View Full Version : Your Perfect Party

05-22-2005, 09:05 PM
Hey there! I didn't find a thread about this so, here i am (sorry if there was one already) but, who do you think it would be your perfect party? (All FF) Mine would be:

Cloud (FFVII - principal)
Lulu (FFX - Black Mage)
Yuna (FFX - Healer/Summoner)
Zidane (FFIX - Just 2 Steal :P )
Caith Sith (FFVII - The Abilities thing - though you can equip 2 anyone on FFVII :D )
Steiner (FFIX - Knight)
Freya (FFIX - Dragon)
And Tifa (FFVII - Just 4 fighting)

So, who would be your perfect party?

05-22-2005, 09:08 PM
My perfect Fighting party (All I can really think of right now.) Would be:

Cloud (VII) - Fighting
Vivi (IX) - Black Magic
Garnet (IX) - To summon
Aeris (VII) - Healer

Rinoa Heartilly
05-23-2005, 12:40 AM
{Hmmm.} I'm a bit confused. How many people may this party consist of? 3? 4? 6? or more?

Anyway, I like the idea :3 So I'll just put something together^^

*Squall --Fighter/Magic user/Mug and yay Limits
*Yuna--- Summoner/Healer
*Aeris--- Healer (and again, yay limit ^^Great Gospel {Yes please.})
*Mog----It's mog :3
*RedXIII-Decent at DD, yet also great with magic.
*Rinoa-- Couldn't leave my namesake out could I know ;) But she's a great magic user. Can shoot from afar with her weapon. Nice limits too imho.

------If the party could constist out of more than 6 people----

*Rydia---After Yuna, imho the best summoner in the FFseries imho
*Eiko----After Yuna and Rydia, imho the best summoner in the FFseries imho
*Kain/Freya--Dragoon=nice (Why oh why did they make it such a gimped job in FFXI >.< )

...I'll stop now or the list will get too long ^_~

05-23-2005, 12:53 AM
Off the top of my head-- Squall, Rinoa, Yuna, Auron. Two smack'em'arounds, a spell blaster (<3angel wing:D), and a healer+summoner.

I think before, I chose something like~

squall, yuna, guy, locke. for their uber customization

05-23-2005, 10:02 PM
cloud - vii - warrior
kain - iv - dragoon (the orginal!!)
rydia - iv - summoner
dagger - ix - white mage
aeris - vii - black mage (simply because no one sees her ever in this light)
zidane - ix - thief
red xiii - vii - monk
stezter - vi - the cool character

05-24-2005, 07:54 AM
Auron ---->chunky attacks :cool:

Selphie----->Killer Limit Break with White Majik. Plus her attack is customizable to be hella strong (and shes cute :love: )

Terra-----> Morph + Attack and really strong majiks :D

Wakka-----> Get those hard to reach places :eek: ....uh i mean fiends

Quistis-----> Da Blu stuff! :D

Zidane-----> Stealings bad but hey.....gotta make a living ;)

Now prepare to be beaten........ :tongue:

Kawaii Ryűkishi
05-24-2005, 08:36 AM
kain - iv - dragoon (the orginal!!)You misspelled "Richard."

05-24-2005, 08:28 PM
kain - iv - dragoon (the orginal!!)You misspelled "Richard."

A common typo.

05-24-2005, 09:15 PM
The perfect party? Well.

1st one: A strong fighter. Cloud would work wonders, because of Materia and his Ultima Weapon. Squall works good too, but since I hate him, he will warm the bench. Oh. Cecil is a good bet, as well. Steiner would be GREAT, but Beatrix is just better, since she has Holy and stuff.

Final choice: Cloud or Beatrix.

2nd one: Black Magic. Someone with all kinds of black magic. Tellah and FuSoYa DO NOT count. Tellah has a HUGE MP limitation, and you don't have FuSoYa for much time. Vivi or Lulu would work VERY well, but I prefer Rydia, because she can Summon.

Final choice: Rydia.

3rd one: White Magic. Totally essential. You need it. Simple. Curaga > j00. Most of them are Summoners, so I'll cover this as well. Yuna would work well, but her Summons aren't that good, IMO. As for Eiko. Dagger is the best choice. She has powerful summons, like Bahamut, Atomos and Ark, and she has Curaga. Give her Full-life and Holy and she becomes the ultimate character.

Final choice: Dagger.

4th one: Support. Quina is a good choice, because his Blue Magics are very good. Selphie and Full-cure/Wall are pretty good. Another choices are Gilbert (FFIV), but he is FREAKING bad. Edgar and Tools, maybe? Yeah, a good one. He has magic as well, XD

Final choice: Quina or Edgar.

EDIT Now there are 8 characters... o.o I need four more XD

5th Choice: Red Mage. You know, someone that can use both Black and White magics, just in case. Black/White Mage may die. And they can be physical attackers, as well. I think the best "Red Mage" in FF is Faris. I always use her as Black/White/Red Mage. Plus, she can have another job skills white a Red Mage. She is my choice.

Final choice: Faris.

6th Choice: Steal. Duh. Obvious. I need someone to steal all the rare items from enemies, abd attack as well. I'd probably say Rikku, but I'll go with Zidane. Because he has Soul Blade, Thievery, Annoy, all of those usefulness. Plus he is a hard hitter. Besides, I have another function to Rikku. XD

Final choice: Zidane.

7th Choice: Items. Someone that can use a lot of good items. That's WHY I chose Zidane as a thief. I'll choose Rikku to use items, obviously. Her Mix is awesome. Stamina Tonic baby! XD Besides, she can help Zidane with the stealing.

Final choice: Rikku.

8th choice: Filler. Yup, filler. Someone that can be useful, but totally optional. This person should be a backup of almost everything. That's why I chose Zidane as a Thief, as well. Locke can be magic backup, and steal backup, AND physical attack backup. He is the ultimate "filler". XD

Final choice: Locke.

