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05-23-2005, 11:36 AM
whats the funniest thing thats happened to you, your friend, family or pretty much anyone?

05-23-2005, 03:25 PM
Well me and my cute friend Debbie went ice skating together for a night out and i did'nt want to go on the ice then when the next song came on she finally got me on....but we did'nt quite hear what the guy said so were skating around and we realized there was only guy's around us then the guy said in the speaker's "would the two girls please get off the ice this is guys only" haha :laugh: we did'nt hear him say it aww we felt soo embaressed hehe and to make things worse when we were going off i fell and dragged Debbie down with me we were mortified so we quikly ran to the bathroom's and changed what we looked like haha:laugh:ha :laugh:haha....xXx....

05-23-2005, 04:37 PM
I'm sure its not the funniest thing, but it was pretty funny at the time, and it sticks out in my mind.
Me and my friend were walking out of Tesco's, they have a thing where if you try and take your trolley past a certain point, the trolley locks.
This guy was pushing his trolley full of food, and tried to take it passed the point, the trolley locked and he carried on trying to push it, the trolley fell over and he tripped over it landing flat on his face. He then got up and started kicking the trolley and screaming at it! "Fucking trolley!" It was pretty god damn funny at the time.

oww my gastric bypass!
05-23-2005, 04:49 PM
Once Nigel constance pissed his pants in front of the whole assembly then he went and changed his pants and pissed in them again! The schol made him pay for the cost of the pants! His mother complained!

05-23-2005, 04:57 PM
My friend's picture was in the paper because she's a spokesperson for our union, but the headline under the picture read "Woman Wanted for Bank Robbery" in relation to another story. We hung it up outside her office and it was funny for a while. :)

05-23-2005, 06:45 PM
The most funniest (and embarassing) thing that happened to me was when we were going out of town to California to visit relatives, I had to use the bathroom and we were 20 minutes away from our destination. Mom told me to hold it, Dad told me to not think about it, and the dog had to go to. When we got there I ran to the house a started pounding on the door like someone was trying to kill me and the dog had disappeared. So we had to search for him (I was concerned more about him than the bathroom) and we found him near a tree finishing up. I ran back to the house not realizing the i stepped in some other dog's crap and he believed me to be another dog. He bit me in my butt and scared I let it all out (I peed on myself). Later my parents and I had a big laugh.

05-23-2005, 08:38 PM
a kid tryed to play chicken with me when i was on my bike...i sped up he was lucky he jumped when he did it was funny if you were there

boris no no
05-23-2005, 09:19 PM
i once misjugded the step when walking into the car park of where i work. i fell flat ion my face and cut my face and bruised the bone of my leg
it hurt

05-24-2005, 01:23 PM
on my birthdat my friends got drunk so i decided to challenge them to a skateboarding competition. since it was also dark and raining it was hilarious especially when someone tried to do a grind down a rail, fell off and hit the bar on the way down

05-24-2005, 01:50 PM
I don't know if this true*i don't wanna believe it maybe^^""* but i was on a party and i got drunk a little and the other day my friends said me that i did a very funny strip-show!^_^

05-24-2005, 02:07 PM
My friend got drunk at a party and did a strip show. when he didnt believe us we showed him the video someone recorded on their phone

05-24-2005, 06:58 PM


05-24-2005, 08:03 PM
Funniest thing that happened to my family?
Probably me being born.
I bet they all had a good laugh at that one.

Ultima Shadow
05-24-2005, 08:06 PM
Reading "Ah, The Power of Cheese"! :D

05-24-2005, 10:35 PM
well one of my m8s fell in a swamp, it was really funny seeing him have to wad through it all, he thought he was gonna die!!!!, we just laughed at him lol were evil aren`t we?!

05-24-2005, 10:38 PM
I was in bed laying under my covers and the very top of my leg was itchy so I went down my trousers to itch it. Then my damn mum came wandering into my room and she thought I was fingering myself.
Then later on we went shopping and she came with me into the changing room and I had forgotten about my handwritten permanent pen "Lick my ass it will be fun" tattoo on my belly. Her face could have turned milk sour.

05-25-2005, 06:25 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! :D Lol. One time a younger friend of mine said he was trying to become a person who puts tattoos on people. I wanted to see if he had the skills so I became his first customer (even though I had to pay him 50 cents). While he went to drawing my eyes layed on this beautiful girl that walked in the classroom. It was about ten minutes when he told me he was done and then the girl came over to me. Not looking at what he put down on my arm I showed the girl and she looked ay me in disgust. Guess what it said It said "I like masturbating" with a picture of a penis. I smacked him in the head and the teacher called my parents. When they came up to the school and saw what was on my arm and they shot me random questions about it. I was humiliated