View Full Version : Bruce Springsteen

The Captain
06-05-2005, 07:50 AM
I could go on for hours about how his music has changed and influenced my life, as everything from his live albums to his solo acts are so fused with passion, ability and integrity that the music itself almost doesn't have to live up to its billing, yet it does.

Born To Run, in my opinion is one of the greatest albums ever written and holds up so well nearly 30 years later and his live shows are mesmerizing in every sense of the word.

What's your opinion on "The Boss"?

Take care all.

06-05-2005, 11:53 AM

I don't really know what to say about him... I know my friend likes him to death.
He did the song "Born in the U.S.A" right? I only know a few of his songs by memory: Born to Run, Hungry Heart,
Glory Days, Brilliant Disguise, For You. I think it's great that you have someone to help you through tough times.
You have Bruce Springsteen and I have Grace Jones, I think everybody needs someone to hold on to.

Captain Maxx Power
06-05-2005, 12:01 PM
You have Bruce, I have Pearl Jam. Each unto their own.

Brian The Pink Shark
06-05-2005, 09:50 PM
Ive not heard much of his music but my dad plays "Born to Run" a lot in the car and the stuff ive heard is pretty good :choc:

06-06-2005, 08:57 AM
He did the song "Born in the U.S.A" right?
Yup,great song!^_^
The truth is that i like Bruce but not to death..But i have to say that he has made a lot of things..Yeah he is cool,afterall he was born in the U.S.A!^_^

Loony BoB
06-06-2005, 11:57 AM
I have Born in the USA, Dancing in the Dark and Pink Cadillac (oddly enough) on my computer and his music isn't bad. Nothing I'd shout about, but good enough to listen to. Particularly those first two songs. Hungry Heart wasn't too bad either.

06-06-2005, 05:29 PM
I love him but probably not as much as I should. When I was in school, he played a show at Kenan Stadium, which is literally RIGHT across from my dorm. So my roommate and I hopened the windows and had a free show. It was fantastic :)

Brian The Pink Shark
06-06-2005, 06:27 PM
I love him but probably not as much as I should. When I was in school, he played a show at Kenan Stadium, which is literally RIGHT across from my dorm. So my roommate and I hopened the windows and had a free show. It was fantastic :)

yeah but you werent up close or anything and didnt get the full feel of a concert so it sorta defeats the purpose FOA :choc:

The Captain
06-07-2005, 12:05 AM
"I love him but probably not as much as I should. When I was in school, he played a show at Kenan Stadium, which is literally RIGHT across from my dorm. So my roommate and I hopened the windows and had a free show. It was fantastic"

Wow! That's amazing. He puts on some of the best live shows, and the fact that you got to hear it for free only sweetens the deal even more.

To those who have enjoyed some of his music, listen to the "Born to Run" album, especially when you want to feel free or are feeling down and it'll pick you up as well as make you feel liberated. That, in my opinion, is the sheer power of great music.

Take care all.

The Man
06-16-2005, 01:16 AM
Born to Run is a classic album. I haven't really listened to much of his other stuff, though, except what comes on the radio. Just never got around to it.