05-25-2005, 01:45 AM
Auron (main)
Squall (fighter)
Vivi (black mage)
Yuna (white mage)

05-26-2005, 09:34 PM
Every Fighter/Knight from every FF... and Yuna {Tidus gets rejected because only 1 from each game}

05-28-2005, 12:32 PM
Rydia (meteo, nuke, bahamut..)
Rosa (cure4)
Terra (esper form, combo of ultima, quick, ultima, ultima, ultima)
Tifa (visual side and also her limits)
Squall (well, renzokuken followed by lionheart)
Eiko (Holy, Full-life, Curaga, Madeen, phoenix..)
Zidane (thievery)
Vivi (best black mage in FF series)
Quina (limit glove, angel´s snack, vanish..)
Auron (All break)
Wakka (attack reels)

05-28-2005, 03:02 PM
For a party of 4:

1. Sephiroth
2. General Leo
3. Seymour
4. General Beatrix

I have a thing for short-time PC's

My name is...something..?
05-28-2005, 03:38 PM
Cloud(all around good fighter)
Vivi(for black magic)
Yuna(white magic and summoner)
Cecil(white magic and close range fighter)

05-28-2005, 07:41 PM
Locke Cole
Freya Crescent
Celes Chere
General Beatrix

05-28-2005, 07:45 PM
miune would be.............
a wacky bunchP

thinking of names is hard
06-04-2005, 09:29 PM
1, Squall (viii) ,limit breaks are good
2, general leo was a good idea but ill choose Auron (x)
3,cloud (vii) who will mess with a guy with a sword that big?

Black mage:
1,Vi vi (ix)....hes a black mage, its what he does...
2, Terra (vi) havent had anyone from this game yet sooo...

White mage
1,Rinoa (viii) i always used her as a whitte mage
2, Garnet (ix)

1,Yuna (x) who else?

1,Locke (vi)
2,Zidane (ix)

I wanted to fit seifer in there somewhere with beatrix...

final team:

06-04-2005, 11:14 PM
I thought this thread meant a party as in alcohol,music and 'funny' cake if you know what I mean, in which case I'd have sephiroth cus hes hot, Wakka, Tidus, Rikku and Selphie cus they would be so funny drunk, Seifer cus you know someones gunna keg him and throw his clothes onto a fire or something, and Tifa cus she's a big flirt. Yuffie would be bad to have because she'd probly thieve everyones stuff while they were asleep and Vincent might randomly turn into a monster and eat someone by mistake.

That sounds like fun :)

The Unknown Guru
06-04-2005, 11:24 PM
I would have
Locke (VI) to beat the crap out of people (I turned him into an imp, gave him genji glove/offering and 2 imp halberds, imp armor, and titanium helm)
Setzer (VI) to cast Ultima (or any other incredibly powerful black magic) twice per turn
Gogo (VI) to mimic Setzer
Edgar (VI) as White Mage and to use tools
Edge (IV) to steal and chuck all my old stuff at the other dude
and Rydia (IV) to summon till the cows come home.

In case you haven't noticed, i only have two FF games. I need a Playstation.

06-05-2005, 08:12 PM
There arent any specific guidelines to this. Party could mean just who you fight with, or it could mean all the people that join a group/ team/ entourage. This confusion has led people to post only 4 people as their fighting party, or people to post a list of many because it takes many to get all the great talents in FF. To clear this up, for myself, and any who wish to follow these guidelines, the party i make up will be of 8 people who can be used FFX style; Interchangable in battle when needed.

before I begin I feel that FF6,7,8 and X/X-2 have an unfair advantage because of the games system of making "power characters". Because if their system (6 not as much but everyone can be a decent mage) all can become virtually the same. So, I will take them at face value. Lulu, although can do 9999 physdical damage with the grid mastered will not do such. She is a mage at face value, as rikku is a decent fighter with theivery abilities. Squall, Zell, Selphie and Irvine will be more physical, whereas Quistis and Rinoa will be magic users (Rinoa more a WM than BM, vice versa for Quistis). 7 is tougher to judge because everyone in that game is seen as a fighter except Aeris, who I will not even consider because i don't feel shes that great. So, i will break it down.. Cloud, Red XIII, Barret and Cid = All Attack. Tifa, Vincent, Yuffie and Cait Sith = More Magic than attack (Sorry Tifa and Yuffie fans... They were more magical in my games). And for the Record... Aeris = All Magic (like Lulu, Vivi or Rydia). FF6 Its apparent whos designed as a mage and whos a fighter (even though Sabin was best raised like a mage, He's a fighter. If anyone wants to argue Sabin and Magic with me, go ahead, I'll prove my magic sabin will DESTROY your physical sabin) But, there are a few who are in the lerch. So, here.. Mog, Celes, Terra = Both (Red mage sorta. Not bad in either but not excelling in either) Gogo = Whatever you want! (<3 Gogo) Cyan, Umaro, Locke, Sabin, Edgar, Shadow = Physical (Sorry Sabin :tear: ) Gau = Blue Mage with good attack (Just like Quina!) Strago, Relm, Setzer = Magical. Oh, For FF5 include the class... Duh. And Same with Tactics.

Ok, So now thats outta the way. My 8 are:

Auron = Strong attacker, Killer special attacks and IMO a great leader for a party.
Red XIII = Great attacker as well, also I feel he is one of the most unique members of any game.
Rydia = No party is complete without her awesome summoning abilities.
Vivi = Top Black Mage around IMO.
Freya = Yep, Jumping saved my ass way too much for me to not include her.
Orlandu = Just like Auron, Great attack, awesome special abilities. I dare ask who can beat All Swordskill?
Reina = As a White Mage, She's great. And I feel shes better than both Aeris and Yuna in that department. Dagger would be nice but I dont need 2 summoners (Same with Yuna).
Locke = Ok attack, but has great theiving abilities. Also can attack from back row with ease.

With those 8 I feel I can easily take on anyone. Enough attack power to suffice. Would YOU want to go up against Auron, Orlandu, RedXIII, and Freya? Hmmm? While you are busy dodging the ultra quick Red, and the uber powerful skills of Auron, You have to contend with Orlandu's Night Sword. All while watching the skies for Freya. NOT EASY... and if you manage to stay alive and acctually hurt any of these four, Sub one out for Rydia or Reina and you got healing, or in Rydia's case, summoning, black and white support. If I feel like toying with you, Locke comes in, and, likke Red XIII, is a quick attacker and he steals. If this seems like a lot to take on, just remember... I still have master Vivi all ready to go.

thinking of names is hard
06-05-2005, 08:36 PM
Well since the rules have changed a little...
Bring it on redcyndrath!!! (a little competition never hurt anyone)
Squall-hes got a gunblade....i want one.
yuna-white mage and summoner....just in case.
zidane-theif, little damage too....just in case you got any nice items. After all...thievings not THAT bad...
Terra-black mage and a beast thingy....running yet?
redxiii-just incase you do run off....i will catch you.
Auron-just incase you try running back....maybe he will change you mind.
mog-just to rub it in...your going to get beaten up by a white cuddly toy that walks.
shadow/Rinoa-white mage and black mage/fast and his throw technique....running out of ideas

please i beg of you, stop i give up....
I thought so...
(he didnt actually say this but i like to think he did...)

