View Full Version : Why FFT kicks ass!

05-21-2005, 07:31 AM
I didnt see it, so I thought i might start it, i was just curious if anybody else thought that FFT was just truly an awesome game, and if so, care to explain why.

I myself thought it was brilliant becvause you could customize like a BITCH and also there was DEPTH to the plot, actual dialogue!!! that just doesnt happen anymore, movie or video game, or otherwise. But thats just MY opinion.

05-21-2005, 12:01 PM
The only thing that really bothered me was the sometimes horrible translation.

But seriously, I love the music in this game so much.

This game's plot is very interesting, mostly because it was actually shocking on many occasions, such as the occasion in the beginning of chapter 1 which took me by surprise my first time through.

The battles are strategic and very balanced, and has great challenge to just about anyone(except for the vets who know what to expect).

05-21-2005, 03:26 PM
Tactics is my favorite video game period. :D

The job system is the ultimate extension of FFV's, giving you maximum flexibility in party composition.

The battles are always interesting and fun (and sometimes frustrating).

The plot is deep and involving (perhaps a little too deep at times).

You get enough unique characters to be able to pick your favorites.

Recruiting and breeding and poaching monsters is fun and rewarding.

Great replay value.

Getting everything is a challenge even for veterans.

Music is nice. I own the soundtrack.

Any issues I have are minor: for example it would have been nice for unique characters to change appearance when changing jobs (I know it would take up too much memory).

Fanstatic game though.

05-21-2005, 08:29 PM
(I know it would take up too much memory).

It might take some time making the drawings for the classes for the extra characters, but I don't think it's a memory problem, I think it's because they wanted them to keep their identity with their original clothing.

I know it upsets me a little thinking "Ramza is becoming a ninja, but I don't get to see his cool little ninja sprite :( "

Tatics Master
05-23-2005, 03:18 AM
Its kicks ass because of the story and the gameplay. Its like no other FF game they ever made. Just the customizing alone is worth its price. The replay value is great. I played this game when it 1st came out and I still play it today. I try to get every weapon every time I play. The poaching is cool also. I really can't add much more than what everyone else have said and will say. This game is a true CLASSIC. The only thing it needs is a sequel. That is the only negative. :(

05-23-2005, 03:24 AM
another negative might be teh graphics, hehe along with VII, but everything else grossly overshadows that fact by far, obviously...

05-23-2005, 05:22 AM
I like FFT's graphics, for what they are.

Nakor TheBlue Rider
05-25-2005, 09:13 AM
Good things:

-Addictive/fun/Strategic (all the same to me kinda, lol)

Bad things:
-not long enough
-no deserving sequal
-not popular enough among fans to cause square/square-enix to make more like it

05-25-2005, 05:22 PM
Nothing wrong with sprite graphics on PSX. Xenogears did it, and it turned out okay. :)

Of course, the battle grid would have been better implemented as a set of tesselated hexagons like in the Heroes of Might and Magic series, so you get closer to a circular region of movement than with squares.

05-25-2005, 08:15 PM
Xenogears?!?! Okay?!?! Have you read my sig?!?! DUDE! i LOOOOOOOOOOOVE Xenogears!!!!!!! anyway, i agree whole-heartedly with what Nakor TheBlue Rider said, I just thought the sprite graphics could have a better replacement now-a-days for the "cinematics" but i like the stills if the faces when talking. I also think having a couple emotional faces for each character would add a LOT of depth to the all-encumbering plot.

Nakor TheBlue Rider
05-25-2005, 08:21 PM
ok i understand what you mean now, but i wouldn't really say that what your saying is Bad Graphics then.... its kinda like... umm... i guess its more like "missing Graphics"

And the only times i thought this game could use more images or any kind of Graphics tweak was just slightly more detail in the summons. Even if its like FF8 and has a setting to watch a full cooler long one or a short still one.

Also when changing Special Characters Jobs i wanted Special Sprites for Each Job for Each Special Character.... of course thats like 10+ characters each needing Another 10+ Sprites... thats well over 100 new Sprites... i can see why they didnt do that.

05-26-2005, 02:39 PM
any game where you can give a crazy black mage a gun is alright in my book

05-26-2005, 06:04 PM
yea, you got it, "missing" graphics. that sounds right.... I also agree wholeheartedly with the summons(i dont really use them, so i kinda forgot....)

Nakor TheBlue Rider
05-26-2005, 11:48 PM
Roar!! (sorry 7 coolers~that means i've been drinking...)
umm.. yah.. i hardly ever use my summons either, but I found that one of the Biggest Challanges in the Game is to try and get Evey Character to Learn the Zodiac Summon... Ive done Some Reasearch And i believe this to be the most time consuming and difficult of any of the perfect game challanges.

There are more difficuilt challenges out there like the Ramza (Calculator) only no Spells learned Challenge.... but they are for perfect gqme challenge, they are just player skill challenges.

P.S. I have attempted to get every party member the Zodiac Summon only once and I have Failed.

05-28-2005, 02:00 PM
Have you tried this method?

Give Ramza Summon as a secondary skill after he's learned Zodiac. Make the character you want to learn Zodiac into a Summoner. Make a third character a Mediator.

Go to Terminate and keep resetting until you get a battle against monsters that include two Summoners. Paralyze the foes using Math Skills. Keep one monster alive but asleep as you lower the faith of the Summoners. Have Ramza cast Zodiac on both Summoners so they learn it but aren't killed.

This is the critical step:

Kill both Summoners and wait for the countdowns to expire. There's a 50/50 chance that they'll drop a life crystal. Have the character walk over the crystal.

I've taught Zodiac to two of my generics this way. To be safe, I mastered every other skill before I went for Zodiac, but I think that's optional.

Nakor TheBlue Rider
05-29-2005, 04:57 PM
no i didnt do that.

I also Didnt do the other way that i hear works really well.

Make Zodiac your only Summon learned. Go to the deep dungeon i forget whick lvl. then theres a fight with some Ninja's and you let them confuse your summoner that knows Zodiac and nothing else... then when your confused dude casts zodiac on you hopefully you learn it.

05-29-2005, 10:40 PM
I myself thought it was brilliant becvause you could customize like a BITCH and also there was DEPTH to the plot, actual dialogue!!! that just doesnt happen anymore, movie or video game, or otherwise. But thats just MY opinion.

well i was confuesf???!!

but i loved it. a game that is i cd and took as long as it took me to finish VII was great..................... :love:

Del Murder
05-30-2005, 07:21 AM
I thought it was the best use of the job system yet. The battles were fun and challenging, and the story was almost too excellent.

05-31-2005, 04:07 AM
story, music, style, art

05-31-2005, 04:57 PM
I love this game. Perhaps not as much as FFVI and FVII, but I love it. The job system is awesome, and the storyline is magnificent. My only complaint is the horrible translation. I must have played this game at least 20 times, and I'm still playing!

06-03-2005, 09:30 PM
this is eaisly my favorite FF and they need to make a good sequel the FFT advanced was a piece of crap ment for little kids and it oddly reminded me of tactics ogre except tacticks ogre was good

Eternal Dark Night
06-09-2005, 01:15 AM
this game totally rocks everything is good sept one thing why can't they give voices for the old FF games like uh FF7 and well FFT