View Full Version : What's acceptable?

Agent Proto
05-30-2005, 01:12 AM
Alright, I've noticed that several threads were closed because of Leeza's opinion of whether they're appropriate or not.

I'll just talk about her latest closure. The "Post a picture of your crotch." Of course, it means something similar to Bleys' Crotch, which is basically the "crotch shot" of your pants. I saw that thread to have some humor potential, yet, Leeza closed it because it's "garbage" or something.

Now, it's pretty harmless fun to post pictures of your pants... yet, is it really unacceptable? Have EoFF gone too strict with the kind of threads that are acceptable?

Edit: I can agree with some of the threads getting closed, but there are also several which I find very questionable.

Anyway, what kind of threads are acceptable? Why is posting pictures of your "crotch" or pants, unacceptable? It's not hurting anything, and the thread should have stayed open. However, unless someone took the thread title seriously, and got banned posting their privates, then it could be closed, picture removed, and/or thread trashed into Garbage.

And... I said I wouldn't do anything about this to Leeza, but seeing it's sort of related, one of my threads about a dog humping a pikachu doll. Leeza PMed me to inform me that she trashed it into Garbage, because it's "garbage". However, just because it's "garbage" does it mean that it should be thrown into Garbage. From my knowledge as a former staff, isn't the Garbage's purpose to save threads from people who posted "porn" to save their IPs and whatnot?

But I digress, I know this will do nothing, but I can't believe the threads that are getting closed because it's "garbage" and "affecting" EoFF, as if it'll bring EoFF down to that level of "pure garbage".

05-30-2005, 01:21 AM
Proto, you've been on Staff long enough to know the answers to all of these questions and the reason that I'm closing them all is because the level of threads getting started in GC is getting pretty sad. If those stay open all it does is encourage more of the same.

Agent Proto
05-30-2005, 01:22 AM
Yes, but the staff has changed since I have left. It's not the same staff as I knew it when I left.

05-30-2005, 01:23 AM
I'm still the same, just more so.

Agent Proto
05-30-2005, 01:29 AM
I'm not suggesting the threads stay open forever. It's just that closing them early is pretty lousy. Let the thread stay open for awhile, if it gets to the line of decency, where it's almost clear that it's not going to be decent, then it could be closed. However, that's my suggestion, and I'm not going to say you should start doing so. I would like it if you did, but yeah. Not every thread you close is clearly close-worthy.

My pikachu-humping dog thread? I didn't think that was meant to be closed. I never did. I thought it was funny, and I wanted to share it. It's only a dog humping a stuffed doll. There's nothing wrong with that. It's not explicit.

05-30-2005, 01:37 AM
Eh, this is one potentially-controversial issue I couldn't care less about. I do agree with Leeza about the poor state of GC, but I think it's better than it has been in the past.

I do, however, think a thread should be left opened or closed on its own merits - not on the state of the threads around it. Even with that, I can't argue the closing of the Post your Crotch thread. It definitely had a very high potential of getting out of line, and it's not like it was original(like the old "Scan your Hand" and "Scan your Frisbee!" threads). Plus, how amusing is it to look at several dozen pictures of the front of jeans(this would be my biggest reason for agreeing to close it)?

Still, I can see Proto's point about closing threads early. Isn't it better to close threads <i>when</i> they've gotten out of line, rather than merely having the potential to do so?

05-30-2005, 01:39 AM
Like the Peeing on the Electic Fence thread? You can't see it, but I have had to delete many posts from that thread because they were quite tasteless. I knew I would have to do that from the start, but I still left it open.

Agent Proto
05-30-2005, 01:41 AM
Deleting questionable posts is fine, but closing threads early, unless it's actually warranted, is not.

05-30-2005, 01:42 AM
I think it depends on which Cid's Knight finds the thread first. Leeza is probably the most conservative CK when it comes to what's acceptable and what's not, and her finding the crotch thread first meant it was doomed to closure.

I'm going to assume - and this is only an assumption - that if Yamaneko, who posted in that thread, had found the thread before Leeza did, he would have posted the Bleys picture and left the thread open. Of course, then Leeza wouldn't be able to close it as that would be undermining her staff colleague, and instead she'd probably wait for it to get spammy and then use that as an excuse to close it.

...wow, I'd be a good CK. :barf:

But anyway, I think Leeza's no nonsense approach to what is acceptable and what isn't is good, so this isn't a criticism or anything.

05-30-2005, 01:42 AM
Deleting questionable posts is fine, but closing threads early, unless it's actually warranted, is not.
That might be your opinion, but you're not on Staff here and you're not the one who has to monitor them.