06-05-2005, 09:22 PM
Clavat - Overall character.
Yuke - Magic user.
Lilty - Physical strenght.
Selkie - Speed and agility.

Ko Ko
06-05-2005, 09:55 PM
Lulu - Black Mage-ness. Uber-cool. I adore her and her sexy attacks. (And she looks like me. Giving her an A+)
Celes - All her attacks rocked! I loved her. I was so releived when I woke up on the island as her!
Edgar - Gotta love those tools. I mean it. And he's HOT in Vyk's sig.
Yuna - Let's summon stuff. Although not as cool a summoner as Ridiiya, does have white mage abilities unlike stupid weak black mage Ridiiya.
Shadow - Muahaha. I love Shadow, and all his scary scaring things. Like the shuriken. :<3:

06-05-2005, 09:58 PM
I'd have to say:
Edgar (Regular attacks and Tools)
Auron (Regular attacks... that's about it)
Terra (All around magic offensive)
Aerith (Healer and limit breaks)
Zidane (Regular Attacks, Trance and Stealing)
Garnet (Back up healer and Summoner)
Squall (More damage dealing mayhem)
Yuffie (High agility and ability to morph things easily with Conformer)

06-06-2005, 12:10 AM
Well 8 people? hmm.. lets see.

1)"thunder god"(did I get it right?) Cid from Final Fantasy tactics(hmm.. his base class is fine) :P he would really beat on just about anyone.

2)Yuffie- you can't beat speed... plus attacking from the back row with power and being able to heal the party well is a nice bonus.

3)Aeris- with her high magic power and excelent limit breaks it makes her a good support character as well as a good mage.(Rinoa could possibly also be here... invincible moon, angel wing, etc... I think I like Aeris more though)

4)Locke- you can't beat speed... pretty much same as Yuffie cept he can equip the heavier swords to kick butt in the front row.. not the worlds best fighter but he can fill the role. A jack of all trades is a nice ally to have.

5)Squall/Cloud- very strong final limit break, high base attack, good hps, etc.. basically your all around warrior.

6)Galuf(my mystic knight special)- Mystic knight with max white magic abilities. Good healing, good attack and can take advantage of one's weaknesses.

7)Reina[lenna]{Butz might be a better chioce but I had always used lenna here.. my butz is usually a monk}(Samurai)- Elf cape, ninja's image ability, a good shield, plus the natural ability to dodge and you got one nasty samurai on your hands. This is a nice little kick but character.. though perhaps another ability then the ninja's image would be preferable, such as footwork(?) from the thief, I love speed.

8)Ramza(monk, with his special squire abilities, and allow him to equip armor)- this is a powerful combo, and my fave. strong attacks, some healing and mp replensiment ablities, and can shoot a good range. Not to mention he can really boost his own abilities.

Yep that would be my party.

06-06-2005, 02:37 AM
ShunNakamura, nice party, very similar to mine. I too, feel T.G. Cid (also know as Orlandu) is a wise choice in a power character. You have Yuffie where i have Red XIII, Speed fighter. Aeris isn't bad, but I don't think she holds a candle to Reina as a White mage. But you did have here in there... Fine class selection too. We both chose locke because he's well.... Locke. I had Auron as my other Power fighter where you put Squall (or Cloud, never fully specified, but they are close in skill). Your selection of Ramza and Galuf are cool twists. Ramza definitely crossed my mind when i was thinking of my party. Galuf, to me was great, but I felt I needed a good Black mage, which you don't really have a full on Black mage. Hey, if you can get by with power and white magic, cool beans. I just like a mix of Power and Black magic as my offense, with a side dish of Summon (another element you kinda lack in, but summoning can be over rated)

06-06-2005, 03:37 AM
as for attack magic. Well Aeris can supply some. The thing with magic is that I never really use it cept to heal or buff myself so white is usually all I use.

But basically Aeris, Yuffie(though I prefer her to double as a healer), Locke(once again I tend to use him to heal and buff) and Galuf(through the magic swords) would apply black magic if neccesary.

As for summoning.. well I can't really think of anyone I would use as that cept Aeris(in my battle plan she doesn't do anything but cast spells :P). But I don't think I have ever used summons cept in tactics.. nad that was more for fun then anything. I guess I just better hope I don't run into anything that needs a summon to kill it :D

06-06-2005, 05:57 PM
This is such an interesting topic, I can't help myself but join in! My perfect party... hmm... that's easy! Here I go:

1. Cloud Strife (all around fighter and leader)
2. Steiner ( good backup fighter or knight. Will probably help me a lot!)
3. Vivi (His black magic are cool! And with him, Steiner could go his Sword Magic!)
3. Tifa ( good 2nd assistant backup)
4. Aeris (The group's healer)
5. Garnet (The group's White Mage)
6. Vincent ( Shot! Shot! Shot!)
7. Zidane ( we can't help but steal a bit, ne?)

That's my perfect party! Oh yeah, we should have a pet, too!

8. Red XII

YAY! Go team! :D

06-06-2005, 08:29 PM
I have a better one this time:

He is extremely overpowered with Swd Skills like Lightining Stab or Holy explosion. He can kill anyone with no problems

CT is okay right? Well, his spells can do incredible amounts of damage to enemies and he can even add magic defense to your party. He is also a decent attacker.

Celes is a great magic attacker, and healer for the party. She can absorb any magic that will attack the party. She can make use of most equipment and she can attack very well.

Hmmmm.... He's just a juggernaut when the Ragnarok is equipped.

I Don't Need A Name
06-06-2005, 08:36 PM
Vivi/Tellah IX/IV- Black Magic
Yuna X- summoner and healer
Auron X- attacker
Rikku X-2- theif
Cyan VI- Killer sword techs
Edgar VI- cool tools

06-06-2005, 09:43 PM
please i beg of you, stop i give up....
I thought so...
(he didnt actually say this but i like to think he did...)

I didn't read that when I first read your post... playing dirty now eh?

Ok, I'll compare our parties. If its a duel you want...

