View Full Version : Maxing Stats and other things.

05-10-2005, 02:39 AM
This is something I have done before, but I am not sure if I want to play a normal file or try this again. Does anyone have any opinions? I really want to enjoy the game because I haven't played it in a while, but I'm not really sure HOW to play it. I want to max my stats, but I was wondering... How long does it take to devour from enemies late in the game as compared to doing a low level challenge and then devouring? I was thinking of playing normally, then doing devour to increase my stats, but I was thinking this might take an insane amount of time.

Any thoughts?

For the rest of this post I will do into detail of what I did when I played this game last. I call it a low-level uber-stats game, but I don't call it a low-level uber-stats challenge, because theres really nothing too tough about it!

On to the explanation...


Well, on my perfect file, I had everyone at around level 10-13 by the end of disc 3.


To max out my stats.


Simple! By that point, I'll have a majority of all of the summons I need which have abilities that make it so that when I level up, my stats go up. Also, you need it so that you can equip 5 abilities at once.

Strength.. Defense.. vitality.. I can't remember the 5 that I had equipped. But I went to the Island Closest to Hell when I got all of my summons at about level 10 or so, and then I leveled up like crazy.. ONE PERSON AT A TIME. I killed off the others, and then leveled up one person to 100 with the stat increase abilities. I had 6 characters with nearly maxed out stats, and thats without devouring.

The best part about this strategy is that it isn't very hard to do this if you have good junctions! Enemies level up with you!

-Draw from enemies, then escape if possible.
-Draw from Bosses
-I played triple triad and got Lionheart on Disc 1, as well as one of every card at least by the end of the game.

When you do your first mission with Seifer, I killed everyone off and leveled up Seifer to level 100 off of soldiers. This ONLY TOOK A FEW HOURS! Seriously, think it took me days? I think I spent like 4-5 hours using his limit break finishing them off every round.

Why? So that I could draw all of the upper-level magic for all my characters. This made the battle against Diablo at low levels easier.

So... I beat the game at low levels, less than 20, first. Then I maxed out all my stats and fought the final boss, as well as omega.

God, I love FF8.

Anyway, I highly recommend trying this out (low levels to the end of the game) it's like playing a totally different game, and it's not even really that hard, either! In fact, I found the game to be really easy STILL! I got most of my strategy from a guide at gamefaqs.com.

The only problem is that I don't really like the idea of skipping as much exp as possible. I was thinking it might even be easier to play the game normally and then devour?


Any ideas? What are your opinions?

05-10-2005, 03:37 AM
It takes forever to devour. The easiest to do probably would be t-rexuars in balamb and malboros on the island closest to heaven. Adamantoise, behemoths, and ruby dragons are much rarer-_-

But it's what i'm doing, keeping low levels *then* devouring.

you really shouldn't bother about hp. It's easy to max that by junctioning, and ruby dragons are too annoying:P

You'll be very satisfied though when you imagine rinoa running up and gobbling down a malboro. I know I am.

05-10-2005, 03:48 AM
thanks rubah, I think I'm going to do the low-level thing again. I can't remember exactly what I did when I was devouring my first time through, but if it's going to take forever otherwise, then it's definitely worth it to do the low-level beforehand.

I'm DEFINITELY NOT doing the Lionheart by Disc 1 challenge again. That was HELL. No point really, anyway.