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View Full Version : Do you give up easily?

05-14-2005, 08:40 AM
When you're struggling to accomplish a difficult task - be it learning to play an instrument or completing a complicated equation - do you give up easily, or do you have a large amount of time and patience for such things?

I devote a lot of time to my Piano playing, and I don't give up easily when I encounter a problem with a specific tune. When it comes to video games, however, I can be very impatient. When I repeatedly die in a game, I usually give up quite quickly, and it takes me a long time before I can go back and attempt to beat it.

And yourself?

The Captain
05-14-2005, 09:10 AM
I never give up on anything, which I think is one of my biggest flaws. I always take on projects and continue to plug away even when it seems that the inevitable has begun to set in. Chalk it up to my idealism, but I believe that anything, if worked at hard enough can be finished and worked out for the best.

Perhaps also, I'm just too stubborn to admit defeat.

Take care all.

Del Murder
05-14-2005, 09:11 AM
I never give up. Cap is right, it is a flaw. Sometimes you have to let things go.

The Captain
05-14-2005, 09:13 AM
The irony though is that it is also a great source of strength, or can be.

Take care all.

Del Murder
05-14-2005, 09:24 AM
It is my greatest source.

The Captain
05-14-2005, 09:26 AM
I suppose the real key, though obviously, is to pick and choose which battles one continues to fight and which ones one eventually does concede.

Take care all.

Ko Ko
05-14-2005, 09:27 AM
I give up only because I hate fighting. It scares me.

The Captain
05-14-2005, 09:28 AM
In the literal or figurative sense if I might pry?

Take care all.

Ko Ko
05-14-2005, 09:31 AM
I'm serious. When I get challenged I back down. It's just too frightening to keep fighting because I don't want to end up hurting someone.

The Captain
05-14-2005, 09:34 AM
Opinions expressed freely don't hurt others so long as you can listen to other people's opinions as well.

Take care all.

Old Manus
05-14-2005, 09:35 AM
I gave up reading this thread at reply 2. Also I......forget it.

Meat Puppet
05-14-2005, 09:56 AM
I'll give up something if I'm not interested in it. And anything I'm interested in, I'll stick with it until it bores me.

Loony BoB
05-14-2005, 10:09 AM
What Meat Puppet said, yeah. I have a lot of projects that I never finished, but at the same time, there are some of them that I've stuck with over many years that I can't see myself letting go of anytime soon.

05-14-2005, 10:14 AM
Same as Meat Puppet and BoB. If something's interesting and relevant to my life at the moment I'm doing it, then I'll most likely keep going. Some things really need to be discarded after a while though. My patience with instruments is pretty ambivalent.

05-14-2005, 10:15 AM
It depends. Sometimes I'm too proud and stuck up to give up, which...isn't a good thing?! :(

05-14-2005, 10:37 AM
Can't give up if you don't start anything. :thumb:

05-14-2005, 10:51 AM
I have brilliant dedication, but poor motivation. If you want me to, I'll go & learn Bohemian Rhapsody on guitar (With the piano arranged for guitat as well!) & I wont stop until it's learnt. But it's just getting me there really. I rarely give up.

05-14-2005, 10:52 AM
I give up on everything almost. :(

05-14-2005, 11:04 AM
It depends. Usually in sports, I don't give up, cos I just get really competitive. In learning an instrument, I give up if I completely suck at it. For driving, I did kinda give up when I first started learning cos I sucked. But then I got back into it and I'm fine with it now.

05-14-2005, 11:13 AM
I'd like to think I never give up, yada yada yada, but there are some times where things feel really hopeless. The only reason I seem to go on is because I feel an overarching sense of God urging me to do what I must. I don't know if that is giving up, in a sense, to the overwhelming control of God, and his Fate, but I think it adds another dimension to the conversation.

05-14-2005, 11:20 AM
Partly because I dont like confrontation, and will back down almost immediately, and partly because I'm incredibly weak-willed.

I've even given up before I started something because of cowardice. It's a bad problem with me, and one I have trouble fixing.

05-14-2005, 11:21 AM
Well I've already said, I never giv

05-14-2005, 11:27 AM
I don't give up easily. Like in sports, I don't give up. I'm too competitive for that, even if my team sucks, and I'm the only one doing anything, I won't give up.
I'm stubborn too, so I won't give up in an arguement... Unless I get bored saying 'Yes, it is'.
The only time I give up is when I'm tired, bored or I just can't get the answer to the question. :D

boris no no
05-14-2005, 11:31 AM
yes. i've got alot of work to do now and i just cannot do it. under pressure i'm a total reck :(

05-14-2005, 11:41 AM
Similarly, if there's a girl I'm interested in and I have anyreason to believe she and I couldn't wind up together, I give up any thought of trying anything.

Yeah, that's what I meant when I said I give up before I even try. I just chalk it up to cowardice, and move on.

My name is...something..?
05-14-2005, 12:02 PM
Nope, I don't quit. Usually, once I get my sights on something I don't stop until it's done.

05-14-2005, 12:09 PM
One of my biggest flaws; whenever someone challenge me, I won't give up, I can't let go. :cry:

Halifax Housewife
05-14-2005, 02:45 PM
I never give up. If I want to get something done, then I will do it no matter what the obstacle is.