We both have Auron, they kill eachother. Tie
We both have Red XIII, They kill each other. Tie
You have Yuna, I have Rydia. Seriously, no prejudice here, but Rydia is a better summoner, and shes got Black magic back up. Sure you can heal, but the turn you take to heal, I'll cast another summon on you. Rydia
You have Zidane, I have Locke. Both are quick. Both can steal, Locke can cast magic. Locke
Squall was your power pick, and Orlandu mine, soi it seems fitting I take out your best with mine.. If I wanted to be cruel i'd not pit our Aurons against eachother and put Auron on Squall. Auron would win. leavig orlandu to kill your Auron, but that didnt happen. So, your Squall faces my Orlandu. Anyone who has played FFT will tell you that Orlandu knocks the socks off any other FF character. He's the perverbial Mewtwo of the FF world. Orlandu.
You say Mog, I say Freya. Battle of the lance carriers. Again, I feel Freya has a huge advantage over Mog. Sure little Mog can cast a few spells, but they're useless against freya while shes busy coming down on your head after a nice jump. Freya
Now we're down to Terra vs. Vivi. You want to use her as a mage, that lowers her physical attack. when it comes to magic, vivi comes out on top, however, when it comes to physicality Terra is victorious. This ends in a draw. I'd say it comes down to speed, but neither excell in that either. Tie
Finally, You put either Rinoa or Shadow. Seeing as you didn't pick one, I'll do it for you. Rinoa, simply because she's worse than Shadow. Either way I'm not gonna win this one. I'm down to Reina here. White Mage Reina. If she were Ninja Reina I'd win, or many other jobs, but since i included her in my party to heal and boost my party and not attack, she'll go down without much fight. Rinoa/Shadow

Ok.. after the first round of fighting I have Auron, Vivi, RedXIII and Reina dead. You have Auron, RedXIII, Zidane, Terra, Mog, Squall and Yuna dead. That leaves my weakened Orlandu, Freya, Locke and Rydia versus your Rinoa OR Shadow. Hmm... Yep. I don't need to go into detail... But it ends up with you not doing so hot.

I feel your ONLY way to come out alive in a battle against my 8 lies with Mog. Equip the Moogle Charm and just not battle me.

06-07-2005, 04:03 AM
hmm.. dueling is fun :P

"Thunder God" Cid would take out squall easy, and if he was slightly lucky Orlandu could likley come out undamaged.(that sword break attack followed by a bunch of dark swords.. and/or some of the other special abilities he packs).

As for the others.. I ain't sure.. haven't played IX or X or X-2.. so meh.

As for his Rinoa/shadow... that could be trouble some... rinoa's dang invincible moon could really tear on you(not that it hurts, but rather you can't deal damage whilst it is on.. talk about cheap... but Aeris can also play at that game)

as for Zidane.. whilst I haven't played it I am fairly certian Locke or Yuffie could take him, both of these guys only suffer half damage thanks to range. That and Locke can make a fairly good warrior if you want,(Ragnoroc, Luminaire(is that the one I mean?)).

I wish I knew exactly how strong Auron was :(. But I think the Reina special I came up with could have a chance... afterall you can't hurt what you can't hit.)

Galuf I would think could hold his own against Yuna... white magic, heavy armor, strong sword, good shield, plus ability to make my sword a drain sword = long lasting ability... particually with shell and such.

Cloud/Squall could prolly take Terra.. though I think it would be a close fight.. Terra can be quite strong.. but Lionheart/Omnislash is better then her abilities... hit more times and still maxes out.(Tip: I do lean more towards squall... but they were so similar that I didn't really wanna pick.. cloud has his pluses and so does Squall, tough chioce)

Yuffie or locke(whoever was unused) could take out mog.. no problem there I think, half damage taken plus strong weapons.(not to mention speed).

As for Ramza vs. Red XIII.. I am sorry but Red would most likely be raped.. and raped bad.. Ramza can be nearly as nasty in Orlandu in some situations.

06-07-2005, 06:06 AM
This party deuling IS fun!!! Shun, I think our parties would be a great fight. Not one sided at all...

Lets Look at the Battle overview...

Orlandu, Yuffie, Aeris, Locke, Squall, Galuf (Mystic Knight), Reina (Samurai), Ramza


Orlandu, Reina (WM), Locke, Red XIII, Auron, Freya, Rydia, Vivi

Well, we do the crossout rule first, those who are the same are defeated by each other. This sucks because Orlandu and Locke are both pretty easy wins for our teams. The Reinas don't cancel due to job difference. 2 Ties

Red XIII vs. Yuffie is a good match. Red has stronger attacks BUT Yuffie is in the back row taking less damage. Also they are both quick. Advantage Yuffie.

My Reina vs Aeris.. This is a LONG drawn out fight because both healers with crap attacks. In the end, I feel it'd be a draw.Tie

Due to the high amount of power, I'm forced to place Auron on either Ramza OR Squall.. Either Way, Its gonna be a bloody match. Auron, if you never played X, is the strongest character and has the ability to break through defenses, So, as much as Ramza tries to boost his own stats, it wouldn't help him. You made him a Monk so he CAN heal, but that takes a turn and I'm certain Auron can deal more damage in the turn than Ramza monk can Chakra. Auron wins, but not by too much.

Freya's turn to take house. If you played IX (you said you haven't, I suggest you do ASAP, its by far one of the funnest FF games made. I dunno why so many have beef with it) I'm pitting her against your Reina, bacause if i don't there will be problems later. Freya will win because she spends half the battle in the air where nothing can hit her, and if you played FFt, you know the damage a lancer like her can do. Freya Wins.

This is where it comes to brass tacks... my magic vs. your power. Squall vs. Rydia, Seeing as she's the best I got left, Im gonna throw her at you to weaken him as much as possible for round 2. I know shes going down, but not before I get a few Bahamuts in. Squall wins, but comes out in serious pain.

This leaves Galuf as a Mystic Knight vs. Vivi. I chose Vivi because he is the premier mage in the FF series. Sure lulu is good, but Vivi takes it. With that said, Galuf as a Mystic Knight poses a threat because he can charge his sword to any type of magic, his draw back is that he doesn't hit as hard as most physical classes. (If those reading don't understand Mystic Knight/Sorceror think Steiner in FFIX's Magic Sword Ability in conjuction with Vivi) However Vivi's arsenal of spells is wicked large and wicked painful. And vivi's magic is the most dangerous in the FF realm (opinion, its all how you raise you chars but Vivi definitely has potential to be the best in FF to date). Sorry for galuf but he loses against Vivi, BUT Vivi doesn't come out without a LOT of scratches.

Round 2.

You have weakened Squall and hurt Yuffie, I have a very weakened Vivi, a Very weakened Auron and Freya doing fine.

Suall and Auron go at it and your Squall has more in him than my Auron. Squall wins.

To protect my Vivi, Im gonna toss Freya at Yuffie. Freya looks good but Yuffie who deals long range damage can hurt Freya in air (Kinda like Wakka from FFX he can his enemies Auron, Tidus and Kimahri can't)
Freya comes out on top, but shes now hurting.