EDIT: Thank you, Psy. Sometimes you surprise me. :cat:

05-30-2005, 01:43 AM
I think when a thread's deteriorated to the point where deleting posts is necessary, the thread can definitely be closed. :p

05-30-2005, 01:46 AM
I would've closed it after I posted a picture of Bleys' crotch.

I also closed that, would you piss on an electric fence, thread. It was about as acceptable as, post your crotch, thread.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
05-30-2005, 01:50 AM
The level of quality in General Chat is so repulsively low that we are being harder on stupid threads at the moment, and the staff has generally agreed amongst ourselves that closing them is the best way to discourage their proliferation.

05-30-2005, 01:56 AM
Whatever acceptable is... I'm sure I don't quite meet standards for it. Hell, they won't even let me in to see it.

Agent Proto
05-30-2005, 03:03 AM
The level of quality in General Chat is so repulsively low that we are being harder on stupid threads at the moment, and the staff has generally agreed amongst ourselves that closing them is the best way to discourage their proliferation.

Thank you Kishi, at least you're able to answer my question.

Del Murder
05-30-2005, 03:30 AM
If Leeza posted the exact same thing as kishi, would you have argued with it? (rhetorical)

Anyway, kishi and Leeza are both on the right track. I find it hard to believe that you would think 'post a picture of your crotch' would in any way be acceptable. I have a feeling there is a bigger issue going on here, Prot. Do you really want to talk about crotches and peeing and humping pokemon or is there something else eating at you? I'm fine either way, but this just seems like it is a mask for something else.

05-30-2005, 03:41 AM
Del said what I was thinking.

05-30-2005, 06:08 AM
Hey, it's the weekly Proto whining thread! (Del, it's ffbabe again. :p)

It's a cycle, ya know? Crappy threads happen. So they get closed. And then Proto complains. And then things subside. And then they pick up again. You see where I'm going with this?

I just don't see the point in even bringing this up. This is a non-issue. Is it really that important to you what the hell happens in GC? It's just a phase man - these things happen; whatyagonnado*. Reprioritize or something; it's NO BIG DEAL.

* Yes, I paid Unne and Dave royalties. :p

Big D
05-30-2005, 06:17 AM
Why is posting pictures of your "crotch" or pants, unacceptable? It's not hurting anything, and the thread should have stayed open.
The level of quality in General Chat is so repulsively low that we are being harder on stupid threads at the moment, and the staff has generally agreed amongst ourselves that closing them is the best way to discourage their proliferation.Need I say more?
GC has been scraping the bottom of the barrel lately, with poor-taste topics threatening to drag it into the spammy abyss of body-function jokes. A bit of extremely prejudicial negotiation is required in order to set things straight now and then.

The occasional silly/twisted thread is good for a laugh, but when there's so much of the same thing being churned out there's just no humour value at all. It simply lowers the overall tone.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
05-30-2005, 06:36 AM
By the way, this is all Psychotic's fault.

05-30-2005, 06:39 AM
By the way, this is all Psychotic's fault.Most things usually are.

05-30-2005, 07:01 AM
You have to have a fall guy for plans to work, ya know.

05-30-2005, 08:36 AM
random Poster no.3: "I miss the electric fence thread!"

Ultima Shadow
05-30-2005, 02:07 PM
Well, I have to agree with GC being a bit screwed at the moment. I don't even post in 10% of the treads since I don't even find 10% of them intressting at all. That may just be me, though... since others seems to enjoy posting a lot in them. :-/

But really... sometimes there's soo many COMPLETELY pointless treads in GC that I'll almost have to use the searchbutton to find the good ones. :greenie:

Anyways... whenever I find a closed tread, I can see the reason it got closed and I've never found myself strongly dissagreeing with it being closed either. So basically, I think Leeza is doing a good job as a CK.

Agent Proto
05-30-2005, 02:07 PM
The reason why I made this thread is to get an explanation why threads are getting closed. There was no announcement saying "All dumb threads will eventually get closed if they get too dumb." And seeing that this was a staff decision, I'm happy with the reason given.

If Leeza posted the exact same thing as kishi, would you have argued with it? (rhetorical)

No, because of the mention of the staff being behind the decision. When I ask, I expect to be answered with a straightforward answer, not be sidetracked with accusing me of trying to be staff. I asked why are more threads being closed in GC? If I'm answered, "Because they're dumb..." I am not satisfied. If I'm answered, "The staff's decision is to begin closing dumb threads to further prevent future dumb threads..." I would be more satisfied, knowing that it was a staff decision.

