View Full Version : how to defeat the ice titan

06-21-2005, 07:33 AM
ice titan: hp:unknown exp:5,000

needed items:

needed/recommended abilities:
mp rage/haste

1) at the start of the battle lock on and run onto the stairs of the coleseum after deflecting the ice shards the titan shoots at you.

2) the creature will then make ice spikes come out of the ground, so just simply doge roll around them or superglide.

3) after reflecting a certain amount of ice shards the titan gets a concusion and falls. now is the time to whack the living crap out of the titan before he gets up.

4) each time the titan gets up from a concusion, he attacks with all its moves at the same time. ( just utilize curaga)

5) eventually the ice titan will get pissed and use giant ice balls, ice breath, ice blast, ice spikes, and ice shards constantly to try and win,
so just continue the strategy and eventually you'll defeat the titan no problem :tongue:
EDIT: never cast aero or the ice shards will become huge! aand the titan can be beate without guard....but it would be a little harder

Cruise Control
06-21-2005, 01:56 PM
Ya know he cna be beaten w/out guard
You should mention NEVER CAST AERO

Tifa's Real Lover(really
06-21-2005, 02:29 PM
good job:)

06-22-2005, 06:03 AM
great job (I needed it two years ago but good job J/K)