Round 3

You got Squall, on a roll now, but still hurt from fighting both Auron and Rydia. I have Vivi untouched last round but still suffering traumatic injuries sustained against Galuf. And a now battered and bloody Freya after Yuffie took her down a few pegs.

Squall vs. Freya is the current battle (This is starting to sound pokemon-ish.....)Freya gets more hits in but Squall eeks out another victory. If yuffie didnt beat the snot outta her last round Freya woulda taken you. Squall is BY FAR your top pick besides Orlandu. Value his strength. Squall wins again.

This forces mo to take Vivi into battle with your Squall on the ropes, and my Vivi hurting from Galuf, Its gonna be a hard match for both of us. Squall's high attack is his best asset, as Vivi's defense isn't too great. He got lucky against Galuf, but here its looking grim. However Squall had to go through Auron, Freya and Rydia, so hes on his last leg. After attacks from both side, mine magical, yours physical, Our men collapse at the same time. Tie

After 20 minutes of typing (and like 5 minutes of you reading this) it ends in a draw.

I extend my hand to you Shun. You have created a great team. Be proud.

06-07-2005, 08:04 AM
Aeris (healer, ancient, cutie pie)
Vincent (bang! Cool limit)
Celes (strong attacks, coolness)
Tellah (black mage, Spoony Bard, Vivi's a poo smell)

Hikaro Takayama
06-07-2005, 09:17 AM
Well, jere's to my first post on these forums :beer:

Well, I'm going with the four member party, but I'm picking enough charachters for a two party split (in case I have to fight Sephiroth ;) ).

My main pary will consist of the following:

Main (a.k.a. Cid is a Pimp) Party

Cid Highwind (vii) For your general Dragoon type buttwhooping. Especially since his Highwind Limit break can do over 200,000 points of damage :D
Rikku (x) Thief/Chemist & Copycat. Also, once you're done with her part of the sphere grid, you can teach her all sorts of magic. One of my most-used charachters in FFX (until I was able to teach Kimarhi and Yuna the steal and use abilities, then my gil farming/item plundering increased exponentially)
Yuffie (vii) Thief/Long range death, plus with the Oritsuru or Conformer her Doom of the Living Limit did almost as much as Cloud's Omnislash.
Aeris (vii): Sage/Summoner. High spirit and Mind stats give her a ton of MP and a higher damage rating to all her spells, plus her Great Gospel limit break got my butt out of several jams in FF VII. Never underestimate the power of party-wide invulnerability.

Alternate party:

Cloud (vii) All around butt-kicking, and Omnislash > j00
Zidane (ix) Thief and, if you equip "thief swords" major damage dealing, especially with his Formula 9 trance. I whupped Kuja (first fight) by having Zidane go into trance and using that attack on him 5 or six times.
Rinoa (viii) Long range damage and high versatility
Garnet a.k.a. Dagger (ix) WHM/Summoner. General support and summoning + Holy.... Don't leave home without her. :tongue:

06-07-2005, 05:53 PM
Only reason I haven't played IX(I want to) is cause I can't find a place that will sell it to me, online or otherwise.

Sounds about right with the duel. Though I don't know how well freya jumps work.. but I imagine that they don't miss since you mentioned FFT :rolleyes2. Definately not good for Reina.. that was all she really had going for her lol.

As for Auron.. if really does cut through defense that really is a pain(pun was intended). X might be a ways off though seeing as I don't have a PS2 nor the spare cash to get one.

One question that should be defined for this dueling is what battle system? obviousally some would fare better in different battle systems. In Tactics' battle system Ramza would have had slightly more punch since he would have had some time to prepare(don't know if that is how you took it or not(cuase stat boost ain't for defence, it his for hitting power.. monks get the biggest boost(or so I think) from that attack power and speed up), but that ability that ups all his stats REALLY effects his monk abilities). Also Freya would be nasty in Tactics since Lancers are one of the nicest classes.. range like an archer and damage of a warrior... talk about ouch.

The normal battle system is probably the best to use. First we can figure out how everyone works in there with ease, that and everyone is used to it. Cause if in tactics how much range should Yuffie and Locke have? Archer? Gun? Crossbow? Prolly the crossbow, but I could easily see someone arguing it.

And it is much funnier to duel others who don't have Orlandu.. I just like watching Orlandu PWN someone's top char.. I can't think of anyone who could beat orlandu in a fair fight. Cause those swords of his have enough range that ranged opponents can't just try and dance away :P.

But yep fun all the way :P.

06-07-2005, 06:46 PM
Have you tried ebay? FF9 gets sold there all the time.

Freya is a dragoon/lancer and she can not be hit while in mid jump. Also she has one of the highest defenses in the game. The only other "dragoon" character in the FF series that rivals her ability is Kain. Actually Kain may have her beat. His attack is higher than Freyas, but freya's def is better.. that'd be an interesting fight.

I was thinking about a battle system because we choose white mages on the sole purpose to heal, but we do not utilize this. If someone wanted to create the ultimate party it'd be overly easy to destoy anyone with Orlandu, Squall, Cloud, Auron, Cecil, Kain, Steiner, Ramza. No magic or healing, just brute force... Because in one on one combat like we are doing a mage isnt THAT great against a physical fighter. Come on, Vivi or Lulu, the 2 top mages in FF would easily lose to any of the 8 I just mentioned. Whereas if he was in a party with 3 others, he'd be the difference maker.

I originally thought a FFX battle system (Shun, in FFX, you can switch characters mid battle like if say Auron was low on health, and its Tidus's turn, he can jump out of battle, and bring Yuna in to heal.) would be best. But I also like the idea of a FFT style battle, that would allow for everyone to use their skills. White mages can be more efficient that way, and there would be actual strategy to it. Oh, and about Yuffie and Locke's range, It would really depend with Locke. He can use both daggers and boomerangs. With boomerangs (like Yuffie) I'd assume he'd have a 4 square diamond. However having it on an FFT battle system give all FFT characters an edge. This makes Orlandu even more powerful than he already is. At least in FFX style he has to be up front, but in FFT you can hide him behind people and still Night Sword the hell outta people.

Seeing as this is only text based, and we don't have a graphical interface to work with, our imaginations are the battlefield and they unfold how we pretend they do.

06-07-2005, 07:45 PM
For me to do anything through ebay, ebay must verify through credit card... no credit card. I cripple myself by doing so(since everything these days asks for your credit card number) but I think they are the devil's tools so I avoid them. Not a risk I want to take.