05-30-2005, 04:08 PM
We close stupid threads so they will slip down the forum and be forgotten. We don't need to spend time discussing why threads were closed when the reason they were closed was to be forgotten.

05-30-2005, 04:11 PM
I think threads in GC should be enjoyable even if they are stupid. The only proplem with threads in GC if you ask me is if theyre insulting. If you want a serious debate or a certain level of intelligence then id stick with Eyes on the world or each other but as I said, I think topics on a video game forum should be enjoyable more than anything else.

05-30-2005, 04:15 PM
No, because of the mention of the staff being behind the decision. When I ask, I expect to be answered with a straightforward answer, not be sidetracked with accusing me of trying to be staff.

the reason that I'm closing them all is because the level of threads getting started in GC is getting pretty sad. If those stay open all it does is encourage more of the same.
Sounds straightforward enough to me. Staff are in unison and that's something that I really shouldn't even need to mention everytime something like this comes up.

Del Murder
05-30-2005, 06:32 PM
The only reason Leeza closes most of those threads is because she gets to them first. She's very quick, catlike, even. She, just like the rest of us, will bring up in the staff forum if certain types of threads should be closed, and hear the collective decision, before taking any action. For that reason you can safely assume that her, or any one mod's, actions in this regard reflect the will of the majority of staff.

An announcement was not made concerning this issue because they don't do any good (and actually RSL did make one a while back anyway). With the way people are today, it would probably encourage more nonsense. Psychology is such a wonderful thing.

05-30-2005, 07:24 PM
Good to know you guys're cleaning up genchat. Maybe next month I'll look at more than 4 threads. :eek:

Agent Proto
05-30-2005, 09:25 PM
No, because of the mention of the staff being behind the decision. When I ask, I expect to be answered with a straightforward answer, not be sidetracked with accusing me of trying to be staff.

the reason that I'm closing them all is because the level of threads getting started in GC is getting pretty sad. If those stay open all it does is encourage more of the same.
Sounds straightforward enough to me. Staff are in unison and that's something that I really shouldn't even need to mention everytime something like this comes up.

It doesn't to me. You never mentioned that it was a staff decision, and the way you sound made it that it was all your doing.

05-30-2005, 11:10 PM
Well, it's safe to assume this from now on, Proto.

05-30-2005, 11:45 PM
Good to know you guys're cleaning up genchat. Maybe next month I'll look at more than 4 threads. :eek:

Oh great. Look what you've done now, staff!


05-30-2005, 11:59 PM
Ten bucks says Raistlin is hijacking Proto's account as we speak. I can see his fallback strategy of arguing over semantics emerging already. :p

Big D
05-31-2005, 12:56 AM
The reason why I made this thread is to get an explanation why threads are getting closed. There was no announcement saying "All dumb threads will eventually get closed if they get too dumb."
Originally announced by RSL two months ago
The more topics you make in general chat at the same time, the less attention each one will receive. It's a lose/lose for everyone.Dear General Chat,

You are getting out of control. Please remember that while every post doesn't have to be serious and 100% on topic, some logic should still be followed. You are currently a mess.

Agent Proto
05-31-2005, 05:49 AM
=P Well thank you for proving me wrong Big D.

Big D
05-31-2005, 06:31 AM
:thumb: No-one reads the announcements anyway.

05-31-2005, 07:35 AM
I never post in General Chat anymore, way too random and spammy, and nothing I say gets taken seriously there. =P

05-31-2005, 07:41 AM
I read the announcements, I'm a good girl :fplove:

And come on you bitter people ^_^ GC is supposed to be fun, and when something serious comes up, I'll take it seriously if it's really serious in nature or I know it means a lot to the person. But if you're really looking for serious discussion only, you should be looking in EoEO ^_~

(Sorry but, "it's too spammy so I never go there" is what people usually say when they can't keep up or they feel left out... at least from my experience =P *dies* I must admit some of the threads are pretty out there, but there are plenty of good threads to post in. And when I say plenty, I mean most of them. ^_^)

05-31-2005, 08:36 AM
I never read/notice the announcements but Im a rebel like that.

05-31-2005, 03:29 PM
I read the annoucements but I don't remember annoucements from like 2 months ago...or even a month ago most of the time.

This doesn't really bother me as I can't make threads about what I really want to talk about. I remember even back in the day some of my awesome threads got closed...such as talking about how cool it would be if Dinosaurs were in outerspace having starwars like battles and stuff.

05-31-2005, 04:00 PM
I've yet to see a thread closed by Leeza that I didn't want closed myself. :love: