be given the power to kill a god. There was no way for him to kill Aries otherwise). In his God of War form, Kratos would be nigh unstoppable. He's going to be far more powerful than Dante, and pretty much be an expert in all forms of combat. Kratos hands down there.

Assuming we're talking regular Kratos here, it may be closer, but being trained by the God of War, as well as being given numerous weapons and abilities from other gods leans things in his favor. There is one major reason I'll give it to mortal Kratos over Dante though: Aries actually killed Kratos just after getting Pandora's box, but he still fought his way out of the underworld to go on to kill Aries. Even as a mortal, nothing will stop him, not even death.

09-16-2006, 02:31 PM
Hmm, maybe a good point there, but as Mundus is roughly the same size as Kratos was when he used Pandoras box i think that Dante would still win..
But meh, i like both games don't get me wrong just Kratos wouldn't be able to damage Dante enough to make him sweat.

09-16-2006, 03:47 PM
Hmm, maybe a good point there, but as Mundus is roughly the same size as Kratos was when he used Pandoras box i think that Dante would still win..

I don't think it was the size of Kratos that let him kill Aries, so much as the power of the box itself. Odds are a mortal without the power, regardless of size wouldn't be able to kill a god.

Man it's been a while since I let myself get sucked into a geek-out session like this.

09-16-2006, 05:30 PM
Dante, for the following reasons:

1. He got stabbed in the chest by a sword, and with the sword still stuck in the ground, he got up, and the entire sword went through his chest. He lived! =O

2. Nice hair.

3. Cool jacket.

4. Cameo in Viewtiful Joe.

09-16-2006, 06:50 PM
We vote Dante. We're too lazy to say why. :3

09-16-2006, 06:57 PM
Well it depends... Dante in a cutscene is invincible but in the actual game he dies when an enemy sneezes on him. But I'll still say Dante.

Forsaken Lover
09-16-2006, 07:35 PM
Well, I want to see Dante vs. Kain. I don't think Dante will survive being stabbed by something like the Soul Reaver.