View Full Version : Laguna and Squall's Relationship (Spoilers, I think)

05-24-2005, 10:54 AM
I was just wondering where everyone comes up with the idea that they're father and son. I've played through the game atleast three times now and I still don't see where people are getting that from. :confused:

05-24-2005, 10:58 AM
The game almost blatantly says it. Laguna says that he has something important to say to Squall. Kiros and Ward mention how it's good that Squall doesnt look like his father, which means they know who his father is. Ellone came to the orphanage with Squall and took care of him, as he was the only family she had, even if Raine and Laguna were never blood related to her. They never come out and say it, but it does everything but.

05-24-2005, 11:25 AM
....I don't remember ANY of that, and I just got done playing it again like a week ago. o_____O

Sir Bahamut
05-24-2005, 12:48 PM
Here are all the things that could be used to show that Laguna is Squalls father:

1) Laguna = Lagoon. Raine = Rain. Squall = Brief windstorm, usually with snow or rain.

All these names are connected, they are all to do with water.

2) Raine and Laguna had a child together. That child was sent to the orphanage

The children in the orphanage at that time were as we all know, Squall, Seifer, Ellone, Quistis, Zell, Irvine and Selphie.

Ellone is the adoptive sister to that newborn child, and spends a significant part of her life trying to get Laguna back to Raine and this child.

Coincidentally, who is the one person in the orphanage who Ellone is closely attached to? Squall.

Also notice how none of the other children are paid attention to at all when it comes to this plot question, and seeing as how it is a very relevant part of the game, you'd think Square didn't just decide to drop it completely.

3) In the Ragnarok, Laguna tellls Squall that "Ellone has told me everything" and "We'll talk when this is all over".

Since Ellone had just stopped her quest to get Laguna to see his newborn child, one would expect her to tell all about the child to Laguna, and it seems rather farfetched that she refused to give him the true identity.

This would also have been basically the most important thing Ellone would tell Laguna, so it seems plausible that he is going to talk to Squall on the same issue.

4) Talk to Kiros and Ward in the Ragnarok, and Ward will say "Good thing you don't look like your father" in a joking manner,
Kiros says "you look more like your mother".

Kiros and Ward know the parents, and the father well enough to make fun of him jokingly.
Who fits into this description then?

5) The tutorial tells us that Moombas recognize people by licking their blood.

In jail, a Moomba calls Squall "Laguna" many times. This means Squalls blood was so similar to Lagunas that it fooled the Moomba.

That kind of scene isn't just put in there for randomness, nor to prove that Moombas are mentally unstable.

My name is...something..?
05-24-2005, 01:25 PM
Dang, you guys nailed every piece of info I can think of. Good job guys!!!*claps*

05-24-2005, 01:37 PM
Nicely done!

05-24-2005, 03:22 PM
Ah ok, I always wondered about the Laguna thing! It does make sense.

05-24-2005, 06:21 PM
I still think the most important bit of evidence is that Laguna has Squall's card.

Why else?

Sir Bahamut
05-24-2005, 07:04 PM
Why would a random man in Deling carry Irvines card?

05-24-2005, 08:27 PM
Thank you for a thorough answer, Sir Bahamut.
And btw, I didn't know that bit about Moombas and blood..

05-24-2005, 08:44 PM
I thought Kiros' card was in Deling. Irvine's was in FH, which doesn't make much more sense eitherxD

05-24-2005, 10:42 PM
OOOOOOOOOOOH,so they must have beeen Irvine's parents!!!!! LOL,just kidding.It is FLARINGLY obvious that Laguna is Squall's father........I'm not saying that you are dumb,DMKA,but I pretty much do the same thing myself......I'd forget.......or not know........it's ok not to know,sometimes.You just have to find a reliable source.Or it's maybe that you haven't put much thought into it,until now.

Dark Songstress
05-31-2005, 03:39 PM
wait a second :eek: ........Laguna is 27, Squall is 17, Raine is around Laguna age I think. it impossible for Squall to be Laguna and Raine son because Laguna is only 10 years older than Squall. :whoa:

05-31-2005, 03:46 PM
wait a second :eek: ........Laguna is 27, Squall is 17, Raine is around Laguna age I think. it impossible for Squall to be Laguna and Raine son because Laguna is only 10 years older than Squall. :whoa:
That's their ages in the dreamworld of the past. x)

05-31-2005, 04:36 PM
The first time I played the game I didnt think it was possible because I thoght Squall and Ellone were the same age. Or that Ellone was about a year older.

05-31-2005, 07:17 PM
Flo has Irvine's card because she had an affair with him...
obviously she was bored of her peaceful husband and tried to get some fun from that lusty guy... :D

The Anarchy Angel
05-31-2005, 08:02 PM
Of course they're father and son! It's obvious! I mean, not only does Ellone both know them (meaning that she must have been around at Squall's birth and she's only lived with Laguna since she was old enough to remember) but she continuously uses Squall for him to view the Dreamworld. It's most probably because they are, in fact, related.

