View Full Version : BG: Too awesome to exist?

Ultima Shadow
05-25-2005, 08:03 PM
Ok, how many have actually played Baldurs Gate 1 and 2? And what's your opinions on these amazing games?

I, myself, seriously thinks that Baldurs Gate 2 is the best D&D game ever made. :D

Also... I've heared about a Baldurs Gate 3 being developed. Does anyone know if this is true? :greenie:

Lord Chainsaw
05-25-2005, 11:29 PM
I haven't played Baldur's Gate I or II, but I have played BG: Dark Alliance I and II.

While I can't speak for the entire series, I can say that from the little I've played of those two games I've been very impressed. I wasn't really interested in this type of game until I bought Champions of Norrath last year, and ever since that I've been into these Blizzard style games.

05-26-2005, 12:42 AM
The originals are far from Blizzard-style. There is very little hack and slash. It's a lot more heavily stats based and strategic than that compared to something like Diablo.

I played BG2 a few years ago but I didn't get into it. I didn't have the patience. I think these days I could enjoy it a bit more after playing games like Fallout and such.

Azure Chrysanthemum
05-26-2005, 01:08 AM
It's quite strategic. BG 1 and 2 support six-people parties, and they do have a lot of stat base. It's a good game.

05-26-2005, 01:08 AM
I've only played the Dark alliance games, for the PS2. I really like those, but I'm not sure that says anything for the computer games. Although I WOULD love to have a BG3, because my computer won't play the older ones. So it'd be nice, yes.


05-26-2005, 01:38 PM
I played the first Baldur's Gate. I like it quite a lot but those sort of RPGs are a bit too hard going for me. Too much reading and too much importance on how you customise your party and characters. I played it online once with somebody though and that was quite fun, being able to play multiplayer online. Yeah, I don't really have the patience for these RPGs though. My dad likes them and he plays them all the time. Icewind Dale is a pretty good one too.

05-26-2005, 06:00 PM
Again no Baldur's Gate.
I have played Icewind Dale II which is somehow similar. But I've been told the story in Baldur's gate is much better and the choices the player does really influence what happens next; the game spans several discs (I think five!) but you don't use them all on you first time through because they're all different locations you can choose to go to or not.
The problem with games like this is, you have to know Dungeons & Dragon rules to enjoy them and most important to customize your party the right way to be able to go to the end. If you don't, you will understand little or nothing about classes and skills and will easily get tired of not going far. :(
Save from that, I've been told by everyone it's a great game.

Ultima Shadow
05-26-2005, 08:32 PM
The problem with games like this is, you have to know Dungeons & Dragon rules to enjoy them and most important to customize your party the right way to be able to go to the end. If you don't, you will understand little or nothing about classes and skills and will easily get tired of not going far. :(
Save from that, I've been told by everyone it's a great game.
Well... it's really not that much complicated stuff you needs to know, really...

AC is the armor of characters. The less you have, the better. If you have + in AC, you'll take more dammage from attacks while when you have - in AC, you'll take less dammage.

The TACHO stands for how good your characters will hit their targets.

As far as everything else goes, it's pretty obivious and not that much different from other RPGs. The magic doesn't use MP, but works the same way as FF1. You can use specific spells a limmited amount of times before you have to rest in order to restore the spells. You can also use scrolls. I really didn't find it hard to get into these games, even though they were my first D&D games. You'll get used to the game style quickly enough. :cool:

Really... I recomend BG2 to anyone who haven't played it yet... and have patience with games. :p

BG1 and BG2 are very time consuming and if you want to do every singel mission in the game, you'll have to play forever. :p With "Throne of Bhaal" installed, BG2 turns into the by far best D&D I've played so far. All the characters are well developed and have their own and entertaining personalities. In BG1 and BG2, you're also able to pause during battle in order to give you time to make decisions and give commands to all your 6 characters during battle, which is great. The story is also very good. The music is also great. And since you're able to make your very own main character, I've found myself replaying this game many, many times... just to try out something new. :D

05-26-2005, 08:37 PM
I really don't have the patience for these games. But I played Dark Alliance 1 and 2, they were nice.

Ultima Shadow
05-26-2005, 09:35 PM
What's up with people's patience these days? :p

05-28-2005, 06:38 PM
Baldur's Gate (Tales of the Swordcoast)
Baldur's Gate II - Shadows of Amn (Throne of Bhaal)

Really great. But not the "omgawesomestgamesever".
Really great, though.

The games are not hard or complicated. You're being silly. :fpcow:

06-02-2005, 08:46 AM
Ive played the computer ones and the dark alliance ones and i think theyre both good games

Meat Puppet
06-02-2005, 10:14 AM
How come if we're at either extreme end of the scale you assume we give in and type exclamation points as "1's" eventually?

06-02-2005, 10:18 AM
I put none of them
I think its OK
Not Great Not Crap

Big D
06-02-2005, 11:02 AM
I remember that Baldur's Gate was supposed to be released for the PSX. I was disappointed when it never happened... I've never played those games, but they sounded appealing.

Azure Chrysanthemum
06-02-2005, 04:36 PM
They really aren't that difficult to learn, it uses the AD&D rules which are strange, but not overly difficult (I like that Icewind Dale 2 uses 3rd Edition rules, which I'm used to, but Baldur's Gate is utterly superior to it in storyline). The low level limit in BG 1 makes it a difficult game, BG 2 has a much higher level limit and is thus not quite as hard, and quite a bit longer. It's a really good game, I highly recommend it to anyone who has a bit of extra cash.

06-02-2005, 05:18 PM
I don't really see the point of all these D&D rule sets (now granted a I know nothing about them) but wouldn't it just be easier to use their own rule rather than Advanced ruleset whatever.

06-02-2005, 06:13 PM
A BG3 will not be developed. At least not by the Bioware team.
If one is looking for a BG3 in spirit, then it'd be Dragon Age. No more DD rules, but Biowares own ones. I have great expectations for this game.

06-06-2005, 09:06 PM
i've played BG1 and that was ok not the best game i've ever played, BG2 bored me, two hours in and i was just about to kill myself...thank god it was my friend that bought it and not me ^_^

Cruise Control
06-10-2005, 04:03 AM
BG3 I think is now being named The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, but I could be completely wrong.

Ultima Shadow
06-10-2005, 09:47 AM
BG3 I think is now being named The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, but I could be completely wrong.
Yes, you are completely wrong. :p

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is a whole different game. :greenie:

06-10-2005, 11:14 AM
Baldur's Gate is pretty sick, but I like KOTOR I and II a lot more. It's basically the same thing, only with Jedi and a bunch of Star Wars fanservice and there's not as much aimless wandering/somewhat goal-oriented wandering.

Also, as cool as Minsc and some of the other characters are, KOTOR has HK-47. Do I need to say any more?