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View Full Version : Colony Wars series

Madame Adequate
06-17-2005, 01:18 PM
As you can see from my signature, I'm quite a fan. I've played and completed all three games (Though I don't believe I've seen every ending.), and I have to say I think the original is my fave. Red Sun has a totally different feel, because it's got hardly anything to do with the war between the Colonial Navy and the League of Free Worlds. (Indeed the game appears to be set at the very climax of the latest phase of the war.) Red Sun is still a great game, and I love the degree to which you can customise your ship, but it's just not got that epic feel I love in a space shooter.

The original though, that did. Going up against the Czar's Supertitan is one of the most memorable moments in gaming. Also, the ridiculously extensive information you can get on the many things in the game from the information menu is really, really cool.

Vengeance was also nice and epic, and had even more battles and such, but I missed again the information stuff from the original. If that was still there, I reckon I'd rate Vengeance higher. Why? Better lasers.

Anyone else play/love these games?

Loony BoB
06-17-2005, 01:22 PM
I definitely remember playing the original... I just can't remember much about it aside from the fact that I really enjoyed it. I never got near finishing it, though, I just had it rented for a day or so with a couple of other games.