05-31-2005, 09:06 PM
wait a second :eek: ........Laguna is 27, Squall is 17, Raine is around Laguna age I think. it impossible for Squall to be Laguna and Raine son because Laguna is only 10 years older than Squall. :whoa:
That's their ages in the dreamworld of the past. x)

Yup - if you'll notice, Ellone is also like 5 years old when Laguna is 27, and she's obviously much older now (about 22). Laguna in the present is in his 40s. In the ending FMV, you'll notice he has wrinkles around his eyes.

Also, Squall is 17, and Raine died after giving birth to a son 17 years ago.

Finally, the themes of the game (love and fate) kind of hinge on the fact that Squall and Rinoa are fated to reclaim the relationship that their respective parents (Laguna and Julia) could not have. And no, Julia isn't Squall's mother, don't even start. Ewww. :p

The Anarchy Angel
05-31-2005, 09:07 PM
My blood just ran cold, incest!

Dark Songstress
05-31-2005, 10:17 PM
Yup - if you'll notice, Ellone is also like 5 years old when Laguna is 27, and she's obviously much older now (about 22). Laguna in the present is in his 40s. In the ending FMV, you'll notice he has wrinkles around his eyes.

Also, Squall is 17, and Raine died after giving birth to a son 17 years ago.

Finally, the themes of the game (love and fate) kind of hinge on the fact that Squall and Rinoa are fated to reclaim the relationship that their respective parents (Laguna and Julia) could not have. And no, Julia isn't Squall's mother, don't even start. Ewww.

so when Laguna was 27, it was just a flashback? :whoa: and if Laguna and Julia married, Squall and Rinoa would been brother and sister :lol:

Sir Bahamut
05-31-2005, 10:20 PM
What Squall sees of Lagunas life is in the past. Ellone makes that very clear, and Squall even rubs it in by saying "So we're experiencing the past..."

That was the whole point of Ellones quest. She wanted to change the past. Because of that, Squall would obviously see a much younger Laguna.

The Anarchy Angel
05-31-2005, 10:21 PM
That is, in fact, why i yelled incest

05-31-2005, 10:55 PM
ShivaBlizzard scared me for a while with the "Squall & Rinoa=brother & sister"thing.....

Squall of SeeD
06-01-2005, 07:27 AM
Yup - if you'll notice, Ellone is also like 5 years old when Laguna is 27, and she's obviously much older now (about 22). Laguna in the present is in his 40s. In the ending FMV, you'll notice he has wrinkles around his eyes.

Also, Squall is 17, and Raine died after giving birth to a son 17 years ago.

Finally, the themes of the game (love and fate) kind of hinge on the fact that Squall and Rinoa are fated to reclaim the relationship that their respective parents (Laguna and Julia) could not have. And no, Julia isn't Squall's mother, don't even start. Ewww.

so when Laguna was 27, it was just a flashback? :whoa: and if Laguna and Julia married, Squall and Rinoa would been brother and sister :lol:

If they married, there would have been no Squall or Rinoa, seeing as how Squall's mother was Raine and Rinoa's father was Caraway.

06-01-2005, 07:54 AM
so when Laguna was 27, it was just a flashback? and if Laguna and Julia married, Squall and Rinoa would been brother and sister Actually, if that were the case, neither of them would have existed in the first place.

06-04-2005, 03:09 AM

ShivaBlizzard scared me for a while with the "Squall & Rinoa=brother & sister"thing.....

Oh no, I didn't mean they actually were. . . its just that whenever I bring up Julia and Laguna's relationship being carried on by Squall and Rinoa, it seems somebody always says, "Julia is Squall's mother!" which is wrong. A lot of people don't realize that would make S and R siblings and that's just gross. I tried to nip it in the bud, but just started it myself, apparently - LOL.

06-06-2005, 04:19 AM
Actually, the first thing that popped into my head when I saw this title was yaoi, but that's just me! :fpblush: I knew that for a while.... Lol, maybe Laguna banged Julia during that brief intermission in the hotel and that's how Rinoa was concieved!

Squall of SeeD
06-06-2005, 06:15 AM
Lol, maybe Laguna banged Julia during that brief intermission in the hotel and that's how Rinoa was concieved!

Rinoa was born a year after Julia released "Eyes On Me." Julia and Laguna wrote the song that night that he was with her. Even had she released it the next day and simultaneously married Caraway, it would have still been three months past the Homo Sapien incubation period for infants.

06-06-2005, 01:34 PM
Yeah, but Rinoa's just so weird... Maybe it allows for special circumstances. Or maybe, Julia preserved Laguna's sperm in a sperm bank and then used it. I mean honestly, do you see any resemblance to Caraway at all? Besides the stupid. I am just kidding. Rinoa is interesting, I guess.
So I guess my little unserious theory was deleted. SIGH. Everyone takes me too seriously.

06-06-2005, 06:59 PM
Zell and Squall should end up together...
Do you remember when Squall rescued Zell on the desert prison, when he was operating that sort of lift machine?
It was so cute when Zell hugged him on his knees and Squall got very nervous!
He he he... I guess it will take lot of years to see a truly gay scene on a videogame.

