View Full Version : woohoo! Lots of stuff p[ART] 2!

05-28-2005, 08:36 PM
wee, scanned more stuff from art class, this involves quite a bit more fanart, I thinkxD

http://www.snowy-day.net/stuff/vash1.jpg (http://www.snowy-day.net/stuff/vash.jpg)

Click for the full picture and some biology class notes!



Vash the Stampede, with mechanical pencil,
Shays Ozura (see doll spammage from a couple of months ago) also in mechanical pencil
Squall Leonhart, ink,
a graveyard, highlighters.

Biology bores my socks off, so in my notes, I started a project of drawing a super vash:D and the smoke trail sorta goes through the rest of the notesxD

Shays was for an art assignment, to do a picture in the style of M.C. Escher, and I figured I'd cop out and do a lame reflection. So Shays is lying in his basement hammock, with the light of the stars reflecting off his arms:)

Squall was an assignment to render someone in some style-- making squares and using random patterns to create the tones. I think my favorite squares are the martini glasses, the mushrooms, the cactuars, or the calculators.
I think the patterns are(running left to right from the top down): . . .something, music, pyramids, rain drops, ribbons,
crosshatching, computersquares, asterisks, stars, wings, calculators, windmills,
line rays, pointilism, hearts, butterflies, leaves, feathers
one direction lines, circular lines, spiderwebbing lines, triangles, lightning bolts, pointilism (2),
bricks, pointilism (3), happy faces (ON HIS MOUTH:D), circles, the letter 3, clouds/wavy lines
circular lines (2), sunflowers, square-hatching, perspective hatching, seashells,
questionmarks, sun, the letters S L, height map, cactuars/cacti,
rinoa's angel wings, clouds, martini glasses, arrows, mushrooms, Garden logo,
sunlight, rain, snowflakes, eyes, umbrella, dream catcher.

phewX.x; it was a lot of squares.

The last one was a bonus from an English Test over the book A Lesson Before Dying (Ernest Gaines). The theme I chose to use was 'When all around is death, a little glimmer of light always shines.'
obviously the death is the graveyard, while the tree is the tree that Jefferson could see from outside his jailcell, a modest motif of light in the novel.

you guys can't tell that I like using simple mediums to make a something that looks like it took a lot more colors? :o I mean, I only had five highlighter colorsxD yellow pink blue green and orange.

Spiffing Cheese
05-31-2005, 01:17 PM
I really like the way you draw :p My favourite is the second one, it's really awesome. :D