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Cloud No.9
05-15-2005, 10:54 PM
this is a thread about many things timesplitters.

fiorst of all r-110. what a great robot especially when he starts comin out with the great one liners - "sorry was that your face" "there's a new sherrif in town" "eat my laser eat! eat it!" i laughed so hard when i first heard him in the second ultra net level. so is r-110 the greatest sidekick ever?

also. do you like timeslplitters humour? the one liners? the gallery with it's descritions? the games? the blowing heads of monkeys? cat racing? spoofing. i love it. sometimes it's really subtle like when crow mutters "rosebud" at the end" to the more obvious quotes from aliens and starship troopers in the first level.

the series as a game has always floored. me. yes they might all suffer from poor stories. but that never bothered me. it was the perfection that everything was done with. the total lack of slow down. the endless things to do and things to beat. the graphics, sound, the gameplay and all it's smoothnes. the map maker. the multiplayer. it's all done to the height of what could be done at the time.

so yeah. is r-110 great? is timesplitters funny? and what is so great about it? (yes this post will be allowed for negative things too)

05-15-2005, 10:57 PM
Has the third came out? Or is it still 1 and 2?

I rented 1 a long time ago and really liked it. Played through a lot of single player missions (which made no sense but were fun regardless) and did a lot of deathmatch with my friends. Lotta fun.

I might have to pick up the second one sometime soon.

05-15-2005, 11:15 PM
Yeah, I like them. I've got 1 and 2, I'll probably buy 3 when it's a bit cheaper or I have more money, the humor is okay I guess.

Cloud No.9
05-15-2005, 11:16 PM
the 3rd one is out until the subtitle, future perfect.

1 had a very poor story mode. it boiled down to a time attack mode. the multiplayer and challanges though were still lots of fun. and even though the story mode wasn't great it was still great fun and trying to get under all those times to get all the secrets that as a joy.

that's what i don't like about the new one. it's sold out in a way. being published by ea. the difficulty is toned down. before it was a true gamers game. it didn't let you off with playing through on easy. it made you play through on easy and then said "want more? then try harder" the new one doesn't do that. it's easier and doesn't force you through hard mode to unlock everything and the challenges are that little bit easier. there are still challenges for some but the hardcore ness of the past isn't there now.

05-16-2005, 12:01 AM
". . . Rosebud . . ."
Where the hell is that from?

"It's a freakin' sled. There. I just saved ya two boobless hours."

05-16-2005, 01:19 AM
TimeSplitters is great fun, and can often be hilarious, as well. I'm a bit disappointed that they still haven't included the ability to jump, though. :(

Cloud No.9
05-16-2005, 10:34 PM
the rose bud quote is from the end of citizen kain.

05-17-2005, 03:08 AM
I always thought the Rosebud thing was a hint to a sequal-prequal-mincemeatqual. BUt, I guess I was wrong. Damn. Free Radical should make a game similar to timesplitters, with the same engine and stuff like that, and even the mapmaker. I love the mapmaker. And online. Online is awesome. IF you have PS2 online, add me to your buddy list. I'm under the name XalionLotus. And, download my maps. PH33R T3H MAPZ. I have a couple of sniper maps, and the famous-to-me Monster Buggies.

"Eat my primitive projectile. EAT IT!!"