06-06-2005, 09:39 PM
Zell and Squall should end up together...
Do you remember when Squall rescued Zell on the desert prison, when he was operating that sort of lift machine?
It was so cute when Zell hugged him on his knees and Squall got very nervous!
He he he... I guess it will take lot of years to see a truly gay scene on a videogame.

...Never again. EVER!!!

06-06-2005, 09:52 PM
¿?¿?¿? :whaaa:

Never again what, specifically?

06-06-2005, 09:59 PM
Never, ever even mention that relationship again. Some things are just too wrong to be posted on the forums... :mad:

The Anarchy Angel
06-06-2005, 10:04 PM
You have to admit though, that scene was kinda sweet, the whole "oh thankyou Squall!"

06-06-2005, 10:31 PM
Yes. But I don't think that's enough reason for those two to get together, especially since I think that they are among the least compatible couples in the game.

The Anarchy Angel
06-06-2005, 10:48 PM
Nha, that was going step too far i think on the whole let's make our own story line. Anyway, Zell would bounce Squall to death...persoanlly, i think it should have been:
Squall & Rinoa
Zell & Selphie
Irvy & Quistis
They'd match so good!

06-06-2005, 11:19 PM
Mmmh... I think couples should be:
Squall and Rinoa
Irvine and Selphie (highly indicated by the game, by the way)
Zell and Fujin (hard love)
Quistis and Nida
Kiros and Laguna (they are compatible and behave like a couple, you can't deny it)

I don't think Irvine and Quistis are compatible... Quistis need a guy that takes life more seriously. Selphie and Irvine are so great together because they can have quite a funny relationship.

06-06-2005, 11:25 PM
Zell and Fujin would just be kinky

06-07-2005, 03:15 AM
if any two characters were a gay couple, Squall and Zell would be the last I'd suspect.

Kiros and Laguna (they are compatible and behave like a couple, you can't deny it)

Hardly! Kiros often finds Laguna just plain embarrasing. Battle buddies, alright but gee-whiz, do you pull these gay couples out of nowhere or what? There are many levels of intimacy, but they often have nothing to do with sexuality.

The Anarchy Angel
06-07-2005, 05:48 PM
do you pull these gay couples out of nowhere or what?

But it's funny!

06-07-2005, 05:51 PM
Hardly! Kiros often finds Laguna just plain embarrasing.

Mmmh... How many times I have seen that in a marriage?
:D :D :D

I'm just kidding, ya know? We were just imagining how couples could be off the game...

But it would be great that someday we could see a non-stereotype gay character. (that travestite on the Dollet's pub doesn't count)

06-07-2005, 10:54 PM
Hardly! Kiros often finds Laguna just plain embarrasing.

Mmmh... How many times I have seen that in a marriage?
:D :D :D

I'm just kidding, ya know? We were just imagining how couples could be off the game...

But it would be great that someday we could see a non-stereotype gay character. (that travestite on the Dollet's pub doesn't count)

Many transvestites aren't gay at all (but I think the one in Dollet was hitting on Squall?).

Sadly, society is still a long way from acceptance of gay couples, in Japan and elsewhere (hell, prejudice will always exist, it's just something you got to live with. Believe it or not, racism is still really bad in america in some parts, and even japan, england, you name it. People are still having wars over it) and with a company like SE that is out for money, they try and please the largest audience, thus we may never see an openly(or seriously) gay couple in a game in our lifetime.

HOW the heck did this arguement change into this?

Anyway, I have one question a little more on-topic. That Moomba needs blood to sense who is who, right? So we can asume it has licked both Squall and Laguna's blood? How can we be sure it actually did this? This seems to be a very weak link between the two(I'm not denying they are related, I have no doubts of that at all). The fact the Moomba confused Squall for Laguna certainly make you think, but did it really have anything to do with the blood?

The Anarchy Angel
06-07-2005, 10:59 PM
Maybe they smell the same? :D Only joking, probably is something to do with the blood, that's what i first thougth when i played through the game

Squall of SeeD
06-08-2005, 02:28 AM
Anyway, I have one question a little more on-topic. That Moomba needs blood to sense who is who, right? So we can asume it has licked both Squall and Laguna's blood? How can we be sure it actually did this? This seems to be a very weak link between the two(I'm not denying they are related, I have no doubts of that at all). The fact the Moomba confused Squall for Laguna certainly make you think, but did it really have anything to do with the blood?

It did, yes. At one point, Laguna recovered from injuries in the Shumi Village (which is why he's such a prominent figure to the Shumi and the Moombas). In the Galbadian Prison, after Squall has bene tortured, the Moombas start calling him "Laguna" and free him.

Besides, the writer wouldn't insert a plot device for no reason.

Yes... because, when you get rejected from someone (I just imagine, :D), you try to find reasons to get your dignity up. Quistis said, on the beach "A misunderstood love?"...

Considering that the line had parentheses around it, it was a line she was saying to herself in her own head and not to anyone else. It wasn't about getting her dignity up, but about her realizing the true nature of those feelings and admitting them to herself.

So the misunderstood love was actually misunderstood by her?


06-08-2005, 07:31 PM
I'm still seeing Seifer and Squall as the compatible couple here.