05-14-2005, 03:01 PM
If something really matters to me, I won't back down or give up.

If it was a passing whim? Probably will quit when I get bored.

I'm sure you can appreciate the distinction.

05-14-2005, 03:04 PM
I guess sometimes I'm persistant and sometimes I'm not.

When I fail to do stuff, I get mad and upset and it gets harder to do right (except in math class where it makes me redouble my efforts to not get a BxD)

I guess it really goes down to how much patience I have. I have quite a bit of patience, but if I get upset or irritable, it all flies out the windowxD Myself failing in doing something is a good way to get irritated, too -_-

05-14-2005, 03:06 PM
I give up sometimes when I can't answer a difficult question. But let's see... when wrestling with my friends I never give up. Long live WWE! *dies from laughing*

05-14-2005, 04:05 PM
I'm a determined person but I'm also impatient at times. So I really hate to give up on something and try not to give up, but when my patience is starting to wear really thin, I let whatever I'm doing go and some point later when I have my patience back, I'll go try again.

05-14-2005, 04:12 PM
I have brilliant dedication, but poor motivation. If you want me to, I'll go & learn Bohemian Rhapsody on guitar (With the piano arranged for guitat as well!) & I wont stop until it's learnt. But it's just getting me there really. I rarely give up.

same here. Except i dont play instruments anymore, i gave up..... how ironic..

05-14-2005, 04:49 PM
It depends. Let's say I'm working on a script that I just can't get right. I'll work on it all day because I'm having a bit of fun doing it, even though I can't get the code right.

For most of the things that really matter, though (i.e. homework, school projects) I give up easily sometimes.

05-14-2005, 05:44 PM
If it is something like work at school in maths (or another subject that bores me) and I can't do something, I'll just give up and be like "I'm not doing it."

However if its an argument or something I'm having with somebody, I never give up. Or something I'm interested in.

05-14-2005, 08:02 PM
Trying is the first step towards failure. But then again, it is better to look the fool than keep your silence.

I pursue the things I can achieve and back away from the things I can't, at least until I know I can do them. That way I come out looking like some sort person who can do anything and everyone will admire me and build statues honoring me. :monster:

05-14-2005, 08:07 PM
Hey, Yams said something smart :eek:

05-14-2005, 08:13 PM
Well, I am logical when it comes to 'giving up' or not...

If I see that there is a small possibility of hope, then I will be determined and persistant, and continue until all is lost... and then some.

But, on the other hand, if I see that something is not possible, then I will not waste effort in attempting to try.

I am often lazy, yet if I am forced into a situation, then I will give it my best until I have succeeded, yet it's the problem of starting... ^_^

Musically, I am quite determined, as I hate to be merely 'average', so I always have to be a few months ahead of the appropriate level ^_^

An example of this, is when I was younger, I was determined to be the top member of the band, and so in two years, I started an instrument, and I went from grade 0-6 in 2 years, and I ended up winning a scholarship. A week later I quit the instrument, losing the scholarship xD.

But otherwise, I'm extremely lazy in starting anything ^_^

05-14-2005, 08:32 PM
We need to get Del and The Captain working on the frontsite. :rolleyes2

Whether or not I finish something completely depends on my current mood. Sometimes I'll work for hours to get something done, other times I have to force myself to finish things.

Lord Chainsaw
05-14-2005, 09:46 PM
I beat Ghosts N Goblins and Super Ghouls N Ghosts. So to answer your question...

Hell no!

05-15-2005, 04:59 AM
If something really matters to me, I won't back down or give up.

If it was a passing whim? Probably will quit when I get bored.

I'm sure you can appreciate the distinction.

Daryl knows the score. *dances*

05-15-2005, 06:36 AM
No, especially when it comes to people. I love a good argument.
Its fun twisting words they say to make my point sound more valid.
Logic, is on my side.

05-15-2005, 06:43 AM
I usually fall asleep and wait for it to be over. Well, fall asleep or close my eyes. I'm a very passive person ^____^

05-15-2005, 06:55 AM
I'm as stubborn as they come, so no, I don't give up easily. I love to argue and defend my opinions, I hate quitting anything (even when I should give up), and I usually get what I want out of sheer determination. To become a dancer I auditioned so many times after being told to forget it. I took every class I could get my hands on and worked my butt off, but I finally made it. It's worth it to pursue what you want, always.

05-15-2005, 07:02 AM
Well, yeah. I fogot something. I danced for 10 years against the odds. But I pulled a ligament in soccer my second year in toe shoes so then I persued laying down in my bed. ^_^

05-15-2005, 07:04 AM
It depends on how important to me it is. If its just some other thing.... meh. If its something important or something I'm interested in, sure. I'll go through as far as I can with it.

Video Games... when I die and have to do a whole bunch over, or I can't get past *insert random name of part/boss/etc*, I'll usually drop the game for a while ^^;

05-15-2005, 09:55 AM
I usually don't give up easily. :)

05-15-2005, 10:03 AM
I give up on everything almost. :(

:save: Me too. :save: