View Full Version : 1000 ways to kill Palpatine (Star Wars spoilers)

05-22-2005, 11:49 PM
List as many reasons how Palpatine could have been killed during the six Star Wars movies. Try to make some funny situations if you can. NOTE: This thread will have unmarked *SPOILERS* for all the Star Wars movies. I'll start.

1. On the balcony at Coruscant
DARTH MAUL: "At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge."
(The balcony falls.)

2. The ending parade in the Phantom Menace
PADMÉ: "Congratulations for your election, Chancellor. That's the highest rank you will ever get."
(She shoots Palpatine.)

3. The funeral of Qui-Gon Jinn
MACE WINDU: "But who was destroyed? The Master or the Apprentice?"
(The camera zooms in at Palpatine.)
JAR JAR BINKS: "Waahhh, meesa so sad, Palpy!"
(Jar Jar is so messed up that he grabs Palpatine and throws him into the pyre where Qui-Gon's body is being burned.)

4. The emergency meeting during AotC
JAR JAR BINKS: "Meesa proposa that we kills the Seprume Chencallor becuss he's the Dirk Lard of the Sith!"
(Everyone cheers. Yoda jumps next to Palpatine's seat and slices Palpatine in two with his lightsaber.)
YODA: "Done. Now take a clone army to Geonosis we will, and save our friends we must."

5. Count Dooku meeting Darth Sidious at the end of AotC
DARTH SIDIOUS: "Welcome home, Lord Tyranus!"
COUNT DOOKU: "I lost. Dag nabbit!"
(Dooku picks up his lightsaber and cuts Palpatine in half.)

6. The end of AotC
YODA: "The shroud of the Dark Side has fallen. Begun the Clone War has."
(Palpatine and others look at the balcony how the Army of the Republic is about to leave. An interceptor fighter starts to malfunction and shoots at Palpatine.)
PALPATINE: "*cough* I'm alright. But what is the meaning of this!?"
(The balcony falls.)
PALPATINE: "Aaahhh!!!"

7. Mace Windu vs. Palpatine, RotS
PALPATINE: "My powers are weakening. I'm old, I'm getting weaker. Help me, Anakin! Only I can save the one you love."
ANAKIN: "Oh, shut up!"
(Anakin starts kicking Palpatine's body.)
MACE WINDU: "What the!?"
(Anakin kicks Palpatine until he falls down to the bottom of Coruscant.)
PALPATINE: "Aaaaaahhhh!!!"
ANAKIN: "Poor old... Oh well, what a worthless excuse for an Emperor!!"

8. Before the final battle in RotJ
DARTH VADER: "His lightsaber."
(Vader gives the Emperor Luke's lightsaber. The handle is pointing towards the Emperor.)
PALPATINE: "Ah, yes, a Jedi's weapon. I wonder how this thing works."
(The Emperor presses the ignition button, and the lightsaber pierces through him.)

9. Before the final battle in RotJ, take II
DARTH VADER: "His lightsaber."
(Vader gives the Emperor Luke's lightsaber. The handle is pointing towards the Emperor.)
PALPATINE: "Ah, yes, a Jedi's weapon."
DARTH VADER: "Let me show you how it works, my master."
(Darth Vader presses the ignition button, and the lightsaber pierces through the Emperor.)

10. Before the final battle in RotJ, take III
DARTH VADER: "His lightsaber."
(Vader gives the Emperor Luke's lightsaber. The handle is pointing towards the Emperor.)
PALPATINE: "Ah, yes, a Jedi's weapon."
LUKE: "I don't think a Sith knows how to activate it. Let me show you."
(Luke presses the ignition button, and the lightsaber pierces through the Emperor.)

11. Before the final battle in RotJ, take IV
DARTH VADER: "His lightsaber."
(Vader gives the Emperor Luke's lightsaber. The handle is pointing towards the Emperor.)
PALPATINE: "Ah, yes, a Jedi's weapon. Much like your father's. By now you must know your father can never be turned from the dark side. So will it be with you."
LUKE: "Nooo!!!"
(Luke dashes and presses the ignition button, and the lightsaber pierces through the Emperor.)

12. During the final battle in RotJ
EMPEROR: "You want this, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your Jedi weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger."
DARTH VADER: "Yes, master."
(Darth Vader takes his lightsaber and uses it to slice the Emperor in half.)

Okay, let's think of some more ways to kill Palpatine. :p

EDIT: I decided that it's best for everyone to mark Episode III spoilers since not everybody has seen the movie yet.

05-23-2005, 12:37 AM
I know, Vader can pick him up and throw him down some pit.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
05-23-2005, 01:53 AM
I know: Anakin could have picked him up and thrown him out that window.


05-23-2005, 01:54 AM
I know: Han Solo can use the Millenium Falcon to go back in time and kill Palpatine's parents.

05-23-2005, 02:42 AM
I know: that this is the stupidest thread that I have ever laid eyes upon.

05-23-2005, 03:07 AM
I know: Necron could have destroyed all life and brought the world back to a zero state.

05-23-2005, 03:58 AM
I know: Hitler turned Germany into a police state.

05-23-2005, 04:39 AM
now that's just silly.

06-06-2005, 09:21 PM
yoda coming back from the dead and hauting him ^_^

I Don't Need A Name
06-06-2005, 09:32 PM
during battle in RotJ
Palpatine: you must die [insert lightning]
Vader: SHUT UP! *headbutts palpatine and sends him out cold*
Now luke for our man-to-man-talk that i never gave you
1 hour of extremely boring talk later
Vader: what are we gonna do with him
Luke: throw him out with the trash!

06-10-2005, 10:10 AM
I know: nothing

06-10-2005, 11:10 AM
I would like to see the Palpatine choke on a pretzel while watching the Super Bowl.