View Full Version : Great Gospel

Seal Evil
05-13-2005, 03:00 PM
What is the point of getting the Great Gospel (Aeris' limit skill level 4) when she's dead by the time you get it?

05-13-2005, 03:37 PM
Um, spoiler tag anyone? I know everyone should know by now, but still...

Anyway, you can get it before she dies, you just have to really work at it. It's one of those "isn't really that useful in the long run but if you got it it means you acomplished something" items. A pity, since it would have been good later on.....

Seal Evil
05-13-2005, 03:49 PM
Um, spoiler tag anyone? I know everyone should know by now, but still...

Oops. Sorry 'bout that. My excuse is that I'm new. I've edited my post though, & thanks for replying. :)

05-13-2005, 06:29 PM
You can get it before that. Just go in the Highwind and find a cave near the Junon Harbor. Talk to man and he give you information about how many times you died, battled, or used powerful magic. The first time if he gives you an item it would be a Bolt ring. The second time would be Mirthil. When you get that go to the town that's reactor expoded and look for a house on a pennisula. Go inside and there will be a guy asking for your Mirthil. Give it to him and you get a choice between the upstairs chest or downstairs chest. Choose upstairs. Downstairs would be a Gold Armlet.

05-13-2005, 06:44 PM
You can get it before that. Just go in the Highwind and find a cave near the Junon Harbor. Talk to man and he give you information about how many times you died, battled, or used powerful magic. The first time if he gives you an item it would be a Bolt ring. The second time would be Mirthil. When you get that go to the town that's reactor expoded and look for a house on a pennisula. Go inside and there will be a guy asking for your Mirthil. Give it to him and you get a choice between the upstairs chest or downstairs chest. Choose upstairs. Downstairs would be a Gold Armlet.

It's too late to actually apply the Limit manual by the time you get the Highwind. You can, however, get the Mythril as soon as you get the buggy after the initial Gold Saucer visit, since the buggy can be taken into Costa del Sol and over to the original continent. Of course, you can't do anything with the Mythril until the Rocket Town visit, since the weapons maker won't be at his house until after that sequence. You may get the Mythril, by the way, the first time, rather than a Bolt Ring. The man in the cave will give you an item whenever the last two digits of your total battles fought are the same (for example: 277 battles, 66 battles, etc.). Which item you receive is based on whether the total number of battles is odd or even.

Once you've acquired the Tiny Bronco, you can of course go exchange the Mythril for the Great Gospel manual and teach it to Aeris if you learned the preceding Breaks. Interestingly, this is the only Limit manual that can be acquired multiple times, since you can go back and repeatedly obtain the Mythril necessary for the trade.

Seal Evil
05-13-2005, 08:06 PM
Thank you for your comments, guys.

05-13-2005, 10:14 PM
while i love ffvii with all my heart (fav game EVER) i think this is wer square fell victim to a flaw - there really isnt any point of goin to all that trouble to get great gospel as aeris jus dies anyway - but in all fairness u can get a bit of use out of it - aeris, i believe, develops her limit breaks quicker than the others so you can get some use out of it - i stil think its pretty pointless but thats jus my oppinion

05-13-2005, 11:38 PM
Also, this forum doesn't mandate that Aeris's death be a spoiler anymore. From what I've heard it's come into discussion quite a bit and considering how old the issue is, and how "shocking", people couldn't keep their mouths shut, so it's easy to just assume most everyone knows about it. So no worries there... even the people that didn't want to know, already know, and it's not because of you. It's like inevitable

Seto Fett
05-14-2005, 01:26 AM
That's exactly why I hardly use Aeris, as she isn't alive for very long. She's great with materia, I'll give her that, so I did occasionaly use her in early boss batles. As for the limit break, it is a waste of effort unless you're trying to get the right to say you've gotten all the character's best limit breaks or just that you've gotten Aeris's best. Hehe, I umm, only had hers to Breath of Earth when she died...

05-14-2005, 02:31 AM
I've NEVER gotten psat Seal Evil. That is the ONLY thing I have not done in FF7. Aeris' limits.....

