View Full Version : Gilgamesh vs Omega Weapon?!

The Anarchy Angel
05-31-2005, 08:06 PM
In one of my newest games that I've been playing, i was getting near the end of the game and i decided to face Omega Weapon. So there i was ahcking away, and half way through the battle, Gilgamesh appears!! :eek: I thought I'd seen something stupid! Unfortunately, i wish the stupid bugger had used Massamune but instead decided to use Zantetsuken (which was classed as a miss). Did anyone else experience this as they battled Omega?

05-31-2005, 08:42 PM
Yes I did, and he used Excalibur :mad:

The Anarchy Angel
05-31-2005, 08:44 PM
Did it deal any damage? and I'm glad i wasn't alone on that, i thought i'd screwed up

boys from the dwarf
05-31-2005, 09:29 PM
This happened to me in the battle against adel.

Ultima Shadow
05-31-2005, 09:38 PM
This happens in like... every boss battle he appears in. But does it really matter? He can't deal more than 9999 dammage anyways...

The Anarchy Angel
05-31-2005, 09:40 PM
It's not that i was fussed about...I thought Omega was gunna kill him! He's rubbish anyways because of his unpredictability...

Ultima Shadow
05-31-2005, 10:47 PM
Well... since he can't be killed, that's obiviously not a possibility. :p

Actually... I still prefere to have Gilgamesh instead of Odin since he comes more frequntly. Zantetsuken is actually useful in battles against Malboros and Ruby Dragons etc. But all in all, the only thing that really is great about him is that he looks awesome. :cool:

05-31-2005, 11:01 PM
Gilgamesh vs. The Almighty Omega Weapon...........I would like to see that! :joker:
BTW-I think he used the Excalibur on Omega,too.

05-31-2005, 11:30 PM
Actually... I still prefere to have Gilgamesh instead of Odin since he comes more frequntly. Zantetsuken is actually useful in battles against Malboros and Ruby Dragons etc. But all in all, the only thing that really is great about him is that he looks awesome. :cool:
The advantage of Gilgamesh over Odin is that:
a) Gilgamesh can come out on boss battles (but Zantetsuken doesn't work)
b) Gilgamesh can come out at any point of the battle whereas Odin can only appear at the beginning.
c) Gilgamesh seems to appear more often.

But Odin does look cooler.

Ultima Shadow
05-31-2005, 11:53 PM
But Odin does look cooler.
Actually... I like Gilgamesh's look more. :p

06-01-2005, 01:44 AM
In my game he appeared in the battle against Ultimecia's final form!
Unfortunately he didn't do any damage...
it was so frustrating...!

06-01-2005, 01:59 AM
He appeared during my fight as well, which almost made me die cause while he took his time I ran out of invincible. Anyways, he used Masamune and did 9999, which didn't make much of a difference to all the 9999 I was dealing but hey, whatever. And also, you are wrong! Odin is much cooler than Gilgamesh, Odin is hands down, the bestest character I ever saw and that ever was created by religion.

boys from the dwarf
06-01-2005, 07:52 AM
gilga mesh is technically better than odin because as well as appearing at the start of the battle he sometimes appear in the middle also he has three extra attacks.excalibur excalipur and masamune.

The Anarchy Angel
06-01-2005, 11:07 AM
But we could all do without excalipur, rite? I mean, if one character poked a monster it would take away more
Squall -> Limit Break -> Finishing move: Poke

boys from the dwarf
06-01-2005, 01:53 PM
excalipur is the crappy one that only does one damage.

Ultima Shadow
06-01-2005, 04:42 PM
also he has three extra attacks.excalibur excalipur and masamune.
Well... the fact that he has 3 extra attacks doesn't really make him better since Excalipoor is awful, Excalibur is pretty crappy and Massamune is half-assed. It's Zantetsuken that makes him useful. :greenie:

06-02-2005, 06:02 PM
Does anybody know the religious history of Odin and/or Gilgamesh?!?! Honsetly! i think im the only one here in this thread. And if anyone else *does*, well then, hats off to them...

And Gilgy is cooler

06-02-2005, 06:33 PM
Do you mean that Odin is the highest god of the Scandinavian Pantheon? Or do you mean a further folkloric story?
Save the eight-legged horse, I think Odin's in FFVIII is not much as the mythology described him..

06-02-2005, 06:49 PM
I think Gilgamesh was Persian (myth)?

06-03-2005, 03:03 AM
not neccessarily Persian pe-se, but middle eastern, yes. He was a human king who loved adventure, and the goddess Ishtar herrself was taken with his beauty. After he refused her advances, she sent him the savage bull of heaven to rampage acros his kingdom. Aided by his friend Enkidu, Gilgamesh slew the bull, so Ishtar kjilled Enkidu. Terrified my mortality, he sought Utanapishtim (Near-East Noah, which predates 1000 years) to discover the secret of immortality. He was to find the plant Never Grow Old at the bottom of the ocean. He found it, but while resting, a snake ate the leaves, and Gilgamesh's only chance at immortality was lost.

Now i only looked into my encyclopedia for names strictly, buit i have the gist memorized. But thats just me.

And Odin, whose Norse name is Woden, is leader of the hall of Asgard who is the father of Thor, gave his left eye for info about the Ragnarok, in which he dies. Father of Thor (Who is actually a red-head). The Ragnarok: A wolf will swallow the sun. An earthquake will shatter Fenrir's chains. The world serpent Jormungard will spew out poisonous fumes and cause a tidal wave, etc. blah blah blah, and ill be minoring in Mythology in college, yes i know.....

06-03-2005, 08:31 PM
Well... since he can't be killed, that's obiviously not a possibility. :p

Actually... I still prefere to have Gilgamesh instead of Odin since he comes more frequntly. Zantetsuken is actually useful in battles against Malboros and Ruby Dragons etc. But all in all, the only thing that really is great about him is that he looks awesome. :cool:

How come gilgamesh has never shown up for me except the one first time, but odin comes about once every seven battles? X.x;;;;

06-03-2005, 09:12 PM
Well... since he can't be killed, that's obiviously not a possibility. :p

Actually... I still prefere to have Gilgamesh instead of Odin since he comes more frequntly. Zantetsuken is actually useful in battles against Malboros and Ruby Dragons etc. But all in all, the only thing that really is great about him is that he looks awesome. :cool:

How come gilgamesh has never shown up for me except the one first time, but odin comes about once every seven battles? X.x;;;;

Agreed. Unless you really take your time fighting battles, Gilgamesh doesn't show up anywhere near as often as Odin. Add to that the fact that 3/4 of his moves are practically useless (They are only about as good as your normal attacks, except that they hit all enemies), and I think that Gilgamesh sucks. In all the times I have played this game (and, since it is my favorite FF, I play it lots), I have only had him show up twice other than the first time when Seifer lays the smack down on Odin.

The Anarchy Angel
06-04-2005, 03:54 PM
Yea, and when he does appear its against rubbish enemies that you could knock over with a feather

[random battle]
Oh look a bite bug, one move should kill it!
[gilgamesh appears]
Arg! Why didn't you save me from that Marlboro back there! My doom count was 1!

06-04-2005, 05:35 PM
Geez,& all I studied was Greek mythology for 8th grade.......:rolleyes2

thinking of names is hard
06-04-2005, 06:07 PM
I never had Gilgamesh in any of my boss battles i dont think...He only seemed to help me on those little insects that are ridiculously weak i dont know why Squal even bothers using his sword.
I thought Odin looked better, but i was thankful i got anything after Seifer cut him in half....

06-09-2005, 03:13 PM
He used trump sword (the fake hit that does 1 damage)

boys from the dwarf
06-16-2005, 09:14 PM
Yea, and when he does appear its against rubbish enemies that you could knock over with a feather

[random battle]
Oh look a bite bug, one move should kill it!
[gilgamesh appears]
Arg! Why didn't you save me from that Marlboro back there! My doom count was 1!
that could of happened with odin this is why gilgmesh is better.he has 3 more attacks so he isnt useless aginst bosses if he uses one of them also he has zantensuken plus hes gilgamesh that loveable little asshole from FF5 how can you not like him.sure odins in more of them and i like him more but his horse sleipner has 6 legs well gilgamesh has six arms but still odins been in about every FF so hes a classic like shiva,bahamut so it impossible not to like them realy.

The Anarchy Angel
06-16-2005, 09:17 PM
I was just having a bit of fun, and odin always used to appear with real hard fights and not bite bugs

06-18-2005, 04:42 PM
Ill definately give yuo that Odin is more useful, but Gilgamesh is cooler.

Carl the Llama
06-18-2005, 07:11 PM
did i ,iss somthing here... i thought the title was Gilgamesh Vs. Omega Weapon... i personally think that Omega weapon would kick Gilgamesh's ass but thats jus me...

BTW i think Odin was a much better GF as the 3 attacks Gilgy did add on to Odins sucked and not once did i see him come out during any fight... ODIN PAWNS ALL

06-18-2005, 10:22 PM
Well, I've gotta say I like Odin more... Yeah Gilga does come out more often and even during boss battles...but Odin really helps when you're trying to level up because he only has one attack and it automatically kills all the enemies whereas Gilgamesh doesn't always kill all the enemies and he has one weak attack that does 1 damgage. Yes, 1 DAMAGE OF HP! This can also make a huge difference if, for some reason, your in a bad condition and about to die and then Odin comes and kills all the enemies! Know what I mean?