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Halifax Housewife
05-19-2005, 02:34 AM

A very, VERY old school game. I remember playing this game in grade 3.



Seconds later..


My family couldn't swim.

05-19-2005, 03:01 AM
I never played the first, but I had the second one for Windows '95.

This thread makes me think of this shirt:

05-19-2005, 03:03 AM
The actual Oregon Trail was easier than this game.

05-19-2005, 03:08 AM
I love this damn game!!

05-19-2005, 03:10 AM
I had the graphically updated version. I'd shoot like 20 buffalo and then only be able to eat like 3.. :(

05-19-2005, 03:14 AM
hha, I got to play that game in elementary school gifted class!

My favorite:

May 5: John has cholera
May 6: John has died

You shouldn't shoot the buffalo because you can't even carry all their meat.

05-19-2005, 03:29 AM
Hsu stole the link I was going to post. I had the windows 3.1 version of it (IIRC), it was loads of fun (the ferry at the end was the best).

05-19-2005, 03:31 AM
^_^ Yep, third grade. Memories!

05-19-2005, 03:40 AM
omfg! I <3 this game! Too bad I'm at work right now or I'd play :(.

05-19-2005, 03:44 AM
what he said :D ^^^^

Raven Nox
05-19-2005, 03:55 AM
Oh yeah, I remember this game! My school had a differnet version though, one that was much more fun. I beat it once, they never really gave us enough time to play it, so it was like almost impossible to beat it 'cause we couldn't save. I was happy then. :spin:

05-19-2005, 04:00 AM
I remember this game taking so long to finish when I was a kid, and then I played it a few years ago at a friends house and I was done in twenty minutes. So for a while, I was just in this daze of "I can't believe I did it".

05-19-2005, 04:26 AM
I remember playing this game!

Actually I still do play it sometimes... *blushes*

05-19-2005, 04:43 AM
Yeah the oregan trail games,that I played, were great. This brings back alot of memories. How even in Elementry, 3rd and 4th grade, I was the one the teachers asked to work/fix the computers!... They could handle IBM's and windows but not macs.. and a mac was the first thing I learned to use, though now I tend to use windows more.. my mac is... well to put it nicely... ancient.

05-19-2005, 05:47 AM
That game brings back memories...I think I still have the disks for Oregon Trial 2 sitting around somewhere...actually, they might have been thrown out by now.

05-19-2005, 12:32 PM
Why didn't my school ever have this game? :(

Chibi Angel
05-19-2005, 01:39 PM
We had the original on this really really old computer down in the basement and then my dad threw the computer away so I couldn't play it any more and I was sad but then we bought the new one and that made it all better.

FF freak
05-19-2005, 05:56 PM
I love this game!!! I wonder if you didn't buy the people clothes they walked around naked or if they started out with clothes. It would be intresting to see what the game graphics could do to show you a naked person.

05-19-2005, 06:58 PM
I never played it because I was the lame kid who sat off on that one comp in the corner alone playing Carmen Sandiego instead.

05-19-2005, 07:19 PM
Yeah I played Oregeno trail at school and home...should still have the disc somewhere....

05-20-2005, 12:06 AM
we used to play that on our computer in second grade.

Yes, those were the days when it was spiffy to have a special inclass computer.

Heck, we even beat it a time or two.

05-20-2005, 12:10 AM
I have never played that version, but I have played the second one (I think) The graphics were quite a bit better. I always sucked at that damn game.

05-20-2005, 01:44 AM
I never got good at it 'cause we only had one computer in the class, and the teacher didn't give us long enough turns to actually learn the game. I always died of like a broken leg or something stupid.

05-22-2005, 11:04 PM
Ahhh the Oregon Trail I remember palying this one in Grade 4 at our school. I barely ever got ot play because of game hogs and teachers who didn't care. But when I did damn was I happy. This is an awesome old skool title!

05-22-2005, 11:21 PM
Ah, Oregon Trail. I played this all growing up at school as a giant floppy disk (when floppy discs were still actually floppy) on the good ol' Apple II. I think my school knew the person who wrote the program, but I could be wrong. I remember thinking I was so clever when I came up with this classic tombstone:

Homer Simpson has died.

Cruise Control
05-23-2005, 12:35 AM
This game is the /xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif, I would buy the gun and max bullets, and also no food. Thenn hust shoot some buffalo.

05-23-2005, 03:04 AM
I love the old Apple II emulators - you can download old-school Oregon Trail and other childhood memories here: http://www.virtualapple.com/ I wish they had Wonderland Puzzles and Word Munchers, though.

05-23-2005, 03:09 AM
Oh wow! That game really made time go by in our computer class. I would finish the trail but with my entire family dead and barely and supplies left. I would suspect the main guy would die afterwars because of depression.

05-23-2005, 03:24 AM
My friend and I were talking about it last week sometime. It was one of the first computer games either of us had played, and we would spend hours on it. (We both also got quite good at Carmen Sandiego, too.)

I liked to keep as much of my party alive at the end as I could, but my friend would name some members after people she didn't like, and then gleefully watch them pass on along the trail. Then we'd go and play the next game naming them after our family members or something.

We both agreed that the re-release with updated graphics and whatnot for Win. 95 totally killed any appeal the game had. The crappy graphics make the game for me, at least.

05-23-2005, 04:29 AM
And I thought I our school had few computers... lets see I believe in 4th(which is when I first recall playing this game) we had 5-7 computers in the classroom.. and we had roughly 16. However few were computer savvy enough to bother.. they would play board games instead.

For me the funniest was fixing and/or playing WITH the computers... I wonder why the teachers now tell me to stay away?! :P

05-24-2005, 01:45 PM
ah the memories of this game. i can remember playing it back in the 5th grade. i played the later version on windows myself, but i can't argue that this wasn't an interresting game to play. i believe yamaneko said it best though, the actual origon trail was probably easier than this game. but it was still a load of fun.