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06-09-2005, 07:35 PM
It just shows how much you need your parents.
I was just thinking about when i went on holiday with a close friend and there family, and i missed my parents so much, i cryed so much.
my mum rang me almost every day, but that didn't make me cry, but i do love the way my mum talks on the phone, she sounds so.. mum'ish and adorable :love:
My dad did, i got a voicemail..
"Hello..? Amy..? You should keep your phone on, hello? are you there? hello???"
It made me laugh yet.. made me cry..:fpcry:

ever experienced that?

06-09-2005, 07:37 PM
No, I've never experienced that in particular; but I have experienced things that make me thankful for my parents. :)

06-09-2005, 07:38 PM
money, housing, more money, clothes, even more money, food....and maybe some more money

Chibi Angel
06-09-2005, 07:43 PM
I know what you mean, I miss my parents alot. I go away to boarding school so I only get to see them on random weekends and holidays. Sometimes my mom sends me little notes and things in the mail with pictures of my sisters and it makes me so happy I cry. :love:

06-09-2005, 07:47 PM
No. My little sister was very attatched to my parents and its probably through seeing how dependant she was on them that made me the exact opposite. I loved doing stuff for myself when I was younger and getting to go off on my own. The longest Ive been away from my parents was just a long weekend and I didnt feel bothered in the slightest really knowing I could ring them anytime I wanted. Im going off by myself for a week hopefully this summer so I'll see how I handle that.

06-09-2005, 07:48 PM
Marge: Homer, do you remember what you promised the kids?
Homer: Sure do!

Homer to Bart and Lisa: When you're 18 it's out the door!


But yeah, my parents are pretty cool.

06-09-2005, 07:56 PM
When I was a little girl I used to bring a picture of my mum on sleepovers. That's it though. o.O

06-10-2005, 02:53 AM
My parents and I have never been close, we aren't the lovey-dovey type of people and have never uttered the words "I love you" to eachother. Though, when I was little the only real evidence that my mom loves me is when she held my hand when I was little girl to try to get me to sleep at night. It seems almost every night she did that for me. My dad on the other hand is usually silent when it comes about talking about eachother. The only thing that makes me proud is when he said he'd do anything to protect our family, he'd risk his life for us. I really never give him enough credit. Because I know if we were all held at gunpoint, he'd be the first to kick the /xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif out of the guy, because that's how much he cares and loves us. I suppose I wouldn't want my parents to be anyone else, they may not say much, but when they do, it means the world to me.

06-10-2005, 09:02 AM
Parents are great, but nothing makes me happier than getting a letter in the mail from my 12 and 7 year old sisters. :<3:

06-10-2005, 10:54 AM
That's sweet how you are so close to your parents. ^_^ I can't say I've ever experienced that~! I am grateful that they are there, though.

06-10-2005, 01:48 PM
I'm very close to my mum. Mainly because I haven't seen my dad since I was 4 years old. I don't think that I'd want to see my dad now though - I mean nearly 14 years is a long time not to speak to your real dad.

06-10-2005, 04:54 PM
My mom wasn't very nice to us (me and my sis) when we were little. I don't think a day ever passed when she didn't yell at us. The yelling gradually stopped and now we get along ok but we're not close. I doubt I'd tell her if I was having any trouble.

My dad is okay and I periodically feel close to him.

The Anarchy Angel
06-10-2005, 04:56 PM
I'm naturally a lone wolf, so it doean't bother me to be on my own, and being alone is one of the best things my parents can ever do to me. I like peace, quiet and my computer

06-10-2005, 04:58 PM
I miss my parents, since they live all the way in Alaska and I live here in Georgia. We don't talk too often anymore, but.. they are my parents after all. :) I can't wait to see them in August!