Hm.. Jumping alone though doesn't save someone, cause at least in FFV's battle system you end up having a mid turn in which you can be attacked before you jump again. And if one has ability to miss, then teh Reina I though up, can be quite annoying. And with image I know Reina can last a while... which is another thing she would have advantaged in tactics.. Putting her in the way to take hits would make her work much like the ninja cept she has more hp and defense, so when she does get hit she takes less damage.

And yes I use my ninja in tactics as a sheild.. you can't hurt what you can't hit.

The battle style I was asking about mainly cause of the advantage reason. Tactic is funnier I think.. but far more complicated and raises a lot of questions as to what "goes" and what doesn't. Some people may think Yuffie and Locke should get more range then the 4 diamond, Though it seems bout right to me. Of course if Locke used a sword/dagger he would have the normal warrior range.

The tactical system mainly, imo, would give an advantage to people who are ranged. Think about it, many of the best tactics classes are ranged.. Not to mention(as you mentioned) mages are more formidable in tactics then in many other battle systems. Knight types(which my guess is would be Auron, Squall, Cloud, etc) are kinda shafted since it isn't hard to use the terrain against them.. not to mention hit and run tactics worked nice on such a battle field.

06-07-2005, 08:46 PM
In addition, it makes people like Mustadio, Vincent and Irvine a lot more useful in battle. Aside from Snipe (I ALWAYS used Don't Act or Don't Move) they have the biggest range. Vincent now goes from mediocre physical attacker to long range sniper.

My Blocker was a Ninja (with 90 Brave) also. But I put Blade Grasp on him, the samurai ability.

Freya's Jump was a never miss deal. Also, her defense it that of most knights, so she can take hits in the in between jump rounds. Most people who play 9 forgo her because of their lack of knowledge. Freya made that game easier by a LOT.

06-08-2005, 02:05 AM

Auron: An incredibly strong fighter, as well as a great leader.
Yuffie: Great speed, good defense on the back row, and once handed the Conformer, one hell of a fighter.
Quina: Great blue magic, useful strength on occasion, and overall awesomeness.
T.G. Cid Orlandu: More incredible strenght.
Kuja: Were he playable, he would have made an awesome mage.
Lulu: Black magic to rival Vivi, and the enemy can't stop staring at her. :D
And, I suppose I must have a white mage/summoner, so:
Garnet/Dagger: A good mage and summoner, and a good character.

Can you deal with that, RedCydranth!?

Character Who would be here:
Biggs (FFVI)

06-09-2005, 01:29 AM
My back hurts so i wont type this out as much, but Kuja, I'm afrai can not be in this skirmish because he is not in any FF parties in games. If baddies were allowed in parties I'd have X-Death and Seymour and Ruby, Emerald and Ultima weapon and Ozma etc... See where this gets dumb? I'm glad you supplied 3 at the bottom (2 beacuse Biggs, like kuja, doesn't count... unfortunately because I'd tear him up in Kuja's place) So your 8 vs my 8.... Ok, You got me now. Im gonna type it out, lemme get comfortable.

Ok, Back pillow in place... here we go.

Auron, Orlandu, Lulu, Yuffie, Quina, Vincent, Shadow, Dagger


Orlandu, Reina (WM), Locke, Red XIII, Auron, Freya, Rydia, Vivi

First we cross out siilar people.. Orlandu and Auron are gone. 2 ties

Vivi vs. Lulu. I've said all along they are virtually interchangable as the best mage, and they both have wimp attack so they kill eachother. Tie

Rydia vs. Dagger. Seeing as you doubled your WM and Summoner char as one person, I'll take Dagger out now, so I can use Reina later. Rydia's magic power is higher than Daggers. Rydia wins.

Locke vs Yuffie, I think this as happened before... Both theives, both long range, both good power. Actually Locke can be the physically strongest in 6, whereas the only way Yuffie's the strongest is if you never use Cloud, Cid or Tifa. Locke wins

Quina vs. Reina (WM) I really feel doing battles this way gives a handicap to white mages because it really handicaps them. Anyhow, I'm gonna Holy the hell outta your Quina. But she stuck a fork in me beacuse Reina's Done. Quina triumphs.

Shadow vs. Freya. They both have their upsides. Throw is good, so is jump. Jump is more powerful but Throw can work while in mid air (because I'm adding this realism in..) And both Throw and Jump can do some massive damage. Sorry to say but once again we tie

Vincent vs. Red XIII. FF7 match. Red has Speed and strength, Vincent has emo power? Vincent is a nice rounded character who can be a decent fighter and decent magician, but he excells at neither. Red XIII, is mre attack than magic. Red XIII gets hurt, but comes out on top Red XIII

You have Quina.. I have Rydia, Red XIII, Locke.

Remember this is all fiction and theres no way to tell who'd really win in an 8 on 8 battle. And since I'm the author, I'm biased to my own team. I'm sure if you wrote it, Yuffie'd beat Locke, Vincen't would beat Red, and Shadow and Freya's match woulda went your way. Hell, I cant even tell who you'd pit against who. This is all like pokemon. Its choosing and knowing your opponent as much as its knowing your own players. But the way I've played it out, Quina is out numbered and there is no way that she can get through Locke, Rydia AND Red XIII. If you want to write the battle how you feel it would go, be my guest. I'm positive I'd enjoy it. Win, Lose or Draw.

06-09-2005, 01:52 AM
Anyone wanna fight me? I posted my characters earlier.

06-09-2005, 04:13 AM
Edgar (Regular attacks and Tools)
Auron (Regular attacks... that's about it)
Terra (All around magic offensive)
Aerith (Healer and limit breaks)
Zidane (Regular Attacks, Trance and Stealing)
Garnet (Back up healer and Summoner)
Squall (More damage dealing mayhem)
Yuffie (High agility and ability to morph things easily with Conformer)

I'll play with your team in a moment but first I want to go over the "victors" in RedCydranth's.

Alright Yuffie vs Locke. Since I have played both games, and have used both characters significantly(both were my fav in thier respective games) I think I can add some insight.

Locke has better attack power, but his ranged weapons aren't quite as strong as Yuffie's. So they would probably hit very similar, though Yuffies conformer would put her slightly on top. In FF6 locke will quickly began lapping even the quickest other party members. in FFVII Yuffie, whilst fast doesn't lap nearly as much. Thus I can conclude that in retrospect that Locke is slightly faster. so maybe 6 for every 5 of Yuffie's turns. So far locke has the edge, albiet a small one. But these is where it goes downhill. Yuffie's base HP is lacking, Locke however can easily go front row since his HP is very good for a ranged attacker and thief. So he has an hp edge as well. In the end Locke would win, but would be wounded, and of little help later. Locke

P.S. I hate giving it to Locke since I am obsesed with Yuffie, but in my experience Locke is the better character.

Shadow vs. Freya makes sense from what I have read. though if Freya doesn't have to jump every turn it might aid her... unless her on the ground physical is too weak.. unfortunately that would make her more vulnerable to Shadow's Dog's Counter attacks. So a Tie is the likely.. or at least the winner would be badly hurt. Tie

As for vincent vs. Red. Red is faster and can hit harder. But Vincent takes half damage.. and can double as a better healer then Red. Overall it would be close. But since Red has decent limit breaks and excells at what he is meant to do, I would give it to Red, though he would be hurt.Red

Now onto Hroth
Locke-Orlandu-Reina(samurai special)-Aeris-Galuf(mystic knight)- Yuffie-Squall-Ramza(monk with squire abilities)

We cross out, Aeris, Yuffie, and Squall. so 3 ties.
which leaves us with.

Locke vs. Zidane- From what I have read and heard Locke would win though I would suspect he would suffer nearly if not more then half hp damage. Reason being. Locke's hp was always one of the higher ones even without hp boosts so he has alot of hp for a thief. And second Zidane uses daggers(front row) Locke uses boomerangs(back row) so zidane could only do half damage. Locke though hurt.

Reina(samurai) vs. Edgar- This Reina is only hit 30 or so % of the time when I use her.. plus with image she might be able to come out undamaged. Edgar is strong, very strong. But he can miss.. so Reina wins. Reina

Orlandu vs. Auron- Simply put Orlandu is my trump. He would most likely win.. cause as said Orlandu is the "Mewtwo of the FF series". Orlandu, though I am not sure what the damage would be.

Galuf vs. Garnet- I am not sure on this. But Galuf can cast magic shell to greatly weaken magic damage. As well as use the element drain on his sword to heal him. I think Galuf would take this ... thought the summons would likley leave him hurting. Galuf, though hurt.

Ramza(monk) vs. Terra- Using Terra as a mage gives you some points. As you would be in the back row(half damage) and whilst Ramza monk can also go back row(monks get ranged abilities) magic damage would remain unaffected. Whoever won this would probably be crippled, so I'll just say Terra comes out on top, but is hurt(since mages can hurt and ramza prolly couldn't outheal the damage). Terra Hurt.

So you have a hurt Terra left. And I got a hurt Galuf, Locke, Orlandu, and Reina. If I put Galuf vs. Terra, Terra may be able to pull another win if played smart against a unsuspecting Galuf(though I seriousally doubt it). Against Locke I think would be close, though I think Locke would be able to pull a victory over her. Vs. Orlandu.. well poor terra, even if he is hurt. And vs. Reina I again would say poor Terra... cause when you are hurt you really want to rely on your next attack hitting.

If you see a real problem post it up.. I am really unsure of the battles against Zidane and Garnet since I haven't really played the game. As for Auron Vs. Orlandu.. well I ain't relying on Orlandu in the final set of battles so it doesn't really matter how much damage Orlandu would suffer.

P.S. if anyone really wonders why I think terra could take ramza is cause I always remember magic really hurting him.. so he may be able to be beat by terra if she was played well.

P.S.S. Hroth feel free to pit. As RedCydranth said we pit against the ones we got the best chance verse. So a different line up could really hurt me. I put up in the battles I was fairly sure I coudl win(actually Terra could have lost but.. I am willing to give ya the benifit of the doubt since I stacked the cards).

06-09-2005, 05:10 AM
Ok, Good Match Shun, I agree with your battling. Terra, and Ramza monk would be close but Terra would win because technically, minks can't fight from back row in FF games. I know FFT allows monks wave fist and earth slash as far away, but Yang, Josef and Amarant were monks/fistfighters and they didn't do well in the back row. Also, Terra's Morph ability would lay you out fast.

Hroth I'm up now... This is so fun...

Edgar (Regular attacks and Tools)
Auron (Regular attacks... that's about it)
Terra (All around magic offensive)
Aerith (Healer and limit breaks)
Zidane (Regular Attacks, Trance and Stealing)
Garnet (Back up healer and Summoner)
Squall (More damage dealing mayhem)
Yuffie (High agility and ability to morph things easily with Conformer)

Edgar, Auron, Terra, Aeris, Zidane, Squall, Yuffie, Garnet


Orlandu, Locke, Rydia, Red XIII, Auron, Reina (WM), Freya, Vivi

As always, crossouts. Our Aurons are out. Tie

Now as author I get choice of battles. Analyzing your party i see you have Squall, Edgar and Zidane as your power. Yuffie and Terra are mid power/magic and Aeris and Garnet as healing, Garnet summoning.

Summoners battle first, because it will be quick and easy. Rydia has Garnet easy. Only Yuna comes close to her summoning skill. But Garnet can heal. While you take a turn to heal, if you do at all, I'd cast another summon to wipe you out further. Rydia wins, but at half power.

Next, I'd like to take out Yuffie. But with who? Yuffie has speed, and decent power. Red or Locke would be a good pick, since I'm gonna need Locke later , Red XIII will face Yuffie yet again. I believe last time it came to a draw, and it will again this time. Red has more power than yuffie, but Yuffie has backrow defense, so she can last a little longer, long enough to cause the draw. Tie

Okay, this is where tactics comes into Play. You have Aeris, a weakling who is a primary healer, like my Reina... It would be safe to say it would end in a draw if I played reina now, so I'm gonna do the opposite. Vivi will do the honors of the long drawn out mage battle, black vs. White. Since Aeris will need all her time to heal (offensively she wont be able to kill Vivi, although he has weak defense, its still better than Aeris's attacks.) Slowly Vivi's MP is lowered but Aeris falls in the MP stall match. Vivi

Edgar is pretty strong, I'd say as strong as Locke, Yes? Okay then. Equal Strength, but at different positions. Locke can be long range in the back row, whereas Edgar must be in the front. So, due to the row defense, Locke wins, hurt though.

The Big guns... Squall and Orlandu. I don't like Squall and cloud in this because it forces me to use my Orlandu and weaken him. Squall has renzokuken and some sweet movews, but none of them are Night Sword.. or Holy Explosion. So, Squall loses, but Orlandu's got pain. Orlandu.

Im down to Freya and Reina. You have Terra and Zidane. Not cool... Zidane is quick and has great strength. Terra has magic and decent strength. Who should I stick reina's death to? I think if I'm gonna go on battling this way, I should get a re-pick. I'd love to make Reina a samurai special, like Shun's. Or trade her in for Sabin, but for now.. Shes a WM. And shes going after Zidane. Not that it matters. She hits him like twice before shes down and out. Zidane makes short work of my White Mage

Freya and Terra. Jumping removes her for half the battle, which is great against Terra because she can be deadly. And her Morph is on a timed basis so even if she did her morph, she'd waste half of it while Freya is in the air. Also play the fact that terra isn't that quick, and Freya will come out on top.. litteraly.Not before terra lays some serious smack down though. Freya wins, but limps out of battle.