05-14-2005, 03:27 AM
There's was a rumor (or a complete lie) that if you max everyone out (learn all limit breaks, including Aeris') that you could learn Cloud's level + limits. If this was a lie told by the people in this forum, they had no right to make such claims. After all, it is possible to do these things unlike the joke that Meat Puppet told (at least, I think it was Meat Puppet.) He said that if you taught Aeris the Omnislash and fought 1000,000 Sephiroths that you could resurrect Aeris . . . or something like that. That at least was funny.

05-14-2005, 05:28 AM
Outright lie.

And I never bothered to get Great Gospel either. Waste of time for a character I didnt like.

05-14-2005, 06:52 AM
I guess it gives you something to do that is even more boring than chocobo breeding.

05-14-2005, 07:07 AM
I enjoyed breeding chocobos, and racing them and all that.

05-14-2005, 08:12 AM
Can ya tell me what great gospel looks like please?

05-14-2005, 08:40 AM
I`ve never gotten it either, in fact I didn`t get passed Seal evil (which I though was utterly useless) well anyway I think I`ve read that when you use great gospel angels come down from the heavens and cast it on you!! it`s a brilliant limit break and if she didn`t die I probably would have used her all the way through the game, espacially since she`s the closest thing to a solid magic user!!

05-14-2005, 10:59 AM
I got it, but only after like the millionth time I played the game and I wanted to get EVERYTHING and see how it looked.

But yeah, it's not impossible...infact, it's not even hard really. It's just that you'd have to actually take time to get her to limit level 4 before she umm...yeah. Unlike the rest who you can just keep going along and will most likely get there in time.

05-14-2005, 03:57 PM
you really thought chocobo breeding was borin?? i loved that part so much - the racing, the winning prizes, the anticipation as yer new chocobo is born - awesome mini game - and the end results feel very well deserved - knights of the round, quad magic - awesome materia

Seal Evil
05-14-2005, 06:35 PM
Yeah, I thought Seal Evil was kinda crappy. Just has a cool name, lol.

I've only ever got up to 'Breath of the Earth' ...which was stupid as well, coz all it did was cure your team's abnormal status, y'know, like poison. So most of the time it was useless.

& also, the only reason I always have Aeris on my team, is coz you have to have her on your team in The Temple Of Ancients, so I train her up... coz the first time I played, I didn't have her on my team to start off with, & she was really weak when I had to use her.

Del Murder
05-14-2005, 07:07 PM
It's very useful in the last boss fight you have her for, but I always get it just for completeness sake.

05-14-2005, 11:24 PM
I've beat FFVII three times and got Great Gospel twice. It's really useful for the time you can use it, though most of Aeris' limit breaks are, really. Either they heal you completely, restore everyone's status ailments and/or make you invincible for a short time, and there's the Fury Brand break that instantly fills the target's Limit Gauge (great for having other characters learn their limit breaks).

Great Gospel sends angels from the heavens to shine pure light on your characters, restoring all their HP, MP and status and making you invincible to everything for a long time. Physical attacks against you miss and magical attacks do 0 damage or don't work. During my first game, I lost against Demon Wall at least 5 times or so. On later games, Great Gospel is of great help there. If Aeris is on Fury status, she'll quickly get her level 4 limit break, and if she gets Great Gospel cast, you've pretty much won that fight.

The Great Gospel is also useful if you use Aeris in some of the fights later in the game. Once I used a cheat/hack (note: not possible with normal game mechanics) to have Cloud, Aeris and Yuffie in the battle against Emerald Weapon. After Aeris did her Great Gospel, that battle pretty much became a breeze. Emerald Shoot, Emerald Beam, Revenge Stamp, the Eyes' attacks and Aire Tam Storm all did 0 damage. After that, you don't have to keep summoning KotR linked to HP Absorb to heal you since you can't get hurt. You can just have Cloud use Omnislash and then Mime it until Emerald dies.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
05-14-2005, 11:29 PM
I never thought about that. If Aeris hadn't died, the Weapons wouldn't have been a challenge at all.

05-15-2005, 12:48 PM
I never thought about that. If Aeris hadn't died, the Weapons wouldn't have been a challenge at all.