Round 2.

Zidane has his work cut out for him. Freya, Orlandu, Rydia, Locke and Vivi are all staring him in the face. I call the shots and send Freya out. She's hurt from the terra fight, And Zidanes fairly fresh. Freya gets a few Jumps in before Zidane takes out his former ally. Zidane wins again.

Locke is next. Zidane, good luck. Locke has the same speed as Zidane so his quick hits won't work on Locke. Also Locke's back row defense is a plus. Sure Locke's injured, but Freya's jumps took Zidane down a few notches. After the dust clears, Zidane's still victorious. I think a lot of people underestimate the strength Zidane has. Hroth knows though. Zidane is great.

I don't care how great you are, you don't go through Freya and Locke unscathed though.. Reina barely hurt him, so 1st round was practically a bye. This time Zidane takes on Rydia. I want to end this, and here will be Zidane's last stand. Sure Rydia's weakened, but not as weak as Zidane after the beating from Locke and Freya tossed his way. A good Bahamut and Zidane's toast. But of course Zidane has speed, and gets the first attack. Nuts. Sorry Rydia... Zidane was just too quick. No bahamut folks. :( Zidane defies the odds again.

Ok, I'm seeing a Hulk Hogan style comeback here.... Go Andre the Giant... er... Orlandu! Screw Vivi, he's as wak as Rydia was, and slower. Orlandu Walks in, takes a hit from Zidane and then drops a Holy Explosion on Zidane's butt. Game over. Orlandu Takes the crown again!


06-10-2005, 08:29 AM
Sephirot Seymour Kuja And Kefka Would Own EVERYONE

06-10-2005, 08:58 AM
Just for fun I will make another party(that and this thread seems to be dying :( )

Shadow Imp- even without the genji/offering relic combo an Imp in full imp equipment can max out extremely early. I mean come on.. talk about but kick power. With my shadow imp my defense and magic defense are nearly maxed. And he can hit.. hard. And shadow, for his speed and hp.(most hp for a fast character I have ever seen(some others do have more.. but usually your ninja has really low hp... his ain't bad.. not at all)).

Mog(in snow muffler)- the snow muffler puts mogs regular defense at the max. most physical attacks do extraordinary small damage. And mog can do damage with physical attacks, magic attacks, as well as heal.. Mog ain't good for his dancing(though it is cute) he is an jack of all trades kick butt man.

Vincent- Put him in the back row, give him his strongest sniping gun(Long Barrel R) add deathblow+HP absorb. He then has some lasting as well as attacking power. and while anyone can use HP absorb with morph and a couple others, Vincent can use deathblow and hit every time.(I'd use Tifa's, hers hits harder.. but she has to be front row.. well we do have long range materia.. but a long range fist? ok an hp draining bullet isn't exactly super believable either.. but meh.) Plus I wanted to keep the materia down as low as possible. But vincent fits death blow and HP drain.. imo anyways.

Auron- What the hay.. I am trying not to repeat the exact same I had last time.. so put Auron in instead of Squall/Coud.

Faris(bluemage with white magic)- Once again this is what I usually have her as in game(though sometimes it is black instead of white). With this you get to deal with Image, Mighty Guard, Healing Powers, plus a suicide move just to annoy someone. Oh yes Blue mages get shields and I always put them in the back row.. so they make a Tough mage(though not an ultra good one.. good thing blue magic still hits hard, though my heal won't be great).

Mustadio(Engineer with speed save and concentrate)-He always goes as an archer for a while with me... until I pick up the later guns(glacier, stone, etc.). So he doesn't miss, is in the back row, and gains speed whenever you hit him. Not an ultimate by far. but should be able to do some damage... after all what are you going to do to me if you can't move your arms? *crosses fingers*

Hmm.. two more.

Celes- Configured as an attacker she can make the ultimate anti mage character... though she can't do much with rune.. what is a mage going to do with his staff/rod... hmm? Particually considering she can wear both the strongest armor and weapons. Good fighter though Edgar may be a stronger one. With Illumina, Paladin Shield, Genji Helm,and the Genji Armor she could make a tough warrior(keep in mind we will assume that (if this reaches the max.. never used her as my main warrior before) the bugs are fixed and that physical evasion is indead based of physical evasion.

Relm- Configured as a spell caster(all spells preferbly so a WM/BM combo). Behemoth Armor, Cat hood, and Magus Rod. No shield cause I dont' remember he being able to equip one. I am only going by what they could normally equip. She is a strong mage, and with the possible defense she can get(that behemoht armor is quite nice) and the fact that she is in the back row will make her slighlty less vulnerable to physical attackers then the others.

Btw for my FFVI chars I am assuming they have a normal dodge rate... FFVI is absurbadly easy with the dodge bug. So consider it void. the equipment is only there for actualy defense and attack stats(and with the Aegis the random chance to block a spell.. other FF's have shields like that if I recall).

This party is mostly trying to be a straight hard hitter.. but it lacks due to the fact I didn't want to reuse characters I have already used. I got a decent team.. though I got no single char capable of dealing with Orlandu.. it will take at least two to take him out.. maybe more. So I have to pick it up else where.

Azure Chrysanthemum
06-10-2005, 09:25 AM
I believe I can make a party for this.

Orlandu as Holy Swordsman with Summoning as secondary to make use of his Dark Sword ability.
Ramza as a Squire with Math Skills as a secondary ability and two swords for power. Also has the ability to keep his HP up, increase his stats with spells or abilities, and can employ some powerful spells in addition to his sword.
Yuna for healing, but with summons so that she can also protect herself to some degree.
Terra's my black mage in this because her morph ability allows for more power. The fact that she can also heal herself helps too.
Freya for the dragoon, since her spells give her the edge over Kain.
Cloud is in for a power hitter, materia focus on offensive but with a cure materia thrown in because I feel it important that all characters are able to heal themselves.
Wakka is another power attacker, his attack reels and ability to hit air attackers gives him a distinct advantage.
Beowulf is the final addition to the team, he can use his magic sword to cripple his opponents. Also, his drain spell can keep his life high and his Shock! spell can come through if he's been weakened. Give him two swords as well, and set his secondary skill as Item for recovery purposes.

I'll challenge any party who wants to face me.